Oregon Historical Society 3 I Your suggestion, criticism anil cooperation is solicited to help make the “ Press” a true representative o f all the people f>i Forest Grove and o f Washington County. F orest G rove P ress FOREST GROVE. W ASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1913 Voi. 5 TOM RICHARDSON GIVES GOOD ADVICE Tells of Method to Get Be­ hind County Fair. W o­ men to Help URGES ACTIVE CLUB WORK A Word to Press Subscribers No. 16 HONOR IS BE­ CITY VOTERS IN BANQUET RAISES ENTHUSIASM HIGHEST STOWED LOCAL MAN It it the desire of the editor o f the PRESS to print all the local happening! of interest, especially those of a boosting, iudutirial, educational or social nature. It is the desire to print the farming news as w ell as the tow n news and w e will d o our best to d o so. But if you will phone, or write, or call and tell us about the party you gave, or the new house you are building, or the plans o f you r club, " r the condition o f your farm , or som e­ thing that will please your neighbor, or any other o f the many things your friends w ould like to know , and rem em ber that the PRESS is printed on T hursday and that the new s should be in as early in the w eek as possible, it will greatly help us t o give you th e b est possible paper. FAVOR ALL ACTS OVER 150 FEAST WOMEN TO BE AT CLUB FEED MEMBERS OF CLUB Biggest Banquet in History Meeting Called of Commercial Club day Evening. Is Success for T ues­ Excel'ent Program Planned Write» to Local Boosters About was only one degree in Masonry, and Conditions Here. Praises all had to pay the same to go through, Tom Richardson and the Local how many Knight Templars would Speakers Tell of Needs the Banquet there be, and how few Mgsons there < and Inspire Action would be in the world? If we all had to C ommercial C lub B uilding , pay the same amount o f taxes in the Portland, Oregon, Nov. 3, 1913. county, what would be the result, and Over one hundred and fifty progres­ Messrs. H. C. Atwell, President Com­ the same is true with regard to Com­ sive citizens o f Forest Grove last Friday mercial Clubs. mercial Club; W. H. Hollis, E. W Now before you try to raise this evening gathered together in the parlors Haines, ,1. W. Hughes, and others, money, get together twenty-five good, of the Hotel Laughlin, and there, under Forest Grove, Oregon. G entlemen :—I don’t remember in energetic women and have them pledge the chaperonage o f the Commercial all my public work experiencing a more themselves to make an advance sale of Club, partook o f the festivities o f the interesting occasion than the one at tickets to the Fair for two months be­ hostelry, enthused over the speeches of Forest Grove. When 1 say this I want fore the Fair takes place, giving two A No. 1 calibre, and were impressed at you to bear in mind that we consider whole days to this, and not only canvass the tremendous possibilities o f achieve­ a dinner here in Portland a big event, Hillsboro and Forest Grove but every ment open to a continued wide awake and when you have halved that, it was other town and community in the j and energetic Commercial Club. an extremely remarkable occasion. I County. Call conventions of growers J The parlors were decorated with Or­ am not going to take up your time in o f every character o f production—v e g -1 egon grape and carnations, very appro­ reading a letter full of compliments, etables. grain, hay, livestock, and priate for the occasion. Intermixed but at the same time I do want to re­ everything else that you produce in ! with the many good speeches were the peat that it was one o f the most re­ Washington County, say during the following excellent menu and musical markable bodies o f people I ever summer or early in the spring, if you program: MENU. feel that that season would be better, talked to. It would be impossible for you to get and have the farmers make a canvass New York Counts together such a gathering as that unless for big sales o f tickets, and by the Consomme there was a splendid civic spirit be- ^ time the Fair opens everybody will be Olives Pickles neath it all. Now I want to present a a partner in it. Shrimp Salad Now I want to say another thing: plan which I believe can be carried out, ! Roast Turkey Cranberries and that is that you make a canvass , You should save all that park ground French Peas Creamed Potatoes in the heart o f Forest Grove, or in for new members o f the Commercial Punch Club, raising the admission fee to a | later years you will regret it. With Ice Cream Cake sum that will bring you in some money. improved transportation facilities the Coffee building up o f the country, and the pop­ In addition to this, raise a general fund MUSIC by subscription, paying so much per ulation of Portland o f from 750,000 to month for a period o f two or three a million, thousands of people will want Walker’s Orchestra. years. To show you how varied these outside homes, and there is certainly Forest Grove Male Quartette. subscriptions are here in Portland, I j no choicer place than Forest Grove, so Vocal Solo, “ Summer” —C. Chamir.- send you our present list up to date. I save that park in the heart of the city. ade—Miss Goldie Peterson; Mrs. H. E. Now if your largest subscription in There will come a time within the next Ferrin, accompanist. Forest Grove did not exceed $0 a month decade when the service will only be 35 Piano Duet, “ Polonaise Militaire” — it would be easy to get a good, large or 40 minutes between Portland and Chopin—Mrs. E. E. Williams and Miss sum, and you needn’t waste this money Forest Grove. In 1915 we will have the Mamie Loomis. simply because you have it. First of greatest travel ever known on the Violin Solo, “ Old Folks at Home” — The cities and communities Home” —Professor F. T. Chapman. all, out o f this fund you ought to guar­ Coast. antee the County Fair from loss, along which organize first will be the ones A tw ell G ets H arm ony the lines suggested by Mr. Hughes. that will win out. Now there has You cannot do otherwise than fail if never been an occasion that offered so Some place between the oysters and you expect a hundred men to guarantee much for the present and future as to­ turkey, Toastmaster Atwell arose and ah equal amount of such a fund. This day. Don’ t put this off, and ask all announced that all the good people kind o f a scheme has been tried a that read this letter to consider it as present had gathered in a spirit o f har­ hundred thousand times in the United personal. If you could have a little mony, whereupon he was interrupted States, and without a single success. leaflet, giving in a condensed form the by the orchestra harmoniously break­ In the first place it is unfair for all to striking attractions o f Forest Grove ing forth in a good old ragtime melody. give the same to any cause, whether as and Washington County, so that it A fter the symphony had been heartily membership into the Commercial Club might go out in all letters, and then applauded, the toastmaster introduced or otherwise. For a fund which will certain features o f advertising that are Secretary Hart, who read a report of develop a community it is unfair. What a small cost—you need not waste a lot the Club’s status. He showed that the kind o f a church would you have if cash. former excellent work o f the Club had You have had a splendid growth, the stopped last August on account o f no everybody gave the same? If there town has a metropolitan appearance, funds. The Club now has a member­ future years can do nothing other than ship o f fifty-three, which should be make it a beautiful city. Our remark­ trebled in order to effectively accom­ able climate and exceptional advantage- plish what is expected of it. In 1912 are going to make a densely settled the Club sent out 8,000 pieces of literature. Social Hygiene W ork Given country. Please get together on this matter, Get Acquainted With County Good Start at Wednesday and let me hear from you, and if I can j Next Judge W. H. Hollis spoke of be o f further service, command me. Evening Meeting the Commercial Club as a factor in Very sincerely yours, T om R ichardson . local development. He told of how the Club was organized ten years ago as a Wednesday evening nearly 200 men Board o f Trade, and o f the many ex­ gathered in Wertz Hall and listened to Hollis Addresses Students cellent accomplishments o f that body. the discussions by the members of the Oregon Normal School, Monmouth, Then from the past to the present he Oregon Social Hygiene Society and local people upon the prevalency, cause, Or.—State Senator C. L. Hollis o f For- j called the attention o f his hearers, and and eradication o f sexual evils. T h e ' est Grove was the guest of the normal ' enunciated as sound and effective a meeting brought out that there is now a school Friday and addressed the student program for future activities as could world-wide move toward betterment body at assembly on the subject of “ A be devised. He said in part; "N ow is along these lines, and that while local Proper Preparation for L ife.” Sena­ the time to make the influenceof Forest conditions possibly were not as bad as tor Hollis emphasized the fact that Grove felt thruout the entire Washing- in other places, yet enough facts were four-fifths o f the future citizens get ton County. If we want the best city told to convince one that there w a s' their training before leaving the 8th in the county we must extend our influ­ real cause for action. grade o f the public schools and that in ence. If I were a merchant I would At the close o f the meeting Chair order that their preparation should be ascertain by personal visit the where­ man C. J. Bushnell appointed a nom­ the best possible the normal students abouts o f my patrons. There are only inating committee o f three to nominate as coming teachers should make doubly two classes o f people who do not adver­ seven men to form a permanent local sure o f their own preparation. In tise, doctors and lawyers, and they ad­ board, the aim o f which will be to work speaking of the work done by the uni­ vertise more than any one else. This for education and prevention. The versity and the agricultural college in is going to be one o f the beat towns in nominating committee are Dr. Bishop, preparing citizena he indorsed the uni­ the Willamette Valley, and row is the Prof. Inlow and Rev. Barber, versity appropriation bills and was opportune time for effort along devel­ opment lines; but the m< st effective The speakers o f the evening were. heartily applauded by his audience. work, that will bring the greatest President Bushnell, o f Pacific Univer­ returns, is work among the good people sity, chairman; Dr. J. S. Bishop; C a l-1 To Seattle o f the county. This year we had a vin S. White, Secretary State Board of J. N. Hoffman left this momig for good fair and will have a better one Health; Rev. J. M. Barber; Dr. H. W. Volmer; Superintendent H. E. Inlow; Seattle to meet with Alaskan buyers next. That is a worthy enterpise, for W. T. Williamson, o f Portland; At­ to arrange for a large part o f the out­ besides the great advantages o f the put o f his dryer the coming season. I fair itself, it bungs the people to our torney L, M. Graham. J 200 MEN ATTEND MEETING The best developer o f a community is a progre sive and representative news­ paper. Send the “ Press” to friends whom you wish to welcome to this country. Board Makes Explanation to Public in Regard to Punch Used at Banquet Monday evening the Board of Di­ rectors of the Forest Grove Commer­ cial Club met and discussed plans for the immediate growth o f the organiza­ tion. It was decided to submit a pro­ posed amendment to the by-laws per­ mitting women to join the club at the fee of one dollar. The secretary has sent out the following call: Special meeting of the Commercial Club is called for next Tuesday, No­ vember 11th, at 8 p. M. at the Rogers Reading Room. Objects: For the pur­ pose of voting on an amendment to the by-laws to admit women to become members on the payment o f $1, and for other important business. A good program, with music and short ad­ dresses, will be given. All officers and members and the general public are urged to be present. A lfred E. H art , Secretary. A t the meeting Monday evening the Board ordered the following notice to be made public: ' Judge W . H. Hollis Honored By 33rd Degree in Hillsboro, Salem, ¡Sherwood Masonry and Many Other Towns The highest possible honor in the gift of Scottish Rite masonry, election to the 33d degree, has just been bestowed upon seven Oregon members o f the or­ der according to an announcement made by Sovereign Grand Inspector-General P. S. Malcolm, for the state of Oregon at tue meeting at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. The list includes five Portlanders and two from outside cities,, the honored seven being as follows: B. B. Beekman and V. A. Avery, o f Portland, and Judge George H. Burnett of Salem, Knights of the Court of Honor; Norris R. Cox, Adrian McCalman and W. J. Holman, of Portland, and W. H, Hollis o f Forest Grove. These members were elevated to this exclusive rank o f Masonry at the last meeting o f the Supreme Consistory, An­ cient and Accepted Scottish Rite Ma­ sons, o f the Southern Jurisdiction, at Washington, D. C. on October 30 and the first notice o f this action came with last night’s session here. The solemn and impressive ceremo­ nial of conferring the degree itaelf up­ on these Oregon candidates will take place in about a month, and will attract to the conclave the highest dignitaries of the Order in the state. Enter Dry Ranks I STATE PASSES 4 MEASURES All Referendum Measures Pas» Except Sterilization Bill Every measure at the recent state election was carried in the Forest Grove precincts Following are the official results; North South F. G. F. G. Total State university Yes 129 169 298 Repair Fund—No 116 93 209 Majority f o r ............................... 89 State university Yes 123 160 283 New Building No 125 99 224 Majority f o r ............................... 59 Sterilization act—Yes 122 163 285 No 126 94 22» Majority f o r ............................... 65 County Yes 160 182 342 Attorney Act —No 77 64 141 Majority f o r ............................... 201 Workmen’s Yes 175 202 377 Compensation —No 73 59 132 very base o f local conditions in regard Majority f o r ............................... 245 to a Club building. There are 115 men in business in Forest Grove, and RESULTS O F PRO H IBITIO N CO N TE ST less than half Of that number are mem­ “ W e t” T ow n s That G o “ D ry” bers o f the Commercial Club. The Salem, Oregon City, Springfield, people here must take hold of this matter and provide a place for strangers Hillsboro, Woodburn, Dufur, Rainier, to use as headquarters until they be­ Stayton, Sherwood, Gresham, Harris­ T o the Public come acquainted, and for meetings, burg and precincts 67, 58, 59, 60 and 61 The Board of Directors of the Com­ banquets, etc. Other cities o f less size in Portland. mercial Club desire to say to the citi­ and far less possibilities than Forest "D r y ” T ow n s That G o “ W e t” zena of Forest Grove that the kind of Grove have large and well-fitted Club Lostine, Sweet Home, Waldport. punch served at the banquet last Fri­ rooms that foster much good for their “ D ry” T ow n s That Stay “ D ry” day evening at the Laughlin Hotel was community. Hillsboro has 130 members Wallowa, Florence. not sanctioned or authorized either by and Forest Grove should have 200. We “ W e t” T ow n s That Stay “ W e t” the Club or by the Menu Committee. should get together, and with the busi­ The Dalles, Joseph, Milwaukie, Suth- By order of the Board o f Directors. ness and professional men, the farmers erlin, Banpon, Newport, Falls City, A. G. H offman , and others, all get ready to take care Wasco, Haines, Metolius, Eagle Point, Secretary, pro tern. of the great development due in Oregon (Continued on page four) In addition, the following personal in the coming years. statements have been made; W. K. Newell, in speaking o f the Receives Fourth Invitation To the E ditor ; Club and the farmer, told o f the change Regarding the character of the punch o f attitude of late years of the business H. C. Atwell, manager o f the can­ served at the recent banquet of the man to the farmer. He said it was the nery will speak for the fourth consecu­ Commercial Club, I deem it my duty to farmer’s business to raise the products, my associates on the Menu Committee, but it should be the duty o f ths business tive time before the Washington State Messrs. Haines and Thornburg, as well man to help him find a market for his Horticuliural Society at its annual as to the President, to explain that the produce. He praised the work o f the mee ing, December 17, 18, 19 to be held committee, in designating punch as a local cannery, and told o f the much at Walla Walla. Mr. Atwell will also part of the menu, had fruit punch in greater value o f the label as a boost­ address the Oregon State Horticultural mind. The chairman o f the Menu Com ing appeal than a highly colored book­ Society at Portland, December 10 to 12. mittee having handed the President a let. He hoped that the farmers will be copy of the menu, in order that the invited to help upbuild the Commercial program might be added, Mr. Atwell Cl ib and the community. , remarked later that the caterer should E. W. Haines, in striking a balance be given plainly to understand that an of the Club, very plainly explained the exclusive fruit punch was intended. 1 present financial condition as: Assets, Institution is Becoming Pop­ thereupon stated I would see to the 0; liabilities, 0; undeloped holdings, the ular and Improvements matter, but being very busy about ms support of every citizen; required in­ store during the day and until seven vestments, an effective publicity and are Appriciated o ’clock in the evening of both Thursday development campaign; legitimate and Friday, I overlooked it. profits, the best town in the valley. A. G. H offman . Today the Rogers City Lihraiy opened A. G. Hoffman frankly told o f the In answer to the question why I did past year in the Club’s work and urged its doors to its many patrons after a not have the punch removed, I woult. | me business men to support it better closed period of over u month, during say that, owing to the length of time in the future, saying, “ Every business which time the former rooms have been taken to serve the banquet, I found it man ia working for an ideal busineas. enlarged until now the entire building necessary to be absent from my chair A Commercial Club works for an ideal is occupied by the library. The build­ much of time, in trying to expedite town. For the business man to realize ing has been painted inside and out, the program. Consequently, I did not his ideal, the Club must attain ita ideal, windows cut in the side, and a re-­ taste the punch until after the banquet which means that the work of the Club arrangement of rooms has taken place. was concluded. My suspicions as to is the work of the business man.” The front room will be known as the j the contents of the drink was, however, reading room, the center apartment as M ayor U rges New Charter allayed by remembrance of the under­ the library, and the rfar room as the standing had with Mr. Hoffman. Mayor Sanford dwelled upon the wm - rest room or committee room, in which H. C. A tw ell . derful advancement of the city o f For­ any and all kinds o f public meetings est G:ove during the past three years, are invited to he held, and also farmers city.* But we must go to the people to in which time the many paved street; and visitors to our city are welcome to get their friendship and their business, and other improvements have taken make this room their headquarters. During the rule o f Mrs. Sanford ss i f twenty-five men would make it their place. He then told of what the city business to get acquainted with the needs and decidedly stated that Forest librarian, that is during the past three community, and to be on hand at all Grove has outgrown its present charter, years, the library has increased in size their meetings, fairs and celebrations, and that a more modern and compre­ from a small corner of the building their efforts, like the Biblical bread on hensive document should take ita place. with 300 books, to its present occu­ the waters, will return many times He also told of the urgent need o f a pancy o f the entire building with 1,W* over on the incoming tide of response sewerage system for the city, and gave volumes, and reading room and rest it as one of the immediate necesaities room in connection. to our sociability and hospitality.” Mrs. Rogers, upon giving this build­ for future administrations o f city gov­ A d v oca tes Club H eadquarters ing to the city, probably little realized ernment to look after. On "W hy Business Men Should Sup­ the great number o f people her gift Best P lace on Earth port the Commercial Club,” H. J. Goff would benefit, for the present number "This city is the best place on earth I of library patrons is over 1,500, and explained the workings o f an active organization and showed why it was a to live in,” said President Bushnell, of many High School ami College students He told o f the often find recourse to the information great factor in the development of a Pacific University. (Con inued on page four) community. He then struck at the contained therein. LIBRARY OPENED TODAY