Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 30, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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The subject of the morning
sermon at the Congregational
church will be “ The Unspeakable
Gift” and at the same service
reception of members and the
semi-monthly communion sendee
observed. Evening subject, “ A
Royal Prisoner.”
i young people
compared to that which lies
beyond and the spirit of me true
scientest for the Divine Creator.
Franklin — Wil
Franklin died
at the (
Samaritan Hospital, last week,
the remains were shippet
Tillamook for burial. Miss Mi
Franklin o f Forest Grove and
brother and o ne sister in ’
mook survive him. He was
a nephew of Mrs. Allen D
of Watts District.
Two Large Potatoes P. W.
1 G irl W
L a
work phone 754.
Purchased Property— Harvey
departed, wi hing Baldwin has bought the Jackson
The PR KSS is desirous of publish- A
- ,
> „ lot north of the Laughlin hotel
ing all the social events of the K ma"y .h"PPy returns of the day,
d .
j to build there ln the
week, and your ’phone call or a
and that they would have a birth- near future
letter with the particulars of any A
social or other event will be greatly jg day again soon.
* * * * * *
The reading room of the City
appreciated. Phone number, Main J*
: 502. Items Bhould be at the office
, , J Library will probably be open by
by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier %
On Saturday evening of last ■ Saturday and the library some
if possible.
g* week the three upper classes en- j time next week.
The rest room
tertained the Freshman class at and reading room will
S A V . V . * . ’, V . V . V A V . .V.V.V.V.
[a reception given in the new open from eight o’clock in the
A creage W a n te d —I n or near
school building.
Forest Grove, suitable for sub­
Halloween Party
morning until nine o’clock in the
The evening was delightfully evening. It will mean a great
into city lots. Chas.
only one cultivation.
The Misses Elder and Lathrop spent in various games, one of
E. Hall. Phone, Main, 0194.
deal to both the people of Forest
were hostesses at a Halloween ! the attractions being the track Grove and the people of the
Former Resident 111—Mrs. W
frolic at the home of J. A. Elder meet, in which the groups repre­ country, to have the library open Harris who is living in Panami
Wednesday evening, Oct, 29.
City, Florida has been quite ill.
sented colleges,
McMinnville after being closed so long.
Board and Room
The house was decorated with winning first prize and P. U.
Mr. and Mrs.
Harris v
autumn leaves and every thing second.
Baumgardt E n t e r t a i n i n g —
Board and room at the Walker
which pertains to the real Hallo­
Delicious refreshments were Professor B. R. Baumgardt’s
place, 3d Ave., North, between
ween festivities.
served under the direction of lecture, “ An Evening With the
j A and B Street Phone Main 367.
As the guests arrived a witch Miss Fowler, which consisted of Stars” , at Marsh hall Monday ago. The many friends of Mrs.
34 tf
met them at the door and pointed of rarebit, sandwiches and coffee evening, was a treat to our Harris are sorry to hear of
them up the stairs where another
The reception was well attend- j citizens.
Professor Baumgardt serious illness recently.
witch directed them into the ed. a number of last years gradu- is a thorough scientist and a
For Rent
rooms where they were assisted ates being present and every one good orator. He presented his
in putting on their ghost attire. reports a fine time.
subject in a most interesting and the home of Father Buck and de­ F or R e n t — light house keeping
room. Close in nice for girls or
The witch then took their names
pleasing manner.
The slides
cided to organize a Young boys in to school from country,
and number and their profession.
which were shown were made in
Bachelor Girls Entertain—
most Up (0 date observatories People’s Club. They will rent a j Call at Press.
After the guests all arrived each
the first s]jde thrown on the hall tor the winter and give par­
one in turn pantomined his or her
F or R e n t —5 room house, five
profession then they followed j Addson were hostesses to the the screen> brought the moon to with- ties every two weeks. The gen dollars a month, Phone 0185, Ed.
the witch who took them around Bachelor Girls Clue Iuesday , j n 3 2 miles of the earth. The
the house where Jack-o’ lanterns evening at the home of Miss! sun an(j comets were explained. club will be held next Monday
There were about. Professor Baumgardt spoke of night at the home of bather F or R e n t — Furnished rooms,cor­
were grinning at them in various i Webley.
places, up staiis where they un- | twenty giHs present.
'the nothingness
of man as Buck.
ner of Pacific Avenue and B
masked. Two witches presided j The house was prettily deco­
Street, North.
at the kettle where the future of
hundreds o f thousands of feet per day.
each guest wAis boiling over a propriate to Halloween being;
These lumbermen are in great hopes of
F or R e n t —4 room house at
brilliant blaze. The remainder mostly in evidence.
In this country men live upon the obtaining stiff prices for their lumber $4.00 per month.
Phone 0185—
After a . short business . session
of the evening was spent in tell­
smallest farms probably in the United since the Panama Canal is open, enab­ Ed. Naylor.
ing fortunes in various ways and tile evening was spent infancy States, especially so far from the city ling them to market in the East all
Dainty refresh-j work, music and conversation, j centers They tell us that a man can they have to spare. This lumber is in­
For Sale or Trade
merits of pumpkin pie, apples j 1 he guests were then ushered (¡ve on as smaii a farm as five acres deed as fine as is produced anywhere.
and raisins were serv d by the into the dining room where daw - ( and SUpport, a family, but most gener-
We have a client who has two
Very truly yours,
100 acre farms,
hostesses assisted by the Misses ty refreshments of sandwiches, aiiy tbey 0CCUpy iq
lots in Portland, worth $900 and
W . H. L i l l y .
Alice Ralston and Irene Robinson. pressed chicken, pumpkin pie and And there ig one thinR certain> that in
$2,000 who wants a 20acre farm
(Continued next week)
The invited guests were; the coffee were served at a table at no p|ace j have ever lived do people
1 near Forest Grove—wants rolling
Misses, Kate Scott, Mary Coal, which a Witch presided.
land and prefers shot soil,—
At a have more luxuries o f life, and seem to
Jennie Rasmussen, Hazel Loynes, late hour the girls left for their obtain them with such iittle effort. The
This advertisment
(Coniinued from page 1)
Florence Sustice, Hoy Norton, homes to meet again in two land in this country is very rich, indeed,
f will appear just once so answer
457 45
Belle Taylor, Maggie Taylor, weeks at the home of Miss Flor- i being 10 to 12 feet to the bottom o f the 28 545 55
j promptly.
Oregon Land Co.
250 55
401 15
Florence Enchede, Jessie Reyn­ enee Templeton.
soil, and is of great sameness in the
128 05
232 60
olds, Miss Roswarne, Ave Car­
Alfalfa hay for sale, choice
valleys and on the mountains. They
84 *180 90
lyle, Mesdames, F. Gardner, G. I Mrs. Haines Entertains Mrs. grow all kinds of garden vegetables 31 327 20
, third cutting just received.
174 00
Wagner, C. Wagner, R. Renne- E. W. Haines entertained a num­ with great ease. Potatoes yield to the 32 500 75
| F , Hartrampf.
176 60
son, Messers, Fred Gardner, A. j ber of friends Tuesday afternoon enormous amount of 500 bushels to the 33 246 75
789 25
165 15
E. Gardner, Albert Kirkwood,
F or S a le —Oak library table,
in honor of Mrs. Clark of Port­ acre. W e saw some o f them dug and 35 *80 05
338 70
Claude Wagner, Glen Wagner,
leather rocker, body brussels hall
land and Mrs. Tyler of Seattle. they would roll out as much as one 36 *97 65
277 40
William Haskel, Ralph Clark,
carpet, Ingrain arch square, lace
The afternoon was pleasantly gallon of fine tubers to the hill,
170 15
420 30
R. Abraham, spent in conversation and dainty
Omar Moore,
curtains, all in good condition.
HoP8 are also a 8taPle product. The 38 707 60
422 95
George H.
Thomas Isaacs,
Postoffice box 441.
refreshments were served by the y'eld of one acre- after beinK dried- 39 354 00
*28 90
Currev, Claude Elford, James hostess
will average 1,600 pounds and over.
334 85
308 05
F o r S a l e —F urniture at
Tnose present were Mrs. Bur- The Priee this year is 25 cents, and 41 369 35
334 85
! 3rd. street south.
J. W. Martin.
lingham, MissStalley, Miss Earn- some lot8 are ev« n 8«llinK higher, 42 281 20
269 70
ham, Miss Mvers, Miss Hinman, Men, women and children are employed 43 235 25
471 30
F or S a l e —A cash register, a
Mrs. A. U. Marsh, Mrs. Heines, to »father these hop crops, and make 44 346 35
170 15
large coffee perculator, and a
Grangers to Meet Saturday
Mrs. Bushnell, Mrs. J. Bailey, good wages.
246 75
342 50
cigar case, inquire at Press office.
This is perhaps one of the finest fruit
Saturday, November 1st, Gale Mrs. A. M. Bean, Mrs. Proctor,
*60 75
46 *103 05
Grange, No. 282, will hold their Mrs F J Miller Mrs. C. E. countr' es ¡u the United States, when 47 300 40
*33 55
F or S a l e -1 dresser, 2 beds, 2
monthly meeting in the K. of P. Walker, Mrs. Willus Goff, Mrs. once developed. Great prune orchards 48 1411 65
*25 65
matresses, 6 oak dining chairs,
J. Macrum, Mrs. Mayne Abbott
Hall in this city.
292 70
204 60
1 library table, steel range, 1
owners almost fabulous returns. It is
265 90
Routine work, conferring of Airs. Todd,, Mrs. W. McEldow- said also that timothy hay will grow as 49 *106 20
mile east of Forest Grove, apply
422 95
the 3d and 4th degrees on a class ney, Mrs. D. T. Thomas, Mrs. A. moch as three and three and a half tons 50
73 15
to W illia m B eals .
227 60
of six candidates, and other busi­
227 60
154 80
ness, will occupy the forenoon Seymour, Mrs. Secour.
365 50
The dairy business is being carried on
F o r S ale o r T r a d e : Stump
to a great extent. The yield of money
puller in good condition and
The lecture hour begins at 1:30
suitable for heavy work.
Hike to David's Hill The Y. per cow will average at least $100.
o’clock, and a cordial invitation W. C. A. girls of the college Everybody that has land is engaged in
sell cheap for cash or take cow.
is extended to all interested to be chaperoned the Camp Fire Girls this lucrative business. They feed the
young cattle, or calves, or pigs
present and listen to the splendid on a hike to David’s Hill Satur­ cattle upon kale, turnips and grass.
in trade or might consider a
program, which is as follows:
light wagon if in good condition.
day. All the girls report a fine One acre will produce enough turnips to
E. W. Haines willl speak on time and that there are still some feed six or seven cows. Some of these
the laws which are to be voted grapes on David’s Hill.
turnips grow to the size of a peck
Mexico City.— At the close of the
Five passenger touring car for
on at the next election, telling
measure. The kale, also, is a great Mexican election Indications were that sale will take some live stock.
what thev are and what effect
producer of feed.
not sufficient votes had been cast to H.W.Scott Forest Grove,Or. 11 tf
Lucilo West and Elizabeth and
they will have.
Now, we go into the big timber belt constitute a legal choice for the presi­
A. S. Wells, chemist for the George Seymoure gave a birth­ about six miles above here, which con­ dency to succeed General Victoriano
F or S a l e - B arnyard fertilizer.
State Food and Dairy Commis­ day party to a number of friends sists o f hundreds and thousands of Huerta.
For particulars apply to South
sioner, will give us an address on last Friday. Games were en­ acres of some o f the finest fir timber
It was estimated, judging from the
Park Dairy. Phone 834. Chas.
"Chemistry of Pure Foods,” joyed at the home of Lucilo in the world. One alone in the midst results In the capital, where it was
D. Staley, Prop.
telling how to detect adultera­ West. The last game was “ fol and gloom of these great trees will expected the vote would be up to the
tions in food found in the Oregon low the leader” and the guests almost feel that he is to be overtaken average, that fewer than 10,000 of the
markets, also telling the relative were taken to the home of the by some of the wild animals that in­ 80,000 eligible voters in the federal
The music pupils of Miss
cost of various food articles now Seymoure children where delight­ habit the wilderness of the great old district went to the polls. There are Darling will give a recital at the
forest. So dark is the ground it ap­ about 3,000,000 eligible voters in the
used and the food value contained ful refreshments were served.
I. 0. 0. F. Hall Wednesday even­
pears like night, and is cold and dreary. entire republic. It would be no sur­
ing, November 5th, for the en­
Tuesday evening the Forest Some of these trees are o f enormous prise if congress, the members of tertainment of the Rebekah
Vocal and instrumental music.
assembly of United Arti­ size, measuring from eight to twelve feet which also were voted for. declared Lodge.
E v a A d a m s , Secretary.
zaos were surprised at their reg­ in diameter, one we measured being 12 the election void when the body is or­
ular meeting bv a visit of 34 feet in diameter and 336 feet in height. ganized and revises the returns.
The leaders of the Catholic party D R . G E R T R U D F . P H I L L I P S
members ol Dillev assemblv. Tnen there are sister trees all around
Surprise Party Members of They had hrot along their regalia that will measure seven, eight and ten claimed a long lead for their candi­
Workers and Maximum classes of and put a Forest Grove candidate feet in diameter and 250 and 300 feet in dates, Frederico Gamboa and General
Office Nixon Bldg., Main St.
the M. E. Church gathered in thru the beautiful initiation cere­ height. Lots of trees are no more than Rascon. If this claim is correct. It
the parlors of the church Satur­ mony in fine shape. Not to hr two feet at the belt and span up over 2u0 is generally thought that General Phone*
Office Hours
day evening, and from there outdone. Forest Grove assembh feet high, making the grainiest tree Felix Diaz and Senor Requena ran Office 801 Mon.,Wed..Friday,5 to 9 p.m
Res. 0262
Tues.,Thurs.,Sat. 1 to 5 p.m
went to the home of Leroy Van rose to the occasion and ordered scenery in the world. Tnere are also second.
There was no disorder in Mexico
Kirk, the occasion being the an oyster supper at the Forest groves of larch timber whose diameter
restaurant. All hands may be from four to six feet, with a City. The polling places opened at 9
birthday of both Mrs. Van Kirk Grove
When in need of some more
thither after the meet­ height of 300 feet and over, sometimes The election officials appeared to be
and Miss Vesta Greer. It was a
stationary call on the
a representative class of citizens. So
complete surprise to both parties. ing and enjoyed a social time at
PRESS job department. Envel­
The evening was spent in play­ bountiful table, and midnight without a blemish.
far as could be ascertained, no gov­
Now we come to numerous saw mills ernment employes served In that ca­ opes. cards, letterheads, circular
ing games, and after dainty re­ had struck before the Dillev
letters, bill heads etc.
in the midst of the forest, cutting up pacity.
freshments were served the friends started homeward.
Commercial and Miscellaneous.
feaieral house
The talk of the city. Almost
three thousand up-to-date Ladies’
and Gents’ Shoes just received at
Wanted — Girl for general The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf
house-work, best wages. Tele­
The Book Store has a nice line
phone 0455.
of novelties, for your Halloween
W ood W anted -The P ress party.
Come and look tnem
desires to secure several cords of over, H. R. Bernard proprietor.
both Oak and Fir wood to apply
¡on subscription, advertising, or
1 job work.
New shipment of ladies and
gents silk hosiery, just received
W a n te d — Giil
for general
at The Peoples Store Hillsboro.
housework, Phone 754. 14*2 p
The new school-books are now
for sale at Staehr’s Bazaar.
The largest assortment of
men’s straw hats ever showed in
Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples
Store Hillsboro.
Some exceptionally fine bar­
gains in pianos, organs, and sew'-
ing-machines at Staehr’s Bazarr
terms to suit.
Men’s work shirts all colors
and prices at The Peoples Store
You will do well by calling us
up before you sell your beef,
veal, mutton, and pork. Hills­
boro Mer. Co.
Kidney trouble is particularly
to be dreaded because its pres­
ence is not usually disovered un­
til it lias assumed one of its
worst forms—diebetes, drobsy,
or Blight’s disease.
I f you
suspect that your kidneys are
affected, by all means use Hollis­
ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea—the
great systemic cleaner and reg­
ulator. Vankoughnet & Reder
The largest and most complete
stock of DRESSERS to be found
in Washington County are at
Roe & Co. ’ s, the pioneer furni­
ture dealers.
Mens Cassimere, made in Ore­
gon all wool suits for only $12.50
at Bailey’s Big Store.
Commencing October 10th, I
will close my grocery store at
6:30 P. M. except on Saturday
nights. H. T. Giltner.
We intend moving into our new
quarters in the near future, so
we are giving special prices in
ali lines to reduce stock. Littler’s
6 per cent loan« on farms,
orchard lands, city residence or
business property, to buy, build,
improve, extend or refund mort­
gages or other securities; terms;
reasonable; special privileges;
correspondence invited. Dep’ t.
L, 618 Commonwealth Big., Den­
ver Colo, or Dep’ t. I, 749 Henry
Big., Seattle Wash.
Fundamental Music Training
in classes, as taught by Mrs.
Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland.
Mrs. E. E. Williams.
Sewing machine extras and
needles for any machine made,
for sale at Staehr’ s Bazaar.
dressmaking, fancy
sewing, Phone 525, P. 0. Box
Staehr’s Bazaar carries an em-
mense stock of the latest music
and sells at Scents, 10 cents and
15 cents a copy.
Something especially nice in
stationary at the Book Store.
The new corduroy and linted
paper is very attractive. Come
in and see it, H. R. Bernard
F. N. St ehr of the Pa a r is
still leilin r phnos and o gans at
a grei.t reduction in price in or­
der to m ke ror m for his Xmas
goods w ich are arriving daily by
the v a ** n load. Besides a regu­
lar $5<i discmiot on any of the
pianos he has in the store the
factories allow a $?0 coupon
which makes it a total discount
of $^0 on every piano sold from
store between now and Xmas.
Organs are sold $15 less than
regu’ar price.