Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 30, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Eugene.— Road-building, a course of
study for the rural schools of western
Lane county, is to be introduced with­
in a few days by Miss Goldie Van
Biber, school supervisor in the Sius-
law district. Instructions have been
mailed. This is the first experiment
of its kind ever tried in Oregon. Ac­
tual road-building is the laboratory
work which will accompany this
course. The children of each district
will build and maintain during the
approaching rainy season a strip of
county road near the school building.
The school whose road stands the win­
ter and Is found in the best condition
will be the winner of a unique con­
test in which school children on the
Sluslaw eagerly are awaiting to par
County Judge Helmus W\ Thomp­
son, Lane county’s most active good
roads enthusiast, was so pleased with
this woman's plan to teach the funda­
mentals of road building in the rural
schools that he immediately offered
two huge silver cups as prizes for this
good roads contest.
Mrs. A. T. Buxton made a trip
to Molalla the first of the week
to attend the funeral o f her
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin are
the proud parents o f a boy born
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard spent
last Sunday in Portlrnd visiting
their da ugh er.
Father Smith of the I’ aulist
church in Portland and father
Lappen of Hillsboro, had dinner
at the home o f Father Buck last
with Pacific Uni­
versity, as a special student pre­
paring for a medical career.
Mrs. A. C. Doores was a
visitor at the h me of Mr. Dooge,
last week. George Dodge is very
Miss Mazie Clark spent last
Sunday at the home o f her
parents in Alloha.
Baker.— One man was killed out­
right, another was slightly injured and
two valuable race horses were hurt in
a wreck six miles north of Prairie
City on the Sumpter Valley railroad.
Robert S. Richardson of Baker was
killed when he Jumped from an over
turning car which fell on him, ami
William Hall of John Day was In­
Mr. and Mrs. Weston o f Port­
land were visiting with their
daughter, Mrs. Rafferty.
Mr. i
Weston formerly owned the hop I
farm now owned by J. J. Hoar. 1
An Ordinance anthorizing the issuance
and sale o f improvement bonds for
Perry A. Arant left Tuesday
the improvement o f Pacific Avenue,
for I.akeview where he will be
from the west side of the pavement
supervisor of music in the High
on A Street to its intersection with
School. Professor 0. M. Gardner
the western limits o f the City of
Forest Grove, Washington County,
is citv superintendent of the
Oregon, in accordance with the pro­
schools there. Professor Gardner
visions of Sections 3245 to 3253, in­
was city supe i tenc’ ent o f the
clusive, of Chapter 5, Title X X V I,
Forest Grove schools for several
Lord’s Oregon Laws, Volume 2, and
declaring an emergency.
Whereas, the common council of the
M's. E. Q >'ck left, Tuesday, city
o f Forest Grove, Oregon, pro­
por C lr'a x C Jifornia, to visit ceeded to improve Pacific Avenue from
the west side of the pavement on A
her daughtrr, Mrs. G. Prosole.
Street to its intersection with the
Mrs. Linch, o r Scoggins Valley western limits o f the city of Forest
| Grove, Washington County. Oregon, by
was in the Grove Tuesday.
J Ordinance No. 235, approved on the
Mr. Robert Alexander, o f this Third of June, 1913, in accordance with
city, was in Portland the latter the p ans and specifications duly and rep,-
i ulariy adopted for the improvement of
part of this week.
| Pacific Avenue from the west side of
Mr. Frank Van Dehey has I the pavement on A Street to its inter­
with the western limits of the
bought the Kayser house, on section
city of Forest Grove, Oregon, and did
North Main St. and is moving by Ordinance No. 237, approved the 23d
dt.y o f June, 1913, and by resolution
his family in this week.
adopted September 30, 1913, and ap­
Jas.En merson, o f Salem visits proved the 30th day of September, 1913,
his father and br< ther, in the levy an assessment against and upon
the several lots or parts thereof, pieces
Grove, this week.
and parcels of land affected by said
Mrs. C. E. Jay who has been improvement of said street, and in all
cju le ill, for the past few weeks, respects complied with the provisions of
charter; and
is able to be around the house the Whereas,
within ten days after notice
, of such assessment was first punhshed,
there were filed with the Recorder of
George Berryman of Portland ' the
city of Forest Grove, Oregon,
w s visiting in the Grove, fu - written applications to pay said assess
d ly.
meiits levied against the property on
the street aforesaid in installments; and
Mr. Jack Howland, of Hood
Whereas, the sad applicants and
River is vi iting his father in property owners did thereby waive all
1 iw, Allen Dilley o f the Watts trtegularities or defects, jurisdictional
or otherwise, in the proceedings to im­
l)i trict this wet k.
prove said Pacific Avenue from the
Dr. Gertrude Phillips made i
b isiness trip to Portland Friday.
o f Kirdale
Wash , visited friends in this
-city lad week.
I F. McGill and son Howard
visit. <1 at Vancouver Sunday.
N. B. La Course visited in
Salem over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmel Good
moved into their new home on
Pacific Avenue last Saturday.
west side of the pavement on A Street
to its intersection with the western
l.mits o f the city of Forest Grove, Or­
egon, for which said assessments were
levied und in the apportionment of the
the cost thereof; and
Whereas, said aj plieants and p r o ;-
erty owners agteed to p y said assess­
ments in ten annual installments, with
in e a s t at the same rate on all o f anid
. ssessm n s whiih have n t been p a d
as that exprtsaed in the I miih I issue to
pi y for such improvt ment; and
rate i f six per cent per annum, interest indebtedness o f said city o f Frrest
payable semi-annually; said interest to Grove; and it is further certified that
ce ev.denced by coupons attached to all requirements o f law have been fully
omplied with by the proper officers in
said bonds which must have a number
printed or inscribed thereon correspond- the issuing o f this bond, and that the
ing to that of the bond, both principle total amount of this issue does not ex-
and interest to be payable at the office feed the limit prescribeti by said Act.
of the City Treasurer o f Forest Grove, | This bond is redeemable at the office
l Oregon.
I of said Treasurer at the option o f the
Section 3. That the right to take up city of Forest Grove upon the payment
and cancel such bond or bonds, upon of the face value thereof with accrued
the payment of the face value thereof, interest to the date of payment at any
with accrued interest to the date o f semi-annual coupon period at or after
payment, at any semi-annual coupon ! one year from date bereof , as provided
period at or after one year from the ' in said Act.
date of such bond or bonds, is hereby ! For fulfillment of the conditions of
reserved, said redemption o f bonds if so this obligation the faith anci credit of
made to be in accordance with the pro- the city of Forest Grove are hereby
visions of the law herein cited.
Section 4. That such bonds before
In Witness Whereof, this bond has
the issuance thereof shall be signed by . been signed by the Mayor and attested
the Mayor and countersigned by the by the Recorder o f said city o f Forest
Recorder o f the City o f Forest Grove. Grove, and the corporate seal o f the
Oiegon, and authenticated by the seal city of Forest Grove hereto affixed,
of said city, the coupons however, may this 1st day o f November, 1913.
have printed thereon a facsimile signa-
ture of the Mayor and Recorder, and A ttest;
shall be registered cors. cutively by
City Recorder.
number and denomination of each in a
book to be kept by the Recorder to be
(Form of Coupon.)
known and designated as the “ Improve­
N o.— .—
ment Bond Regi t< r. ”
City o f Forest Grove,
Section 5. That each o f said bonds
State of Oregon.
shall have distinctly and plainly inscibtd
Will pay to bearer Fifteen Dollars in
or printed on the face thereof the reg­
istered number, and the words, “ Im­ Gold Coin of the Uni'ed States of
provement Bond,” with the name o f America, st the office of the Treasurer
of said city o f Forest Groue, on the
the city.
Section 6. That said bonds shall be o f ..................................., 19 .,
advertised for sale for a period of ten being six months interest on Improve­
days from the date of first publication ment Bond No.............. . unless said bond
and sold for the highest price obtain­ is sooner redeemed as therein provided,
able,but for not lessthanpar and accrued which redemption will render this coupon
interest; and that the proceeds thereof void.
shall be paid by the purchaser to the
Treasurer o f the City o f Forest Grove,
and the par value therof credited to the
respective street improvement funds for
which said bonds are issued and the
Section 8. That the Mayor ar.d Re-
acerued interest and premium, if any, co™ er are hereby authorized and re-
acc uing from thr sale o f said bonds quired to make, execute and deliver, in
shall be credited to the general fund o f behalf of the city of Forest Grove,
Oregon, improvement bonds as herein­
the city.
Section 7. That said
bonds and before provided, to the amount of
coupons shall be in substantially the $5,837.44.
Section 9. That inasmuch as the
following form:
street aforesaid by reason of never
United States of America,
having before been properly repaired
State o f Oregon,
and constructed, is in had condition,
City of Torest Grove.
and in consequence thereof it is neces­
1913 Improvement Bond.
sary for the immediate preservation of
$500. CO
N o.-----------
the peace, health and safety o f the city
Know All Men l y T i e s ' Presents;
that the said street or part o f street be
That the City of Forest Grove, County
improved with all convenient speed,
of Washington, State o f. Oregon, for
and to that end it is necessary that the
value received, hereby agrees and
city provide funds to pay the cost of
promises to pay 1 he bearer the sum of such improvement, an emergency is
Five Hundred Debars in Gold Coin of
therefore hereby declared and this or­
the United States of America, on the
dinance shall take effect immediately
presentation and surrender of this obli­
after its passage by three-fourths vote
gation on the first day o f November in
of all the members o f the City Council,
the year o f our Lord One Thousand
taken by ayes and nays and its ap­
Nine Hundred and Twenty-Three, with­
proval by the Mayor.
out grace, with interest thereon from
Section 10.
The City Recorder is
the date thereof until redeemable at
hereby directed to cause a notice to be
the rate of six per cent per annum,
published for one issue of T he F orest
l ayable semi-annually in like coin on the
P ress , giving notice of the intention of
first day of May and the first day o f N o­
said city to issue bonds as heretofore
vember in each year on presentation
provided, and calling for sealed bids for
and surrender of the proper coupons
said bonds, to be filed with the City Re­
hereto annexed, principal and interest
corder on or before November 11, 1913,
payable at the office o f the Treasurer
at eight o ’ clock p. m .
o f the City o f Forest Grove, Oregon.
Passed the Council of the City of
This bond is one of a series author­
Forest Grove, Oregon, this 28th day of
ized by an A ct of the Legislative October, 1913.
Assembly o f the State o f Oregon, en­
M. R M a r k h a m ,
titled “ An A ct to provide for the issu­
City Recorder.
ance of bonds for the improvement of
Approved this 28th day o f October,
streets and the layine o f sewers in in­
corporated cities, and for the payment
O. M. S antoro , Mayor.
of the cost of such improvements and
State of Oregon,
laying of sewers by installments,” filed
in the office o f the Secretary of State, County of Washington, j SS.
( ity of Forest Grove. I
February 22, 1893, as amended bv an
I, M R. Markham, duly elected,
Act entitled “ An Act to amend Sec-
Gens 1. ?, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of an Act e r _ qualified and Acting Recorder of the
u City of Forest Grove,
titled ‘An A c . to p.-ovi'.’ e f . r th
ance o f bonds for the impr yen eat
f County, Oregon, her by certify that I
streets and the laying . f sewe s n i t - have made a careful comparison of the
e >vporat"d cities, and for the payment foregoing transcript of Ordinance No.
of the cost of s :ch improvements, ai d 244 with the original on file in my office
la iny of sew er3, by in tallr.ients, ’ an<! of which I am the legal custodian,
fil d iu the office o f 'he Secretary of and that it is a correct copy thereof aud
Stale February 22, 1893,”
approved the whole thereof.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
February 28, 190', and subsequently
amendatory thereto passed hv the I leg­ City of Forest Grove, Washington
islative A “semhly of the i^tate o f O e- County, Oregon, this 28th day of Octo­
gon, and ;s an obligatam o f the citv o f ber, 1913.
[ seal ]
M. R. M ark h am ,
Forest Gr <ve aforesaid, ai d is not to
he deemed or taken to he with'n >r a y Recorder of the City of Forest Grove,
part of the limitation by law as to the
v, hereua, sum applications conta n a
statement by metes and bounds of said
pieces, p u .c .F or tracts o f lands or
other convenient descriptions of the
property of the applicant ;.s essed for
such improvement, and said applicants
have in all respe< ts complied with the
r< quireini utg of Chapter Five, Title
X X Vi, Lord's Oregon Laws, and the
appl.cations contain a statement of the
amount of the unpad
against -aid pr< 1 erty and were duly
a giud by the ap| 1 cants and were prop­
er v witnessed; and
W e eas, the applications are now
on It e in the office of tin- Kecoider of
the tit, of hnteat Grove, ami the same
have been duly entered in the Bond
I .ion I >t cket; ami
Whereas, the total amount of the tin­
ts ill assessment for such streetimprov-
en t i t for v Inch ai pi cations to pay un­
der the piovit tons oi the Act altove re-
c red t, hi\ t been filed . s 1 ow n by the
lh nd Lien Dt cket is the sum of $ 837.44
ne Elkins Weds Young Hitt.
l. ki-is. W. Va. Katherine Elkins,
liter of the late Senator Stephen
It Elkins, was married here to Wll
F. R. Hitt.
Miss Elkins name
prominently before the puhlle re-
lently tn connection with a report that
she was to wed the Duke of Abruzzi.
The bride Is a granddaughter of ex
United States Senator Gassaway Du
vis, and Mr Hitt I* a son of a former
ropteientallve in congress from till
C it' r
M is .
amount of $6837.44, being the total
amount o f the unpad a»ressments for
such stnot improvement and for which
application to ¡a y under the provisions
ot Chapter Five, Title X X \ I . laird's
Oregon l aws, has been filed as shown
bv tin Bond Lien l W k o t of said city,
whiih said bonds shall bo numbered
from one to eleven both inclusive, and
“h II be in denominations of $600.00
each, except Bond N . One which
shall be for the sum o f $337. II.
Section 2. That said bonds snail bo
dated the t*t day - f November' 1913.
and shall by the terms thereof mature
in ten years from the date thereof, and
shall bo payable in gold coin of the
United States and bear interest at the
How About
New House
T h e F o r e s t G r o v e P l a n i n g M ill I n c .,
General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath
cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing
papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a
specialty of house building and carry a full line of
sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­
thing required in the budding line. Call and let us
figure with you.
F o r e s t G r o v e P la n i n g M ill In c .
General Contractors and Builders
Council St.
Forest Grove, Ore
Rasmussen’s Feed Store
Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of
Garden Seeds in season........................
Pacific Ave.
Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and
General Machine Work. Storage
and Supplies. Phone Main 62X
W . A . C H A LM ER S,
M a in S tr e e t, F o r e s t G r o v e .
Capital and Surplus
U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y .
Our Fe.v km p™
Old Style Lamp—
Consumes 40 watts
per hour giving 52
Consumes 120 watts
per hour giving 32
candle power
For 1000 Hours
For 1003 Hours
Its average life will
consume 40 kilowatts
It would consume
120 kilowatts
Kilow att
B oard
D ir e c t o r s :
Geo. Mizner
T. W. Sain
VV. K. Newell
L. J. Coi l
John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock
H. G. Goff
H. T. Buxton
Chris Peterson
VV. H. Hollis
E. W. Haines
At 12c Per Kilowatt
Would cost to operate
Would cost to operate
Livery, Feed and Sales Stables
W e can prove this to
you if will call at our
Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and
Delivered to All Parts—-Open Day and Night
Saving over to nmon
Handy, Clean and Comfortable
Under the New Management
Ti e REXALI. Druggists
Forest Grove, Oregon
$ 60 , 000 .
At 12c Per
Main Street Garage
Wllscrt Occupies the Hls-
to c Clair Used by John Hancock.
I Yhulnlphia. -Oonsrt'RH hull. In hls-
i rv Indepi'i.itome aq.iare, where the
i rate and house of representative!)
front 1790 to 1800, wait rededl-
ited with patriotic exercises, the oc'
<it iimrkitiK the con: plot Ion of the
restoration of the hall to almost its
t i-.mill appearance.
President Wilson was the central
I ore In the ceremonies and dellv-
< I a 1*'minute address.
e president was the last speaker.
Me .I In the hlult hacked chair which .Y iv I ' r, t f'in i', I hi C itti o f h'orvut
l l r r, / V « * (>rdain a t F v II o h h :
used hv John Hancock when he
Section 1. That the city t f Forest
• l e d
over the continental
con Grt vt issue ¡Is bonds in ; I! equal to the
P re tiJc rt
«•V .
Phone 412
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Oregon