FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1913 i LEGAL NOTICES =: a fiat bid, without conditions, except a. to the regularity of the issue of bonds, and to submit with their bids a certified cheek, certified to by a responsible bank, equal to five per cent of the face value of the bonds, payable to the Mayor of the City of Forest Grove, ae kjuidated damages, in case such bidder withdraws his bid or fails or neglects to enter into the contract to take and pay for said bonds according to the terms of his bid, and of the ordinance author­ izing the issue of bonds and of this notice. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the City of Forest Grove. Bids should be addressed to the un- lersigned recorder of said city, and he envelope marked “ Bids for Im­ provement Bonds.” County Court News PAGE 3 State Bruce Cootney, plead guilty, to be sentenced Wednes­ day. State vs Ilungo Nard, one in­ dictment, arraigned allowed till Tuesday to plead. “ THE QUALITY STORE” State vs Hungo Nard Indict­ ment No 2 arraigned allowed lat­ er to plead. International Harvester Co vs Carl Hinman et al trial set for T he very best at the Right Price Thursday Oct 30th 1913. Culver vs Cogan trial set for Phone 701 Nov 3, 1913, Saffron vs Nyberg hearing and motion argument, demurrer FOREST GROVE overuled, given five days to H SO U T H MAIN STREET answer complaint allowed amend ed by interineation. • » S S V T S V . ;—;.»;.!.;— i - : .!.:—’- ; .*.? ? ? . ?.:»;»;.;.;»;—>:«?Si E. A. Noyes vs E. L. Fraley et al, sale confirmed. Valley Trust Co vs Evans de­ fault of Defendeht entered. DeLoff vs DeLoff, default and reference. to plan for that College Course. Walker vs Walker decree. Monson vs Monson, decree. There is considerable discussion about Education but Walters vs Walters decree. there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right Murray vs Murray decree. Swanson vs Swanson decree. is in the long run the practical\thing in Education. Floyd Fessler is suing lone Larsen Fessler for divorce, and .*laims as his grounds cruel and N o tic e to t h e E le c to r« o f t h e C ity of inhuman treatment, and actions F o re st G ro v e unbecoming a lady and wife. In­ Chapter 323, of the General Laws of toxicants are mentioned and al­ le State of Oregon for 11>13, provide ir a system of regiatrati >n of electors io going about with other men is f the State, and the Act prov des for he plaintiff’s main charge. This jgistration in municipalities similar to ind other reasons Fessler asks te City of Forest Grove, as foLows: u> be freed from lone Fessler. “ In all municipal corporations of this They were married at Kalama, tate, whose boundaries aie not co- rrminus with an election precinct or Washington June 24, 1913. Tnere roup of precincts, electors shall be being no property or children in­ sgistered for elections therein in the volved. lanner required by this Act for non- [ seal ] M. R M arkh am , lunicipal elections, but the duties re- City Recorder. D J Cooper sues Van Walters, uired by this Act to be performed by etux for $764 and int, how’ever junty clerks shall in that case be per- plaintiff claims receiving $50 on TRAIN SCH EDULE irrmed by the clerks or city recorders r other officers performing the duties account and mentions $75 as at­ sually performed by such officers, and torney’s fees the note in evi­ II electors within any such municipal jrporation shall register for municipal G iv in g C o r r e c t T im e o f t h e A r r iv a l a n d dence wns dated Dec., 12. 1912, and bears interest at 6 per cent. lections before such officer. Registra- D e p a r t u r e of A ll F o r e s t G r o v e T r a in s on of electors in such last mentioned Anna Parker plaintiff vs D. C. mnicipalities for municipal elections Whiting et al, action for money hall be distinct from registration for ther elections and in addition thereto.” amounting to about $400 and in­ OREGON ELECTRIC It will therefore be necessary for all terest at 8 per cent and also asks lectors of the City of Forest Grove to A r F o r est G rove $75 as attorney’s fee. *Lv P ortland agister before the Recorder for the 8:05 a. m. John Gaarde, plaintiff vs 6:45 a. m. sming city elections. Registration ooks will be open at the office of the Harry Kuehne action for money 9:25 a. m. 8 05 a. m. ity Recorder on Monday, October/"7th, Mr. Gaarde worked for defend- 11:45 a. m. 10:25 a. m. nd will remain open until Saturday, ent between May 14th 1913 and 2:45 p. m. 1:25 p. m. •ecember 27th, at five o’clock P. M. of Oct 21, 1913 and is entitled to 5:05 p. m. 3:45 p. mi aid day. $122.10 only $25 having been 6:40 p. m. City Recorder. 5:15 p. m. [ sea l ] M. R. M arkham ,' paid on this labor account and is 7:55 p. m. 6:35 p. m. suing for the balance. 9:35 p. m. 8:30 p. m. Notice of Final Settlement 12:45 p. m. 11:40 p. m. Hillsboro Commercial bank, a n the County Court of the State of Lv F o r est G rove *A r P ortland corporation plaintiff vs John There are three new students Oregon, for Washington County, Howard n o t e d e l i v e r e d to in High school making 124 stud­ 7:30 a. m. 6:10 a. m. n the m atter of the estate of Thomas Peoples’ Store, note amounting ents enrolled. 8:05 a. m. 6:45 a. m. P. Baldwin, deceased. to $500 due in 1 year, was aftei- Notice is hereby given that the ad- 9:50 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 100 new song books have been linistrator of the above-entitled estate wards transferred, this note 11:57 a. m. 10:35 a. m. as filed his final account as such ad- orderec. and the new songs were draws 8 per cent interest $100 2:25 p. m. 1:05 p. m. linistrator in the above-entitled County attorney fees are asked. This practiced this week. 5:00 p. m. 3:40 p. m. ourt. The Hon. D. B. Reasoner, revives the important decision ounty Judge, has set Monday, the 10th 7:20 p. m. 6:00 o. m. A number of the High school ay of November, 1913, at the hour of rendered a few months back, students attended the lecture by 9:25 p. m. 8:05 p. m. 0 o’clock in the forenoon of said day more or less interest is centtred Baumgardt Monday evening. 10:50 p. m. 9:45 p. m. s the time, and at the County Court at this time. ‘ Jefferson Street Station. oom in the Court House in Hillsboro, The Sophomores held a class Washington County, Oregon, as the Hillsboro Commercial Bank party lace for the hearing of objections, if in the new school building SOUTHERN PACIFIC plaintiff vs J Bartlett, also action ny, to said final account and settlement last Friday evening. Home for money. During 1912 about nd distribution of the residue of said made candy was served and all state. A r F o r est G rov March 20th gave note to People’s had a jolly Lv P ortland time. This order of publication being dated 8:40 a. m. Store for $1000 at 6 per cent due 7:15 a. m. t Hillsboro, Oregon, the 14th day of 5:32 p. m. in 18 months and attorney fees. 3:30 p. m. The domeatic a rt and science Ictober, 1913. 6:58 p. m. The first publication of this notice is 5:40 p. m. . rooms have been completed and C L Hinman, plaintiff vs R. G. tade on this 16th day of October, 1913. Lv F or est G rove A r P ortlan Allison, et ux. Action for money regular classes are being held R ay D. B a l d w in , 8:00 a. m. f6:40 a. m. On February 13, 1913, defendant under the instruction of Miss idministrator of the Estate of Thos. 10:20 a. m. 8:24 a. m. P. Baldwin, deceased. gave plaintiff note for $98.45 due Fowler. The classes meet three 10:00 a. m. . N. H o f fm a n , Attorney. 13t5 *8:40 a. m. 90 days after date. $30 attorney days each week, as a full credit 6:20 p. m. 4:38 p. m. is giver, for the work this year. fees: r o p o u l t f o r Bid* f o r I m p ro v e m e n t •Sunday only (Daily e x c e p t Sunday The domestic art is taken the B o n d s o f t h e C ity o f F o r e s t G ro v e , Estate Matilda Gustafason first and third years and domes­ O r e g o n , P a c ific A v e n u e I m p ro v e ­ deceased, for final hearing and tic science the second and fourth m e n t. objections set for Nov., 24 1913, year. W a n t e d — The P re 33 desire Plain sewing is taken the first Sealed proposals will be received by to secure a live correspondent in at 10 a. m. Dated the 21st, he undersigned at his office in the City Estate of Hannah Purser de­ and garment making the next. every community in Washington f Forest Grove, Oregon, until Tues- Tne girls in domestic science ay, the 11th day of November, 1913, county. Send in your application ceased final counting and report set for Nov. 24th 1913 at 10 a.m. classes dress in uniform which is t the hour of 8 o’clock P. M. of said ate, for the sale of improvement at once. for hearing objections and final very pretty. onds of the City of Forest Grove, Or- report Heard Oct. 22. gon, at not less than par value and Music is one of the courses Constipation, indigestion, drive ccrued interest for the whole or any Estate of Larkin Reynolds, which a student may take as an away appetite and make you a rt of the sum of $5,837.44, said bonds 3 be issued in denominations of $500, weak and sick. Hollisters’s petition of Executor asking for accredited course in High senool xcept Bond No. 1, which is to be Rocky Mountain Tea res'ores the hearing quotes on hand $6172.66 ihis year. But in order for the belonging to said estate. That student to secure this credit he >sued in the sum of $337.44. Each ond is to be dated November 1, 1013, I appetite, drives away disease, $1500 can easily be paid out or is compelled to bring a written ayable in ten annual installments, builds up the system. 35 cents, distributed to proper parties,etc. statement from his instructor earing interest at the rate of six per Tea or tablets. Vankoughnet & Will bequeaths $1000 each to saying the student has taken one ent per annum, pajable semi-annu- Reder. ly, interest and principal pay. ble in Hiram Reynolds and Elienezer lesson each week and has prac­ Jnited States gold coin at the office of Reynolds that each legatees have ticed eighty minutes each day. he City Treaturer of the City of For- Before removing to our new heretofore been paid the sum of Many students are taking an st Grove, Oregon. Provided, that the City of Forest quarters we wish to reduce stock $500 or £ of their legacy, ordered interest in music which has Irove reserved the right to take up and as much as possible. We have that 500 each be paid legatees helped to organize in the High ancel such bonds with accrued interest on hand some Seneca Stock Pow­ mentioned. Dated October 23, school a glee club and band. t any semi-annual coupon period, at or der, one of the best made, which Music may be continued in the 1913. fter one year from the date of such we offes at half price while they High school if it proves a suc- onds. Estate of Nathanal Burnett, Said bonds are issued under authority last at Littler’s Pharmacy. j cess in the future as it is at in part as follows Does be­ f the charter of Forest Grove, Oregon, ; present. queath to his said wife, Mary L. nd of Chapter 5, of Title 23, of Lord’s When in need of some more Burnett all goods etc., undivided Iregon Lajvs, for improvement of a Sickening headackes, indiges­ ertain street and parts of said street, >ffice stationary call on the J of all rents, profits of real tion, constipation, indicate un­ i said city, and the proceeds of the PRESS job department. Envel­ estate. To my son Wm. L. Bur­ healthy condition of the bowels. ale of said oonds will be used for the avment in part for said improvement. op ?s, cards, letterheads, circular nett the sum of $3000. to my Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea Bidders will be required to submit a letters, bill heads etc. son Samuel Burnett $3000, to makes the bowels work naturally daughter sum of $10,000 being and restores your system to per­ Sadie Vankammen (married to fect health and strength. Be­ Nicholas Vankammen to my son gin tonight.—Vankoughnet & Millard Burnett, all my money Reder, stock and other personal prop­ erty, except what is already be­ queathed Millard Burnett is to kj act as per will as executor. Mr. Burnett was 64 years of age at the time of his death and lived in Washington county alone estate of $40,000 personal prop­ erty at about $2500, rental being about $600 per year, heirs as mentioned being Mary L. Bur­ nett at Cl years widow, Wm. B. son age 40; Samuel, son, at 37 years Sadie the daughter who was apparently forgotten secur­ ing $10 who is about 25 years of A N ew Line of age and Millard who is to act as executor is 39 years of age. Up-to-Date Estate Mary T. Woodford, de­ ceased hearing set for Dec. 1st. Stationery 1913. Estate Larkin Reynolds, same appears true "and correct ami I am carrying my form er com plete line of Shoes, is approved dated Cct.25th 1913. T he Latest in Perfumery Groceries, D ish es and invite all to pay m e a visit Monday Oct. 27th 1913 10th Judicial District.. Potts vs Pioneer Educational securing witnesses etc. argue- Pacific Drug Co. ment and arraignedment. State vs Ross G a r b e r , ar­ Forest Grove - - Oregon raigned, Given to Wednesday Oct 29 to j lead. High School Notes *W i Staple and Fancy Groceries Begin Now! A school well equipped to do first class general college work is Pacific University Forest Grove, Ore. This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such general college lines September 17th, 1913. Record and equipment good. Terms reasonable. Come and help us help you. Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue and further information PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest G rove, Ore. The Approach of Spring is the signal for greater effort in all lines of endeavor. Warm­ er and dryer weather means greater activity in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That New House, get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-Place Lumber Co., Phone 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove. w -w w SWFATERS’ V v J L ii JL • A Fresh Stock “ *ONE WEEK ONLY O f Sweets and If ycu are in need of a sweater, see the new at N. B. £ LaCourse’s store located near the Second hand store. A new assort­ ment just in on consignment. Will have them on display for one week only. N. B. H. T. G I L T N E R ’ S LaCOURSE Candies a «r ^ «1 «1 «1 Fine Dairy Ranch A t a Bargain Price that will pay you to INVESTIGATE Close in on good rock road only 32 miles N. W. of Forest Grove near Thatcher. 74^ acres, good buildings and im provem ents, 1000 cords o f w ood, 2 acres o f kale, 2 0 tons o f bay, team s harness, w agons, etc. T e rm s E asy Price $12,000, of which $4,000 will betaken in trade on city or country property, and most of the balance may be carried at a low rate of interest. Remember it doeBn’t take This is a S n a p Ami will move quickly, much cash to swing this deal if you have some good trade to put ir. Layman and Hall Phone Main 0194 or Thatcher 55 Forest G rove - O regon