Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 30, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon.
Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter.
S ubscription R atf . s
One Year.................... $1.50
O f f ic e
A dvance .
Six Months.......... 75 Cents
P hone M ain 502.
M a in S t r e e t .
That the proposed commission form of
government is the goal of perfection no one of
intelligence will contend. But that it will
correct some of the evils in the present system
we honestly believe. It is true that no system
will run its self, and that unless the people will
take an interest in their government they can­
not expect efficiency. No system no matter
how near perfection, will give satisfactory
results, if controlled by dishonest or inefficient
men. Ntither can honest and capable men do
their best, if handicapped by an ineffective
and cumbersom system,
The theory, of the commission form, is simply
It centralizes power but fixes
responsibility. It is easily responsible to the
needs and the desires of the people, It will
foster the interest of tr.e people by a system of
intelligent reports. Any inefficient or undesir­
able man can be easily removed. It would un-
dobtedlv pro\e a betterment for this city.
The present system is not so bad, but we
believe that the proposed system if adapted to
the needs of Forest Grove would prove itself an
improvement. The present councilmen are faith­
fully doing their best to care for the city’s needs,
and their ability is unquestioned; but it is not
right to ask them to take valuable time from
their business to look after municipal affa’rs to
the extent that is required, Under the present
system there is a tendency for hurridly passing
upon matters, that should only come before ex­
perts that have taken the time for examination.
When the present councilmen do thoroughly
investigate a matter it is at a great sacrifice to
their business, and should not be required of
them without remuneration.
Now on the floor of our salesroom and is being inspected and admired by many
Description in Brief of the “25 ”-4
Four-cylinder, twenty-five horse power motor.
Cast “ en bloc” with detachable head.
thermo syphon system.
Three-speed selective transmission.
Cone clutch.
Center control,
left side drive.
10 3 -inch wheel base.
Full 5-passeuger body.
Same size tires all arou nd-30x3 1-2 in.
S fc z d up to 5 0 miles per hour—6 0 stripped. Equipped with everything the motorist needs for transcontinental
tour--Prest-0-Lights, wind shield, top and Jiffy storm curtains.__________________________________________
We have recently received the agency for the complete
line of Maxwell cars knov/n the world over for their
quality reliability and efficiency. “25”-4; “30”-4;
“35 ’-6 in various styles.
I 1 ■»"..■T7B».
SUITS, all wool Oregon cassimere, $ 1 2 .5 0
Iron Clad
You need not sacrifice
comfort and appearance
in y o u r boys nose to
get that stren g th so
necessary to resist the
hard wear he gives them.
S to ck in g s
combine elasticity with
mendons durability. It’
“s p e c ia l t w is t ” in the
s p e c i a l yarn and thirty
years’experience in knitting
that does it.
They are guaranteed to giv
All Sizes
All Colors
12th, Dayton, Ohio, to< k a step,
under one arm and a bottle (ot well tested in Germany, but not
milk) under the other, while 1 existing heretofore in any Amer­
rocked the other baby with in) ican city larger than Sumter,
If you like the old town best
hands, but I stated the facte to South Carolina, where the plan
Tell ’em so.
the fellows and I told them, “ I he is in successful operation. Jt
If you’d have her lead the rest
man who wakes them up has got adopted by a large majority the
Help her grow.
to go and put them to sleep.” By city manager plan of govern­
When there’s anything to do
general acclamation the sugges­ ment, by which the city, like any
Let the fellows count on you.
tion was voted a law and silence corporation, hunts up the best
You’ll feel bully when its throu. reigned about one-third supreme. man it can get anywhere and
Dont you know.
We S, cut most of the time hires him as general manager.
If you want to make a hit
playing “ Rook,” viu.ui we found Dayton puts all the powi rs of
Get a name.
to be a very entertaining spoi l the city in one small board, and
If the other fellow’s it
when accompanied by diffusions this board .hires the general man ­
Who’s to blame?
on the excellencies ot the ‘ New ager, who controls all the city
Spend your money in the town Century Book of Facts’" and the departments, except schools and
Where you pull the shekels down. commission form ot government courts, and is paid what he u.
Give the mail concern a frown.
as applied to Forest Grove. B.\ thought to be worth, and kept ii*
That’s the game!
ten o’clock we got around to office as long as hs is satisfactory.
If you’re used to giving knocks, checkers. The excitement was A lean outlook for patronage
Change your style.
at its height u-hen a small voice this! A syst in which would not.
Throw boquets instead of rocks raised in agonized protest to the nourish a "Tiger” or an.v other
For a while,
increasing noise broke down upon prefatory animal. The American
Let the other fellow roast.
our ears from the room above. people will a mpt it as they be­
Shun him as you would a ghost. I at once began to see a moving come wearied of bemg I led, de­
Meet his hammer with boast
picture of our oratorical friend moralized, and rendered ridicu­
And smile.
with his sonorous voice raised in lous by a system devised lor (he
When a stranger from afar
a heart-thrilling appeal, “Hush a exclusive use of leeches.—
Comes along
bye baby on the tree top.” etc., Harper’s Weekly.
Tell who and what you are.
when the fun was spoiled and
Make it strong.
the situation saved by the arrival
To P ass Bills V o te Y s
Need’nt flatter; never bluff.
of Mr. and Mrs. Child. For
Tell the truth, for that’s enough. some reason just at this instant
Persons desiring to vote in
Join the boosters; they’re the the voice ceased and the fellows favor
of the University of O e-
soon went home. But we all had gon appropriation and for the
I a gooe time anyhow, and we are vvyrkmen’s compensation act, for
going to have another stag party the sterilization bill and for the
county attorney act, should mark
Tuesday night I went to Y. M. their ballots “ Yes” and not
C. A. meeting and listened to a “No,” as is mistakenly supposed
fine inspirational talk by th by many voters. That is, the
College coach on “Giant Killers.” question before the people in
He showed us that the giant each instance is whether the
Actual Letters By a Real killers of today, as of all time, measure shall pass. To vote
were the men who have the “ Yes,” accordinlg, on the work­
Freshman to ciis
men’s compensation act is to
courage of their convictions.
favor passage of the bill.
things you sent me the other day
and the money came in handy.
T he ‘P ress” W ill P rint This I paid it all out the next day on
P o p u la r E n te rta in e rs to Be
H e re Major R. II. II endershott
B oy’s A ctu al Im pressions
another, and will be glad to bear and his son. Grand Army drum­
mers and fifers and popular solo­
E ach W eek
from you again soon.
Hoping that this finds you all ists, entertainers and readers,
supported by the best local
D e a r D a d :— Everything is on well and prosperous. I remain,
talent, will give an entertain­
Your son,
| the hum here at College. There
ment under the auspices of the
J ohn .
was a football game last Friday
League, November 1st,
night between the Freshmen and
at the Grand Theatre at 8 o’clock.
G ood B usiness
; Sophomores, and we had every­
thing our own way with a score The most important and sacred
of 6 to 0 until the last quarter concerns of women and men are
„ , , one of
. . our fellows
, „ , made a i passed upon necessarily by a few
tumble and then the Sophomores, j individuals chosen to office. They
1 having more endurance because decide how much it shall cost to
of much practice, began to break live in a city, and to be furnished
thru and by a forward pass tied with asphalt, and policemen, and
j the score with a touchdown. firemen, and parks, and electric
| After the game the two classes light. They decide whether
| had a feed and social evening, building laws shall be so written
playing games and talking and and so enforced that a few
getting acquainted with the girls. hundred working girls shall be
As I never made much of a bit burned up every once in a while;
I with girls I invited some of the and whether the schools shall
1 fellows to come over to our house have systems fitted to help in
and we skipped out. Of course | life, or outworn and valueless.
I forgot all about the two babies | They decide whether the police
W ill be R eady for Business
who were asleep upstairs until I ¡shall make ample fortunes out of
got to the house, but when Mrs vice, and whether the inside
Child met me at the door and I j speculators in real estate shall
told her. she took it very Calmly get the benefit of the big im­
and said, “All right; my husband provements for which the work­
and I will go out for the evetiing, ing citizen pays. New York en­
and if you wake up the vounsters trusts these questions usually to
you can rock them to sleep a pack of predatory and ignorant
again.” (They make me feel sports from Tammany Hall.
perfectly at home here.) I found Chicago has an almost equally
myself in the midst of three book perfect system. The funda­
agents, two Socia ists, a Prohi mental gains have been it, the
orator, and a fellow who I believe smaller cities. Since Galveston
is training for the ministry. I began it. a number of to,vns in
soon had a dark, deep vision of this country have been putting
myself upstairs carry,ng a baby an end to the system. On August PRESS Job Printing Satisfies
T h e T ru e B ooster
November 5th
YOU Need a New Hen'er for the Winter
T h e . C O M FO R T H EA TER
FOR MEN AND BOYS is the season to buy your new heater.
You will find the desired requirements of good
looks, efficiency an! long life in any of our
standard lines of heaters. We carry a complete
line cf
The Comfort Heaters
1 he Mission Heaters
The 3eaver Heaters
Come ir. while you can make your selection
irom our complete stock
Are made in Ore­
gon and guaran­
teed all wool
Special Price
cnly $ 1 2 . 5 0
Don’t Miss This Chance for Such a Bargain
John E. Bailey
F c re st Grove
A Rightly Euilt Stove Will Save
Its Price in Heat Efficiency
C a I Top. C a s t B c t o m a n d C a s t L in e d , u s in g
lea s w o o d , gra in « m o r e h e a l; o f b e t t e r q u a lity
a n d n e a t e r a p p e r a n c e h - n o ’ lie r h e a * e r i
m B