< Oregon Historical Society Your suggestion, criticism and cooperation is solicited to help make the “ Press” a true representative of all the people of Forest Grove and of Washington County. Vol. 5 G rove The best developer of a community is a progressive and representative news­ paper. Send the “Press” to friends whom you wish to welcome to this country. FOREST GROVE. WASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1913. No. 15 AUTO SCARES HORSE MANY WILL BE AT PROPOSES NO SHALL THE BIBLE BE PERMITTED IN THE ALL THINKING BOURNE IN DOTH AFFIRMATIVE LADY IS INJURED BIG BANQUET MEN INVITED MORE PAID CIRCULATORS SCHOOLS? AND ANSWERED NEGATIVE BY MANY LOCAL WRITERS To the P eople of O regon :— Be­ lieving, us I do, that the Oregon Sys­ S. H. Carnahan is Awarded the Fine Bible and a Years Subscrip­ tem is the best legal medium thus far tion to the Press— Many Good Articles evolved for the protection of both per­ sonal and property rights, and that the Many have been the responses parts of the Scriptures to be true, initiative and referendum are the main­ to the discussion of the “Bible in other parts as idle tales. Some would spring of the whole system, and that the Public Schools.” In the ma­ teach that Christ was divine, others no increase in the percentage of peti­ jority of cases the writers have that he was simply human. Teachers for the initiatfve or referendum have differences on baptism, the Oregon Society Begins Active is tioners such a policy, hut some would necessary, or a majority vote require­ favored Sabbath, etc. very able discussions have been Work Am ong Local ment advisable, yet 1 am firmly con­ received opposing the move. However, the Bible is second to no vinced of the advisability and necessity other book for its great scope in vari­ People The P ress does not wish to of a legal pr hibition of paid circula­ ety and style of most real­ taite any decided stand in this istic history and literature, tion of petitions. biagraphies, The sole purpose of the Oregon matter, but analyzes the different limest poetry, and abounding in the all sub- the Earl J. Cummins of the Oregon Social System of Popular Government is to articles into the following: figures of speech. Besides, in this Hygiene Society has during the past secure an effective expression of the There is a real need for more volume are words of command, warn­ week arranged for a meeting for all will of the people. So far as the initia­ effective moral training of our ing and exhortation, promises of com­ m n interested in the work of the so­ tive, referendum, direct primary and youth. fort and reward adapted to every indi­ ciety. The local committee on pro­ recall do secure such expression, they All agree that the Bib'e is one vidual experience. gram have arranged a very fine list of are invaluable powers in government. of the greatest stimulants of It seems that inasmuch as the teach­ talks for next Wednesday eveuing. To the extent that they fail in this re­ moral development. ers of these schools are using select The committee consists of L. M. Gra­ gard, they are defective, and remedial There is a great difference of readings along various lines in litera­ ham, O. M. Sanford, J. M. Barber, H. measures should be adopted. as to whether the Bible ture and science for their pupils, to The beginning of action under these opinion L. Bates, and A. G. Hoffman should he taught in the school, give them something to think on, even This eonferance Is upon such a vitul reserved powers must be by a petition due to different views of the though the readings may not be in har­ subject that It will cross all political which>s designed to represent a certain Holy Book. mony with the views or wishes of all aud religous lines. The campaign is amount of public sentiment in favor of Thatun.il the different divis­ the patrons. So it would he just, and upon a s:ate wide basis, and our com­ a specific movement. Experience has ions of the Christian church as better, too, for selections from God's shown, however, that men favoring munity is to do its share of it. also to be read during the open­ bodies eliminate all word Sooner or later the ssx problem hits certa n measures or candidates employ organized ing exercises, at some stated period, differences of creed and church every one of us. A careful discussion others to circulate petitions and secure dogma, there can be no unan­ without any or comment, and let the of the subject, and a source of reliable signatures thereto, paying a specified imous consent of the use of the students draw their own conclusions. information, should appeal to every sum for each signature secured, with Bible in the school. JohnfRuskin, one of England’s noblest the result that the petitions do not parent. men, authors, and educational reform­ Studied as a literary work, one truly represent public sentiment. To Following is the program- ers, lays to his mother the greatest works of the early compelling his him greatness Wednesilay, Nov. ft, 191?, at 7:30 p. m . the extent that a petition does not rep­ of to commit much of the English translators and the great­ sharp, at the Vertz Hall, Forest f-rove resent the desire of the people, it is a est work of many great Greek and holy book to memory. Oregon. Chairman C. J. Bushnel), means of deception. Experience has Hebrews, and read without any S. H. C arnahan . also shown that the practice of employ­ President Pacific University. ! comment, opposition is not nearly 7;30 P. M. Showing the Existence ing paid circulators not only results in so strong, hut still exists, to Bible in the Public Schools and Extensive Prevalence of Sexual securing signatures out of proportion ! | considerable extent due to the 1 The to public sentiment, but encourages un­ Vice. positively do not favor the use of The prevalence and general serious­ scrupulous persons to forge signatures. same reason as above. the Bible in the Public Schools, and for ness of veneral diseases and their effect This evil has been so pronounced, not The prize in this content has reasons: upon the individual. J. S. Bishop, M. D. only in Oregon but in Ohio, that reme­ been awarded to S. H. Carnahan the The following Public Schools are secular and in I his article and two others follow. Social disease and marriage Calvin dial measures are urgently needed. sense religious. They pertain en­ S. White, Sec’y Slate Board of Health, j We must preserve unimpaired the Additional articles will follow no to the state and their business is President Oregon Social Hygiene So­ right of petition. But preservation of j in future issues and other dis­ to tirely educate for good citizenship. To ciety. the right of petition does not require cussion on this or other questions civilize is one thing, to Christianize Present condition among boys and continuance of the practice of employ­ | is invited by the P ress . another. Christianity pertains to the girls. J. M. Barber ing paid circulators any more than church and the home and Christian G aston , Ore., R. F. D., No. 2, Ten minutes open discussion. preservation of the right to vote re­ October 16, 1913. teaching should proceed from these 8:15. Relating to the Cause of Sexual , quires continuance of the former prac­ sources, and from institutions fostered Vice. tice of paying men to go to the polls. E ditor F orest G rove P ress : ar.d supported either by the church or The four sex lies, H. W. Volmer All that is necessary is free opportunity D ear S ir :—I saw in your paper of individual contribution. M. D. for preparing, circulating and filing the 9th inst. (Sample copy handed to Our government is a republic. In a father at the Fair last week), your re­ My opinion regarding the cause, H. petitions. republic the majority rules. If we in­ quest and offer relative to an article on E. Inlow, W. T. Williamson, member I believe that if real need exists for the Bible into the Public Schools, Executive Board. a proposed law, or if there be general “The Bible in the Public Schools,” so troduce then the majority must say which Ten minntes open discussion. desire for the candidacy of any person, submit article here inclosed on the sub­ versiin must be read, or taught. Cath­ 9:00 P. M. Relating to Possible j that need or desire will be recognized ject for your consideration. olic or Protestant. In two instances at Yours for true advancement, Remedies. by a sufficient number of persons who S. H. C arnahan . least the Donay or Catholic bible says Open discussion —What are we going will voluntarily circulate petitions If “penance” for repentance. In other to do about the whole matter? Led ' p lblic sentiment is not strong enough The Bible in the Public Schools words, teaches salvation by works in­ by L. M. Graham to secure voluntary petitions, no harm w.ll be done by deferring action until The question as to whether the Bible stead of faith in Christ. We thus see 9:30 p. M. Adjournment. such time as puhiic sentiment shall be should be used in the Public Schools or h .w Protestants and Catholics would crystallized. Undoubtedly it is true not is one that is agitating the minds d (Ter and the majority would necessar­ that some desirable laws heretofore of many thinkers of today, and is an ily be called to decide. Again if Mo­ adopted would not have been submitted important one, for it touches the moral ll immedans ever should become numer- if employment of paid circulators had welfare of our homes and the nation. O is they would insist on their bible, the been prohibited. But we have made And there can be plausible arguments Koran. progress since then. The Oregon Sys­ both for and against the use of the In a republic the infidel is as much e ititled to rule as Protestants, Catho­ tem has been fully established, it has Bible thuswise. become t horougnly understood, and Formerly this book of books was lics or Mohammedans. All have equal there should no longer be need for re used in most all the Public Schools to inherent rights, and such a republic tention of methods whose evil results the extent that portions of it were read j i tly recognizes them. May it ever At a special Council meeting last have been demonsirated. either by the teacher or pupils in con­ so be, U. S. Grant said, “ Keep Tuesday night the bonding ordinances Therefore, I have prepared for sub­ cert opening exercises, and many church and state forever separate.” To for this year’s paving were passed and mission under the initiative a compre­ of the at the school readers and grammars do so we must shun anything and every­ request for proposals of bids for same j hensive bill prohibiting employment of had selections from it. Then there was thing that so tends. The Bible in our was issued. paid circulators of petitions under the a more ger.eral regard for the Holy Public Schools would constitute a strong The Light Committee was instructed initiative, referendum, direct primary Scriptures, and greater respect the precedent favoring other legislation, to move the light and telephone poles 8 or recall. I believe there is need of laws of God which denounce all for crime state and national, and soon we would from Main Street, between Pacific and d i such a lav; and shall put to the test of and sin, and a belief in the Saviour and have a union of church and state and First avenues, to the alley in the rea: r<* practice my theory that when such His plan of salvati.m from a lost con­ the whole fabric of religion woven in of the buildings, the merchants on this need there will be a sufficient dition. But during the past few years the loom of the government, dominated this street having raised $112 for this number exists of volunteer circulators of there has come about a disuse of the by the ruling church, and of course purpose. co-operation and assistance of all Bible in these schools, and many of the persecution would follow, along with persons who believe as I do, and if the text-books, instead of quoting from it, the inquisition and its horrors. Primary Killed voluntary circulation of petitions rather teach things tending to promote Our forefathers fled from the very The proposed ordinance providing for in the number of signatures I a dislike for and an unbelief in it. thing we would v restoring. Our a city primary for the coming election results the petitions so that the Hence many are losing a sense of the country would he no longer the “land was again considered, and finally laid shall file may be submitted at the next great wrongfulness of crime against of the free and the home of the brave,’’ on the table indefinitely. The vote on measure general election. The bill I have their fellow beings, and the awfulness but the “homt^of the tyrant and the the question stood three to three, and drafted reads as follows: sin against their own selves and their land of the slave,” for history and all it required the Mayor’s voie to decide. “ From and after the passage of this of Creator, and the better thinking classes past experience has proven that force Counciimen Johnson. Wirtz and Barber act it shall be unlawsul for any person are wondering how best the great tide in matters pertaining to conscience voted "yes,” Todd, Stairet and Goff, to give, offer to give, promise to give of evil and immorality that is coming always so results, to the eternal in­ "no.” or cause to be given, directly or indi­ among us can be stayed and prevented. famy and shame of any country so • rectly, any valuable consideration, em­ It is true that our schools are main­ ruled. by a fine of not less than $100 nor more ployment or appointment for the tained by the taxes and revenues from Friends, neighbors, fellow citizens, than $1,000, or by imprisonment in the purpose of inducing any other person the people, from all alike, whether be­ let us jealously safeguard our liberty, county jail r.ot less than one month nor to circulate or secure signatures to any liever or unbeliever, Jew or Mormon, God-given and i iheient, and in our land petition for the initiative, referendum, Catholic or P:ote3tant, Christian or at present taught and safeguarded by more than one year.” Those who believe this bill should be or recali, or for placing the name of Mohammedan, therefore it is not in the our Constitution. submitted and who are willing to volun­ any person upon any ballot or for the power or sphere of the state to teach I have only touche 1 a few of the tarily circulate petitions in that behalf, nomination of any person for any office art/ religion, and do justice to her many points and principles that nr ight ne enunciated favoring the non-u°c of are requested to address me at 705 provided for by the constitution or the citizens. Chamber of Commerce Building, Port- laws of the State of Oregon or of any Furtr. 'r, should the state’s teachers the Bible in our Public School. Every municipality therein. Any person con­ attempt to teach the ftit.le it would re­ ' hristian should prayerfully ronsider, lind, Oregon. J onathan B ourne , J r . victed of the violation of any of the sult in a greatly confuted State-Chris- in the light of Christ's own teachings provisions of this act shall be punished tian education. Some teaching certain and the teachings of Holy Writ, before P ortland , Oct. 25, 1913. Local Doctors and Others Will Hold Meeting on Social Hygiene COUNCIL KILLS CITY PRIMARY On their way to their home in Amity last Sunday, when Mr. and Mrs. Robi­ son and daughter met Dan Pierce’s auto truck on the road about one mile south of Dilley, their horse became frightened and ran into a bank on the side of the road, upsetting the buggy and throwing the occupants out, the fall breaking the arm of Mrs. Robison and severely entting her on the face and head. The others escaped injury. Mr. Pierce as quickly as possible brought the party to this city, where Mrs. Robison was placed under the care of Dr. Volmer. As Pierce had pulled his truck to the side of the road and killed his engine as quickly as he could, no blame was placed on him for the unavoidable accident. giving his influence by vote or other­ wise to such a dangerous move. "Ren­ der, therefore, unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things which are God’s.” C has . E. H all . Commercial Club Feed Will Seat Nearly 200 To­ morrow Night An Excellent Program Ha* Been Prepared, Including Tom Richardson . President Atwell, of the Commercial Club, announced this morning that everything will be ready tomorrow evening for the biggest booster feed in the history of the local club. About 160 plates have been spoken for, and an excellent pragram has been arranged by the committee in charge. Old Booster to Talk Tom Richardson, the prince of all boosters, field secretary of the Oregon Development League, will address the banqueters and will stay over in our city for a few days. A fine musical program has been pro­ vided, and with all hunger*pangs satis­ fied, and with spirits elevated, all are looking for the successful launching of the coming year’s activities of the Forest Grove Commercial Club. The Open Bible in the School “In God we trust!” What does this motto upon our gold and silver coins signify? If it signifies anything, it is that America stands out before the world pre-eminently as a Christian nation. It means that she recognizes Christianity as the chief factor in her progress and prosperity. It means that the position she holds as the great­ est nation upon the earth today is due to her Christian civilization. Her Pub­ lic School system, of which she so proudly boasts, is the outgrowth of Christianity. Her government is founded upon the basic principles of Christ anity. t hristianity and the Bible are synonymous terms. One can­ not exist without the other. Last Monday evening the directors of The one great purpose of our Public the Washington County Fair met and School system is to train our children officially declared the 1913 fair a good for Christian citizenship, the only citi­ beginning, and announced that no effort zenship that can be recognized in a would be spared to make the 1914 fair Christian nation. To develop Christian the one event of the year. citisenship the Bible must be recognized By the liberal attendance from all as the chief text-book of the Nation, sectiona of the county it was demon­ and it becomes the duty of the state strated beyond doubt that the people and of the nation to see that every of the county would strongly support a child is given the opportunity to become real county fair. acquainted with the teachings of the Bible. The only way that this can be accomplished is by placing the open Bible in every school. It is not neces­ sary, nor is it advisable, that the Bible be tanght in the schools, or that its teachings be interpreted or its doctrines expounded, but if as a nation we claim to trust in God, we ought to show suffi­ County School Superintendent B. W. cient reverence and respect for His Barnes has apportioned the school woril to give it at least as large a place funds among the 105 school districts of in our tducational system as some of the county. The funds werejas follows: our supplementary reading occupies. [State fund, $14,819.34; county school We hold up before our pupils as fund, $26,195.86; refund from districts examples the world’s greatest men to not spending 85 per cent of the county inspire them with the ambition to emu­ fund for teachers’ wages, $711.90: late their lives and become like them. total, $41,727.10. The great majority of these men, and The annual teachers’ institute will be especially the great American leaders, held in Hillsboro November 10 to 12, have been Christian men, men who closing at noon on Wednesday. There have attributed to the Bible and its will be seventeen hours of institute teachings the secret of their success. work, including the two evening The statement was made during an sessions. Monday evening the Hills­ address here in our city a few days ago boro Commercial Club will give a re­ that of the fifty-eight greatest business ception to the teachers ane instructors. men in the United States, fifty-six of On Tuesday evening there will he a them were Christian men and Sunday lecture at the Crescent Theater. This School workers. Turn to the hiogra meeting, as well as all the day sessions, phies of practically all of our great, will be open to the public. noble characters, and you will find that Following is the amount appor- they were men and women to whom tioned each school district: 53 $ 292 70 the Bible was a daily companion and a 1 $ 377 00 54 585 05 most powerful influence and inspiration 2 1108 35 55 430 60 3 300 35 in their lives. 53 262 0» If we then teach our children to 4 480 40 57 300 M follow in the footsteps of these noble 5 ?31 01 58 300 3'» men and women of the past and pres­ 6 377 03 59 233 10 ent, why should we not also open before 7 3317 7) 60 237 66 them the book that has-, by their own 8 272 40 61 212 25 statements, proven suca an inspiration 9 488 10 62 *248 70* in the development of their characters 10 924 50 63 262 05 *413 95 and so powerful a factor in making 64 212 25 12 430 60 them what they wire of are? 6 i 383 50 P. J. S im pso n . 13 822 55 66 300 3.5 14 419 15 3065 65 61 •203 15 68 181 70 16 412 65 69 170 It 17 407 65 7i 281 20 18 193 15 72 558 70 W. H. Lilly writes as follows from 19 262 05 73 304 20 Gales Creek, Oregon, October 21, 191?, 20 •225 10 74 403 80 in connection with previous writing, to 21 388 10 75 327 22 493 10 his home paper in Missouri: 76 123 05 After greeting the brothers, sisters 23 1052 <0 77 285 06 and friends at this place we went out 2» 204 60 78 236 to and took a look at the country, which 25 185 50 79 269 70 is very picturesque, clothed with beau­ 26 *671 25 80 254 40 27 411 50 tiful fir trees. (Con'inued on las' page) (Continued on last page) 1914 FAIR WILL BE MUCH BETTER SCHOOL FUNDS ARE DIVIDED II PRAISES COIN TRY is a