V- FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY OCTOBER 23, 1913 Forest Grove Steam Laundry > PAGE 7 QQCaDID DQC The Coal, Cold S t o r a g e ar*d Icc. Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., w Forest Grove, Ore. li Qä □a □ a □□ A n d E xam ine O u r By Wm. R. S.ott CHAPTER III. Th* Spanish In Panama. '.’ the fourth attempt Columbus made to tlud u passage to the East Indies be cruised along I the isthmian coadt from Sep­ tember. 1502. to January, 1503. enter­ ing and naming the harbor of* Porto Bello on Nov. 2. 1502. and visiting .sombre de Illos on Nov. 9, In what Is now the republic o f Pauamu. * | Columbus, however, was not the dls- •ovgier of Panama, as a Spunlurd. named Itodrlgo de Bust Ides, hud pre­ ceded h*m to this coast, in 1501. so that the period of the Spanish in Panama ' dates from that year. Bustldes visited Nomine de Dios, where eight years lu- ter tile first Spanish settlement on the isthmus was planted, In 1509, us a base for the search for gold. Vasco Nunez de B h II mhi had been with Bastldes on his trip of exploration, and lie became the head of the new colony at Panama. For a few years the mountains with their dense Jungle growth stood as a barrier to explora­ tions farther Inland, hut the stories of the marvelous wealth of the inhabi­ CULEBRA CUT, THROUGH WHICH THE CANAL RUNS. tants on the other side, told to Balboa U U by the Indians, so excited his cupidity i that, in 1513. he gathered a burnt of 190 an res- nist.5 .•'.;;i;\"ri'om that year. r.\ Morgan, if cenTury niter, was an­ men and started across. With tlie founding of a town on the other. IQ »--■ ¡i QO 3 j]] 131:11 [3 Q Baltiou discovered the Pacific on Pacific side begun the liitcrocennic In KiiiS Henry Morgan collected a Sept. 25. 1513. Calling his men to him, traffic which ever since has empha­ motley crew of sea vagabonds with the they had a religious ceremony, claim­ sized the need of easier and swifter object of capturing Porto Bello. The ing ail they surveyed as the dominions communication between the Atlantic operations of the English bmvaneers and Pacific. At a huge expense of la­ Usually were plain piracy, lint the» of his majesty the king o f Spain. Cold he found in abundance and bor and life a paved road was con­ justified theuv'lves-in their own minds pearls of fabulous size and value. Aft­ structed from Nombre de Dios to Pan­ by tile quarrelsome state of the re­ er five months' absence he returned to ama, portions o f which may tie seen in lations that existed between England Nombre de Dios by a more direct the canal zone today. and Spain. It may he noted that Panama was course and found that he had been suc­ Porto Bello was captured after a ceeded as governor at Nombre de Dios founded a full hundred years before fight not surpassed in history for in by a soldier named Pedrarias. Be­ the landing of the pilgrims at Plym­ humanities. Tlie treasure they found tween them a hatred sprang up which, outh. Nombre de Dios was a town here whetted their lust for gold, with in 1517. resulted in the untimely and ninety-eight years before the first Eng­ the result that three years later a still unjust execution o f Ballioa on trumped lish settlement In North America, at bolder enterprise, that of traversing up charges. Prior to this. Balboa had Jamestown. In 1607. St Augustine. the Isthmus nnd taking Panama, was made other trips to the Pacific, carry­ Fla., tlie oldest town In North America, planned. In 1671 Morgan started up ing across with incredible labor the was not founded until forty-six years the ( hagres river with 1.600 men. and. parts of ships which were rebuilt In after Panama. after abandoning that stream, they After nearly a century at Nombre de struck out overland to Panama. Nine tlie Pacific. In 1911 the Americans found a cannon of immense weight Dios the Spanish In the year 15SJ days were consumed in the Journey, about halfway across, which evidently found Porto Bello a healthier site for with hardship# from hunger and tlie had been abandoned by Balboa, and a settlement and moved bag and bug- j labor of penetrating the Jungle the like of which have not been exceeded an sinchor of great size also has been cage to that Incomparable port. Porto Bello at once became the depot by soldiers anywhere. found. A desperate defense was unavailing. Pedrarias In 1515 had sent exploring of Spanish treasure accumulated from parties to the Pacific side to select a I cru or other South and Central Amer- 1 Tlie city was captured, but found to site for a settlement on that const. lean countries and brought across the ' be barrel! of treasure, as the Spanish The San Francisco exposition there­ isthmus from Panama with Incredible j had loaded a ship with their gold and fore in 1915 will lie exactly 400 years hardship. From this port the Spanish 1 silver before the attack began, and the after tills event. It was uot until 1519 galleons ran the gantlet o f English ship could not he found. It was an that tile settlement was started, ami pirates to Spain. Drake had been one j unwise move, because the Infuriated PHONE 3 0 6 the founding of the city o f Panama of the most intrepid of this crew. Hen- ' n!r.-*^a nroceeded to torture the ueoole Yf 0 RIERTZ & LATTA □□czracs Panama LADIES INVITED to CALL Story of the Panama Canal From Start to Finish W ood, DOm QQ □ □□ GDC Z3 Q D QQ C Americans 4J.,- SUITS □ 0 COATS FURS ANDERSON >*•** ■ |%i. m\' \ ! «twn/jh, / I ill V Jf& f r » » r.iL f t- ^ HOTEL LAUCHLIN FOR Quality and Service Sunday Dinners a Specialty City and Commer­ cial 1 rade Solicited R. D U N C A N LEADING CLOTH IER _ 10 Forest Grove 3□□ ¡ i n Q ' PACI FI F G A R A G E ' Washington County Agency, Overland Cars • • a E xp erl A u to m o b ile , M otorcy cle and B icy cle j Repairing. S u c c e sso r s to H A S K E L L & SON Proprietor uu Oregon ¡¡j 6 ] DBJC EI O H QQ C. G. D A N I E L S O N PACIFIC A V E . i mm s i m g n a wmmtmjr- r~ 3 jy jl!!IIH IIIII !!!l!lllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!lll!!lll!llll!!ll!!!r !IIIiI!!!!H H I!ílllll¡IIIII!ll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIII!!M I!II!IIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllíllllllllllll^ I Two Great Picture-plays Coining to the ¡ © V ::ii9!ii]iiiiHiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiim!:iiiiiii!ii!ii;;iti;:i:i.:iHtc¡r>:3!i::ntiiiiuisiii'iiinu:r.iii:¡ui::inNiiiiiiHUitiiiiiii6iiiiiiiii:mnmin]r REDEMPTIC N ¡A Beginning June 1st give to its TEARS OF B L OODf r . . | His j #in kau his Ioving wife ard , eU his baby daugb_ 5 0 0 People A c t i n g in ter adrift in the big sinful world. 5 0 Big S c e n e s P r o d u c e d in after ten years of debauchery determires to gain fice even unto death and final re­ on all cooking and heating ap­ {Ve tn th of the ¿w«® spark F even in the most degenerate, the final climax are pliances small domestic motors. In Every W om an Should See This Picture. Three Great Reels. Phone Main 922 Hillsboro for particulars and 2 5 T H { W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 9 th . - and | a lesson no one should miss. demption of a girl who started wrong. r~ Electric rate How he finds her. 1 is reception, the lesson of fall, the call to duty, great sacri- | the wa£es of f nrni Dr. Carlton daughter. story, showing the t e m p t a t i o n , the ‘.II iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii— iiiiiiiiwniiiiiii inmiir immimii all country lines a control of his manhood and starts out to find his 3 R e e ls , a T r u ly W o n d e r f u l SATU RD AY, OCTOBER Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilley and Intemperance in nil the plea ure. of li'e carrie. 1 Dr. Carlton to his moral and financial ruin. history of m o t i o n p i c t u r e p l a y s , patrons in Beaverton, Elmonica, Orenco, H illsb o ro , S t o r y W i : h a M o r a l, b e in g o n e f ‘ A T a l e c f tlie W o r l d ’ s M o c k e r y ’ of t h e g r e a t e s t s e n s a t i o n s in t h e J . . will Wedncsc'sy. Oct. 29th Saturday, Oct. 25t5i iiiiT'iimiawwwiiiiiiiiwBiiiH niitiiiiiiiinimimBiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiwiiiadumwnHnniiiinnt H WASHINGTON - OREGON CORPORATION um"*Krcrsrnni! ...nr- n r - T u n r ; t Matnee 2 nd Evening At the GRAND Theatre • •• • 5 mrmrei our representative will call. 15 5c-?ojuhr Prices-10c wanted for general house- Complete your home with one Phone 754. 12x2p o e lic e