* v .v .v .v .w < HILLSBORO. •: : sou th 1 forest g r o v e . •: ? . \ \ \ v .v .v .\ \ w .v .v .v .v .\ v . V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. The High School Glee Club has W. M. Bovd, of California, who been reorganized and actual has been visiting his brothers, work will commence as soon as Lee and Fred, left last week for a competent teacher can be pro­ St. Louis. cured. A. E. Clyde uiid i'amilv, o f In­ Our new school 1 uilding has dependence, were visiting: Mr. made it possible to put in many Clyde’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. new studies. Among these are, A. Clyde, last week. advanced cooking, penmanship, The P. E. & E linemen were mechanical drawing, a teachers’ putting the hangers on the trolley training course and advanced wire on the main line last week. bookkeeping. The sidetracks and main line to The High School football team the sub-station were completed went to Estacada last Saturday, some months ago. where they defeated the High J. D. Rode had a car load of School team of that town. Shropshire sheep in his barn lot Miss Fern Hobbs is now in here that were shipped to Halsey. Washington, D. C., on official Mr. Rode has had the sheep on business for Governor West. She the Bisbee farm, but on account expects to visit New York dunng o f the coyotes he moved them to her absence. his farm at Halsey. »••••• •• • •••••->•••**•• I. D. Organ, formerly of this ■ • • • • • • • « « ) * t ■•• • » « c t . > < « ' city, is seriously ill at Kelso, Washington. The Misses Nell and Jean Link- later, of Australia, are visiting relatives in this city. Hillsboro has 1.222 voters, which means a population within our city limits of over 3000. $ S3 Notice to the Elector* of the City of Forest Grove Chapter 323, o f the General Laws of the State of Oregon for 1913, provide for a system of registration of electors o f the State, and the Act provides for registration in municipalities similar to the City of Forest Grove, as follows: “ In all municipal corporations of this State, whose boundaries are not co­ terminus with an election precinct or group of precincts, electors shall be registered for elections therein in the manner required by this Act for mn- municipal elections, but the duties re­ quired by this Act to be performed by county clerks shall in that case be per­ formed by the clerks or city recorders or other officers performing the duties usually performed by such officers, and all electors within any such municipal corporation shall register for municipal elections before such officer. Registra­ tion of electors in such last mentioned municipalities for municipal elections shall be distinct from registration for other elections and in addition thereto.” It will therefore be necessary for all electors of the City of Forest Grove to register before the Recorder for the coming city elections. Registration books will be open at the office of the City Recorder on Monday, October 27th, and will remain open until Saturday, December 27th, at five o’ clock P. m . of Alean Johnson of Portland for­ said day. merly of the Forest Grove H. S., City M . R. M. ARKHAM , attended the foot ball game ( [ s e a l ] High School Notes Saturday. Everybody is too busy these nice days to sav “ How do you d o?” Those that are not farm­ ing are digging potatoes. W. H. Lilly returned from Til­ lamook last week. He reports a fine country. Sewing machine extras and needles for any machine made, for sale at Staehr’s Bazaar. S. A. W A L K E R w alker r Hazel Hughs will entertain the Howard Reeher attended the Congregational church rally in [ Priscilla Club October 24th. Portland Friday evening. The G. S. R. Club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Suthford on | The lockers are now ready for Friday. Honors went to Mrs. \ use and each student will have a H. M. Saling, first, Mrs. Alva seperate locker. Lamont second, and consolation to Mrs. Hulstead. Card of Thanks Real Security It is an important thing to be able to escape the period of discomfort that accompanies a cold, to say nothing of the danger es­ caped. What is necessary is that you learn the real value of this remedy and then to always have i-t on hand ready for use when any signs of colds appear. Get a package of our Rexall Cold T ablets To-Day, and then have them ready when needed. Price 25c. A party was given by the I wish to thank the people of The Rexall Store T. P. Hines has moved to For­ younger children at the hall last Forest Grove for their kindness est Grove and Matt Hines, his Friday night and all report a and sympathy during the recent brother, has moved to Gales City good time. illness and death of our husband, in the house formerly occupied father and brother. (In co r p o r a te d ) Mrs. A. B Craft was a Port­ by T. P. Hines. D ru g g ists and S ta tion ers land visitor Saturday. M r s . S a d ie A l l e n , T. R. Johnston and William egon U Forest Grove - - Oregon Mrs. George Stewart was a Deitz have taken a wood cutting N orm a H u b ek , Forest Grove visitor Monday. contract near Thatcher. M r s . 0 . W. I s h a m . Messrs. Walter Sargent, Ben Lester Hughes and Carl Peter­ Bateman, Gns Ghene, James son visited David’ s Hill Sunday Churchill and George Fisher re­ bringing back some fine grapes. turned Saturday night from a J. W. Pollock had the misfor­ fishing excursion on Wilson River. tune to lose one of his fine cows They report twenty fine salmon last week. landed safely. Theinfant child of J. J. Adkins j As usual our school is again has been very ill, but is now im- visited by measles and scarla­ W e have for sale some first proving. tina. Mrs. Sipes and daughter Mag­ The school children of Dille.v in class milk cows at reason­ gie attended church at Forest order to show their appreciation Grove Sunday. for what Mrs. Brodersen did at able prices. Prunes will be on the move the fair on Children’ s day pre­ this week, as they will be load­ sented her with a fine umbrella. ing cars at Forest Grove Satur- Mrs. Henry Challacombe from nay. The crop seems light in Cornelius is visiting with her some localities, hut of finequalitv daughter Mrs. J. W. Hughes, Phone 0198. 28 North 5th Street in others, so it is likely there will be a fair amount of prunes shipped F orest Grove - Oregon from Forest Grove this year. A T T Bennie Churchill and George H E £ Fisher, while bird hunting the other day, happened on a fine E L , * buck about twenty feet away. They opened fire on him but failed to kill him. It may be Ihey can kill China pheasants, FOREST GROVE HOTEL but deer is out of their line. Among those registering at i • • • • • 1 the hotels this week are; J. Ben­ ches, of Portland; Lester Moron- HOSPITAL NOTES ey, of Reckawa.v; J. F. Tracy, of A . G. H O F F M A N & C O . are our (lales Creek; F. E. Braga, of Charley Gordon o f Gales Creek Portland; L. D. Sharp of Port­ exclusive selling agents n Forest v ho was accidently shot in the land; A. G. Sewart; H. B. Wat­ son, of Portland; James Gillespy, foot had two toes amputated. of Portland; L. M. Farris, of He went home Tuesday. Grove. W e do not sell or ship our Portland; E. Connen, of Dallas; Mrs. C. E. Jay is recovering 0. J. Olsharg, of Seattle; L. Bott, coffees to any other dealer; conse­ nicely and will soon go home. of Seattle; L. R. McShane. of Dr. Crocket o f Portland /¡sited Portland; F. Judy, of Portland; C. S. Raynold, of Portland; J. F. quently their store is the only one at the hospital Sunday. Scott, of Portland. The Medical Societv of Wash­ ington county met at the hospital which we can guarantee consumers LAUGHLIN HOTEL Tuesday evening last week. Thomas M. Lighter, of Port­ There was a good attendance land; Mrs. D. D. Hubson, of will receive our importations genu- from Hillsboro and other out-of- Portland; Miss C. F. Fianders. • 1 C 1 Chicago, III., October 18, 1 9 1 3 town places. of Portland: Miss L. Flanders, me and rresh. r o 1 Miss Fraley of the local Hos­ of Portland; Mrs. William Warren pital was cailed to Hillsboro to of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. take charge of a case there. Murphev, of Portland; Mrs. E. Van Koughnet & Reder 0TE l id y a r d We are prepared to do the very best o f all kind o f shoe work. UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY Special attention given to crippled feet. VVAV.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.’.V.V. *• B ra d y C h o w n in g ’ s A. A. K I R K W O O D CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Í* Municipal Engineering Surveying and Subdividing Phone 482 BARBER SHOP for Abbot Building FIRST-CLASS SERVICE *. N ix o n B ldg. FOREST GROVE, OREGON * M a in St. jl V .V .V .V .V .V .’ .V .V .V V .V .V .V . W M . W E IT Z E L UNDERTAKING Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal W ork and Re­ pair Shop. Embalming and Funeral Directing FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. J. S. Buxton, Manager Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. North First Avenue, between Main and “ A ” Streets; phone 863. 50C FERN COVE H CONFECTIONERY The Home o f Pure Made Candies You are invited to inspect our M odem and Sanitary Kitchen H A R V E B ALD W IN , Proprietor Agent for Daily and Sunday Oregonian J Hot Lake Springs >O C HOT LAKE, OREGON (Union County, 9 miles east of La Grande) Nature’s Wonderful Cure T h e h o t t e s t and m o s t cu ra t iv e s p r in g in t h e wo rld R EACHED O NLY Coffee Drinkers VIA THE A t t e n t io n Chase cr Sanborn & 1st Ave. N., near Main St. MILCH C O W S e.» O. H. Peterson H. L1D Y AR D SHOEMAKERS Death to headaches. Glasses; The members of the, Rose fitted by Drs. Lowe & Turner, Maiden Chorus, have begun | Ask your neighbors. 14tl practice for the chorus. * * i| The sophomore class sent some flowers to one of their members, Victor Brown, who has been very ¿X sick the past month. The faculty held another meet­ ing Tuesday and the students i . • . • , • . • . • j » > • a • J • A • v . v . v . v . wonder what they will spring on j them next. Mrs. A. B. Todd is spending Carl Peterson went to Portlanu the week with her brother at Thursday to see, “ Julius Caesar.” Vancouver. The upper classes will give a Mrs. H. M. Saling entertained reception for the freshmen Satur­ the “ Ladies Aid” all day Wednes­ day evening, in the new school day with plenty of work. building. The committes are Fall plowing has commenced busy and a good time is expect­ ed. among our farmers. DILLEY PAGE 6 Crevenberg, of Portland; Mr. William Johnson, o f Portland; H. B. Hocker, of Portland; C. E. Rice, of Gresham; P. L. Broin. o f Cherry Grove; L. B. Burr, of Fairdale, Washington; K. D. Baker; Fred Williams and wife; H. W. Lattle; C. H. Baldwin, of Portland; Mrs. Curtis, of Port­ land; P. S. Brown, o f Cherry Grove; T. D. Loop, o f McMinn­ ville; A. M. Gibson; A. Allen; R. A. Gienor, of Portland; Henry B. Drgwn, of Tacoma; James Hat­ cher and wife, of Portland; W. E. Burdett, of Portland; E. A. Hicks, of Portland; 0 . M. Linen- fetter and wifi; George Roorey, o f Portland; J. M. Dunigan, of o f Portland; F. D. Baker, o f San Francisco; W. S. Johns, of Au- burne, Me.; H. Sale, o f San Fran­ cisco. The old powerhouse and water tanks of the Washington-Oregon Corporation will soon be removed, which will improve the appear­ Justice Hay was absent from ance of our city. Mrs. J. W.‘ Pollock was num­ school this week. W .V A V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V /.V . bered among the sick last week, but we are glad to know is much Dorothy Hope of North Dakota visited in High School Friday. ;j GALES CITY. g improved. i v V A V .V A ’A V .V .V .V .V .V .V . * .J FOREST GROVE PRESS THURTDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1913. •••••• • • H i » •« GET M m WELL # UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT E x t e n s iv e i m p r o v e m e n t s have been m a d e in all d e p a r t m e n t s SPECIAL R E D U C ED F A R E S From all O -W R. & N. Stations The Medicated Mud, Vapor and Mineral Baths of Hot Lake have proven a boon to sufferers from Rheumatism, Blood, Kidney and Liver complaints. Accommodations at the san­ atorium delightfully complete and rates within reach of all Apply to any agent for particulars and ask for booklet tell­ ing all about the Springs; or write to G. W. TAPE, the new Manager at Hot Lake, Ore.