"W fß t • b ** FOREST GROVE PRESS i # 1» THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1013. Dorothy Jay was absintthis week oc accoun t o f illness. « 4 , /ti TTER DAY / 7 Did You Know that the Last Saturday in each month is designated as Red Letter Day, which means 10 Free Green Trading Stamps to all those visiting our Premium Parlors? In addition to this we will give, on that day, Double Value, in stamps to all those purchasing Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. This includes all cloth­ ing on sale, as well as the new line of Hart, Schaffner & Marx and the Banner Brand for Children. Special S a l e on Laces W e will also put on sale laces from à to 6 inches wide at from 10 (/c to 2 5 (/c Discount. PI EASE kear *n the big reductions we are making in Underwear, Sweaters, Shoes, M en’s Shirts, Caps, Hats, M en’s and Boys’ Clothing. W e have made the prices on these ridiculously low in order to clean them up before the season ends. FREE COFFEE W e Will Serve Hot Coffee Free All Day Saturday Chase & Sanborn’s, the Best of Coffees A. G. HOFFMAN & CO Mr. and Mrs. Pen Frost and son, of Hillsboro, visited at tl e home of Mrs. Mary Shaw Sunday. H o w About / / / ft Jay and Guy Aydelott attended Endeavor at Sunnyside Sunday. \ I W. J. Good, and son, Carmel Good, made a business trip to Timber Monday. that r N e w House Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear and son, of Hillsboro, visited in Forest Grove Friday. The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., Miss Leita Hendricks, of Beav­ erton, spent the week end with Miss Frances Benjamin in this city. General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing papers. President and Mrs. Bushnell and Profs. Proctor and Bates at- tended the Congregational Church rally at Portland last Friday evening. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Lester Moroney, of Rockaway, formerly of Forest Grove, visited in this city this week. Call and let us figure with you. Mrs. Elmer May and bahy have returned to their home in Palmer, after a visit with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Good. Fercot Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore J. Coplin, of Gaston, was a Forest Grove visitor Tuesday. Mrs. R. H. Richards made a business trip to Portland Monday. Miss Bernice Haynes, who is attending school in Portland, spent the week end with friends, in Forest Grove. Rasmussen’s Feed Store ¿.v-f . - Mrs. A. X. Thomas, o f Wash­ ington. D. C., visited her nephew, B. F. White, in Forest Grove the past week. ' '.-g ■XT-MSUHX ..^ravi Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of Garden Seeds in season............................ Chas. Rice, o* Spokane, Wash., ! is visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. F. White this week. J. RASMUSSEN, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore left the first of the week for the East. Pacific Ave. Proprietor Forest Grove, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bunting, of Woodburn, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. VanKough- net last week. I Miss Beula James is clerking in the Fern Cove Confectionary. , Main Street Garage Mr. and Mrs John Hill, of Slat- j i er, III., are visiting William' Kappel, of Dsvids Hill. Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 6 2 X L. T. Sills left this week for ! Nooksack, Washington, to be; gone for several weeks. Mrs. Sills has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Callum there the past month. W . A . C H A LM ER S, Main Street, Forest Grove. $ P u r c ì v h P erson al ■ Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McNutt, of Cornelius, visited their son, ('. McNutt, and family, in Forest Grove Sunday. Geo. Wise, of Scoggins Valley, w .s a Forest Grove visitor Tues­ day. Earl Hall, of Scoggins Valley, m ide a business trip to this city Tuesday. Walter Sargent and wife, of Gales Greek, were shopping in Forest Grove Tuesday. Roy Fogel and Dick Abraham visited at O.ston Tuesday. E. L. Billings, of Seattle, is Mrs. Eunice Horton, of Ben­ F AI R PAY S GOOD P R O F IT nett, Nebraska, is coming to visiting at the home of Mr. and Oregon’s Best Agricultural Exhibit Mrs. Pratte, in South Park. Mr. Forest Grove Friday to make her Ends After Breaking All Records. home with her brother, Clarence Billings is looking for a locatit n and says, he is very favo ably | Salem.—Oregon’s greatest state fair Kelsey. came to a close Saturday night. Per­ Oliver Curtis, of Eugene, was impressed witli Forest Grove and fect weather, excellent exhibits and the surrounding country. visiting last week, with Frank i state pride have filled the coffers of Flech and family. Mr. Curtis I Mr. C. Diai^nt, of Eugene, the association, and for the first time formerly lived in Forest Grove. visited with his family in Forest in its history it is out of debt. There will be a greater exhibition next year, Mrs. W. N. Ferrin and William Gtove over Sunday. for the management already has made were Portland passitigers Satur­ Mr. Haskell last Saturday took arrangements to enlarge its scope. day. a party over to Banks, to the Secretary Meredith says this is the Victor Limber, of Vancouver scene o f th * fire. first time the fair has paid expenses. Wash., was greeting friends The total attendance this year was Mrs. Ora Hoskins, of Scoggii si between 80,000 and 90,00. The largest here Friady. Mr. Limlier lived in Forest Grove several years, j Valley, is v isitin g her sister, Mrs. daily crowd was Wednesday, Salem having charge of the, Forest j Parker o f Forest Grove day, when 25,000 were present. Grove Undertaking Parlors. Awards in the children’s industrial Mrs. W. Priekett, of Beverton, department at the state fair show a Mr. and Mrs. Grady have sold a former resident of F'orest Grove large preponderance of girls among their home and are looking for visited with lelatives here, th e } the list of prize winners. This com­ a location in town. Mrs. Grady j latter part of the week. petition, including products of the is much better. L. L. Hollinger, of Portland, garden, needle and poultry house, Mr. Dancer and wife were visited at the homes of William brought out pupils in the state public visitors to the, Rose City Satur­ Weitzel and Thompson, over Sun schools from almost every section to compete. day. day. Mrs. I J. Bennett, o f Gaston, F. Ruff im and son made a Earle Marcle left Tuesday win trading in Forest Grove the business trp to Portlond Satur evening, for St. Louis, to attend tir s i o f th e w e e k . day. school* o . v< 'g e t . o f H u b lm r d, v is i t e d Miss Farnham made a busi­ Mr. Calpit has returned from h i : W ■¡ft * a m 1 m o t h e r - i n - la w . Mrs. ness trip to Portland Saturday. a short business trip, to Eastern L. S. p hilli]|)s, in F o r e st G r e v e Opegon. where he will soon make Mrs. J. N. Hoffman was a his home. S u n d ay, Portland passenger Saturday. A h n a Mui r - 1; w e n t to W h i t e John Demos, of Gales Creek, Miss J en n ie Rnssmnssen was S a in to n Sati .r d a y , a f t e r s p e n d i n g was a Grove visitor, Monday. shopping in Portland Saturday. 'V a le d a y s w i t h ie la l i v e s a n d Mr. Wright who has been f . h ils in 1’'o r e s t G r o v e Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNeill working on the old tower, will Mrs. Einmerson made a trip to who have been visiting with leave for Hood River, in a few their son, G. L. McNeill, the past days. Portland Tuesday. six months, left last week for Mr. and Mrs. L. Coburg left E . J. W. Price was visiting a vi it with relatives in Wood at the home of his daughter, land Wash. From there they for Washington, this week where they will spend the winter, re­ Mrs. L. L. Dennis last week. will go to their home in Neb. turning in the spring. They will Mr. C. II. Pratt has returned Miss Emma Pitman, was in visit Mrs. Coburg’s sister. from the c vist where he had the, R se City Saturday. Rev. D. T. Thomas of the b » n recuperating for the past ProfessoJ Bean and wife were Congregational church was in two weeks. in Portland Sat unlay. Vancouver B. C. last week, to Miss Mildred McConnahy who officiate at the man iage of Mr. Mrs. Bower and son. Philip, Ray Florance of Vancouver B. C. has been clerking in Bailey’ s store is now in R. F. Enimerson’ s were in Portland on business and Mis» Elsie Barr o f Portland. Saturday. store. The young couple were old Mrs. E. A. McDonald, of Port-1 friends of Rev. Thomas. Rev. The Misses Hazel and Ely da Loyues, were in the, Rose City, land visited Sunday with. Mrs. Thomas spent a few hours in Seattle visiting friends. M. I. Mallory, of this city. Sa’.’fdny. L , IKE FIRST NATIONAL FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capita! and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s : Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain W, K. Newell L. J. Coi l John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. G. Goff H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis E. W. Haines W. F. HARTRAMPF Feed Mill will run every day in the week. Wholesale and Retail Bran,Shorts. Rolled Oats. Ground Oats. Ground Wheat, [Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Wheat and Corn. Middlings and several kinds o f Hard Wheat Haur, Saek Twine ¡and Sacks, Hay and Vetch.Seed. 0 ¿z ! ten 51 ç « s a r ja r * y- zzzízz . 0 ^ irva Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and Delivered to All Parts-— Open Day and Night Handy, Clean and Comfortable • Give us a call when in need. Under the New Management W 1R A K & B R O W N li;] ri one 50x Fi rest Grove, Ore L EMMET Q U ICK , Mgr. Phone 412 Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Oregon 1