FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1913 .v.v I LEGAL NOTICES =: 9 • * * * • • • • • • In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Washington County. Giving Correct Time of the Arrival and Departure of All Forert Grove Train* Sadie M. Morris, Plaintiff O R EG O N ELECTRIC vs J. G. Morris, Defendant. To J. G. Morris defendant: *Lv P ortlan d A r F orest G rove In the name o f the state of Oregon: 8:05 a. m. 6:45 a. m. You are hereby required to appear and 9:25 a. m. 8-05 a. m. answer the complaint filed against you 11:45 a. m. 10.25 a. m. in the above entitled suit, on or befort the expiration of six weeks from and 2:45 p. m. 1:25 p. m. after the date o f flirst publication of 5:05 p. m. 3:45 p. m. this summons, tow t: the '¿3rd day ol 6:40 p. m. 5:15 p. m. October, 1913, and if you fail to an­ 7:55 p. m. 6:35 p. m. swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed 9:35 p. m. 8:30 p. m. for in the complaint towit: for the dis­ 12:45 p. m. 11:40 p. m. solution of the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defend­ Lv F orest G r o v e *A r P ortland ant; and that she be decreed to be tht 7:30 a. m. 6:10 a. m. owner o f the home in Forest Grove, 8:05 a. m. 6:45 a. m. and that she be decreed and have judg­ 9:50 a. m. 8:30 a. m. ment covering the equity in the rea! estate in the city of Portland, Oregon. 11:57 a. m. 10:35 a. m. That she be awarded such other anc 2:25 p. m. 1:05 p. m. further relief as may seem equity ir, 5:00 p. m. 3:40 p. m. the premises. 7:20 p. m. 6:00 D . m. This summons is published by ordei o f the Hon.D.B. Reasoner Judge of the 9:25 p. m. 8:05 p. m. county court for Washington county, 10:50 p. m. 9:45 p. m. Oregon, said order being made on the •Jefferson Street Station. 8th day of September, 1913. The date o f the first publication o f this summons is September 11th, 1913, am SO U TH E R N PACIFIC the last date of publication o f this summons the 23rd day o f October, 1913, Lv P o r tla n d A r F orest G rov J. N. Hoffmai Attorney for Plaintiff. 8:40 a. m. 7:15 a. m. 5:32 p. m. 3:30 p. m. Notice of Final Settlement 6:58 p. m. 5:40 p . m. In the County Court o f the State of Oregon, for Washington County. In the matter of the estate o f Thomas P. Baldwin, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the ad­ ministrator of the above-entitled estate has filed his final account as mch ad­ ministrator in the above-entitled County Court. The Hon. D. .B. Reasoner, County Judge, has set Monday, the 10th day of November, 1913, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon o f said day as the time, and at the County Court room in the Court House in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of objections, if any, to said final account and settlement and distribution of the residue o f said estate. This order of publication being dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, the 14th day of October, 1913. The first publication o f this notice is made on this 16th day of October, 1913. R ay D. B a ld w in , Administrator of the Estate o f Thos. P. Baldwin, deceased. J. N. H offm an , Attorney. 13t5 Lv F orest G rove A r P ortlan 8:00 a. m. 10:20 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 6:20 p. m. tDaily except Sunday t6:40 a. m. 8:24 a. m. *8:40 a. m. 4:38 p. m. •Sunday only You cannot afford to neglect your chil- dren’ s visual sense. Cross eyes in children are fre­ quently the result of muscular weakness, which may be over­ come with proper glasses cor­ rectly adjusted. If you have a child thus afflicted, consult Drs. Lowe & Turner when they are in Forest Grove Thursday, October 30. Remember the day and date. Scores of references. Office in parlor of the Laughlin Hotel. 14tl When in need of some more W a n t e d — The P r e s s desire >ffice stationary call on the PRESS job department. Envel­ to secure a live correspondent in opes, cards, letterheads, circular every community in Washington letters, bill heads etc. county. Send in your application at once. T H E B O O K STORE is receiving new goods every day Constipation, indigestion, drive for the fall trade. Have already iway appetite and make you and sick. Hollisters’ s in a large display of new books weak Rocky Mountain Tea restores the by the most popular authors. appetite, drives away disease, Also a fine line of box stationary builds up the system. 35 cents, and pound paper. Call and set Tea or tablets. Vankoughnet & Reder. us. H. R. Bernard Proprietor THIS (^REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE PAPE Before removing to our n e " quarters we wish to reduce stock as much as possible. We havt on hand some Seneca Stock Pow G E N E R A L O F F IC E S der, one of the best made, which N E W YO RK A N D C H IC A G O we offes at half price while they BRAN CH ES IN A L L THE PR1NÇIPAL CITIES last at Littler’s Pharmacy. If» H. B. G L A I S Y E R , C. E. Deputy County Surveyor All Kinds of Surveying and Mapping, Subdivisions a Specialty Office over A. G. HofTman & Co. I OREST GROVE Phone 806. Res. Phone 46X. OREGON UT i 1 GREATLY APPRECIATE The patronage of my many friends since I have begun bus- ness in my new location in the Peterson Building south of San­ ford’s Second Hand Store I am offering a General Reduction of l 10 PER CENT IN SHOES BE - SIDES M AN Y SPECIAL BARGAINS I am carrying my former complete line of Gro­ ceries and Dishes and invite all to pay me a visit N. B. LaCOURSE C O U N T Y CO U R T CIRCUIT C O U R T TR AIN SCHEDULE f PAGE 3 French vs. French, set for trial \ In the matter and estate of Daniel J. Tuesday, October 2, 1913. Witnesses Womer, deceased, Maggie Womer, ex- j ordered to attend on satne subpoena. ecutrix, it was ordered that November Rutherford vs. McCann, demurrer 17, 1913, be fixed as the date for hear­ overruled. November 1, 1913, to ing objections. In the estate of John R. Hall, de­ answer. Anderson et ux vs. W. G. Carlson, ceased, G. W. Hall, executor, the re­ W. G. Hare, attorney for plaintiff, port being regular, etc., the same is findings and decree; testimony heard. approved. In the estate of Thomas P. Baldwin, Potts vs. Pioneer Educational Soci­ Ray D. Baldwin, administrator, an ety, set for trial October 27. Mary E. Borstel vs. Wm. Borstel, order o f publication was made and witness for plaintiff being Mary E. hearing was set for Novembar term of court. Borstell, findings and decree. In the estate of Mary T. Woodford, Sampson vs. Sampson, went by de­ deceased, claims amounting to $1,210 fault. Schmidt vs. Mickle, judgment and having been filed, in addition to the attorney’s fee amounting to $75, viz., default. Truman Delano, matter o f title regis- R. N. Stephenson, claim of $1,200, printing bill of $10 and the above- tion. W. N. Barrett vs. Rhoades, demurrer mentioned attorney fee of $75, total withdrawn and given ten days to $1,285, was allowed and so ordered by Judge Reasoner. answer. In the estate o f Ira D. Smith, de­ Schneider vs. McLaren, decree. ceased, Mary E. Smith, administratrix, Luscher vs. Leiter, dismiss-id. Smith vs. Phelps, set for Wednesday, semi-annual report was made and regu­ lar account was approved. October 29. Doughty vs. Sampson, decree. The following marriage licenses were Shute Saving Bank, a corporation, vs. issued during the past seven days: Katherine Miller, 29; James R. Hart, J. H. Shields, dismissed. Shrier vs. Kuehne, dismissed. 32. Miss Miller is a Washington County girl and Mr. Hart is from Douglas Vanderwal vs. Masters, confirmed. Monson vs. Monson. default and ref­ County. Frank Schulmerich, 23; Lena Kamna, erence. Walker vs. Walker, default and 20, both o f Washington County. Oscar Love, 27; Mabel A. Dreezen, reference. Ulm vs. Ulm, defau't and reference. 17, both o f Washington County; consent Segnin vs. Segnin, default and ref­ of parents attached to affidavit. erence. In the matter and estate of Snyder vs. Snyder, default and ref­ James Wilson Warren, deceased, erence. ordered to sell without apprais- Sampson vs. Sampson, default and ment, October 7th, 1913. reference. In the matter and estate of Cummings vs. Cummings, default Philip Beal is ordered adjudged and reference. (being a minor) same was con­ Mabel James vs. H. E. James, suit firmed and directed to issue prop­ money; allowed $125 attorney fees and er conveyance for certain prop­ $7 per week alimony; defendant al­ erty toJ. Buchanan. lowed ten days to answer. In the matter of estate of Vanderwal & Stoy vs. Froley, con­ Alenson Hinman, deceased, W. firmed. Borwick vs. Greer, set for Novem­ N. Barrett, administrator, debits and credits approved dated Oct. ber 24. 9th. Ford vs. Kennedy, trial set for No­ The estate of Rawlinson F. vember 17. Dolan vs. Phelan, set for Tuesday, Potts, deceased L. D. Westfall, administrator. November 25. Bowman vs. Bowman, went by de­ The last will and testament of Nathaniel T. Burnett, complaint fault. 14th., attorney Saffron vs. Nyberg, demurrer set for filed October Wm. Barrett. hearing Monday, October 27. Weinert Olsen vs. Anna Olsen, de­ JUSTICE C O U R T fault and reference. Mary E. Taylor seeks freedom from Vernon Wells Taylor. Complaint filed State vs. Henry W. Lyon, charged October 16. Plaintiff is represented by by C A. Russell with hunting female a Portland attorney. The parties men­ pheasants; fined $25 and costs. tioned were married at Vancouver, State vs. Nels Johnson, hunting on Washington, November 26, 1887. The occupied and unenclosed land on Octo­ plaintiff is, however, a resident o f Cor­ ber 2. Defendant fined $50, C. N. vallis at present and has been for some Johnson coming forward and making time past. The charges are cruel and good for the man. He was thereupon inhuman treatment. The plaintiff al­ released and asked to appear at any leges that on June 3, 1913, defendant other time wanted. 1-ft her and two children, aged 9 and 11 American Credit Assoc'ation vs. years, respectively, leaving with Harry McLaughlin et ux, action for a mother woman. She rec;tes that at money, amounting to $225, end interest o ie time she traveled fifteen or more and attorney fees of $50. m les before the could locate her hus- state vs. Robert Jensen, charged by band, and when She did find him he ch ief Blaser of the crime o f larceny of was living in furnished rooms with the i two comforts. woman in question. And at another American Credit Association vs. W. t me he became infatuated with a r - 1 c . Moore, action for money, other woman, and that since then he state vs. Oliver Northrup, hunting h is arranged his affairs and business so j during closed season, he can be away from their own fire- j State vs. Arthur Provost, charged side, and away from said plaintiff, and wjth cruelty to animals. Placed under further, he insists on being in company jjoo bonds, with this other woman and having her with him most o f the time, and is still S ociety stationary of correct with her in parts unknown, therefore style and neat appearence may­ plaintiff asks for a decree o f divorce. In an action for money Laurel M. be obtained from the P ress job ! Hoyt sues for the sum of $98.25, and department. $'>0 attorney fees. The defendants are Anything in the line of paper W. E. Babb and wife and A. E. Me- Cumsey and wife. The mortgaged at Staehr’ s Bazaar. property is lot 10, block 41, North Plains. Geo. F. Law vs. A. M. Brown, action for money for a certain number of weeks at $10.50 per week. He alleges j that only part has been paid, the balance in the suit being $267.55. State vs. J< hn Doe, forging a check. Trial set for later date. j A Fresh Stock O f Sweets and JO H N DODGE, S U N R IS E PROP. OF Candies GROCERY Dealer In I Grocerie*, Dry Goods, Fruit* and Nut* W e have our own delivery and will deliver outside city limits where amount of purchase justi­ fies.— Ind. Phone 871. Sickening headackes, t indiges­ tion, constipation, indicate un­ healthy condition o f the bowels. Hollister’ s Rocky Mountain Tea makes the bowels work naturally and restores your system to per­ fect health and strength. Be- ein tonight.— Vankoughnet à Reder.