FOREST THURSADY, OCTOBER 23, 9131, FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 GROVE that we receive the proper class. P R E S S lut t he country tributary to Forest Grove is capa­ ble of supporting ten times as many families as Beaverton, one o f the most thriv- it now does. Many ot our best prospective i ing towns in Washington County, EDITOR AND O W N E R settlers will be men of small means, men of is now preparing to bring water great activity and virtue, but who will need the to its citizens. The work of Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon. advice and assistance of.som e reliable and capa­ digging the ditch in the town will Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. ble information bureau. We want to see the newly organized commercial Club take up this be completed this wee'-, ready to work of guaranteeing to the prospective settler connect with the main ditch S ubscription R ates in A dvance . in this county a not excessive purchase price in from Hillsboro as soon as it is One Year. .................. $1.50 Six Months...........75 Cents the beginning, a cordial welcome in the start, finished. About eighteen months encouragement, and financial help if need be, ago the town installed electric- P hone M ain 502. to stock and equip his forty or twenty acres O ffice on M ain S treet . with the necessary animals and implements to lights, and now with the addi- produce a living. No greater work for the | tion of the water it shows that For goodness sake, dear friends, awake future benefit of this community can be accom­ Beaverton is progressing as all From dreams and feeble wishes;— plished than the proper care of the newcomer. Willamette Valley towns are E’en now, Miss Opportunity Awaits with blessing kisses. Forest Grove is in dire need o f a good lumber doing. It s now the time to lead the line, mill, and the millions of feet of first-class timber And plow the wake o f progress. Carefully Drawn Law What shall it be for you and me? standing on the nearby hills is ample guarantee W e’ ll surely not choose iegress! o f the feasibility o f such an industry. Forest The Workmen’s Compensation But rise in might, and strike out right Grove and its great surrounding territory could Act, which the voters will have By helping one another. well support a creamery, a great grape juice an opportunity to pas- on at the The world will hear, if we but cheer The deeds of each good brother. factory, a suburban railway up Gales Creek, special referendum election No­ Then waste no time, not yours nor mine. over to Banks and down the Tualatin River to vember 4 was framed by a com­ In knocking or in crowing; the city o f that name. Forest Grove needs mission representing the Grange, But with a vim go out to win some things along civic improvements. It needs the employers and workers. The The profit of good sowing. And sow by thots and deeds of all a more united endeavor among its citizens for law provides automatic conpen The seeds of lasting blessing-- these things, and that is what the meeting on sation for injured workmen and And THEN t h e world will gladly help Friday, October 31, is to bring about. their widows and children in case To foster our progressing. —J ist H unt . of dea h, and is designed to do The chief value of a good wide awake com ­ away with actions at law against mercial club is to generate vitality within the employers for damages in cases There are times when a community. To do that successfully a perma­ where workman a-e injured or community must take the nent headquarters should be established and so killed. It is claimed by friends A N EARNEST ARRE AL TO ALL lead and make rapid and fitted up as to be a brooding place o f ideas for of the new system that it will substantial progress or a greater Forest Grove and Washington County. have a tendency to reduce the recede as rapidly; when it is not a question of All work must begin at home, and the first number o f accidents. Unques­ merely leading or following, but an actual ques­ task is to bring ourselves to the realization of tionably it will greatly reduce the tion of retrogression or progression, a question of our many advantages. The second is to gener­ number of paupers and public leadership or death, the demand for a sacrificing ate within ourselves a ceaseless energy and en­ charges resulting from fatal ac­ and sincere co-operation of all its citizens for thusiasm for development and progress, and the cidents, as statistics show that development, for advancement, for leadership, unity of action necessary to accomplish definite only about 12 per cent of those a maranthon race in which the contestant must results. The next great accomplishment is to injured have actionable claims win or die. Forest Grove is now facing such a gain the respect and co-operation o f our nearby for damages under piesent laws. critical situation, and as a test of her ability to friends and neighbors and to prove our worthi­ It is claimed that the referendum meet it with success the call has been issued for ness of their support and assistance in working on this bill was invoked by the all to attend a meeting on the last day of this for greater things. Th n it is time to begin agents of employers’ liability in­ month to discuss and formulate plans for a great shouting to the world that the Garden o f Eden surance companies, and by per­ future campaign of progress and industry. sonal injury lawyers, of which is waiting for all to walk in. Not only is this a critical time in the making both glasses will lose heavily if of local history, but it is a most opportune time And in the meantime positively the best work the bill becomes a law. for the success of an extensive publicity pro­ that can be done is by personal letters to your gram. During the next six or seven years great friends and others in less favored localities, ac­ ' Has no Criticism changes will take place on the Pacific Coast. companied by a subscription to a local paper. C orvallis . Oregon, Immigration and emigration will greatly add to The local paper tells of the life, and is a true the population of Oregon. The tourist travel index of the activity of a community. If your October 13, 1913. thru this state will undoubtedly be increased local paper is a faithful representative of its many fold. Thru the Panama Canal, from the community there cannot be a more effective My Dear Editor;—Enclosed you Far East, and from our own East, will come piece of boosting literature produced; for it tells are remitted $1 50 in money order many nationalities, many classes and many kinds of the actual conditions, and when the truth is to renew my subscription to the of citizens. Nor will the.-e classes possess the as favorable to a community as it is to Forest F orest G rove P ress for an­ same degree o f desirability, nor will they be rove and Washington County, no colored ink is other year. I have no criticisms, scientifically diffused with each other. Rather necessary. l'he paper has improved in char­ they will settle in colonies, or naturally will May all attend the coming meeting and help acter since you took it. drift into communities of largely their same formulate the best plan o f future action possible. Yours truly, class. Washington County will undoubtedly re­ ceive her share in numbers, but to secure the G eo . R. S choch . right kind o f thrifty, intelligent newcomers, it will be necessary for us to do our part and to Dr. Lowe, the well-known op­ see that we not only get our share in numbers tician. has now associated with 1 him in his practice one of the most efficient eye specialists in the Northwest, and is r.o v able to give his patrons more prompt, accurate and economical service than before. When you | a rc n ize them you receive the com- K H E JB B 3 biiied service of the optician and I traine 1 eye spe ialist. They | guarantee all their glasses to J'give entire sa isfaction, whether I Í they cost $2 or more. One charge covers the entire cost of examin­ ation, frames and lenses. They do m>„ go from house to house. Consult them in the Loughlin Hotel for one day only, Thurs­ day, October 30. Scores of For­ est Grove references. Remem­ ber the day and date. 14tl GEORGE H U N TIN G TO N CURREY B A I L E Y ’S BIG S T O R E SUITS, all wool Oregon cassimere, $ 1 2 . 5 0 IT S AN Iron Clad Elastic-Strong! Y o u need not sacrifice comfort and appearance in y o u r boys nose to get that s t r e n g t h so necessary to resist the hard wear he gives them. IRON C L A D Large Assortment All Sizes All Colors Stockings A re made in Ore­ com bine elasticity with tre­ mendous durability. It’s the “ s p e c i a l t w i s t ” in the special y a r n and thirty years’ experience in knitting that does it. gon and gv aran- TRY THEM T hey are guaranteed to give satisfaction. The up-state newspaper men have been in session in Portland. Much is asked of them, am little bestoweu. The man wh> wants free publicity, and giver nothing back in advertising, be sieges all newspapers, but non more than the up-state publica - tions. The mail overwhelms them with til kinds o f copy with a reque;, that it be inserted free am marked copies o f the paper b ■tent. Stock shows, horse shows county fairs, church fairs, stai fairs, world’ s fairs, charit> balls, June festivals, health com mittees. charity committees, de velopment commi'tees, promotio committees, publicity commi' tees, general welfare committee and every other kind of fail show, exposition and committe showers the publication offic with requests for free spac*, always holding out as remuner - tion the assurance that it is f r the good o f the communil , never realizing that white papi i must be paid for in dollars, tha printers must have money foi food, clothing and shelter, am that publication offices cannoi subsist on warm wind. Along with the fairs and othe free publicity folk, is the rea estate agent who doesn’ t adver tise but wants his name men­ tioned in every sale, the doctoi who doesn’ t advertise, because he says it isn’ t professional, but wa its his name as the surgeon ii a case of accident, and the mer­ chant who doesn’ t advertise be­ cause he says it doesn’ t pay, hut wants the rei*>rter to drop around and write up for the paper a de­ scription of a newly arranged show window. In addition there is the profes­ sional press agent who is paid i big salary because o f his versa h'lit.v in working the newspapers for free publicity. In no activity in the world is there so much endeavor to get something for nothing as is at­ tempted in the newspaper busi ness. No activity in the wo: Id gives as much to the public gratis and gets as few thanks back. For all the boosting of the community, for all the construct ive agitation, for all the struggle at reform, for all the appeals in behalf of public movements, for all the cheery puffs o f the prom­ inent citizens, for all the free notices, free insertions, free pub licity, free exploitation, free ad vertising and free giPs o f space and influence of every kind, the om m unity expects in return to lay a few flowers on the grave of the defunct newspaper man when he is dead, and let it go at that. No public servitor is more faithful and devoted, no citizen more sincere and but few figures in the community so generous or abb as is the average up-state editor.— Oregon Journal. S ale Barnyard fe tilizer. For particulars apply to S mth Park Dairy. Phone 834. Ciias. D. Staley, Prop. 13tf Music Machine The wonderful COLUMBIA now takes the place of all other musical insuruments. With all the improvement^, and the highest of perf> ctio i to which they have attained, yet the prices have ste. dily been lowered until now it is within reach of every family to have a first class COLUM­ BIA GRAPHOPHONE and a fine selection of Double Disc Records. Only a $5 hill down! You have the use of the machine while you are paving the rest at $1.00 per week. We are exclusive agents for the COLUMBIA. Liltler’s Pharmacy T H E P R E S C R IP T IO N S P E C IA L 1 ST yi F hone 901 ¡fl DON’T Have Your Pbotcs Made Be :rore BRYANT THE O p ens His Studio Over the Book store F or H i t C O M FO R T H EA TER P ress Job Printing Satisfies A Rightly Euilt Stove W ill Save Its Price in Heat Efficiency y This is the season to buy your new heater. You will find the desired requirements of good looks, efficiency anJ long life in any of our standard lines of heaters. W e carry a complete line of teed all wool The Comfort Heaters The Mission Heaters Special Price The Beaver Heaters Ccme in while you can make your selection fro;u our complete stock only $ 1 2 . 5 0 Don’t Miss This Chance for Such a Bargain The Present Day Y O U Need a New Healer for the Winter CASSIMERE SUITS TOR MEN AND BOYS Knowing Sympathy Beaverton W ill Have W ater Hardware Cast T o p . Cas’ Bo om and Cast Lined, using less w ood. ffiTing m ore heat: of better quality and neater apperance thanother heaters. Implements Pairts ------ - lohn E. Bailey To-cst Creva Oregon GORDON & GORDON HAi lDW ’RE CO. I