Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 23, 1913, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
The best developer o f a
community is a progressive
and representative new.-
paper. Send the “ Press”
to friends whom you wish
to welcome to this country.
Your suggestion, criticism
ami cooperation is solicited
to help make the “ Press”
a true representative o f all
the people o f Korest Grove
and o f Washington County.
Voi. 5
Property Owners Given Until
Tuesday to Pay or Si^n
Contra t
Ho.'eéfter Cement Walks V« i I ’ 17, received the large. tv<*e,
winning easily over Miss Rufh Harbi-
s . . u , s S i, is treasurer o f th
Y. W. C. A.
Jay Austin, ’ 16, was elect 'd treasurer
over E. O Dibble. Mr. Austin is pres­
ident o f the sophomore class.
Mr. O.-trander was the only man ele:-
t d o n the “ ¡'regressive” ticket, the
other i fficers being o f the “ Conserve-
ti c ” party.
The policy o f the new’ president is for
t e discontinuance o f the partisan idea
i student body affai s, and for the
a ointment o f officers on merit. He
s'-inds for the upbuilding of Pacific
University and for plans to secure r
1 rger enrol>**»«•• t f r next year.
Found i^ead Man on Road
Last Tue. day while autoing to Por‘ -
lai d Mr. ar.d Mrs. John ThornLnrg and
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Harve Baldwin having
Paved Streets
their attention called to a man lying or
he roachide, stepped ard found th
I.ast Tuerday the City Council met dead body o f J. S. Dell. The Tele: ram
for a special meet» g to piss the bi.nd- says: Dell has been a sort c f hermit,
ii g ordinance for this year’s pavement iving on the farm of a Mrs. Grant, on
asiesiments, but in older to protect the Cornell road. Recently he has been
property holders who have neither paid drinking, and his actions have been
tl.oir assessments ntr signed for the peculiar. Yesterday O tctr Johnsin
ten-yebr payment plan, and who would and T. M. Be Fretas. who conduct a
be forcid to face condemnation pro­ dairy on the Cornell read, saw Dell
ceedings if the ordinance had been Icing in the road and eating the thick,
passtd, the time was extended one heavy dust. Tl.inking that he was de­
Carl Kuirpe, o f the Linden- j mented, the dairymen notified the
Kibhe Company, expressed his approval ] police, and this morning Patrolman
o f such action, altho his company was West was sent to investigate the strange
desirous o f securing the bond issue as actions of the hermit.
The officer found Dell where the
early as possible.
Prof. Bates addressed the Council for dairymen saw him yesterday. He was
the Congregational Church, requesting dead. He had carefully crammed hi.
that the hitching posts be removed from mouth with dust, after swallowing
the parking on the east side o f the quantities o f ft. The hermit had also
Church l lock.
Some discussion was filled his nose and ears, the fine parti­
created, as the Council wished to ac­ cles o f dirt completely shutting off his
commodate the farmers as much as breath, and 1 e died from suffocation.
possible, but also considered the rights Nothing is known o f his history. The
o f the Church. The matter was re­ remains are at the morgue, where an
ferred to the Street Committee for inquest will be held tomorrow.
Be Required on Ail
The City Attorneys, F ollis & Graham,
presented to the Council their written
opinion in regard to the proper action
to pursue in the claim against the city
by Capt. Pe'.ers for injuries claimed to
have been received fio n a fall due to a Property Is Complete Loss, but Is
faulty sidewalk.
The opinion stated
‘Partly Covered by Insurance
that it was 1 ot in the opinion o f the
attorneys the function o f tne City
B ank s , O re . (Special to the press .)
Council to pass upon such questions,
which naturally should come before a Last Friday night the Banks hotel, sa­
eourt with powers to pass upon the loon and restaurant, owntd by J. M.
facts and law o f such cases.
The Miller, burned to the ground, the loss
amounting to between $7000 and $8000
opinion was ratified by the Council.
An ordinance was passed requiring There was about $2,500 insurance on
cement walks to be constructed when­ the entire prof erty.
It is thought the fire started from a
ever and wherever the streets should
be improved with hard surface pave­ little heating stove which was in an old
ment, to which was added an emergency 1 house standing just back of the hotel.
clause making it immediately effective, j Between nine and ten o ’clock Mr.
A warrant was ordered issued to the Miller went from the hotel into the
Linden-Kibhe Company for the amount back room to put the dog out, and saw
o f cash paid on the paving assessments j the reflection o f light on the window
for work done by that company this as he opened the door to go into
old house the flames hurst forth upon
A request for a franchise to the him. He attempted to put out the fire
Oregon Electric Railway Company to hut was unsuccessful and narrowly e .-
construct and use a sidetrack on the c iped being burned by the paper
south side o f hirst Avenue from A from the ceiling on him.
S.reet to B Street, signed by the prop- : The hotel was well equipped with
erty owners thereon, was tabled. The a good water plant, and 21 rooms well
request was to lor ate the track on the furnished An addition to the building
sidewalk line, and met with the general was finished last June. The only arti­
cles saved from the fire was two or
disapproval o f the Council.
An ordinance providing for a primary th ee chairs, the cash register and the
and general city election was discussed clothes whi. h the parties wore.
The local fire department are not
and the attorneys were instructed to
complete the san.e for the next meet­ fully organized and ready for acti< n
ing, ard the Recorder was ordered to but are to be praised for the efforts
immediately begin registration and to and good work they did in attempting
publish notice of same. It is planned to ex inguish the flames.
Mr. Paul, an employee o f Mr. Miller
to hold the primary convent’on on De­
cember 8, and the general city election was sleeping on the third floor and it
was with difficulty he was aroused te
on January 12, 1914.
The usual diet o f peanuts was changed escape by way o f a la der over the
to almonds 1 y Councilman Todd, to the front porch. He threw his clothes out
approval and satisfaction o f all present. the window and dreised after he g "t
The meeting was adjourned to next d wn. One boarder also escaped with
o !y the clothes he wore. Mr. ard
M:s. Miller came to Eanks alout six
Ostrander Heeds P. U. Students y a s ago and engaged in the hotel busi­
ness at that place. Mr. Miller had
Oct. 21.—The annual student body
been a railroad man but Lecause of
election for Pacific Univsrsity was held
poor health he w as forced to give it up
Monday. Every office was hotly con­
and engage in another line of business,
tested, and the result was in doubt un­
and the loss o f this property means
til the last ballot was counted. Clinton
much to him and his family.
Ostrander, ’ 15, was elected president
Mrs. Miller said, “ Be sure and tell
hy one vote over Miss Ruth Thomas.
the people how thankful we are for
Mr. Ostrander has always been a lead­
their friendship and sympathy and fur
er in student affairs. He is playing
what they have done.
fullback on the varsity this year He
Swats Flies and Break.- Arm
is president o f the Associated Eoy’ s
clubs o f Oregon. Mr. Ostrander is a
B anks , or . A most peculiar acci­
dent happened to one o f Banks’ busi­
graduate o f Salem High school.
Warren Tupper, '16, was elected vice ness men Saturday. Ed. West, con­
fectioner, was in the act o f swatting
president by a good majority. He is flies when he struck his arm against a
assistant football manager for this year showcase and broke the bone above the
and a member o f the Gamma Sigma elbow. He now carries his arm in a
For secretary. Miss Hester plaster cast.
No. 14
mittee to investigate the best pos.-ible
government for this City, and to rec­
ommend its findings, after a thorough
discussion, to be adopted in the form of
a new charter.
Forest Grove is rapidly becoming a 1
city o f considerable size and importance
and can no longer consider itself a
country village. We are facing the I Joint Meeting of Gale and
issue o f a sewer system, more street <
Pomona Granges W ell
In response to inquiries by the editor | manager would more than save H's , improvement, and many other munici- j
o f the P r e s s , many citizens and several | salary each year in buying alone, He pal problems that will require a great
members o f the Council have expressed believes that a change is needed,
deal of time and consideration, and we |
their opinion that they believed Forest
Councilmen Wirtz and Goff both ex" should equip ourselves with a city gov- j
Grove should adopt a commission form pressed their doubts as to whether it ernment that can handle city matters
of government, if such a business g o v -1 would not c< st more than the city could in the future with the greatest possible
ernment would economically, efficiently afford. Judge Hollis expressed a sim- efficiency. The P ress will be glad to
and adequately care for the interests of ilar viewj hut stated that if some plan receive communications on any and all
t ie city. Our present charter is cer- j could he formulated that would not en- phases o f this qt istion from any citizen.
Ten Members Given Degree of
tainly inadequate to guide the adminis- cumber too much expense, it would
To help itimil&te this discussion the
Grangers, and Excellent
tration o f the growing city o f Forest l secure a more efficient administration P rkss is offering a valuable prize for
Grove. Since its adoption this city has of the city’s affairs,
the best discussion of this questioq by
Program Enjoyed
undergone wonderful development, and
a High School student, and the honor
Cily Manager Plan
the present prospects for much future
v,f publishing his or her article.
The new city manager plan o f com­
growth are excellent. Tt is not right
Pomona Grange was in session with
Debate Planned
to ask capable citizens >.o donate their mission government w hich provides for
Gales Grange at Forest Grove, Oct 22.
Arrangements aie being made to
energy and time to the extent required a well paid manager to look after the
The forenoon was spent in business of
f the piesent councilmen. Neither administrative affairs c f the city is have the question debated between the
the Grange and congratulation and
■an they give as detailed nor attentive now being tried with excellent results, literary societies o f Pacific University.
a rememberance was sent to Mr. and
care to the city’s m eds as should be and minimizes the expense o f city gov- ' ( resident Bushnell gave his support to
Mrs. Benjamin Schjfield on their golden
given. The present position of coun­ ernment. In it a small number o f com- the proposal, and in addition said that
wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Schofield
are in Appleton, Wisconsin, where he
cilman is a thankless job, without re- mlssioners (three
have worked in the grange for the past
munerat on. They are usually-forced elected by the people to care for the leg- formerly lived for several years, that
forty years.
to accept the position. Altho having islative requirements. These coinmis- the commission form was working with
. After dinner the meeting was called
business interests of their own that sioners serve dt a nominal remuneration entire satisfaction. Appleton is not
to order and a short business session
they cannot entirely neglect, that they and are made directly responsible to the much larger than Forest Grove,
then a short program of music and a
do so to a great extent is evident by people by the recall, and their acts are | The P ress is not advocating the
very interesting address by Dr. Bush­
the good the present council has done subject to the referendum. Their acts I adoption of the charter of any other
nell o f Pacific University was given.
and Is doing. At that, however, their are required to be all public and their city, but under the generally admitted
In his address he stated he had been in
interests being divided, thc^ cannot ad­ meetings are held at any time they see fit. 1 fa- ts that a change is needed wishes to
several different states yet he believes
minister as efficiently to the needs of These men appoint a city manager who ' stimulate the discussion and desires to
“ Oregon to be the best state in the
the city as if it was their sole business. is directly responsible to them for the { see Forest Grove adopt the best possible
Union.” He then spoke of the ad­
Mayor Sanford said, “ I w,ll gladly administration o f their orders. He ap-1 system of government suited to our
vancement of the means o f farming as
appoint a committee o f citizens, if such points all necessary subordinates, who own individual needs,
well as advancement o f all other lines
is desired, to investigace ihe various in turn are directly responsible to him.
o f business.
city governments and to report their The city judge, however, is appointed
The Grange then visited the new
findings as to what seems to them to be by the commissioners. All expenditures
High school and the cannery. They
the best plan o f government suitable to of funds are required to be reported in
passed the following resolution:
Forest Grove.’ ’ The Mayor said that a shape as to be readily understood and
Whereas a very successful and cred­
he was heartily in favor o f considering the same to he made public at least
itable county fair was held on the
a change in the present charter, and monthly. There are many other details,
A Few Papers and Three Dollars Washington County Fair Grounds at
i hat the commission form seemed to but the above in essence are the princi
Forest Grove this fall, notwithstanding
him to be the proper city government. I characteristics'of the managerial com­
A ll That Is Misting
the fact that a beginning was not made
Attorney Graham said that to his | mission form o f government. It cen-1
until very late in the season, und,
mind, “ The commission form was the
Whereas we believe the exhibitions
G aston . (Special to the P r e s s ) —
proper way o f carrying on a city’s ciency, and minimizes expense. There
when properly conducted are of great
may be some much better form desira- Three buildings were entered and
value in promoting better agriculture.
Councilman Starret said that he be­ ble for this city, however, and it seems robbed last Friday night. The South-
Therefor Washington county Grange
lieved that if the managerial form of that it would be the proper action to ern Pacific depot, R. D. Brown’s lum- commends the manner in which the fair
government was adopted that a good request the Mayor to appoint a com- her office, and J. S. Wescott and Sons was conducted and recommend that the
____.__________________________ ,_______ General Merchandise store. The win-
farmers of the county lend to the fair
|dcw of the S. P. depot had been pried
their hearty support in the future.
open and the fastener broken but noth­
A short literary and musical program
ing was taken as the till was empty. I
was given in the evening and degrees
About $3.00 was taken from the lumber
were given to a class of ten.
íIcMinnvilíe Defeated for First Time—10 to C
Forest Grove High school’s champion
warriors defeated the McMinnville
braves for the first time of the long
rivalry between the twoschools by the
decís,ve score o f 10 to nothing.
The local squad show ed good form
thruout the game and altho outweighed
about ten pounds t j the man took the
offensive from the beginning. Only
once, during the first haif -- as the ball
dangerously near the home goal when
for several minutes it seemed that Me
Minnville was going good for a touch­
down; but the local boys braced and
held for yardage and Todd punted out
o f danger once for all. The fi st score
was made when Todd sent a beautiful
drop kick over the goal from the thirty
yard line, in second quarter. Clare
Walker made the touchdown row aid
the second half by completing a forward
pass play.
The Forest Grove backers were wild
with enthusiasm by the conclusion o f
the game and the victors were fairly-
carried off the field.
There was one accident in the gome
when G. Mardes of McMinnville broke
his arm. Dr. Tucker who set the arm
papers are missing. The sheriff and a
Registration Over
detective are on the job but as yet no |
Forest Grove according to the
information in regard to the thieves
registration books just closed contains
has been reported.
a plurality o f Prohibitionists. In North
ForestGrove, Wirtz registrar, the sum­
RECALLS DAYS OF PAST mary o f the registration was as follows
total 212; woman 99; men 113; Socia­
Early Bill of Sale for one Billy Snow­ lists 2; Republican 107; Democrats 16;
Prohibitionists 22; Indrpendent 16; Pro-
den, of Color
gr- ssive 4. The women registered
largely as independent in this precinct.
In the recorder’s office of Washing­
In South Forest Grove, Manche
ton county, at Hillsboro, is rather a Langley registrar, the total registration
queer instrument c f reflection at this was 216. Miss Langley states that she
time. Being a bill of sale for a colored believes the majority in her precinct
boy o f eleven years of age o f Roy \ were women and that the Prohibition­
county, Missouri, we quote part of ists were in the plurality.
same; Know all men by these presents i It was predicted that the registration
that for and in consideration o f the sum • of women would he much greater than
of $5fH) to me in hand paid by Jane' the men but such was nht. the case.
Thomas, late Jane Snowden a free Registrations for the general election
woman < f color, the receipt w hereof is for 1912 qualify voters for the coming
hereby acknowledged have barga:ned, special election provided they still live
sold and delivered to Jane Snowden, a in the same precinct. Any qualified
free woman o f color a certain negro resident whether he or she has regis­
says it was a simple break and there boy slave named Billy, etc.” Same ter«! for either the elections will he
will he no serious consequences, D kquotes further that th s legal paper is permitted to vote at the coming election
was caused chiefly from physical ex­ made to gratify said Ju re S owden, upon the affidavit o f six freeholders
mother of Billy etc , as she is wi hirg
Various reports from different sec­
Those who by general assent pla-ed to i.nm g-ant to Oregon territory. tions of the state seem to indicate the
t)e strongest game right thru we:e: This unusual paper of rec r w; g record­ passage o f the university appropriations
the ends, Taylor and Hay, and “ Babe” ed during W. S. Caldwell’s time as and the workingmens compensation act.
Ireland, left half, who made big yard­ a iditorand recorder, being rec ,rded in The sterilization act has hut little oppo­
age. Walt Taylor also put up a plucky 1-52 on the 17th day o f December.
sition and the county attorney measui e
is looked upon with favor in all large
"N ig ” Corpron starred for the Mc-
In all probability all five
Mii nv lie team, by making brilliant ar.d
measures will become laws at the elec­
tricky plays. W. B. Gaunt o f Portland
umpired, ar.d Howard Taylor of P. U.
Preparing Commercial Club Feed
October 16, 1913, Ht Hillsboro, by the
The lineup for the home team was: Rev. Clarence Cook, o f the Hillsboro
The next event o f importance will he
Taylor and Hay, ends; Walker and Baptist Church, James Hart and Kath­ October 31, at 7 P. M., when the Com­
mercial Club will give its banquet. An
Thompson, tackles; Todd and Canti all, erine Müler.
Among those present excellent program is assured, details of
guaios; Doane, center: W. Taylor, quar­ were C. C. Hancock ar.d Dora Fischer. which will tie published later. Tickets
ter; Norton and Ireland, halfs; Miller
can be had from the following:
Forest Grove National Bank.
the captain, fullback; with Kirry, Swan­
First National Bank.
son and Jones, subs.
Hollis £ Graham.
October 15 1913, at Hillsboro, hy the
T ie lineup for McMinnville was: Lit­
News-Times Oflice.
tle, Mardes, ends; Sitton, Manning, Rev. Father Lappen, of the Hillsboro
Hoffman & Co.
Littler’s Pharmacy.
tackles; Miller, Brixey, guards; J. St. Matthew's Church, l has. Fletcher
Horner C. Atweil
Manning, center; Corkron the captain ard Elizabeth Delsman. Mr. Fletcher
A lfr«l E. Hart.
quarter; Snyder, Bills halfs; Nunn, is from Multnomah Cuanty and Miss
T. J. O. Thacher.
fullback; with Mardes, Locke and Wood Delsman is one o f the best known and
F orest G rove C om . C lub ,
talented young ladies o f Hillsboro.
Alfred E. H.irt, Secretary.