FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 8 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1913 What do You Think About the BIBLE in the Public Schools The PRESS will give for the best article dealing with this question from any standpoint a nice L eather Bound Bible and a y ear’s su b sc rip t n to th e PRESS. Commercial and Miscella eoua. All articles m ust reach us by Monday evening, October 27th, G irl W anted iui general hous< The talk of the city. Almost and the announcem ent and winning article will appear in the issue work phone 754. three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ and G ents’ Shoes ju st received at of October 30th. W anted—Girl for general The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf Articles should be short, 500 This contest is open to a l l - house-work, best wages. Tele­ gifts were received by the young phone 0455. Bachlor Girl* Meet. New shipm ent of ladies and words, but no restrictions will Men and Women, High School couple. Bachlor girls Club m et a t the gents silk hosiery, ju st received Those present from Forest W anted- Millinery apprentice, at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. home of Miss Jennie Reynolds, be made. Students, College S t u d e n t s , Apply Millinery Parlors near Tuesday evening, Oct 14. A fter Grove were Mr. and Mrs, Chas. j 35tf Post-office. a short business session the girls Hines, Mrs. Carl Hinman a n d ' A rgum ents both in favor and Teachers, or any one else, son, Pearl Williams and Mr. qnd who brought their fancy work The new school-books are now W ood W anted —The P ress against the use of the Bible in busied them selves with needles Mrs. J .F . Fletcher. for sale a t S ta eh r’s Bazaar. desires to secure several cords of Mr. and Mrs. M. L ‘ Vincent while two of the girls who had ths schools will have equal con- ^11 articles of especial m erit both Oak and Fir wood to apply and C hester Vincent, John His- no work read to the others. The largest assortm ent of on subscription, advertising, or Dainty refreshm ents of cream ler Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W alter Sar- sidération. m en’s straw hats ever showed in _____ will probably be published. We , job work. g eantM rs. Clarence Miller and chicken and hot biscuits, pickles; Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples Also articles proposing a satis- °ffer the prize merely to stimu- and coffee were served by the baby and Em ma Wilson of Gales Store Hillsboro. 35tf Strayed or Stolen Creek. hostess assisted by Miss Hazel tory system of teaching the Bible, late this discussion. 4*4» O '»» 4*4» S trayed or S tolen — Large Stockman. It is needless to say I A nything in the line of paper red Durham milch cow, with hal- a t S taeh r’s Bazaar. not many of the “ Bachlor G irls” The W omen’s M issionary So­ tet, underslip in rig h t ear. In ­ indulged in the eating of the | ciety of the Congregational Or on the question as to pickles. Some exceptionally fine bar­ church held their annual thank- w hether the Bible will supply If >’ou have views on this formation regarding whereabouts will be gladly received a t Forest gains in pianos, organs, and se w­ A t a late hour the girls left i offering m eeting in the church the needed moral trainine in our subject let your fellow citizens Grove Hospital. for their homes feeling th a t Miss parlors ing-m achines a t S ta eh r’s Bazarr W ednesday evening. Reynolds was an ideal hostess. term s to suit. share them with you. One hundred m em bers and schools. Board and Room * » * » » guests sat down to the bountiful All A rticles m ust be in by October 27. M en’s work sh irts all colors Board and room a t the W alker Mr. and Mrs. W ickersham will supper prepared by the ladies. place, 3d Ave,, N orth, between and prices a t The Peoples Store leave for Illinois the last of the! Dr. C. F. Clapp, of Washin- 35tf A and B S treet Phone Main 367. Hillsboro. week. The Relief Corp m et gal, W ash., gave a very in terest­ C. E. Social—L ast Saturday DEATHS with Mrs. Wickersham Tuesday, ing talk on the large work in night the P. U. Gymnosium was 34tf You will do well by calling us and presented her with a birth ­ the home mission field. a scene of a rousing good social up before you sell your beef, R. L. A llen Vocal selections were given by day book w ith the names of those For Rent time given to the young people’s veal, m utton, and pork. Hills­ present in it. Those present the Misses Bagley ahd Acker. religeous societies of Forest R. L. Allen, aged about 57 died The Thank offering amounted Grove by the Christian Endeavor Wednesday afternoon a t 3:30, of F or R ent light house keeping boro Mer. Co. were; Mesdames Butler, W. H. Barker, Stephenson. SophaSm ith to $22.34. Society of the Congregational apoplexy of the heart. He had room. Close in nice for girls or Kidney trouble is particularly R. H. Harrison J. Anderson, R. Church. The m em bers of the, been working during the fore­ boys in to school from country. to be dreaded because its pres­ 6 tf Tewalt, F. Crabtree, M. Bis ee, “ F'lying Squadron” of the P ort­ noon and a fte r dinner started to Call a t Press. ence is not usually disovered un­ The first m eeting of the land C E. Union were present. his work again, when he fell and Z. Large, Jennie Ward and D. F or R ent — Six room house til it has assumed one of its Woman’s Club of Forest Grovp, Keen. A fter various gam es and m arches did not regain consciousness be­ with garden, fru it and chicken was held a t the home of Mrs. the young people w ere e n te r­ fore his death a t 3:30. Mr. Al­ park. Inquire of H. N. Robin­ worst form s—diebetes, drobsy, If you John Thornburg, Monday, Oct. tained by Mr. Sprague of P o rt­ len has been a resident of F orest son, 2d St. and 8th Ave. South. or B rig h t’s disease. suspect th at your kidneys are A wedding of unusual interest 13. A goodly num ber were pres­ land who is on expert a t club Grove and W ashington county 13tl p affected, by all m eans use Hollis­ was solemized a t the home of J. ent and a splendid program rend­ swinging. for some time. He leaves a te r’s Rocky Mountain Tea — the F or R e n t — 5 room house, five \V. Gregg near Hillsboro Oct. 11, ered. The P resident’s | message widow and one son, Harold, one great system ic cleaner and reg­ dollars a month, Phone 0185, Ed. to the women of the club was when Miss H enrietta Case of j Begins Big T ask— Deputy sister and two brothers to mourn ulator. — V ankoughnet z . Reder Naylor. 13tf Oral repo; ts Assessor S. N. Poole has started j his loss. Banks any Mr. Thomas W. Gregg especially good. of Hillsboro also Miss Isabelle! were given from the Federation the usual fall work of copying The largest and most complete For Sale or Trade Gregg and Alexandey Kaae of by Miss Farnham , among the the discriptions from the deed M rs , J ames D illey stock of DRESSERS to be found Portland were united in mar- things upon which stress was records from the deed recorder’s We have a client who has two in W ashington County are at Mrs. Jam es Dilley, of Gales placed was the action taken on office, on which to base the tax riage. lots in Portland, worth $900 and Roe & Co. ’s, the pioneer furni­ A delicious dinner was served the Hetch Hetchy Scheme. A roll for next season, and plat the Creek, died last Saturday a fte r $2,000 who w ants a 20 acre farm tu re dealers. a brief illness. She was m arried to the guests which numbered crisis in National Park affairs. same section by section this near Forest Grove—w ants rolling about seventy a fte r which Mr. In other words let every one means unlimited am ount of work, 21 years ago to Jam es Dilley and land and prefers shot soil,— Mens Cassimere, made in Ore­ leaves to mourn her loss a hus­ help to save our G reat National seemingly, but by the system in and Mrs G regg left for a short gon all wool suits for only $12.50 promptly. This advertism ent band and eight children. Mrs. trip to Victoria then will be at I playgrounds from invasion. The hand is not really a hard m atter. Dilley was well and favorably will appear ju st once so answ er at Bailey’s Big Store. home on their farm near H ills-! following women were voted in­ Oregon Land Co. New Hall -T h e new Odd Fel­ known to the people here having promptly. Commencing October 10th, 1 boro. Mr. and Mrs. Kaae will j to the club: Mrs. Baber, honory been a resident of this commu­ low Hall, above Allen’s H ardw aie vvi !: close my grocery store at member; Mrs. I. J. Hoar, Mrs. J. live in Portland. F or S ale —Oak library table, nity for several years. Dr. R. 6:oJ V . M. except on Saturday The wedding of the young S. Loynes, Mrs. D. Mallory, Mrs. Store, is being finished. leather rocker, body brussels hall nignts. H. T. Gillner. E. Dunlap had charge of the fun­ 13t4 Mrs. H. L. Russel and Mrs. A. couples c o m m e m o r a t e d the New Sidewalk—The concrete carpet, Ingrain arch square, lace thirty-second anniversary of L. Sexton. Mrs. W ilbur McE1- sidewalk, w hich is being laid in eral services which were held at curtains, all in good condition. "We intend moving into our new downey, chairm an of music and front of the Congregational the home of Mrs. Dilley, m other J.!r. and Mrs. W. J. Gregg. 2tf q> •ite rs in the near future, so Mrs. Chas. W alker, assistant Church, greatly improves the of Mr. J. Dilley, Monday a fte r­ Postoffice box 441. we are giving special prices in noon. Interm ent was in Moun­ chairman furnished a splendid appearence of the block. F or S ale —F urniture a t 19. all lines to reduce stock. L ittler’s tain View cem etery. program. Miss Edna Vincent of Gales 3rd. stre e t south. J. W. Martin. Pi ormacy. Studying in Boston Miss Leah Mrs. McEldowney sang two Creek and Mr. Clyde Sutford of M rs . M aria P eterson G per cent loin« on fa no, Walla Walla were m arried Mon­ num bers beautifully. Mr. A rant Leiser graduate of P. U. Con­ F or S a le —A cash register, a Mrs. M aria Peterson died of large coffee perculator, and a or. hard lands, city residence or day Oct. 13, a t 1 o’clock a t the piano solo and responded to a servatory 1910, is now studying home of the bride’s parents Mr. hearty encore. Mrs. Chas. Wal­ in the Boston Conservitory of tuberculosis a t Cherry Grove, cigar case, inquire a t Press office. bu. ness property, to buy, build, inim'ove, ix ten o or refund n o o and Mrs. M. L. Vincent. Rev. ker and Mrs. Misz played a Music. Word has been received Sunday, October 12th. She was splendid duet. The club are at by friends, th a t she had a very 46 years of age and leaves a hus­ S taver officiating. F or S ale or T rade Pope gages or other securities; term s; A fter a delicious luncheon was work to have in the very near pleasant trip and is enjoyidg her band and son to mourn her loss. Toledo auto a t Chalm er’s garage. reasonable; special privileges; Miss Leah The body was sent to Tacoma Chas. E. Hall. correspondence invited. Dep’t. served the young couple left for future “ The Pilgrim s Progress, work very much. L, 618 Commonwealth Big., Den­ W alla Walla where Mr. Sutford photo play which will be a m as­ was a very popular young lady, for interm ent. The W oman’s Club both in social and musical circles is engaged in commercial busi­ terpiece. F or S ale -1 dresser, 2 beds, 2 ver Colo, or Dep’t. I, 749 Henry atgartt F irman also reported the part they had while in Forest Grove, M ness. m ativsses, 6 oak dining chairs, Big., Seattle Wash. 12t5 Many beautiful and useful in Eugenics a t the county fair. Mrs. M argaret Firman, aged 1 library table, steel range, 1 Fundam ental Music T raining 75 years, died at Laurelwood Oct. mile east of Forest Grove, imply in classes, as tau g h t by Mrs. to W illiam B eals . lc 2 10th. Mrs. Firman came from Mary Cahill-Moore in Portland. W enachee, Wash, to Laurelwood. F or S a l e —A “ Toledo” range Mrs. E. E. Williams. 13-tf in order to send her two grand­ in good condition, Dr. Semones. 13tl I feel as happy as an eel. Miss Beatrice K irhub is the children to the Acadamy at that Oh! how happy I do feel new supervisor of music in the place. She was living at the home of C. D. Shaw at the time F or S a l e : Auto Confection­ If vou’d feel as well as me schools' of her death. The body was ary Bar. Phone 0194 13t2 Drink H ollister’s Rocky Moun­ Vj- Forest Grove public schools sent to W enachee for interm ent. tain tea. V ankoughnet & Reder. won the first prize in the exhib­ F or S ale or T ra d e : Stump very highly recommended by Dr. Escapes Injury While Mrs. Mary House and Helpers E lizabeth A shton C rock puller in good condition and driving up First Ave. Thursday, Rev. Bovd of the First Presby­ it at the fair. are now ready for fall dressm ak­ suitable for heavy work. Will terian churcn of Portland also by Dr. C. E. G eiger’s horse slipped Elizabeth Ashton Crook died Miss Edna Bailey has entered ing, Phone 022 4th Ave. S. and and fell, breaking the shaft. Mr. Ew ing superintendent of the the Freshm an class at High Thursday evening, Oct, 9 1913 at sell cheap for cash or take cow, 3d Street. lltf These pictures school) this week. The Dr. managed to tie up the same church. her home, east of this city at, young cattle, or calves, or pigs in trade or m ight consider a have been shown at the Heilig sh aft enough to reach his home. the age of 79 years. Death res­ S ociety stationary of correct Theater, Portland, and are both Mrs. Haroun visited the High ulted from an operation. Fun­ light wagon if in pood condition. style and neat appearence may The horse escaped injury. beautiful and educational. A school Tuesday. eral service was held Sunday Five passenger touring car for he obtained from the P ress job Gives Fine M achine La t Sa’- lady orator comes to explain the afternoon in the Congregational sale will take some live stock. departm ent. Mr. impson, the Southern urda.v at the trustee m eeting of pictures. Church, Rev. C. T. Thomas Pacific Un.versify in Portland All above expenses go toward Pacific freight agent, addressed officiating. Interm ent in Forest H.W .Scott Forest Grove,Or. l l t f Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney will the High school a t assembly Judge Eugene P. McCormack the building of tin* new home View cem etary. Mrs. Crook receive vocal pupils a fte r Oct. Lost and Found presented the College with a for the W un in ’s Club on the W ednesday morning. was the m other of two children 1st. a t her home 232 A stre e t stereopticon machine. site recently conated to them. W atch L ost — Saturday near north. Roy Thompson of Banks en­ one daughter. Miss Alice Crook Finder New Arrival Bom to Mr, and You cannot afford to miss seeing tered the Senior class in High whose home has been with her fair ground entrance. The Peoples Store is receving m other. Mrs. Crook was well please leave a t George G. P a te r­ Mrs. Samuel I»i\vrenee a baby these pictures. school Monday. son’s furniture store. 13tl new up to date goods daily. and favorably known to Forest l>oy. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Indian Fighters Hold Anniver­ Every seat in the assembly Grove people, she was a m em ber Dont forget to see the m any lived in this city un'il this fall sary The 58th anniversary of P urse L ost —N ea” the railroad when they moved near Portland. the Indian W ar V eterans was room is full and five pupils are of the Congregational church tracks, big purse, containing bargains a t the Peoples Store seated in the commercial room and a faithful atten d an t to all Hillsboro. 35tf Reception for New Pastor A held a t the home of J. Wilkes. at the rear of the assembly hall services when it was possible. sum of money, gc'd and «ilver. Hillsboro. W. H. Mvers of reception will he given in the H air work made to order, Mrs. The total num ber of students Besides many friends she leaves Find’ r please leave at P ress O ffice or v*ith Mrs. Bondrean, parlors n f the M. E. church Fii- Forest Grove and J. W ilkes of enrolled in High school is 119. a husband and one daughter to 2d St. between Pacific Ave. and William Mattson, Cherry Grove Hillslsiro were the only two vet­ day evening Ht 8:00 P. M. t wel­ Oregon. 9t4 pd 1st Ave. S. 13tl p Zennas Olson of P. U. held a mourn her loss. come the new pastor. Dr. Dun- erans present. A delicious din­ mass m eeting of the High school la“. Every one is cordially in­ ner was served. Sickening hea(7ackes,_ indiges­ M ary J ane C oop L ost Hand bag on the Newell boys Monday morning. vited to be present. tion, constipation, indicate un­ Marriage License Thomas W. Mary Jane Coop died at the road, contents: bihle. pair of healthy co niition of the bowels. Mr. Haroun spent the week “Pilgrim’s Progress" to be Gregg 26, H enrietta Case 20, gloves. Mrs. O. G. Carnahan, H ollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea end in Portland, M is' Haroun home of her parents, J. C. Coop, Gaston Ore. Shown Under the auspices of Oct. 7. 12t2 p m akes th° bowels work naturally returning to the Grove with him. Oct. 15. at the age of 15 days. the Woman’s Club “ Pilgrims The funera' service was held at Thom pson -Swanson Justice S ta eh r’s Bazaar carries an em- P ro g ress” will be shown S a tu r­ McMinnville High school vs. the home of her parents, T hurs­ mense stock of the latest music feet health and strength. Smith last Monday united in m ar­ Be­ day night, Oct. 18th, in Marsh Hall, a ¡mission 26c. The pic­ riage Laura Ethel 'Thompson and Forest Grove High school Satur­ day and interm ent in the Forest and sells at 5 cents, 10 cents and gin to n ig h t.—V ankoughnet & Veiw cem etary. day 2:30 P. M. in football. 15 cents a copy. Reder. tures w ere made in Italy and are George Swanson of Banks. 4 4 4 4 44 High School Notes A l Airmindl T©w® M ill« IV O U / i VO J “ J ~ ---------- --------I ------------