» / r FOREST GROVE PRESS T H U R S D A Y OCTOBER 16, 1913 (continued from Page One) Forest Grove = < e = Steam Laundry JUVENILE DEPARTM ENT Early Potatoes. 1st, Jos. Morrissey, Cornelius. 20, Marguerite Callar, Banks, R. F. D., No. 3. 3d, Bell Freeman, Forest Grove. Burbank Potatoes. W ood, Coai, Cold Storage ciiid Ice. MERTZ & LÂTTA Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., Forest Grove, Ore. 1st, Sylvester Busse, Glenwood. 2d, Marguerite Callar, Banks, R. F. D., No. 3. 3d, Martin Seuko. 1st, Miss Hazel Loynes, Forest n Q C23 Q Q QBC3QQ Grove, $15. 2d, Mrs. M. C. Cose, $10. Frieda Koehnke, Hillsboro. Shirt Waist. 1st, Eva Richey, Cornelius. ( Tara Nelson, Cornelius. PAGE 2d. Class B. J Q Q l'| l i Q Q i QQcann L A D I E S I N V I T E D to C A L L 1st, C. C. Ailor, Cornelias, $15. 2d, Mrs. C. Broderson, Dilley. 3d, Misses Handbag. 1st, Fay Templeion, Forest Grove. Iva and Dora Van Blaricom, Beaver­ ton, $5. 2d, Bernice Miller, Forest tiro*«.. 3d, Class C. • Mary Shirley, Hillsboro. A n d Examine Our 1st, O. B. Kraus, Gaston, $15. 2d, Cross Stitch. 1st, Juanita Schultz, Gaston. 2d, Anna Schwall, Greenville, $10. 3d, C. C. Cloud, Kinton, $5. Ralph Bryant, Hillsboro. 3d, Ruth Field Corn. Halsted, Forest Grove. W1NN1NT ° 0 J L T A Y EK L31T 1st, Wren Chapman, Hillsboro, R. F. Mending. D. N<\ 4. 2d, Alice Doane, Forest Brown Leghorns. 1st, Martha Berger, Hillsboro. Grove. 3d. Marguerite Callar, Bankt, R.H. Greer, 1st cock, 1st, 2nd, 3d, R F. D. No. 3. Hand Made Apron. hens, 1st pen. Sweet Corn. 1st, Helen Barrett, Cornelius. 2d, Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds. 3d, Mrs. 1st, Ray Mann, Hillsboro, R. F. D. Allie Souther, Hillsboro. L. T. Sills. 1st cockerel, 2d cockerel, No. 4. 2d, Marguerite Callar, {Banks, Case, Hillsboro. 1st, 2nd, 3d, pullets, 1st pen. R. F. D. No. 3. Id, Avia Saüng, For­ Machine Made Apron. Partridge Wyandottes. est Grove. 1st, No. 88. 2d, Viola Ruby, Forest Mrs D. C. Clark, 1st cock. 1st, 2nd, Grove. 3d, Eva Richey, Cornelius. Popcorn. cockerel. 1st, 2nd, 3d hen. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, pullets, 1st, 2nd pen. Machine Made Dress 1st, Harry Irwin, Hillsboro. 2d, H Maurice Buxton, Forest Grove. 3d, Anconas. 1st, Alpha Williams, Beaverton. 2d, David Bradley, Banks, R. F. D. No. 3. Lora Fiske, Cornelius. 3d, Eva Richey. C. F. Peterson, 1st and 2nd cock, 1st, Stalks o f Corn. 2nd, 3d hen, 2nd pen. Darning, Mrs. W. D. Quick, 1st cockerel, 2nd I t, Ben Schramal, Forest Grove. 1st, Lidia He r, Corn«Tius. Pullet, 1st pen. 2J, Belle Tagg.irt, Hillsboro. 3d, Mar­ Pillow Slips. Mrs D. C. Clark, 2nd 3e cockerel, 1st guerite Callar, Fanks. 1st, Cecelia Smith, Forest Grove. pullet 3d pen. Onions. 2d, Gertrude Parker, Banks. 3d, Gas- Sicilian Buttercup. 1st, Helen Van Kleck, Beaverton, R. ion School. P. P. Wright, 2nd cockerel, 2nd pul­ F. D. No. 3. 2d. Carl Matzke, Beaver­ Collection o f Flowers. let. ton. 3d, Ralph Kramer. 1st, Austin McIntyre, Forest Grove. B. G. Perrine, 1st cockerel 1st, 3rd Turnips. 2d, Ray Mann, Cornelius. 3d, Ellen puuet, 1st Pen. 1st. Wilbur Wood, Beaverton. 2d, Callar, Banks. S. C. R. I. Reds A'ren Chapman, Hillsboro, R F. D. No. Geese. UB i. 3d, Joseph Reh, Cornelius, K. F. D. W. L. Pinarcl. 1st cockerel. 1st. Laura Shotwell, Forest Grove. No. 1. W. A, Stoihow, 2nd cockerel Pekin Ducks Mangel Beets W alter Rosewurm, 3rd cockerel, 1st, ' 1st, Maurice Buxton, Forest Grove. 2nd, 3rd, hen. 1st, 2nd, 3d puilet, 1st [ n n f ■111 n n 1st, Joseph Morrissey, Cornelius. 2d, Q Q [¡[¡¡J Q Q] 2d, Irving White, ( ornelius. pen. C. C. Cloud, beaverlon. 3d, Earnest I. R. Ducks. S. L. Wyandottes Wolf, Dil.ey. 1st, Harold McKibLen, Forest Grove. Carrots. Frank Thatcher, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, cock 1st, L e o l, Susbarr, Cornelius. 2d, 2d, Swanton Bateman, Gales Creek. erel. ist, 3i,u, du, pullel. ist, ¿no p e l. Maurice Buxton, Forest Grove. 3d, 3d, Wilfred Fitch, Cornelius. While Leghorn. o S U IT S COATS FURS ANDERSON LE A D IN G CLO TH IER is Forest Grove IS * KOTEI LAU HÜN Harry Broderson, Forest Grove. FOR « Watermelons. 1st, Clara Case, Hillsboro. Quality and Service Muskmelon, 1st, Lynn Hughes, Forest Grove. Pumpkins; Sunday Dinners 1st, Marie Mier, Hillsboro. ter Snider, Beaverton. 3d, Bucher, Hillsboro. a Speda'ty G. M. Littlehales 1st cockerel, l i t 1st, Agnes Bateman,Gales Creek. 2d, pullet, 3d pullet, 2nd pen. Julius Peterson. 3d, Leon Barrett, R. H. Greer, 1st 2nd cock, 1st, 2nd, ■ ( ornelius. 3d lien 1st per.. White Wyandottes. W. L . French, Sd ccckerel, 2nd pul- i let. 1st, Monroe McKeel, Cornelius. Chas T Powne, 2nd cockerel. Anconas. 1st, Lucile Higby, Forest Grove. W'hite Leghorns. cial Trade Solicited R. D U N C A N Proprietor W. F. MRTPAMPF Feed Mill will run every day in the week. Wholesale and Rct. il j STORE ] CHS Q D O Q Q rnnnaoia I Expert Automobile, White Ply mouth Rocks. Motorcycle and G. M. Litilehales 1st cock, 1st hen. Fred Woodcock, 1st cockerel 1st, 2nd, i 3d, pullets 1st, pen. Buff Leghorns Cucumber. 1st, W ill Grey, Hillsboro. 2d, Dwight Rose Crest Poultry I'arm 1st cock, Holmes, Forest Grove. 3d, Sylvester 1st, Mis. Casa, Hillsboro. 2d, Clara Dooher, Hillsboro. Reh, Cornelius. 3d, Iv a S tro n ;, L ills­ 1st, 2nd cocker« 1. 1st, 2nd, 3d hen, 2nd pullet. 1st, 3d, pen. boro. Light Bread, H. H. Morel 2nd cockerel 1st 3d pul­ Summer Sqi ash. 1st, Hazel W ilton, Cornelius. 2d, let, 2nd pen. Ella Magruder, Lillsboro. 3d, Nancy 1st, Leslie Hoar, Forest Giove. Id, Black Minorca«. Moore, Forest Grove. W alter Openlam er, Cornelius. W. ‘U Ewing, 1st cock. 1st, 2n 1 3d, Biscuit. Table Betts. 1st, Avis Saling, Dilley. 2d, Ella 1st, Harry Broderson, Forest Grove, hens, 1st pen. B. H. Greer. 2nd cock, 2nd fen. Barr, Corn«.lias. 3d, Nancy Moore, 2d, Sidney Raine, F« rest Grove. Give us a call when in need. S. G. Sm.il, 1st cockerel, 1st 2nd Forest Grove. pullet Green Peppers. S. S. Hamburg Layer Cake. 1st, Katherine Higby, Forsst Grove. ' W «Iter Rosworm, 1st cock, 1st, 2nd, 1st, Mrs. Case, Hillsboro. 2d, Edna 2d, Maurice Bnxton, Forest Giove. co kerel. 1st, 2nd, 3d, hens; 1st, 2nd, ii;d Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore Pegg, Beaverton. Toy. 3d pullet, 1st pen. Loaf Cake. 1st, Kenneth Ives, Forest Grove. Gold on Wyandottes 1st, Ruth Burlingham, Forest Grove. Roy Har.'inj ton 1st cockerel, 1st, To Us« fnl Device. 2d, Gladys Porter, Forest Grove. 3d, 1st, Raymond Aydelott, Forest Grove. 2p 1 pul et. Hattie Watrous, D l!ey. W lite Indian Runner Ducks 2d,_Walter Kennedy, Forest Grove. R. H. Greer, 1st pair, W alter Ros- Cook es. Pickles. wurm 2n 1 pair.’ 1st, Marvel Freeburg, Gaston, 2d, 1st, Grace Storey, Gestm. 2d, : Pekin D u fn Viretia Spencer, Beaverton, 3d, Hazel Frida Hornecker, Hilisborc. ; d, Alice Walter Roswurm, 1st pair. Hoskins, Dilley. Doane, Forest Grove. Gray Mallar Is Cream Candy. Scarf. P. Hanson 1st, 2nd pair. 1st, Grace Storey, Gust p . 2d, Ella 1st, Gertrude Parker, Banks. 2d, Fawn Runner Ducks. Otis, Cornelius. 3d, Gladys Retd, Bertha Case, Banks. 3d, I ois Arm­ W. H. Greer 1st pair, Mrs. C. H. Gaston. strong, Gaston. O ’Neil 2nd pair; Maud Miller 3d pair. < ollection o f Candy. Centerpiece. Specials 1st, Myrtle Grable, Hillsboro, 2d, 1st. Mable Schultz, Gaston. 2d, Large, t and best exhibit, W alter Dorothy Jones, Forest Grove Grace Storty, Gaston. 3d* (Tara N el­ Roswurm. l anned Fruit. son, Cornelius. Best male or female, Mediterranean class, R. H. Greer. 1st. Ler.a McBurr.ey, Gaston. 2<’, Embroidered Centerpiece. Best male or female, American class, Era Richie, Cornelius. 31, Florence 1st, Lucile West, Forest Grove. 2d, Mrs. J. E. Pogue. Shipman. School Supplies, Kodaks and Ruth Patton, Forest G -ov«i. 3d, Lora B«'st male or female English class. Fiske, Cornel us. Canned Vegetables. Camera Goods. Everything G. M. Littlehales. 1st, Phyllis M Her, Forest Grove. 2d, Handkerchiefs. Be t .h tie or female Weight variety Guaranteed as Represented. Kenneth Denney, Beaverton. 3d, 1st. Iva Strong, Hillsboro. 2d, Al- “ol d color, Mrs. J. E. Pogue. Gladys Anderson, Beaverton. B st male or female, weight variety, lean Shuey, Beaverton. 3d, Wold« parti- clorid, Mrs. D. C. Clark. Mann, Hills!oro. Jelly. Best male or female i o i-weigbt, 1st, Alpha Williams, Beaverton. 2d, Sofa I ill w. • olid cob r« r! P. H Greer. Thelma Haynie, Forest Grove. 3d, 1st, W illie Redfield, I «averton. 2d, Pest male or female, parti-colored, Mrs. J. B. White, Cornelius. Hazel Thomas, Gaston. 3d, Jeanette Wa ter Ho wuim. . B st l air o f guineas, W alter Ros- Irvine, Dil ey. Dressed Doll. Forest G rove «■ - Oregon wurm. BOOTH PRIZES. 1st, C. C. Ailor, Cornelius. 2d, Best display o f Bantams, W'alter P. ' W;rm. Maud Graham, Forest Grove. 3d, Cta s A, The Oregon Washington County Agency for OVERLAND Cars Barred Plymouth Rocks. 1st, Leon Berrett, Cornelius. Huobard Squash. Bantams. 1st, Wren Chapman, Hillsboro. 2d, White Orpingtons. 1st, Johnnie Gates, Hillsboro. 2d, Vvis Saling, Dilley. 3d, Conrad W olf, G. M. Littlehales, 1st cock, 1st cock-1 Arthur Reiling, Hillsboro. 3d. Law­ Beaverton. erel. ist, 2nd, 3d,¡¡hen 1st 2nd 3d,„pul- j rence Pierce, Forest Grove. Tomatoes. let. 1st 2nd, pen. Pressed Flowers. 1st, Maurice Buxton, Forest Grove. Buff Orpingtons. 2d, Clara Case, Hillsboro. 1st, Lois Tupper, Dilley. 2d, Edith W. C. Tucker 1st cockerel. 1st, 2nd, C. aft, Dilley. Collection o f Vegetables, Children, 3rd, pullets 1st pen. 12 to 16 Years. Native Woods. Dark Cornish 1st. Rolland Gates, Hillsboro. 1st, Mark Phelps, C melius. 2d, W. A ¡Sloihow, 1st, 2nd. cockerels, I Frank Lroderson, Forest Grove. Collection o f V eget bles, Children, 1st, 2nd, 3d, pullet 1st Pen. Under 12 Years. Seeds. Barred Plymouth Rocks. 1st, Herman Koshnke, H.llsboro. 1st, Gordon Gates, Hillsboro. 2d, J Murrow 1st, 2nd, 3d cockerels, 1st. | Harry Broderson, Forest .Grove. 3d, 2nd, hen. 1st, 2nd, pullet 1st pen. Bird House. 1st, Kenneth Ives, Forest Grove. 2d, We ley Royal, Forest Grove. A. T. Buxton 3rd hen 3rd puilet, 2nd Cabbage. Eugene Wright, Forest Grove. 3d, pen. Kenneth Hawke, Gaston. l ; t, Leslie H jar, Forest Grove, 2d, White Wyandottes Rudolph Heiiebeck, Dilley. Chair. Mrs. J. E. Pogue 1st cock, 1st cock­ Cauliflower. 1st, Lester Walton. erel. 1st, 2nd, 3d hen 1st, 2nd, ( ullet. 1st, Leslie Hoar, Forest Grove. Table. 1st 3rd pen. Celery. If. Lipschat 2nd cockerel, 3d pullet, 1st, Lester Sorensen, Hillsboro. 2nd pen. 1st, Doi is Mann, Lillsboro. Woodwork. City and Commer­ Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Oats, Ground Wheat, [Cracker Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Wheat and Corn, Middlings am several kinds o f Hard Wheat Hour, Sack Twine and Sacks, Hay and Vetch.Seed. 2d, Les­ Clarence 7 Bicycle Repairing. W e will soon open a First-Class Garage Successors to H ASK ELL & SON C. G. U A N 1 L L S O N PACIFIC A VE. S PHONE 306 WASHINGTON - OREGON CORPORATION will Beginning June 1st give to its patrons in Beaverton, Elmonica, Orenco, H ills b o ro , Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilley and all country lines a of Q U A L I T Y and Electric rate Right Prices- on all cookinj rnd hsating ap ­ pliances and small domestic motors. Phone Main 922 Hillsboro for particulars and our representative will call. P a cifc Drug Cc. Girl wanted for general house-! Complete your home will) one work. Phone 731. 12.\2p o f Iloc & Co.'s dining tables.