FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 6 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1913 FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK T he . PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY m 4 ' Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County CAPITAL - $25,000.00 SURPLUS - $35,000.00 DEPOSITS $400,000.0C COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACi J . A . THORNBURGH P r e s id e n t JOHN E. BAILEY - V ic e P k e s . W. W. McELDOWNEY - C a s h i e r EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY Church Locals and Notices » ) □ Forest G rev Ï Í Dr. D. W. Ward Dr. E. B. Brookbank Attorney-at-Law H. E. FERRIN. assi *. C a s h i e r T. G. TODD - D irector J. W. FUQUA - DiRECToh North Main St. J. N. H o ffm a n The Auction House N E W A N D SECOND H AN D GOODS Phone 721 fFor all churches who hold regular services in this city. The proper authorities are requested to send in their announcement early each week.) S eventh D ay A d v e n t is t :— Third Physicians and Surgeons Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. the Congregational Sunday- Forest Grove School rooms. Following the sup­ Ind. Phone 502 per at the mid-week service the topic, "Christ and the World’s' Mark B. Bump Poverty” will be discussed. 22 First Ave. No-th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Forest Grove, Ore. D R . C. E. W A L K E R Rev. C. F. Clapp of Washougal Attorney-at-iaW Wash, gave the address at the j Osteopathic Physician thank offering supper at the South o f Court House Hillsboro, Ore. Congregational church Wednes­ Treatment by Special Appoint day evening. The Misses Freda Acker and Doris Bagley rendered j ment Only Hollis & Graham solos. Street. Regular services Sabbath day: 10:30 a m ., Sabbath school; 11:30 a . m ., church services. Missionary meeting, Sunday evening, 7:30 P. M. Prayermeet­ ing, Wednesday evening, 7:30 p . m . A cordial invitation extended to all F irst C ongregational : Rev. D. T. j Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9: m. Mrs. Dora Emmerson Oracle. Mrs. Marie Patton, Vice oracle, Mrs. Winnifred Aldrich, Record­ er. FURNITURE u se CARBON-NIT There are now 50,000* enthusiastic users in the State o f California of this wonderful "Powder Producer” and saver of gasoline for autos, motorcycles, motor boats and stationary engines. Will increase your power 10 to 25 per cent by removing carbon f. om your cylinders. Now endorsed and recommended by over £0 pet. of America’s Aato Manufacturers. QUART SIZE, 75c FOR SALE BY FOREST G R O V E BICYCLE SHOP AMOS LAHAIE CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUM SHADES Special Inlaid Linoleum at 9 0 c per yard Congregational Church Notes HOME EAKING CO. linest of Bread and Pastry Baked U Every Day. Wc sell 6 loa ves o f B read fo r 2 5 cents Free delivery to all parts o f the city P acific A v e n u e , F orest G ro v e Th • Congregational Christian Endeavor rally for Portland and vicinity will be held in the Sun- nyside Congregational church Friday evening. President C. .1. Bushneil will give the addess Pacific University will have a booth. Many young people from the Grove will attend. The Brotherhood of the Con­ gregational will hold suppers on the following dates, Wednesday Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 21. Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association Of Forest Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home Company That Has Made G ood. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in T he Bankers 6c Merchants The subjects for Sunday at the 1 Congregational church will be "K now ing" and in the evening "Thwarted.” Prof. Taylor’ s Sunday School class are planning for a social time in the form o f a picnic supper in the church Tuesday, at 6. P. M. A Sunday School Conference supper at 5:45 P. M, Thursday in V. Pianos for Rent or Sold on Easy Payments WALL PAPER PAINTS VARNISH PICTURE FRAMING