THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1913. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 5 £S32> Î I How About Progress of Late that 0 New House On March 1st, 1913, the new firm of A. G. H offm an & Co. began business. We have labored hard to make Our Store the bast in Washington County and feel that our efforts have not been in vain, I 0 judging from the marked increase in our business and many complimentary remarks we hear. T JL TT7 are not inclined to “toot our own horn,’ ’ how- • ever, we are highly pleased with the results, but not satisfied to rest with our present success, we are determined to give the people a still Better Service and Better Goods. We g:ve the S. & H. Green Trading Stamps on all Cash Purchases or Accounts Paid in Full in 30 Days. We have the Premium Parlors where is carried an extensive line of S. &. H. Premiums which are given away to our customers. Last, but not least we will call your attention to our Bargain Department in the Rear of the Store. There you will find Exceptional Values in many lines. Don’t fail to look it over. C A lD ir of the Strong Features of our store » are the Hart, Schaffner & Marx line of Clothing; warner Corsets; Francis T. Simmons Co., Gloves; Utz & Dunns, Red Wing, Lewis A. Crossett and Burley Stevens lines of shoes;Armor Plate Hosiery, Phoenix guaranteed silk hose; a fine line of Satin , Silk, Crepe de Chines, Velvets and Wool Goods for dresses, suits and coats. We are agents for the American Lad­ ies Tailoring Co., and Mark G. Harris Co.’s line of Men’s Clothing and are the exclusive agents in Forest Grove for the famous Chase & Sanborn’s Coffee. Our Grocery Department is strictly up-to-date and always kept neat and clean. The Fcrest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster, building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Fcrect Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore R asm ussen’s Feed Store Recenth" we have decided to Extend Credits Only 3 0 Days. In m ak­ ing this change we have carefully considerd the question from all Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of points and believe it the best for us and for our customers. Garden Seeds in season............................ Even though a customer is perfectly good pay, unless we have some regular specified time for payment of his account, we do not know what to count on and hence have to borrow the money to handle the bills of goods we buy. J. RASMUSSEN, Pacific Ave. The generous patronage previously given us, we appreciate. Proprietor Forest Grove, Oregon W e want you to con­ tinue it, and We Want new customers also, and We shall maf^e it worth your while to trade with us. I A. G. HOFFMAN & CO. I Q O Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cawston of Portland were guests at the, j F. J. Miller home Sunday. « y g fflL J i-g ia i Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 6 2 X W . A . CH A LM ER S, Water Fund (Continued from Page One) The Fihance Committee re­ F Bear, labor.......................$ 2 50 Main Street, Forest Grove. ported as follows: M Van Meter, la b o r ......... 5 00 Howard McGill, o f this city, is Goff Bros, supplies........... 34 57 Finance Committee Report 'visiting his sister. Mrs. J. G. J C Smith & Son, livery .. 10 00 i Richardson, at Baker, Oregon. General Fund P W Watkins....................... 25 00 Miss Blanche Quine and E. E. Tucker & Whited, frt dyge, $ 5.68 Gordon & Gordon, supplies 21 75 Ratell o f Portland were visiting United Shop, horseshoeing 3 20 Goff Bros, (per bill Crane C o ).....................................168 00 Mr. and Mrs. John Cummins last J F McGill, w ork................. 11.50 j W F Harlrumpf, feed........ 16 52 Goff Bros, frt and ertg on week. hydrants........................... 3 7y Mrs. Jameson formerly, Aman­ Jas Rasmussen, liay ........ 4 65 FOREST GROVE, OREGON da Boldrick of Montevuna Colo., | Crescent Mills, hay........... 12.00 R P Wirtz, water collection 26 25 Total........................ $296 88 lias been visiting friends in the | Wash-Co News-Times . . . . 14.56 CCUNTY COURT Grove. F G Brick & Tile Co, 330 8 Street Department inch tile .......................... 18 00 Mr. Lasham a id family, of Hearings in the matter of the P VV Watkins, c h i e f ......... 50.00 J F Fairchild, labor......... $ 15.00 Devils Lake, North Dakota, ar­ estate ol' E. S. Callendar, de­ O B Johnson, gravel.............. 2 25 Wash Co News-Times, prt 37 12! rived in the Grove last week, ceased being closed and final ac­ J Bellinger salary ........... £7 >0 Hollis & G raham ............. 175 00 and are staying with E. Moore. counting. $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 . F Hall, labor....................... 13.75 A A Kirkwood ............... 131 55 In the matter of the estate of J Hall, la b or....................... 18.75 Lin en-Kibbe Con C o___ 11 68 Mr. Charles Harter and wife, formerly, Gladys Gibson, have John A. Foote, deceased’ J. W. Frank Bear, la b o r............. 52.50 T o ta l..................... $370 35 rented rooms in the Otlesbuys Shiite executor, has received to Van Meeter. labor............. 47.50 Library fund..................... 75 00 Oct. 6th, $1609.21 and paid out Got! Bros, hdwe library. . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . 25 house on 2nd St. south. Total ..................... .$1,969.66 $1556.41; on hand $52 SO this P \V Watkins, c h i e f ......... 20.00 Miss Bertlm Kirkwood of Port being only semi-annual report, Hollis & Graham, atty . . . . 76.85 (Continued from page one) land spent the week end with same was ordered approved Oct. Gordon & Gordon, luin, etc 21.00 her mother in the Grove. 6(h, E B Kelsey ....................... 5.10 Seavey & Johnson. B oard of D ihectors ; In the matter of Robert Gale, R P Wirtz, treasurer....... 12.50 Dr. Crocket o f Portland was in HORTICULTURE stamps ........ 1.50 deceased, William Gorman, ad­ town Tuesday. Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain W. K. Newell ministrator, said administrator M R Markham................... 22.00 APPLES L. J. Cori Dr. C. E. Walker has been very collected up to September 2nd, J VV Baldwin, work on libr 25.87 John Templeton Geo. G. Haneoek King o f Tompkins, 1st, B. Leis. 2d, basy the past few days adding 1913, $2731.98; paid out $350.05; E D Smith “ 3.50 H. G. Goff H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson more o m f inable housrs to bis balance $2381.93, not mentioning B NJ Smith “ 24.70 W. K. Newell. W. H. Hollis E. W. Haines Northern Spy, 1st, B. Leis. chicken pick. a very large amount o f personal Starrett & Son, material . . 21.00 Baldwins, 1st, W. K. Newell. Total.........................$566 63 Mi-is Maude English visited in property, bonds and notes. The Jonathans, 1st, B. Leis. administrator was discharged by Light Fund the R«w *City the week end. Plate Display, 1st, W. K. Newel’. oi der of the court. 2d, J. W. Peabody. 3d, Mrs. D. C. i P J Cronin, la b o r............... $ 1 00 Mrs. William Sparks was in' In the guardianship of John G. a t T « u n a ry . - » ■ 1 . i ■ ¿nzz'ZM r u e ; “ ............. 9 55 Clark. Pari land Saturday. Vincent, Mabel E. Vincent and V I Fuqua PEACHES. J Young “ ............. 2 25 Oliver M. Vincent, minors, said * * ............. 4 00 Late Crawford Peaches, 1st, W. H. Mr. Wild* was in Hillsboro on Emaline Vincent, guardian, is R Bean p 3 1% ’’ ............. 1810 French. Im iittess Saturday. directed to join with Oliver M. F McNutt 'os*' e ? * e F Davidson “ ............. 26 25 GRAPES. Mrs. E. K. Williams made a Vincent in certain assignments V’ I Fuqua “ ............. 84 05 Plate Display, 1st, D. A. Kennedy. bt.f ua ss tr i: to Pci tland We dnes­ etc. M Van Meter “ .........., . 7 50 2d. Grant Bailey. In the last will and testament day. F Bear “ ............. 7 50 of Geo. Rowcliffe, deceased, or­ Pacif State Elec Co, insulat 13 00 EVAPORATED FRUIT. Mrs. D m Reed Barber went der was made approving final “ wire.. 48 61 Apples, 1st, Frank Thatcher. to Waslunigid Saturday. She report. Valvoline Oil Co, o i l ......... 27 78 I 'T.ich* d in tbe Congregational In the matter and estate of J Hall, labor ..................... 1 25 Pears, 1st, B. Leis. Good Teams and Rigs, Baggage Called for and Prunes, 1st, B. Leis. 2d. P. Leaser. Church o f that place Sund y. Mary Gale, deceased, William F Hall ’ ’ ....................... 1 25 Collection Fancy Display Evaporated Delivered to All Parts— -Open Day and Night Gorman, administrator, soli1 heir Garlock Pack Co. packing. 2 14 Mrs Patton and daughters. is Edna Gorman. Judge Rens- C 11 Morgan, salary ....... 75 00 Fruit, 1st, Fred Wilcox. Ruth and Mabel, were Portland oner orders that said administra­ WALNUTS. SG Morgan “ ......... 75 00 par: enters Saturday. tor and bondsman be discharged Carlton Fir Lum 0o,S P ft Sftst. Grant Bailey. 2d. Henry David’ 3 ears wood..................... 63 65 Under the New Management Miss Ethel Joy visited Portland October 6th. (Continued on page Sevan) Got! Bros, supplies........... 8 70 In the matter o f Helen M. Saturday' Katon, deceased, R. L. Sabin R P Wirtz, fr t..................... 50 20 W 1R AK & B R O W N Phone 412 Pacific Avenue F. J. Miller is now in Yamhill administrator, asked that final light collection. 26 25 New Arrival A 9 pound' baby Forest Grove, Oregon 1 iij ing bops. He has the Yam- papers be approved. The same Gen Elec Co. transformers, 105.59 boy arrived at the home of Mr. • EM M ET Q U IC K , Mgr. h:ii section nearly bought out. was approved and discharged. T o ta l....................... $658.82 and Mrs. Madsen last Friday. w ia a e M M 8 9 E a a M a < H a B M s a ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ B $ Pure! Persona THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus A. Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Handy, Clean and Comfortable