I 1 FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 3 Said meters shall be installed at the expense o f the City o f Forest Grovt whenever the consumer shall have en tered into a contract with said city t< use the electric energy furnished by th< city not less than three months at the l:i the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ rates fixed hr said contract. gon for Washington County. SECTION III, i LEGAL NO 1 ICES Sadie M. Morris, Plaintiff vs J. G. Morris, Defendant. To J. G. Morris defendant: In the name o f the state o f Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration o f six weeks from and after the date of hirst publication ot this summons, towit: the 23rd day ot October, 1913, and if you fail to an­ swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint towit: for the dis­ solution o f the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defend­ ant; and that she be decreed to be the owner of the home in Forest Grove, and that she be decreed and have judg­ ment covering the equity in the real estate in the city of Portland, Oregon. That she be awarded such other and further relief as may seem equity in the premises. This summons is publisher! by order o f the Hon.D.B. Reasoner Judge o f the county court for Washington county, Oregon, said order being made on the 8th day of September, 1913. The date o f the first publication o f this summons is September 11th, 1913, and the last date of publication of this summons the 23rd day of October, 1913, J. N. Hoffman Attorney for Plaintiff. F orm of C ontract —The form of contract for the use o f electric energy from the City of Forest Grove, and the rates charged for such electric energy, shall be as follows: LIGHT OR POWER. the City all the electrical energy which may be required by him. It is agreed that all meters installed shall not be more than seven feet above the floor and at a place accessible and •onvenient to the Council, or its author- zed agents, at all times. And it is further agreed that all meters, wires, and other appliances furnished by the City shall remain the property o f the City. 6th. It is agreed that all installation, wires upon the premises o f the Consumer to which the City service shall be connected shall be so installed by the Consumer that the City may conveniently perform its part o f the contract, ar.d shall be kept in proper condition by the Con­ sumer. The City’s inspectors may, at all reasonable hours, enter the Con­ sumer’s premises on business connected with the Consumer’ s installation and service. 7th. In case the supply Interruption o f energy shall be inter- of Service, rupted by reason o f acci­ dent or otherwise, such interruption shall not constitute a breach o f this contract, nor shall the City be liable for damages by reason of such failure, and it shall in no case be a condition precedent to the City’s right to recover hereunder, to allege ui prove that no interruption in the supply of energy has occurred 8th. It is agreed that if Violation the Consumer violates of Contract, the terms o f this contract or fails or neglects to pay the amount due each month hereunder, within ten days after the delinquent date, service may be discontinued with­ out further notice. It is agreed that if the amount due is not paid before the delinquent date there shall immediately become due and payable from the Con­ sumer to the City an extra charge of five per cent o f the amount due as damages, also $1.00 shall be collected and paid as a connecting and. discon­ necting charge, all o f which may be re­ tained out o f the deposit provided for in this contract. 9th. The Consumer shall de- Deposit. posit with the Treasurer of said City the sum o f $5.00 as a guarantee o f his fulfillment o f contract, and this contract shall not be in force and effect until said deposit shall have been made, and the contract executed by both parties. 10th. The electric unit is one Electric kilowatt hour, equivalent, Unit. approximately, to one hour’ s use o f twenty-fifty watt lamps, or one and one-third horsepower in motors. I n W itness W hereof the parties hereto have affixed their hands and seals the day and date first above written. This contract made this........... day o f ........................ , 19....., between the City of Forest Grove, hereinafter called the City, and ...................................... . here­ inafter called the consumer. The City agrees to furnish Period of to .......................................... Contract. at .......................................... for the sole and exclusive use of said consumer, electric energy to be used for a period o f ............................ from the date o f this contract, for power or light. The Consumer agrees to take Rate, and pay for said electric en­ ergy, as measured at and by the City’s meter on said premises, at the following rate: For a monthly consumption for light under 100 kilowatt hours, 12J4 cents per kilowatt hour. For a monthly consumption for light all over 100 kilowatt hours, 8 cents per kilowatt hour. For a monthly consumption for elec­ tric irons in laundry or stores, 7 cents per kilowatt hour. For front porch lights wired off the meter, the rate shall be 25 cents per month for lamp, not to exceed thirty In the Circuit Court of the State of watts. Oregon for Wa>hington County I ndustrial P ower M eter R ates — The rates for electric energy for in­ Charles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff dustrial power furnished by the City vs of Forest Grove shall be as follows, Emma F. Lousignont, Defendant To Emma F. Lousignont Defendant to-wit: In the name of the state o f Oregon: INDUSTRIAL POWER METER RATE. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you First 100 kilowatt hours per month, 7c in the above entitled suit on or before per kilowatt hour. the expiration of six weeks from and Next 100 kilowatt hours per month, after the date of the first publication of 6%c per kilowatt hour. this summons, to-wit: the 16th day of Next 100 kilowatt hours per month, October, 1913, and if you fail to answer j 6l/,c per kilowatt hour. for want thereof the plaintiff will ap-1 Next 100 kilowatt hours per month, ply to the court for the relief prated 6c per kilowatt hour. for in the complaint to-wit: for the dis­ Next 100 kilowatt hours per month, olution o f the marriage contract now b%c per kilowatt hour. existing between plaintiff and defend­ Next 100 kilowatt hours per month, ant. and for such other relief as may 5>jc per kilowatt hour. seem meet and equity in the premises, ___ hours per month, Next 100 ____ kilowatt on the gro inds of cruel and inhuman j 5 c* per Vi low at t hour, treatment rendering his life burden- Next 1(0 kilowatt hours per month, some. 4 'jc per iilowatt hour. This summons is published by the or­ Next 2(0 kilowatt hours per month, $ ........ der o f the Hon. D. B. Reasoner, Judge 4c per kilowatt hour. o f the County Court foi Washington Next 5C0 kilowatt hours per month, CITY OF FOREST GROVE, County, Oregon, and said order being 3%c per kilowatt hour. By............................................ , made on the 2d day o f September, 1913. Next 500 kilowatt hours per month, Light Commissioner. I he date of the first publication of V/.c per kilowatt hour. In the Presence Of this summons is September 4th, 1913, Next 1000 kilowatt hours per month, and the last day o f the publication of 3J4c per kilowatt hour. this summons is the 16th day o f Octo­ Next 1000 kilowatt hours per month, ber, 1913. 3c per kilowatt hour. J. N. Hoffman Next 2 KM) kilowatt hours per month, Consumer. Attorney for the plaintiff. 214c per kilowatt hour. Provided that all the conditions, Next 2000 kilowatt hours per month, terms, rates and charges fixed by the 2K c I er kilowatt hour. ORDINANCE NO. 243 foregoing form o f contract shall be and All over 8000 kilowatt hours per become the rules, terms, rates and An Ordinance regulating the use of mor.ih, 2c per kilowatt hour. charges for use o f electric energy in electric energy in the City o f Forest the City o f Forest Grove. m in im u m m o n t h l y ch arg f ,. Grove, Oregon; providing for rates for use thereof, and the manner of 1 to 2) horsepower connected, $1.C0 SECTION IV. collection o f same; appointing a per horsepower. Light Commissioner; providing a C ollector —The City Treasurer shall 25 to 50 horsepower connected, 80c penalty for violation of said Ordi­ per horsepower. be collector o f all moneys derived from nance, and declaring an emergency 50 to 100 horsepower connected, 60c the sale o f electric energy and his duty to exist. shall be as follows: per horsepower. 1st. To collect all moneys due the The City o f Forest Grove does ordain Over 100 horsepower connected, 50c City o f Forest Grove arising from the as follows: per horsepower. In consideration o f the premises and sale of electric energy and for install­ SECTION I. o f the above rates, it is mutually ing electrical services, for repairs on same, for material sold, or moneys A pplication for E lectric E nergy — agreed : 1st. The Consumer shall arising from any olher source which All applications for electric energy shall be made in writing to the Common Minimum pay a minimum monthly properly belongs to the electric system Council, or its duly appointed Light Charge. charge hereunder o f 75 cents funds. 2nd. To report to the Common Coun­ for light whether any en Commissioner, which application shall fully set forth the purpose for which ergy is used or not, based on the rate of cil at its first regular meeting in each the electric energy is desired, the lot 75 cents per kilowatt hour, connected. month the total amount collected during and block upon which it is to be used, I No minimum charge shall be less than he previous calendar month from all sources pertaining to this fund; also all and give a particular description o f the | 75 cents, 2nd. All bills for electric energy amounts due the City, and not paid, building in which it is to be used; ano such application snail state the length shall be due and payable at the City’s belonging to this fund during each cal­ o f time the applicant will contract to office at the end o f each month, and endar month. 3rd. The Treasurer shall keep all use such electric energy, and such ap­ shall be delinquent after the 10th daj moneys arising from the sale of electric plication shall be accompanied with a of the following month. energy and the installation thereof in a deposit of $5.00, payable to the Treas­ 3rd Before any change or urer of the City o f Forest Grove, to be Change of addition thereto is made in separate fund to be known as the elec­ held as a guarantee on the part of the Equipment' equipment or wiring due trical fund of the City o f Forest Grove, the applicant to enter into a written notice o f change must be and all moneys paid out of said fund contract with the City of Forest Grove given by the Consumer, and written 'hall be paid by order o f the Common and to use the electric current for tht assent obtained from the City, or its Council by warrant in the same manner as upon other funds. time specified therein, and further to agents. take proper care o f the meter installed 4th If either party here SECTION V. on said premises; provided, said deposit Renewal of to desires this contract to shall be returned to the applicant, less Contract. termin te at the expira­ S ligh t C ommissioner —There shall be tion o f the above-stated appointed annually, as provided by Sec­ the amount due the city, at any time after three months, when such appli period, such party shall, not less thai. tion V o f the City Charter for the ap- cant 3hall cease to use the electric cur­ ten days prior to the expiration o f said oointment o f other officers, a Light stated period, serve upon the other Commissioner, who shall hold his office rent from the city. Upon receipt o f such application the party written notice of such desire. during the pleasure o f the City Council, City Council, or its duly authorized Should such notice be not given, this and whose compensation shall be fixed agents, shall ascertain whether such contract shall without further action by by the City Council. He shall be gen­ building is properly wired, and whether f either party continue in full force am. eral manager of the electrical system the applicant sets forth the facts, and effect for a like period as stated in the o f the City o f Forest Grove. if satisfied that such installation will be contract. It is further agreed that The duties o f such L:ght Commis for the advantage o f the city, the City after the expiration o f said contract as sioner shall be as follows: Council, or its duly authorized agent, ' above stated, the same may be termin- 1st.. To supervise the extension o f the shall make the necessary connections tted upon either party giving thirty electrical system o f the City o f Forest and installations to furnish the required days’ notice to the other. If the Con- Grove, and to make all necessary re­ energy, and shall A " install a meter for sumer desires to cancel this contract pairs there' n and connections for elec­ measuring the same; provided, that the before the date o f expiration he may trical service. He shall install all city shall not pay any expense o f in­ do so by paying to the City 50 cents as meters and shall keep an itemized ac­ stallation further than to the buildirg, a connecting charge and .0 cents as a count of the expense thereof. and the installing o f the meter; pro­ disconnecting charge, and the same 2nd. He shall report to the City vided, further, that the wiring of the shall be deducted from his deposit. epi Treasurer all charges against Con­ building ar.d installation of lamps or 5th. For tni he purpose sumers o f electrical energy and furnish o f determining the the City Treasurer with an itemized electric machinery shall be subject te Determination examination by the duly authorized of Consumption, consumption in k ilo ! statement thereof, and if required by watt hours, a meter i the Consumer he shall furnish a copy of agent o f the city at all reasonable times, anu no person shall connect, dis­ shall be installed by the City upon the j such statement to the Consumer. Consumer’s premises at a point most | 3rd. He shall keep an invoice of all connect or re-connect any wire with the city’s electric system, unless spe­ convenient for the City’s service, from electrical supplies and equipment. cially authorized to do so by the Com­ the readiug of which all bills shall be I 4th. He shall be under the direction mon Council, or its duly authorize' calculated. The City will keep an ac- 1 o f the City Council, and shall report to ■urate account on its books o f this con­ such Courcil as often as required by agents. sumption, and said account so kept I them, and shall at least once each year SECTION II. shall be accepted as prima facie evi­ furnish the Council with a complete in­ I nstallation of M eters Within dence o f the consumption o f the Con- \ ventory o f the electrical supplies and thirty days from this ordinance going ,-umer. Should the meter fail to regis- ; equipment on hand. into effect, each light consumer in the ter, the consumption will be estimated j City o f Fdrest Grove shall have installed from the amount used in a correspond-! SECTION VI. on his or her premises a meter, su table ing month; should there be no co rre -1 and conveniently located for the purpose spending month, then upon the average S upervision of E lectric S ystem — o f reading the amount o f the electin' of all previous months. The Common Council o f the City o f The Consumer agrees that during the Forest Grove shall have general super­ current consumed, and no ele- trie en­ ergy shall be furnished in any other term o f this contract, or any extension vision o f the electrical system of said manner than by t .e meter sy stem, j thereof, he will take and purchase from city and may appoint such agents or THURSDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1913 employes as necessary for the operation ana maintenance thereof. SECTION VII. P enalty Violation o f any o f the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine o f not less than $5 or more than $25, or by imprison­ ment in the city jail from one to twelve days. SECTION VIII. F V "THE QUALITY STORE ” Staple and Fancy Groceries R epeal Ordinances N ob . 118, 121, [ 135, and 183, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here­ with are hereby repealed. The very best at the Right Price Phone 701 SECTION IX. E mergency —Whereas the immediate preservation o f the peace, health and j safety of the people of the City of [ Forest Grove demands that this ordi­ nance go into effect at once on its pas­ sage, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and its being signed by the Mayor, ar.d attested by the City Recorder. Passed the Common Council this 9th day o f October, 1913. M. R. MARKHAM, [ seal ] City Recorder. Approved by the Mayor this 9th day o f October, 1913. O. M. S anford , [ seal ] Mayor. State of Oregon, Washington County, City of Forest Grove, ss. I, M. R. Markham, duly elected, qualified and acting Recorder o f the City o f Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing transcript o f Ordinance No. 243, of which I am custodian, with the original ordinance now on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true and correct copy of said original ordinance. In witness hereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal o f the City of Forest Grove, this 9th of October, 1913. [ sf . ai .] M. R. M arkham . i H. T. G I L T N E R ’ S FOREST GROVE SOUTH MAIN STREET Begin Now! to plan for that College Course. There is considerable discussion about Education but there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right is in the long run the practicallthing in Education. A school well equipped to d o first class general college w ork is Pacific University Forest Grove,[Ore. > Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County. In the matter of the estate o f Thomas P. Baldwin, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the ad­ ministrator of the above-entitled estate has filed his final account as such ad­ ministrator in the above-entitled County Court. The Hon. D. B. Reasoner, County Judge, has set Monday, the 10th day of November, 1913, at the hour of 10 o ’clock in the forenoon o f said day as the time, and at the County Court room in the Court House in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, as the place for the hearing o f objections, if any, to said final account and settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate. This order o f publication being dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, the 14th day of October, 1913. The first publication o f this notice is made on this 16th day of October, 1913. R ay D. B aldwin , Administrator o f the Estate o f Thus. P. Baldwin, deceased. J. N. H offman , Attorney. 18t5 TRAIN SCHEDULE Giving Correct Time of the Arrival and Departure of All ForeitrOV* Trains OREGON ELECTRIC *Lv P ortland 6:45 a. m. 8 -05 a. m. 10:25 a. m. 1:25 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 5:15 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 11:40 p. m. A r F orest G rove 8:05 a. m. 9:25 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 2:45 p. m. 5:05 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:55 p. m. 9:35 p. m. 12:45 p. m. Lv F orest G rove *A r P ortland 6:10 a. m. 7:30 a. m. 8:05 a. m. 6:45 a. m. 9:50 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 10:35 a. m. 11:57 a. m. 2:25 p. m. 1:06 p. m. 3:40 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 6:00 d . m. 7:20 p. m. 9:25 p. m. 8:05 p. m. 10:50 p. m. 9:45 p. m. "Jefferson Street Station. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lv P ortland Ait F orest G rov 8:40 a. m. 7:15 a. m. 5:32 p. m. 3:30 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 6:58 p. m. A h P ortlan Lv F orest G rove 8:00 a. m. t6:40 a. m. 10:20 a. m. 8:24 a. m. 10-00 a. m. *8:40 a. in. 6:20 p. m. 4:38 p. m. •Sunday only tDaily except Sunday Notice. The Sunrise Grocery will pay cash for all farm products, Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, the best market price paid and all goods sold at the bottom price. Pacific Avenue at Third street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­ tor. 23tf This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such general college lines September 17th, 1913. R e co rd and equipment good . Terms reasonable. C om e and help us help you. C om e in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue and further information PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Ore. The Approach of Spring is the signal for greater effort in ail lines o f endeavor. Warm­ er and dryer weather means greater activity in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That New House, get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-PIace Lumber Co., Phone 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove. Forest Grove Shoe Store If you have given up in despair of ever finding a shoe that will wear That Boy of yours just a reason­ able length of time, try one of our best Heavy Shoes. They have a reputation of giving long service When you have to have a pair of Rubber Boots or Shoes, try our Shoe Store. You will find something new and attractive and a sur­ prise to you in Rubber Footwear. W anted —The P ress desire to secure a live correspondent in every community in Washington county. Send in your application The Forest Grove Press Print” Means Satisfaction to Yon at once. C . V . B. Russell -Forest Grove Shoe Store