The people of Oregon will be called upon to decide by G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N C U R R E Y a referendum vote, on four EDI TO R AND O W N E R , measures o* more or less im­ portance to all. The appropriation for addition­ Published every Thursday at Forest G rove, Washington County, Oregon. al improvements at the state University in Eu­ Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. gene is a very worthy measure and undoubtedly will receive the sanction o f the people. The S u b s c r i p t i o n R a t e s in A d v a n c e . measure providing a county attorney for each One Year.................... $1.50 Six Months...........75 Cents county is also a measure for more efficient ad­ ministration. The other two questions are ster­ O f f ic e o n M a in S t r e e t . P h o n e M a i n 502. ilization act and the workingman’ s compensa­ tion act. It is hoped the friends of these meas­ ABOUT PUBLICITY ures will make the effort to register their opin­ Proclaimed good for all, but no good to a person, ions at the polls and by so doing raise Oregon When tried it will simply set people a cursin’. one step higher on the progressive ladder. Altho o f the value o f gold, pure and yellow, FOREST GROVE PRESS Its worth remains naught until told to some fellow. In telling the truth 'bout an article needed, By all who are told sound advice will be heeded,— J is t H unt WELL DONE FAITHFUL SERVANTS Washington County’s first annual county fair has come and gone and in its three short days of existance was so successful that it earned a lease of life that will last for years. Success not only from the dollars and cents view point, but from a general satisfaction by all attending. Fully twelve thousand people witnessed the fast and well- conducted races, and all the exhibits including the excellant poultry, agriculture, live stock and household arts displays not only received their full share of attention but were worthy of it. The part taken by the many school children on Friday was no little part and the cooperation of the school authorities was greatly appreciated ‘ by the directors. Next year it will not be a question of whether the fair will be successful but only a question of how good the directors and the producers of Washington county can make it. Now the fair is over and we WELL, HOW have all had a few days ABOUT IT? breathing spell which is long enough for an energetic com­ munity like Forest Grove. The next move is that much mooted question of organizing a first class wide awake commercial club. It is our idea not to make the r.ew organization a vender of hot air but an organization of citizens of For­ est Grove who will not only endeavor to furnish accurate information to all seekers of same, to i s list new enterprises, to encourage new comers but in the main to keep things alive within the city itself. To lock after civic improvement and make Forest G ovethe cream bucket in the great immigrant seperator o f northwest publicity d ring the next six or seven years. The die v ill b > cast by that time. * - THURSADY, OCTOBER IS, 9131, FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 ................ FOUR GOOD LAWS The value of a scholastic education is not so much the learning of selected facts, nor the mastering of scientific principles so much as the developing of proper tendencies. Such tenden­ cies should be comprehensive, thorough and pro­ gressive. Let every patriotic citizen o f Forest Grove attend the next meeting of the Commercial Club There is no use talking to live outsiders until we prove ourselves to be without need of any em­ balming fluid. Next Tuesday will be clean up day in Forest Crove. Let us sack all the rubbish obtainable and cart away to the city dump pile, not exclud­ ing any discovered moss backs or knockers. . “ I have seen a dozen fairs in the west this yearand not a single one of them excelled Wash­ ington county’s, said a visitor in the city this week. Not so bad for the first time at bat. The PRESS received many compliments on last weeks paper. We will try to keep up the stand­ ard and request your co-operation. CIRCUIT COURT Antonia LaFazio, complaint is filed October 9lh 1913. Plaintiff is resident of Washington county, a that they were mar- rieu ai Portland Oregon, on the 24th day of July or there abouts in 1912. There being no children as result of said marriage, how­ ever the plaintitf, Antonia LaFa­ zio asserts she has three children from a former marriage, as fol­ lows, Josephine a girl of 13 sum­ mers and Antonio a boy o f 12 years, and Nick a boy of 5 yean Plaintiff asks the Honorablt Court to free her from this man and asks to be oecreed the cus tody of said three children. Fur ther she alleges cruel and inhu man treatment, and also on tht first of September 1912 while she was working hard picking hops the defendant wilfully left her and continually stayed out nights threatened to strike the children and spoke crossly. On the 5th day of September he left her wholly deserted and remained away, and this and other reasons she asks to be freed from Frank LaFazio and that she be given privilege of using her maiden name of Antonia Perelle. The Beaverton Nursery Co. registered their business name under the name aud style of the Beaverton Nursery Company and is composed o f the following re­ liable and well known names as backers of this business venture of this firm, Howard S. V\ eed, post office address is Beavorton, Margaret S. Weed same address, and James Lewis, Beavorton, Oregon, is acknowledged by J. Frank Stroud and witnessed by Jacob Stroud and J. Frank Stroud and expect to transact this line of business. We might mention at this time regarding the supplementary ar­ ticles of Incorporation of the There are a few days more to register. Do Washington County Agricultural not put it off. It is your duty to vote, especially jc Live Stock Associa’ ion, which under the Oregon system. nas apparent'y closed a prosper­ ous few days at Forest Grove. These supplementary papers Washington county is going to get that ban­ | were filed recently and signed by ner prize at the state fair next year also. J. W. Hughes, H. G. Goff, E. W. Haines, C. 0. Roe, W. F. Schultz and H. T. Buxton and the name is Washington County Fair for short, specifies its pursuits or occupation as giving fairs, and agricultural displays, and build- jing grounds, ball parks etc., cap­ italized at $10,000 divided into ! 400 shares of $25 each. The above mentioned articles were filed September 20th. , Marriage licenses were issued to Clyde Sutford, age 29 and Ed­ na Winifred Vincent age 20, of Washington county on Oct. 13th. ('lias. A. Fletcher age 27 of Multnomah a u n ty and Mayme Delsman, age 19, of this county. James R. Hart age 32 and Kath­ erine Miller, age 29, of this county, October 14th. L E Y ’ S BEG S T O R E Suits, all w ool Oregon ca ssm ere, $ 12.50 “ IT S AN Iron Clad Elastic-Strong! Y ou need not sacrifice comfort and appearance in y o u r boys nose to get that s t r e n g t h so necessary to resist the hard wear he gives them. Large Assortm ent AH Sizes a c if ic U n iv e r s it y , Wednesday evening; D e a r M a r g a r e t : — This is one of my few evenings “ at home’ ’ and «..I I ’ ve ' - do is to study J vrite a few leuuiS and dream oi mu. As I sit gazing into th ire, I live over our High schoc 'ays and the memories were ever so pleasant as now. Hov veil I remember our first day; n school together. You were he only girl then as now. I am sorry you have been dis- ippointed in not being able to enter college this year but I have strong hopes that you will lx here next year. Everything comes in its own time and wt must be patient until that time comes. We have had several informa socials in the last few weeks that [ have failed to mention. I often like to stand back in some seclud­ ed spot during (heir gatherin'1 and mentally compare the girls here with you. You do not lose >y the comparison hut it only strengthens my opinion that you are the'best little girl I know. I find that some of the co-eds know how to use their charms to .food advantage as is indicated by the little confession I an about to make. I don’ t know whether it was the spell of the moon, the call o f the campus or the subtle charm of the g rl, nut before I knew what had happened or how it had come about we were on our way home together. As the little girl said “ I never lid nothing but I won’ t do it again.” One of the chief diversions of the upper classmen now is watch­ ing the Fresh-Soph mix. Tin fight is getting mighty warn now and will culminate in a ch>s> scrap on All College Day on Oct. 29th. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving vacation and the I short visit I will have with you Tne F resent Day Music Machine The wonderful COLUMBIA now takes the place of all other musical insuruments. With all the improvements, and the highest of perfection to which they have attained, yet the prices have steadily been lowered until now it is within reach of every family to have a first-class COLUM­ BIA GRAPHOPHONE and a fine selection of Double Disc Records. Onlv a $> bill down! You have the use of the machine while you are paving the rest at $1.00 per week. We are exclusive agents for the COLUMBIA. Littler’s Pharmacy T H E P R E S C R IP T IO N S P E C IA L IS T Fhone 901 again. Lovingly vours, T ed . THE BOOK STORE is receiving new goods every da.\ for the fall trade. Have alreadj in a large display of new books by the most popular authors. Also a fine line of box stationary and pound paper. Call and se. us. H. R. Bernard Proprietor H ave Your Photos M ade Befcre Drs. Lowe & Tur­ ner the well known eye specialists will he in Forest Grove Oct.30. Con suit them about your eyes and glasses. Constipation, indigestion, drive- away appetite and nuke you weak and sick. Hollish rs’s Rocky Mountain Tea restoio the appetite, drives away disease, builds up the system. 35 c> nts, Tea or tablets. Vankoughuet & Reder. 3 RYAN T 7 i'E f H O G RA PH LR Opens H s Studio Over the Book store P ress Job Printing Satisfies Y Ò U Need a New Hea er for the W in ter TH E C O M F O R T H EATER CASSIMERE SUITS Stockings A re made in Ore­ combine elasticity with tre­ mendous durability. It’s the " s p e c i a l t w is t ” in the special y a rn and thirty years’ experience in knitting that does it. gon and gu aran ­ This is the season to buy your new heater. You will find the desired requirements of good locks, efficiency an 1 leng lile in any of our stancard of heatuis. W e carry a complete line of teed a l wool The Comfort Heaters Special Price only $ A Rightly Built Stove W ill Save Its Price in Heat Efficiency The Mission Heaters The Beaver Heaters 12.50 Come in vrh:!e you can make your selection from our complete stock Hardware D on’t M iss This Chance for Such a Bargain lohn SZ. Briley P imam IRON CLAD T h e ev are guaranteed to give Satis sfaction. LETT! Ri TO HIS G RL 32 SSL AH Colors FOR MEN AND BOYS TRY THEM Before removing to our new quarters we wish to reduce stock as much as possible. We have on hand some Seneca Stock Pow­ der, one of the best m ide, which we of.'es at half price while they last at Littler’s Pharmacy. P. U. JIMCRV Caai T op. C a i "o U o m and Cast Liner1, using I m w ood, giving m ore heat; o f better quality and neater apperance th e ro t^ rr heatera F c r e s t Grove O reg on Implements Pa'rts GORDON & GORDON HARDW’RE CO rr :