Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, October 16, 1913, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
The best developer o f a
community is a progressive
and representative news­
paper. Send the ' ‘Press'’
to friends whom you wish
to welcome to this country.
Your suggestion, criticism
ttmi cooperation is solicited
to help make the “ Press”
a true representative o f all
lhe people of Forest Grove
iiml of Washington County.
Voi. 5
clean - up
Future Prospects A re V ery Bright-’A ll Prize W in n ers Listed
City Council Takes Care of
Many Routine Matters
In regular monthly assembly,
the city fathers last Tuesday
evening attended to many rou­
tine matters until a late hour.
In ies|K)nse to a request from
the Woman's dub next Tuesday
was declared Clean-up Day. All
rubbish should he sacked and
placed on the street early Tues-
dav morning.
The finance committee’s re­
port was accepted. Instructions
were given to issue warrants in
favor o f the Limien-Kibbe Con­
struction company for $4,(1% for
paving of street intersections.
A lso a warrant of $195 upon the
completion and acceptance of the
remodelling the old watertower
into a tool house.
The treasur­
er’ s report was accepted
Judge Hollis advised the city
not to consider the request of
('apt. Peters for damages due to
injuries received from a claimed
faulty sidewalk, for trie reason
that in his opinion it was not the
jurisdiction of the council to de
termine such matters.
matters concerning
grades and sidewalks were re
fiarred to the street committee.
Mr. Hall requested permissitn
to operate a popcorn wagon on
the streets. The matter was re­
ferred to the ordinance committee
and attorneys.
Ed Haines requested theelimi
nation of a telephone pole in front
o f the new hank building and the
matter of arranging same was
left with the Light commissioner.
A vote of thanks was given
Mr. Broderson for painting the
lamp posts on the streets.
Trie Washington-Oregon Cor­
poration was represented and re
quested that something definite
be settled in regard to their offer
to furnish electric service to the
Gradings were established on
the following streets and the en­
gineer instructed
to prepare
grades on A Street and others.
On Main street from the south
line o f Third Avenue to the north
line of Fourth Avenue, and con­
tinuing on Fourth Avenue from
the east line of Main Street to
the east line of A Street. On
First Avenue North from the
west line of A Street lo the east
line o f B Street. On C Streel
from the north line of Pacific
Avenue to the south line of First
Avenue North.
On B Streel
from the north line of Pacific
Avenue to the south line of Third
Avenue North.
(Contieued to Pape Five)
Register Friday— Next Monday
will be the final day to register
in order to vote at the coming
election. Miss Langley and Mr.
Weitzel the registrars of Forest
Grove announce that they will
be in their offices all day on Fri­
day to give special attention to
registration. Let all who can do
so register Friday.
Washington county Pomona will
meet with Gale Grange, No. 282 on
Wednesday Oct. 22d.
Dr. Bushnell
will speak on "The Opportunities of
the American Farmer. ” Mrs. Bushnell
will speak on "W om an’s W ork.” Open
rmtting in the afternoon.
Cow, 2 years and under 3, 1st, W. K. 1 E. Jay. 2d, Mrs. F. E. McBride.
Newell. 2d, Thos. Carmichael.
Cross Stitch, Colored 1st, Mrs.
Heifer, 1 year and under 3, 1st, W.K. Broderson. 2d, Mrs. Stipe.
Colored Embroidery 1st, Mrs. Car­
Heifer, under 1 year, 1st, Thos. mel Good. 2d, Martha Alien.
Standard Bred Stallion, 1st, A. W.
Carmichael. 2d, W. K. Newell.
Tc-wel in Colored Embroidery—1st,
Mrs. La Rue. 2d, Mrs. G. D. Rogers.
Three-year-old Mare, 1st, H. W.
An enthusiastic and lively meeting of
White Embroidery
Lunch Cloth, the board of Directors of the Forest
Hampshire —
Satin Stitch—1st, Mrs. Carmel Good. Grove Commercial Club was held last
Four-year-old Mare, 1st, Bert Can-
Ram, under 1 year, 1st and 2d, C. C. 2d. Mrs. Ed. Algren.
Monday evening at which time several
Corset Cover, Embroidery—1st, Hazel important business matters were dis­
Eight-year-old-Mare, 1st, Bert Can-
Ewe, 1 year and under 2, 1st and 2d, O’ Donnell.
cussed and acted upon.
field. 2d, Fred Woodcock.
C. C. Beers.
Sh'rt Waist Embroidery—1st, Mrs.
The president at the request of C. C.
Colt, 1st, Fred Woodcock.
Ewe, under 1 year, 1st and 2d, C. C. Thornburg.
Chapman of the Oregon Developement
German t bach Stallion, Two Years Beers.
Night Dress, Embroidered 1st, Ber- League of Portlard, reported having
Old, 1st, Pete Parsons.
Flock, 1st, C. C, Beers.
| nice Holmes. 2d, Mrs. Capt. Peters,
secured samples o f nuts and apples
Belgian Stallion, 1st, H. C. and L.
Get o f Sire, 1st, C. C. Beers.
j Six Embroidered Napkins 1st, Mrs. grown here to be sent to the Chicago
R. Campbell,
Ram, 1st, L. L. Paget.
' ( ’. E. Jay.
Land show, Nov. 20th, for exhibition
Belgian Mare, 1st, H. C. and L. R,
Yearling Ram, 1st, Thos. Carmichael.
Embroidered Centerpiece—1st, Mrs. purposes.
Wade. 2d, Mrs. Capt. Peters.
Belgian Colt, 1st, H. C and L. R.
A communication from the Salem
Ram Lamb, 1st and 2d, L. L. Paget.
Embroidered Pillow Slips—1st, Mrs. Commercial Club was read requesting
Ewe. 1st. Thos. Carmichael 2d, L. Armentrout. 2d, Mrs. F. E. McBride.
us to send a delegate to a convention to
Draft Mare, 1st, Frank Thatcher. 2d, L. Paget. 3d, Thos. Carmichael.
Collection o f Crochet—1st, Mrs. J. be held at Albany, Oct. 30th, at 2:30 I*.
Pat Brown. 3d, Pat B.own.
Ewe, 1 year ami 2, 1st, L. L. Paget. A. Peterson.
M. Objects: the advancement of the
Draft Mare, Two Years Old, 1st, 2d, Thos. Carmichael,
Special Sofa Pillow—1st, W. V. whole Williamette Valley, and an Ore­
Hugh Johnson. 2d, Hugh Johnson.
Ewe Lamb, 1st, Thos. Carmichael. Metzler.
gon exhibit at the Panama Pacific Ex­
Draft Cult, 1st, Pat Brown. 2d, Pat 2d, L. L. Paget.
Sofa Pillow—1st, Mrs. C. H. Clark. position to be held in San Francisco in
Flock, 1st, L. L, Paget. 2d, Thos. 2d, Mrs. L. P. Adams.
1915. Hon. E. W. Haines was appoint­
Single Roadster, 1st, Chas. Metzger. Carmichael.
Wool Skirt—1st, Mrs. H. S. Goff. ed delegate and will leave here Oct.
1 ■-■.tries finished
Single Roadster, One Year Old, 1st,
Get of Sire, 1st, L. L. Paget. 2d,
Stockings -1st, Mrs. Ashby.
Tillamook Maid, McNamer o and d | Chas, Metzger,
30th to be in attendance.
Thos, Carmichael.
Knit Mittens 1st, Mrs. Ashby.
1 1 1
The matter of arranging for a ban­
i Shetland Pony, 1st, Miss A. M. Cotswold
Silk Quilt—1st, Mrs. Sam Short.
Midget, Merrill o and d 2 2 2
quet to be given by the Commercial Club
Paget. 2d, Carl Johnson. 3d, Miss
Ewe Lamb, 1st and 2d, Charles
Worsted Quilt 1st, Mrs. C. O’ Dell. was discussed and decided upon and the
Patch M K, Fisk o ami d 3 3 3
2d, Mrs. Margaret Van Doran.
following committees were appointed:
F (id ny Race*
Jack, Three Years Old, 1st, W. H.
Colton Quilt—1st, Mrs. Van Ant­
On arrangement, Messrs. Haines,
2:25 Pace (1 mile) purse $150, time of French,
werp. 2d, Mrs. Robert Scott.
Hoffman, and Thornburg. Sale o f tick­
heats 2:15'.^ ; 217'*; 2:18)4
Jack, Two Years Old, 1st, W. H.
Boar, 1st, L. L. Paget.
Hai.d Made Rug 1st, Mrs. M. E. ets: Messrs. Graham, Littler, Scott,
Lwlo, Slaats o and d 1 3 3
Fi euch.
Sow, 1st, L. L. Paget.
Whitmore. 2d, Uoe H. Westfall.
Hart. Program; Messrs, Atwell and
Amy May Zolock, Merrill o 4 4 4
Mule Colt, 1st, A. Hedgecock.
Poland C hina-
Beadi: g—1st, Mrs. Geo. Armentrout. Hart. Date of this occasion to be held
J r B Buchanan o 3 1 1
Braiding 1st, Mrs. M. E. Whitmore. Oct. 31 at 7, r, m .
Hal Chief, Woodcock 2 2 2
Boar, 6 to 18 months, 1st, Walter
Stenciling—1st, Bernice Holmes.
Free for All Trot (1 mile) purse $250 ! Sherthoms -
With further reference to the ban­
Amateur Landscape Views 1st, Mrs. quet, it might be well to explain one of
Bull, 1st, A, Chalmers.
time of heats 2-22' ■ ; 2:211-, ; 2:2U' - ; en­
Boar, under 6 months, 1st gnd 2d, W. W. Roswurm.
Bull, 1 year and under 2, 1st, A.
its purposes, namely, to meet all pres­
tries finished.
B. Ratfety.
Honiton—1st, Jessie Greer. 2d, Mrs. ent and prospective members and their
Sunset Bell, Howett o - 7 1 6
Sow, 1st, Thos. Carmichael. 2d, W. Dr. Hines.
Cow, 1st, A. Chalmers.
Borena D, Lemire o 6 2 1
wives and sweethearts, to impart to
B. Raliety.
Irish Crochet 1st, Mrs. Jody Smith, them a brief synopsis of the great good
Prince Seattle, Woodcock o 1 5
Sow, under 6 months, 1st and 2d, W, j 2d, Miss La Salle.
I Chalmers.
St Michael, Wilson o 4 6 4
our efforts have accomplished in the
B. Ratfety.
Shirt WaiHt, Irish Crochet 1st, Mrs. country wide publicity Forest Grove
Cow, 1 year and under 2, 1st, A.
Velma Z, Norton o 2 3 5
Litter under 4 months, W. B. Ratfety. L. C. Clapshaw.
Mark H, Cook o 3 4 3
has received in the past and o f the vital
Duroc Jerseys—
Drawn Work—1st, Mrs. Henry Holtz. importance o f continuing a work that
Ca!f, 1st, A. Chalmers.
I-a Siesta, Staats 5 7 2
[ 2d, Mrs. W. N. Pollock.
Every one o f the seven entries got in
Herd, 1st, A. Chalmers.
means the progress and upbuild of our
Boar under b months, H. C. and L.
Tatting 1st, Mrs. W. A. Martin. city and surrounding country. To quote
the money on this race. All purses Jerseys —
2d, Mrs. T. A. Lewis.
were divided 40!, 30 20 and 10.
Bull, 2 years and under 3, 1st, Wm
the Oregon Developement League of
So>v, 6 to 18 months, 1st, H. C. and
Hand Made Shoes 1st, Mrs. Ashby. Portland, with whom we are affiliated:
Saturday Race*
Schul me rich.
Three Embroidered Handkerchiefs
2:20 Trot (1 mile) purse $150, time of
Bull, 1 year and under 2, 1st, Wm.
Sow, under 6 months, 1st and 2d, H. 1st, Bernice Holmes. 2d, Mrs. G. D. “ It is wonderful what the Forest Geove
neats 2;20; 2:211 j ; 2:22, entries finished. S. hulmeric-h.
Commercial Club has accomplished in
C, and L, R. Campbell.
La Siesta, Staats o and d 4 2 2
Cow, 1st, Wm. Sehulmerich.
the way of country wide publicity with
Point Lace Handkerchief—1st, Mrs. the resources of a $2.00 membership
Sunset Bell, G. K. Howett o and d
Cow, 2 years and under 3, 1st, Wm
2 3 4
fee from 65 memberB. ” Irrespective
Hand Made Apron—1st,
St Michael, W ilson o and d 5 5 5
Cow, under 1 year. 1st, Wm. Schul- Holmes. 2d, Mrs. Collier.
the many handicaps we huve and ex­
V elma 2 Norton o 3 4 3
pect to encounter, we are more than
Baby Dress 1st, Mrs. Dr. Hines.
Collection o f Fruit in Jars—1st, Mrs. ever determined to put our shoulders to
Mark H, Southwick o 1 1 1
Herd, 1st, Wm. Sehulmerich.
2d, Mrs. R. Eastwood.
E. L. Cummings. 2d, L. D. We.-.tfall. the wheel until we have educated people
Free l or ail Pace (1 mile) purse $250 Holsteins—
Hemstitched Pillow Slips- 1st, Mrs.
Jellies 1st, Mrs. J. T. Newberry. to the effect that Forest Grove, outside
time of heals 2:15; 2:151 ; 2:15, entries
Bull, 1st, W. K. Newell.
G. D. Rogers.
2d, Mrs. R. M. Stevens.
Bull, 2 years and under 3, 1st, W
o f being one o f the most conspicuous
Baby Skirt 1st, Mis. R. Eastwood.
Canned Vegetables 1st, Mrs. Bux­ places on the map, i.s also a “ corking”
Aldine, Todd o and d 3 1 1
K Newell.
Punch Work 1st, Mrs. Ed. Algren.
ton. 2d, L. D. Westfall.
J C B, Buchanan o Merrill d, 4 4 4
Bull, under 1 year, 1st, Thos, Car­ 2d, Bernice Holmes.
good place to live in.
Pickies 1st, Mrs. E. L. Cummings.
Hal Chief,
Weiss o Woodcock d michael. 2d, W. K. Newell. 3d, Thos.
If you consider our object worthy
Kar danger Embroidery 1st, Mrs.
Canned Meats 1st, Mrs. Buxtnn.
2 3 2
the effort, respond by making this com­
Geo. Wade. 2d, Mis. Thornbuig.
Bonnie Antrim, Me lean o 1 2 3
Cow, lsi Th'S. CHrmichael.
ing banquet a “ howling success.”
Special Embroidery 1st, Mrs. T. orn-
Special Washington County Horses • Thos. Carmichael
3d, This. Car­ burg. -2d, Bernice Holmes.
F. G. Coul, Club.
Potato Yeast Bread 1st, Mrs. A. M.
()i mile) time of heats 1:09 >4; 1:14; lo chael.
Towel in White Embroidery—Mrs. C.
E. Hart, Sec’ry.
i Culver. 2d, Mrs. D. C. Clark.
1:11 Entries finished.
Cora Banks, Wilson 6 6
Steamed Brown Breach 1st, Mrs. D.
I C. Clark.
T.llamock Maid, McNamer 1 2 1
Midget, Merrill 2 1 3
Graham Gems 1st, Mrs. D. C. Clark.
Patch McK, Fisk 4 5 4
Loaf Cake 1st, Mrs. Chas. O. Hoe.
Black Prince, Speeker 3 4 5
Layer Cake—1st, Mrs. G. D. Rogers.
Nellie Ash, Heine o 3 2
2d, Mrs. M. Lockwood.
The seco,id lecture of the Ly-
Despite occasional showers before
Jelly Roll 1st, Mrs. J. W. Peabody. j ceum Course will come Oct. 27th.
and daring the meet the track was kept
Sugar Cookies 1st, Mrs. D. C. B. R. Baumgardt, will give his
in excellent condition and altho about
Clark. 2d, Mrs. G. D. Rogers.
great lecture, ‘ ‘An Evening With
Lwo seconds slow permitted of excellent
the Stars.” It is saying a great
many and varied exhibits.
Having gained a partial concession
on the part o f the rain god the Wash-
>'ngton county fi ir enjoyed three days
o f fairly fair Fair weather. Friday
was the largest attendance on account
o f the many school children, but the
gate receipts cn Saturday amounted to
fully as much. It is estimated that
ab.ut 12,000 people entered the gates
during the three days.
The races were pulled off with dis­
patch and satisfaction alike to horse­
men and spectators. Starters, judges
and all deserve 1 great praise for their
efficient work. All races were three
heats, each heat a race, The results
in the racing meet were: ,
1 buriday Races
2:15 Pace, (1 mile,) purse $200, time
o f heats 2 : 1 7 '2 : 1 '« ; 2:17, entries fin­
Lolo, Staats, o and d 3 2 3
Bsnnie Antrim, McClain o, Gorman
d, 1 1 1
Aldine, Todd o and d 2 3 4
Mrck N, Canfield o and d, 4 4 2
Special Buggy Race ('A mile) purse
$50, time o f heats 1:19'¿1; 1:14)4; 1:16,
All Invited to Big Booster
Meeting on Oct. 31
School Parade Fine
The parade on Friday o f 2000 school
children from all section o f Washington I
county far excelled the expectation of
every one. Country districts o f three
and four students to Hillsboro and For­
est Grove delegation o f over 500 each
were there wltn their yells, colors ai d
Hold Annual Meeting -Tuesday
drills. The Forest Grove school band
evening the Washington county
lead the procession and iurnished ex-
poultry association
at Hillsboro
and elected the following officers
for the insueing year: Pres. J.
Murro, of Hillsboro; Vice Pres.,
J. E. Pogue, Forest Grove; Sec.,
G. M. Littlehales, Forest Grove;
Tres.. R. H. Greer, Hillsboro;
executive committe, Mr. Lithin,
Walter Roswurm, L. T. Sills.
No. 13
. , . .,
.. , .
eellent mu8,c dunn* the entire falr’
Among the special attraction on the
grounds out side o f the merry-go-round
and the many typical fair venders,
were many excellant exhibits o f indus­
trial and educational value.
The Catholic ladies furnished excel­
lent fare until the supply became ex­
hausted, and as quickly as possible re­
lieved the short famine.
The grounds were kept as clean as a
pin during fcthe fair, the many tents
gave to the whole a genuine carnival
tone and Washington county’s fair has
been established as one o f the big an­
nual events o f the state.
Following is a complete list o f prize
winners in all departments. The list
itself bespeaks o f the excellence o f the
Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Perry, of
this place celebrated tneir 56rit
wedding anniversary on Monday
Oct. 6th. Mr. Perry was born in
Henry County Ky., December25.
1835, and there he spent his boy­
hood. In that vicinity he mar­
ried Miss Helen
Weems, who
was born in Mobile, Alta , July
27, 1837, where she lived only a
few years before moving with
her parents to Frankfort Ky.
Mr. Perry is an old soldier.
He served during the Civil War
in Company F. Thi teentli Ken­
tucky Mounted Infantry. This
couple has lived here for three
years, coming here from Baudot
Ore. They have lieen residents
of Oregon since 1889, having
lived for mary years in Hood
From 1 to 2 Years Old.
Eleanor Lucille Lawson,grand champ-
I ion, score, 99 5. Waiter Italdwin,score,
'•»9.4. Martha Louise Giltner, score,
From 2 to 3 Years Old.
Monroe Knox, score, 99.1. Mnrger-
ette Hines, score, V9. Thelmu Pea­
body, score, 98.3.
3 to 4 Years Old.
Capi le, score, 99 4. John
Among those who attended
the aniversary Mood, y were four Lovegnen, score, 99.1. Luciie Ryais,
generations, lepersented by Mrs. score, 98.5.
W. H. Perry, her daughter, Mrs.
E. E. Lyons, of Forest Grove; a
grandaughter, Mrs. V. V. Chan­
dler, of Patten Valley, and the
latter’ s baby, Katherin Chand­
ler. Mr. and Mrs. Perry have
living decendants to the number
of 21. 4 children, 13 grand child­
ren, and 4 groat grand children.
They e: pect to spend the remain­
der of their days in Forest Grove
and the P ress Joins their many
friends in wishing them many
more happy anniversary of their
marriage day.
Commercial Potatoes, 1st, Claries
Metzger, 1st, 2d, 3d.
Co.lection of Grain in Punches, 1st,
L. D. Westfall. 2d, C. W. Bloom,
rorage Exhibit, 2d, L. D. Westfall.
Grass for Hay, 1st, L. D. Westfall.
Farm Exhibit, 1st, L. D. Westfall.
2d, Robert McCracken.
Grange Exhibit, 1st, Gale Grange.
2»!, Beaverton Grange.
3d, Green
Mountain Grange.
Hops, 1st, John Caisto & So
( loot’d on Page Five to Page Seven)
deal to state that a greater feast
of good things is in store for
those who attend, Banmgardt’s
lecture than those who were
fortunate enough to hear Par-
lette. No pains nor expense has
been spared to make this loature
an artistic treat. The illustra.
tions are all from celestial re­
gions taken with the latest giant
telescopes, which have a per­
spective ninety thousand times
greater than the unaided eye.
The lecture is not technical even
a child can foHow and under
stand, yet every stateme it is
A more
’ rofitahle
hour could hardly
be spent than. With this lecture
season ticket for me remainder
o f the season covering, Baum-
gardt, Herbsm >n, and the two
musical numbers, can he secured
for $1.25 single admissions, for
reserved se .Is 50c, general ad­
mission 35c, school cln (Iren 25c.
Forty addi ional reserved sea s
w ill be add ;d on the s ’ties of the
re “ r\ ation
tecl o.i of
Marsh Hall.