THURTDAY, OCTOBER & 1913. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 9 r looks good to see him out again. C O N N I E MACK Mrs. H. N. Adix and daughter of Fstacada were visiting Mrs. /A /A C. E. Walker Thursday. Mrs .0! Adix is a sister of Mrs. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thompson VJs; of Portland visited with Mr. and Car Shops About Completed — The object of the game is for Fifteen new, all steel passenger one team to carry the ball across Mrs. B. F. White in this city coaches are now standing on the the opponents goal line and to Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Hoskins was a tracks in the new P. E. & E. car defend its own goal line. When shops near Beavorton. These ever a ball is stopped or goes out Portland visitor Tuesday. cars will be used on the new P. the field of play it is called a J. Thornburg attended the fair, E. &. E. road between Portland dead ball and the teams line up at Salem, Tuesday. and McMinnville. against one another, the team in Henry Sackrider went to Port­ Open for Business —Archie possession of the ball when de­ land, Thursday, from there he clared dead again starts the play. Bryant has opened his studio went to Salem. over the Book Store. Mr. Bry­ If a team fails to advance the ball ten yards in four downs, Mr. Paul Nelson o f McMinn­ ant at one time was owner of the Forest Grove Studio and we are that is four successive trials the ville, visited in this city Saturday glad to see him in business here ball is given to the other team and Sunday. who endeavors to advance it to- again. Mrs. O. A. Shogren visited ward the opposite end of the with her daughter, You are invited to inspect our Mrs. J. David’s Hill Popular Sunday field. The game is beçoming Modern and Sanitary Kitchen afternoon the owners of the more popular as it is better un­ Reaves at Hillsboro over Sunday. vineyards on the hill were kept derstood. Mrs. Henry Dodson is improv­ C on n ie M ack, m an age r of the P h ila ­ busy cutting grapes for the visi­ ing in health after her illness of delphia A thletics, w hose team Is con­ tors. Forest Grove people as Chris Lasham and family, o f the past summer. well as some below Beaverton Devil’ s Lake, North Dakota have 1 D. N. Morris and wife, Mr. te stin g for the w orld's baseball ch am ­ pionship. took advantage of fine weather come to this city to locate. and Mrs. W. J. Good, and Mr. and traveled hillward. H. W. Scott has traded his 2J and Mrs. Charles Walston autoed Clarence Joy Breaks Leg— acre lot in Forest Grove for a 12j to Shoals Friday to visit E. J. WHOLESALE PRICES Clarence Joy of Gaston while acre farm one mile north of the j Groats and wife of Shoals and driving Sunday in company with city which belonged to A. G. j William Proser and wife o f Portland Local Prices Corrected To-date Mr. Inglis and son, was thrown Hoffman. The consideration Laurel. > x ; X X H D Grain, Hay, Flour, Etc. from the buggy and his leg $4000.00 Rex Dallas of Gales City and broken just above the ankle. Wheat Track prices: New club, 77 Mr. Layman, of Thatcher, had ; Bob Mott ano Lena Loy ns of to 78c; bluestem, 87 to 88c; fortyfold, The horse kicked over the Hillsboro, were Grove visitors a sale of cattle at his home Mon­ shaft then started to run. Mr. Sunday. 97c; Red Russian, 77c; valley, 79c. j Inglis jumped but the boys were day. Some of the older cattle Flour —Patents, $4.70; straights, $4.00 Mrs. Guy Stockman and ¡baby to 4.10; exports, $3.55 to 3.65; valley, | thrown out. Neither Mr. Inglis sold as high as $100.00 each. no are spending a few days visiting $4.70; graham, $4.60: whole wheat, Bridge Crew Gone—The bridge nor his son were seriously in­ $4.80., jured. Two hours after the ac­ crew which have putting the friends in Portland. Hay—Track prices: Idaho timothy, j cident a party of hunters came steel bridge for the P. E. & E. Miss Lucy Martin of Scoggins $17 to 18; Eastern Oregon timothy, $15 by and brought Joy to the Grove. across Gales Creek left Tuesday Valley was a Grove visitor Satur­ to 16; alfalfa, $12 to 13; grain hay, $10 H as just unpacked another large consignment of Books to 11; clover, $9 to 10. day. Accidently Shot—John Haney for California. Oats— Best white, new, producers right from the publishers, also a large assortment of fine was accidently shot in the right There will be a Union Young Mrs. Dennis Saunders who has pricers, $25.50 to 26 per ton. Barley brewing—feed, $25; rolled, | arm last Sunday. He and his Peoples meeting at 6.30 p. m. j been visiting in this city for the Stationery; this is exceptionally fine and is in all tints. to 29 son were hauling a load of gravel Sunday in the Methodist church. past few weeks returned to her $28 Millstuffs—Bran, $21 to 22 per ton;! and while removing the gun All are invited. W e ask the ladies especially, to call and examine this. home in Salem Monday. middlings, $30 to 31: shorts, $23:50 to from the wagon it was accidently BB 24:50. The Woman’s Missionary So­ Ethel mith of Banks visited' BD discharged tearing the muscles B B Butter, Eggs and Poultry BB o f the arm just below the shoul-; ciety of the Congregational friends in the Grove Saturday. church will hold its annual A ll kinds of School or College Supplies Country Dressed Meats—Pork, fancy, ( Miss Carol Phillips is ill this der. Mr. Haney was taken to thanksgiving supper, Wednesday week with the grippe. □ □ 11 to 12c; veal, extra, 14 to I4)^c; [ his home by C. L. Bump and BB heavy, 9 to 11c. BB medical aid was called immedi-| Oct. 15th. Cheese Full cream, twins and trip­ □ B Mrs. Anna Atkins spent the Our stock of Artists’ Supplies, such as Paints, □ □ ately. Special Meetings —Special week end with her son D. F. lets, 17 to 17)^c; Young Americans, 18 □ B to 18'Ac; cream brick, 22c; Swiss block, Brushes, Canvas and Etc., is com plete Commissioner Will Move to meetings commencing last Sun­ Atkins. 24c. County Seat-County Commis­ day, are being held at the Chris-j Butter Oregon creamy cube, 34c per pound; butter fat delivered, 34c per [ sioner C. A. Hanley is buying a tian church. There has been a home in Thorn’ s addition fr o m ! good attendance and much inter­ COUNTY FAIR SOME CLASS pound. Subscriptions taken for all kinds of Poultry—Hens, 14^ to 15c; broils and I Fred Brown. It is understood j est shown. Continued from page one. fryers, 16c; ducks. Pekih, 14c; Indian Rnner, 10 tol2c, geese, young, 12 to the deal is now closed. Mr. ' Mr. and Mrs. McNeil who have Magazines and Periodicals Haidey expects to move in his' been visiting their son here leave is expected to break loose at noon, when 13c; live turkey’s, 20 to 22c. Eggs Oregon ranch, candldea, 36 to j many tons o f dynamite will be exploded new home this fall, thereby j for Woodburn this week. 37c per dozen; best storage 30 to 32c. by Col. Goethals. making it very convenient for j Engineer Kirkwadd and Mc­ Fruits and Vegetables his work as commissioner. Saturday, Hillsboro Day BB □ Q Donald left town Tuesday even­ BB Onions—California $1.65 to 1.75 per □ □ As usual the last is not least, and Breaks Arm in Failing —Mrs. ing at 5 o ’clock and by 6:15 had B B □ B H . B. B E R N A R D , Prop. cwt. Oregon $1.50 per cwt □ B D. D. Sage of Dilley formerly of captured the limit of China Phes- Hillsboro Day will probably be the Fresh Fruits—Apples, cooking 75 to banner day of the Fair. Not only is a $1.00 per box; table, $1.25 to 1.75; this city fell last Saturday break­ ants. ____ ] Q Q n r m Q O ] □ □ □ □ I 1 □ ODE □ o Bina d o ! i n n n □ EÜU O Q large delegation expected from the pears, $1.00 to 1.25 per box; canta-. □□Cuomo DQE 3 0 Q Q Q □□irhiiiLii.!illuminilinnnn o n e ing her arm. Miss Myrtle Bundy who is tea­ county seat, but the races and parade loupes, $1.75 to 2.00 per crate; oranges, Campfire Girls’ Meeting—The ching in the High School at Moro of preminm stock, etc., will guarantee $5.50 to 6.00 per box; blackberries, to 1.25 per cr. te; lemons, $8.50 Campfire Girls’ will hold an im­ Ore.,is visiting at the home of the day’s program to be as good as any $1.00 to 9.50 per box; pir.eanples, 7c per lb. her Mother Mrs. O. W. Bundy. portant business meeting at the grapes, Tokay’s, Malgas, Muchats, of all the good days. home of their guardian. Mrs. B. $1.00 to 1.25 per crate; Concords, Miss Emma Duych attended Pacific University Will Be There sm; P basket 15 to 20c: peaches, 40 to F. White Saturday at 3:00. p. m. the fair at Salem last week. r * d ’ r tt " .Mi 75c per box; plums, 75c to *1.00 per Secretary. On Friday Pacific University will crat£ huckie6erries 8 to 10c per lb ; trip to Portland Monday. close its doors and attend the Fair. groundcherries, $1.25 per box; cranber­ Many things were shipped Mr. and Mrs. Rev. W. 11. This was decided by the faculty this ries $9 to 9 50 per bbl. from the Saldm fair to he exhib­ Prose of California have rented Potatoes New Oregon, $1.00 to 1.10 week. ited in" the fair held here the rooms in S. Gibsons house on per hundied; sweets, $2.00 to 2.25. Vegetables Cabbage, $1.50 to 1.75 All Up to the Weather Man last o f this week. B St. per cw t.; peppers, 5 to 6c per pound; You cannot All the weather men from Jupiter garlic, 7 to 8c per pound; cucumbers, Miss Hazel Barker visited over Pluvius and the Chief o f the U. S. 35 Football Mo e Popular to 50c per box; artichokes, $1.00 to and Better Understood Sunday with Miss Hazel Hughes Weather Bureau to the local observers to 1.25 per dozen; tomatoes, 25 to 40c afford to miss the extraord­ per box; green tomatoes 40 to 50c per o f Dilley. and sages, have been notified to ma­ The baseball season is now at box; green beans, 5 to 6c per pound; inary values we are giving in our Mrs. Charles Miller and daugh­ nipulate the signs and produce fair celery, 75 to 85c; eggplant, 6 to 7c per its close, and especially among pound; corn, 15 to 20c per dozen; peas, ter Marguret left Monday to join weather for all three days. Every the college centers, football will Fall and W inter Goods in all our detail was ready and set last evening, 5 to tic per pound: red peppers 10c occupy the attention of the ath­ her husband at Tillamook. per lb. pickling cucumbers 75c per and with the word go this morning the letes and their admirers until box; white pickling onions 10c per lb.; Mr. Whitehouse o f Tillamook departments including Shoes, Dry Thanksgiving or a little after. have rented Mrs. Chailes Miller’s Washington County Fair for 1913 was cauliflower, *1.00 to 1.25 per doz., spin­ Among the general public foot­ house on B St. and moved in last off Ike a true winner for a three days’ ach 2c per lb., pumpkin, *1.50 per cwt. Goods, M en’s Furnishing Goods, race, with each day a heat, and each ball has never been as popular as Tuesday. W ool, Hops, Etc. heat a win. baseball, probably because it is Wool Eastern Oregon, 10 to 16c per W. S. Good made a business Hats, Caps and Clothing played at a more disagreeable trip to Hillsboro the first of the pound; Valley, 16 to 18c. season of the year and because week. Hops 1912 crop, nominal; contracts, New Registration Law 1913, 20 to 23. the public have never become In our Grocery Department you’ll find Everything The new State law on registration Mohair 1913 clip, 25 to 26c per pound. Mark Hogue who is working in familiar with it. with which all persons must comply be­ Meier and Ftank’ s store in Port­ From a spectacular standpoint, Livestock, Portland Yards Good to Eat in prices far below our competitors. the American game of football land, was visiting home folks in fore they can vote at the special refer­ Cattle Steers, prime, $7.50 to 7.85; endum election of November 4, is not under the present rules undoubt­ this city over Sunday. well understood by a large percentage good to choice, $7.00 to 7.25; common edly has the edge on any other Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chalmers o f the Oregon voters. Women espe­ to fair, $6.50 to 7.00; cows, top, $6.50 to 6.75; fair to good, $6.00 to 6.50; bulls, sport. No other game is so lia­ were Salem visitors Saturday. cially are unused to the ways o f man $4.50 to 5.50; stags, $6.00 to $7.00; ble to spring sudden surprises, Mr. and Mis. W. H. Baker made political laws, and women will get calves, $8.00 to 9.00. no other game is so full o f iti- Best, $8.40 to 8.70; common have returned from their visit their first chance to vote on State to Hogs tence moments than a ciosely good, $7.75 to 8.25. with Mr. Baker’s sister Mrs. M. measures on November 4. Here is the fought game o f football. how and where and when o f registra­ From a players standpoint foot­ Havnes o f Silverton. sity o f Oregon; a bill appropriating tion under the new law: ball is undoubtedly the best all Mrs. A. Hinman and daughter, Where The office o f the County $75,000 for repairs and additions to four man class o f the High School round developer of any sport. Miss Gertrude, were Portland y .V .W .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .W .V i other buildings at the University of Clerk of each voter’ s county. When Monday. Not only physical but mental. visitors last Saturday. \ jc Oregon; the sterilization act; the Any time before October 20. The I I More so than in any other game county attorney act; the workmen’s There are 34 students enrolled Mrs. W. H. Barker and Mrs. “ how” is not complicated at all. At compensation act. N Brady Chowning’ s ?• is quick thinking under fire and in the type writing class. the office o f the County Clerk the Mary Neil of the Grove visited •I •! an ever alert and cool brain at a would-be voter is asked the color of great premium. Then there is at Oak Park Sunday. The Forest Grove High School eyes, shade o f hair, length o f residence the team work in football which vs. Hillsboro High School Friday Mr. and Mrs. Carmel Good in the State, and one or two other far surpasses that o f any other at 2:30 in the first football game i; B A R B E R S H O P game. While it is sometimes went to Portland Saturday to buy points. These are made part o f a per­ o f the season. manent record. The citizen signs this said a team wins by "stars” it is furniture for their new house. for Mr. Proctor addressed the record in several places and a copy of A chorus from the High School usually an eleven man machine Wm. Schultz was a Portland it is sent to him, and this copy consti­ High School on Tuesday e- ening. is being planned to take part in acting together that produces visitor Saturday. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE tutes a permanent certificate o f regis­ Roy Thomas was absent from the last of the Licium lecture, the score. In football as in any tration. The voter will not thereafter "The Rose Maid.” school this week on account of other game there are few chanc­ Mrs. H. McNutt was a Portland have to register unless the place o f res­ mumps. es for underhanded advantage passenger Saturday. idence is changed. N ixon Bldg. Main St. against opponents, but when D. T. Thomas addressed the I feel as happy as an eel. At this special referendum election Wilbur McEldowney, cashier officials and especiaUy coaches .• • v .v .v .v .v .w .v .* High School students at opening Oh! how happy I do feel. take a determined stand against in the Forest Grove National on November 4, five State measures exercises on Wednesday morning. If vou’d feel as well as me will be up for action. A bill appropri­ "dirty work” there is practically bank, has been out on the streets Girl wanted for general house­ Drink Hol'ister’ s Rocky Moun­ Esther Lasham o f Devils Lake He has been confined to ating $100,000 for a new administration none of it done without punish­ again. work. Phone 754. 12x2p tain tea. Vankoughnet & Reder. and class room building for the Univer- North Dakota entered the Fresh- his room for some time arid it ment eliminated. FERN COVE “ CONFECTIONERY 1 The Home o f Pure Made Candies HA R VE BA LD WIN, Proprietor tor L I THE BOOK STORE The FALL SEASON is NOW ON And W inter is Coming King & Caples Mercantile Company High School Notesl I