FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913. V ^ .V A V *V W *V .V » W .V V .V . Ibs. 1 Alley, 2 yrs. old. 1 brown driving mare, weight 1000 lbs. 1 small team. 1 work horse, 7 yrs old. Cattle, 1 thorobred Jersey In the Circuit Court of the State of milch cow, fresh middle o f No­ Oregon for Washington County vember. 3 milch cows, grade Jersey. 1 fresh milch cow, Charles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff vs grade Jersey. 1 cow, fresh De­ Emma F. Lousignont, Defendant cember 1st. 2 yearling heifers, To Emma F. Lousignont Defendant In the name of the state o f Oregon: 2 heifers, 2 yrs. old. Hogs; 11 head o f hogs. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you Horses and cattle; The follow in the above entitled suit on or before mg described horses and cattle the expiration of six weeks from and after the date o f the first publication of | owned bv O. G. Carnahan will this summons, to-wit: the 16th day o f also be offered for sale: 1 black October, 1013, and if you fail to answer j thorobred English shire stallion for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ | wt. 1700, age 11 y.s. 1 black ply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint to-wit: for the dis­ gelding weighing 1200 lbs, age 4 olution of the marriage contract now yrs. 1 Alley 2 yrs. old. 3 milch existing between plaintiff and defend­ cows, grade Jersey. ant. and for such other relief as may Harness, wagons, etc.: 1 heavy seem meet and equity in the premises, on the gro inds of cruel and inhuman i work harness; 1 double driving treatment rendering his life burden­ harness; 1 single driving harness some. Binder, Mower, Rake, Disc har­ This summons is published by the or­ row, Mitchell wagon, 3J in. al­ der o f the Hon. D. B. Reasoner, Judge o f the County Court for Washington most new. 1 old farm wagon. County, Oregon, and said order being 1 buggy. Heating stove, Hang­ made on the 2d day o f September, 1913. ing lamp. 5 milk cans. 50 bu. The date of the first publication of wheat. this summons is September 4th, 1913, Free lunch at noon. and the last day o f the publication of Terms of sale: 1 year’s time on this summons is the 16th day of Octo­ ber, 1913. approved note for horses' 7 J. N. Hoffman month’ s time on approved note Attorney for the plaintiff. for other articles. All sales un- I der $10 must be cash. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ | Whib Hughes, Auctioneer, gon for Washington County. j Burk Porter, Clerk. Marvin ! Hoffman, owner, Gaston, Ore. Sadie M. Morris, Plaintiff vs Route 2. | LEGAL NOTICES I %vvvvv.vvv.v»v.v.v.,.v.v.v. J. G. Morris, Defendant. To J. G. Morris defendant: In the name of the state o f Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from and after the date o f fiirst publication o f this summons, towit: the 23rd day of October, 1913, and if you fail to an­ swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint towit: for the dis­ solution o f the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defend­ ant; and that she be decreed to be the owner o f the home in Forest Grove, and that she be decreed and have judg­ ment covering the equity in the real estate in the city o f Portland, Oregon. That she be awarded such other and further relief as may seem equity in the premises. This summons is published by order o f the Hon. D.B. Reasoner Judge o f the county court for Washington county, Oregon, said order being made on the 8th day o f September, 1913. The date o f the first publication o f this summons is September 11th, 1913, and the last date o f publication o f this summons the 23rd day o f October, 1913, J. N. Hoffman Attorney for Plaintiff. 1913 Program W om an\Club Forest Grove, Oregon A H O LLAN D . or attempted deception is wrong. It is also foolish. Attempted deception, deception that does not deceive, is still more fool­ ish. Successful business men are not foolish. They do not attempt deception. Aside from its being wrong, they know that It is foolish, that It Is expensive, that It will not pay. That is the renson that ad­ vertising is truthful, that it is dependable, thet you and other readers of this paper have confidence in it That is the reason that advertis­ ing pays. Even Ananias never paid money for newspaper space in which to circulate his as­ saults on truth. He was a deal o f a liar. If his reputa­ tion is deserved, hut he wrote no false advertisements. If that ancient purveyor of ca- nards has a modern successor the present day exponent of prevarication is not an ad­ vertiser. Goods that are advertised persistently must have merit Advertising that Is continu­ ous must be truthful. You can protect yourself by buy­ ing advertised goods o f mer­ chants who advertise. There Is loo much at stake for them to attempt to deceive. D PUBLIC SALE I will sell at the J. H. H o ff­ man place (better know n as the old John H oops farm ) 3 miles southeast o f Gaston and 1-2 mile west o f Laurel- w ood com m en cin g at 10 A. M. Thursday Oct. 16 The Follow ing Described Articles: E X E C U T IV E B O A R D 1913-1914 Miss Margaret Hinman Mrs. Willis Goff Miss Mary F. Farnham Mrs. F. J. Miller Mrs. John A. Abbott Mrs. T. J. O. Thacher Mrs. E. W. Haines OCTOBER MONDAY. THE THIRTEENTH FEDERATION DAY Chairman Driving team - - - - - - Mrs. T. J. 0 . Thacher President’s Greeting Music Reports o f Federation Delegates •‘Opportunity is not to be despised, but resolutions lead oftener to success.” Hostess - - - - - - Mrs. John A. Thornburgh NOVEM BER MONDAY, THE TENTH PUBLIC HEALTH DAY Chairman - - - - - Mrs. Clifford Walker Address: Dr. A. C. Smith Music “ Be wise today; ’tis madness to d efer.” —Young Red Cross Seals Hostess - - - - - - - - Mrs. F. J. Miller - - DECEM BER MONDAY. THE EIGHTH - - Mrs. Duncan Macleod Music The Library as a Civic Center, Miss Cornelia Marvin, State Librarian ‘ ‘Of making many books there is no end.“ Ecclesiastes Hostess - - - - - - - Mrs. E. W. Haines “ Dreams, books are each a world; and book we know Are a substantial world, both pure and good.’ " - e c e p t io n - - - WANTED—T h e P ress yrs. old, weight 1050 lbs each 1 colt coming 2 yrs. old. 1 black thorobred English shire stallion, wt. 1700, 11 yrs. old. 1 black gelding, age 4yrs. weighing 1200 seCure a live correspondent in ,. . every community in Washington countv. Send in your application at on e. The Sunrise Grocery will pay for all farm products, Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, the best market price paid and all goods sold at the bottom price. Pacific Avenue at Third street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­ tor. 23 tf A r F orest G rove 8:05 a. 9:25 a. 11:45 a. 2:45 p. 5:05 p. 6:40 p. 7:55 p. 9:35 p. 12:45 p. in. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. I.v F orest G rove *A r P ortland 6:10 a. m. 7:30 a. m. 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 9:50 a. m. 10:35 a. m. 11:57 a. m. 1:05 p. m. 2:25 p. m. 3:40 p. m. 5:00 p. tn. 6:00 o. m. 7:20 p. m. 8:05 p. m. 9:25 p. m. 9:45 p. m. 10:50 p. m. •Jefferson Street Station. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lv P ortland 7:15 a. m. 3:30 p. m. 5:40 p. m. A r F orest G rov 8:40 a. m. 5:32 p. m. 6:58 p. m. A r P ortlan Lv F orest G rove 8:00 a. m. t6:40 a. m. 10:20 a. m. 8:24 a. m. 10:00 a. m. *8:40 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 4:38 p. m. •Sunday only tDaily except Sunday HOME BAKING CO. » Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. CHARTER DAY Chairman - Miss Minnie Myers Music “ Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.” —Michelangelo - Mrs. Charles Hines “ Only the gods make no mistakes.” Hostess W e sell 6 loaves o f Bread for 2 5 cents Free delivery to all parts o f the city Pacific A venue, Forest G rove RED LETTER DAY JANUARY, THE TWENTY-EIGHTH C h a i r m a n .............................................................Mrs. McKenzie R eoolvcd :—“ That the Oregon Federation o f Women’s Clubs adopt the last Wednesday o f January as Scholarship Loan Fund Day, when every club In the state is asked to do something to increase the fund which is being loaned young women to assist in their edu­ cation.” —La Grande Convention. How About that SILVER OFFERING “ We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial.” —Bailey. - - - - - - - Mrs. Duncan Macleod Hostess FEBRUARY MONDAY. THE NINTH DOMESTIC ART AS AN ECONOMIC FACTOR Leader Address - - - - - - Miss Mary F. Farnham - - - - - - - - Mrs. Robbins Extension Lecturer, Oregon Agricultural College Music “ Greatness consists in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” H o s t e s s ............................................................. Mrs. L. L. Watt “ Home-keeping hearts are happiest.” - New House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., G eneral Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cem ent, lime, sand and plaster, building and roofin g papers. All finish lum ber kiln dried. W e m ake a specialty o f house building and carry a full line o f sash, d oor frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. MONDAY. THE NINTH desire t OREGON ELECTRIC •Lv P ortland 6:45 a. m. 8'05 a. m. 10:25 a. m. 1:25 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 5:15 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 11:40 p. m. MONDAY, THE TWELFTH M ARCH 5 and 6 Notice. Giving Correct Time of the Arrival and cash Departure cf All Fore.trove Trains JA N U A R Y Horses: 1 team o f Percherons, 4 years old, weighing 1600 lbs. each. B E T T E R C IT Y LIBRARY DAY By TR A IN SCH ED ULE Study Topic: Chairman misrepresentation Is Expensive PAGE 5 SOCIAL HYGIENE C h a i r m a n .................................................... Mrs. E. E. Wiliams “ In the exaltation o f life is the remedy for the evils that threaten the race.” —Harold Bell Wright Hostess - - - - - - - Mrs. E. F. Burlingham Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. Council G eneral Contractors and Builders Forest G rove, O re S t M A D E IN F O R E S T G R O V E D A Y C h a i r m a n .................................................... Mrs. A. T. Buxton “ There’s not in this world a valley so sweet.” —Thomas Moore Begin Now! A P R IL to plan for that College Course. There is considerable MONDAY, THE THIRTEENTH discussion about Education but there is no c’oubt that a good general college course taken right is in the long run the practicaV thing in Education. EDUCATION DAY C h a irm a n ............................................................. Mrs. A. P. West “ ’Tis education forms the common mind; Just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclined.” — Pope Hostess - - - - - - - Mrs. A. G. Hoffman D A N D E L IO N D A Y A work is school well equipped to do first class general college APRIL “ And the spring comes slowly up this way.” —Coleridge Pacific University MAY Forest Grove,'.Ore. MONDAY. THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL GUEST NIGHT This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such general college lines September 17th, 1913. R ecord and equipment good. Terms reasonable. Hostess “ All who joy would win must share it, Happiness was born a twin.” Miss Mary F. Farnham "Great welcome makes a merry feast.” Come and help us help you. M AY MONDAY, THE TWENTY-FIFTH Come in and talk the matter over or address (or Catalogue ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING and further information Reports o f Officers Reports o f Committees Election of Officers Discussion o f next year's work. PACIFIC U N IVERSITY, F o r e t G rove, Ore. Hostess “ Light seeking light, doth light o f light beguile ” - - * - - Mrs. E. E. Williams The Approach of Spring is the signal for greater effort in all lines of endeavor. Warm­ er and dryer weather means greater activity in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That New House, get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-Place Lumber Co., Phone 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove.