FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913 The Auction House NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS ; Phone 721 •j O. M. Sanford News Snapshots Of the Week half a million people saw the funeral cortege of the late Mayor William J. Gaynor of New York city. Former (’resi­ dent Taft was one of the pallbearers The Athletics won enough games to give them the |>ennant of the American league. and the date for the first world's series game was set for Oct. 7. First pictures were taken of the Untun locks on the Panama canal showing the water let in. Garros, the famous French air man. who bolds the altitude record, fiew across tlie Mediter­ ranean sea from France to Tunis, a distance of 560 miles, being the longest oversea flight ever made. Sir Edward Carson reviewed the Ulster volunteer army of 100,000, which is prepared to fight if home rule passes. American ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morgentbau, was a witness in the Governor Sui­ ter Impeachment trial. Dr. William T. Grenfell, a Labrador missionary, was selected as best man for the WU#6n wedding. Proprietor r M. S. A L L E N & = 1 CO. □ A t T m r of the month at 10:30 A. M. ; Mass on the second and third Sundays of the month at 8 a . m . Gaston—Mass on the fourth Sunday of the month at 10:30 a . m . , N o te —A fifth Sunday in the month occurring, the time and place for the masses will be announced. Catechism: In Forest Grove on Fri­ day at 3 p. M. ; in Cornelius on Satur- iyConfession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. M. Altar Society: A general meetieg of the society will be held on the first Wednesday of January, April, July and October. Sermons are always in Eng­ lish at both masses on every Sunday. Everyone, regardless of creed, is cor­ dially invited to all services. T eddy T etzlaff, B arney O ldfield and th e w orld’s fastest R acing D rivers all uss W e invite the people cf Washington County to vis­ it our Booth at the Fair Grounds where we will have on display Buggies, Wagons,” Engines, Power Sprays, Separators, Power Washing Machines and Other Farming Implements M. S. A L L E N & Forest Grove, Oregon of the Port'and C. E. Union Dr. R. E. Dunlap is ecpected ] | ron will have charge of the service. CARBON-NIT in this week by auto to take All young people especially in- charge of his work here. He i vitid. There are now 50,000 enthusiastic users in the State I will probably be in the pulpit of the M. E. church Sunday morn- of California of this wonderful “Power Producer” I ing and evening. and saver of gasoline for autos, motorcycles, motor The October number of Rev. (For all churches who hold regular services in this boats and stationary engines. Will increase your | J. R. Buck’s new monthly mag­ city. The p o >er au th o rises are requested to power 10 to 25 per cent by removing carbon from azine has been thoroly circu a ed send in their announcem ent early each w eek.) your cylinders. Now endorsed and recommended thru the city and it certainly de­ S eventh D ay A d v en tist : Third by over 80 pet. of America’s Auto Manufacturers. serves the many compliments it Street. Regular services Sabbath day: 10:30 A M., Sabbath school; 11:30 A. M., i is receiving. A new feature to QUART SIZE, 75c FOR SALE BY > services. Missionary meeting. j be added next month will be the churc Sunday " ening, 7:30 P. M. Prayermeet­ | “question box.” If any person Wednesday evening, 7:30 p . m . A j desires knowledge m any special ing, cordial invitation extended to all. ongregational :— Rev. D. T. and pertinent Catholic subject, F irst C pastor. AMOS LAHAIE Bible School, 9:45 a . ! if they will address the question m Thomas, .; Morning worship, 11 a . m .; Junior to Rev. J. R. Buck he will lake C. E., 3 P. m .; Intermediate C. F. and pleasure in answering it in the Y. P. S. C. E., 7 P. M.; Evening service, P. M. Thursday, midweek prayer­ November issue of St. Anthony’s 8 meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. 1 Journal. Forest Grove Shoe Store F irst M eth o d ist :— Hiram Gould, Sunday School, 9:45 a . m ., Mr. Mrs. L. C. Misz, Mrs. Rose pastor. Schramel, superintendent; Preaching Olmsted and Mrs. Margaret Mal­ service, 11 a . M.; Epworth League, 7 lory entertained the Ladies Work­ p. M.; Evening preaching service, 8 p. ing Society of the Congregation­ All M.; Prayermeeting, Thursday evening. are cordially invited to these services. al church Wednesday afternoon. F irst C hristian hurch : First Delicious refreshments were and Third streets, J. B. C Holmes, pastor. served. Sunday School, 10 A. M., J. A. Parker, superintendent; Communion and preach­ Farewell Reception ing at 11 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. M., Kennard Dixon, president; Even­ A large number of members ing seimon at 7:30 P. M. Weekdayserv- land friends gathered in the ices: Ofliceis’ and teachers’ meeting church parlors of the Methxlist on Tuesday evening, 8 P. M.; Chorus church last Friday evening, the drill, Mr. George Jackson leader, each Thursday evening; Pruxer service occasion being a farewell recep- each Thi rs lay evening. The ladies of j t on for I’ev. and Mrs. Gould, the church Wednesday after­ who left here yesterday morning noon at 2:30. meet The each C. W. B. M. meets f