♦ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1913 FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 12 What do You Think About the EIBLE in the Public Schools The PRESS will Rive for the best article dealing with this question from any standpoint a nice Leather Bound Bible and a year’ s subscript! ~n to the PRESS. for general hous< work phone 754. G irl W an ted All articles must reach us by Monday evening, October 27th, ^ and the announcement and winning article will appear in the issue o f October 30th. Articles should be short, 500 Wanted—Girl house-work, best phone 0435. This contest is open to a l l - Coffee served free at Fair rounds this week ty A. G. Hoffman & Co., it’s Chase & genera! Sandborn’a. In Goff Bros. tent. for wages. Tele The talk o f the city. Almost three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ Wanted— Millinery apprentice, and Gents’ Shoes just received at be made. Apply Millinery Parlors near The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf Students, College S t u d e n t s , Post-office. Teachers, or any one else. New shipment o f ladies and Arguments both in favor and Strayed or Stolen gents silk hosiery, just received against the use of the Bible in S t r a y e d or S t o l e n — Larg* at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. ths schools will have equal con­ 35tf All articles of especial merit red Durham milch cow, with hai- sideration. tet, underslip in right ear. In­ will probably be published. We The new school-books are now formation regarding whereabouts for sale at Staehr’ s Bazaar. offer the prize merely to stimu­ will be gladly received at Forest Also articles proposing a satis- Grove Hospital. The largest assortment o f tory system of teaching the Bible. late this discussion. men’s straw hats ever showed in Board and Room • Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples Or on the question as to Board and room at the Walker Store Hillsboro. 35tt* If you have any views on this whether the Bible will supply THE EDITOR PRAISES COUNTY AND PEOPLE AND THANXS PEOPLE FOR THEIR place, 3d Ave., North, between A and B Street Phone Main 367. Anything in the line of paper the needed moral trainine in our subject let your fellow citizens ENCOURAGING APPRECIATON OF HIS EFFORTS TO GIVE THIS at Staehr’s Bazaar. I__________________________ 34tf schools. share them with you. COUNTY A TRULY REPRESENTATIVE PAPER Some exceptionally fine bar- For Rent All Articles must be in by October 27. . . gains in pianos, organs, andsew- F or R en t \L _• _ lr8® ing-machines at Staehr’ s Bazarr Washington County has been my o f the citizens o f Washington County. room. Close in nice for girls or terms to suit. home for only three short months, yet boys in to school from country. Cream of Willamette Valley while so new a fellow-citizen many of Call at Press. 5tf The number is 692. The Peo­ This county is undisputedly the cream | you have in various ways lent your co- ples Market, The Home o f Qual­ For Sale or Trade S operation to my endeavor to make the of the Willamette Valley. Our products ity and Square Deal to all. j P ress a faithful representative of all are more varied, and greater per acre We have a client who has two ' the people o f Forest Grove and Wash- than any other section. Our schools, lots in Portland, worth $900 and Men’s work shirts all colors The PRESS offers to the readers o f this edition a special offer ngton County. The policy o f the P ress churches and homes are all prosperous. $2,000 who wants a 20 acre farm and prices at The Peoples Store » „ __ . ... . . „„ . . . .. , . is progress. It matters not so much 35 if o f 25 cents until January 1, 1914. The PRESS is rapidly becoming w J re one 8tand8> a8 in what direction Our markets are excellent and ourbusi- ! near Forest Grove wants rolling Hillsboro. .. lland and prefers shot sou,— and e sta b lis h e d as th e le a d in g p a p e r in W a sh in g to n C o u n ty , and b e lie v e s one is moving. Many readers have ness men are enterprising wor y -------- fi., This advertisment promptly, You will do well by calling us told us that now the P ress is the best of our support. will appear that if you take advantage o f this special trial offer that you will paper in the county. We are trying to When I first purchased the P ress I appear just once so ans \< i up before you sell your beef, Oregon Land Co. j veal, mutton, and pork. Hills- promptly. make it so, but do not limit .ourselves moved the plant to the present large become a regular reader. Fill out the below coupon: I l>oro Mer. Co. in merely surpassing others. It is our and well arranged quarters on Main words, but no restrictions will Men and Women, High School THE PRESS CONGRATULATES WASHINGTON COUNTY ON ITS FINE PRODUCTS SPECIAL OFFER, ONLY 25 CENTS UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1914 F or S a l e —Oak library table, to my address until Jan- I f the tU* paper proves uary 1 , 1 9 1 4 , fo r which I enclose 2 5 cents, IJ P lease send “ Forest Grove P ress” satisfactory, I will continue as a regular subscriber. Name ---------------------------- A J dress ---------------------------- Or if you like fill out one of the following: Enclosed find $ 1 .5 0 , fo r which send the ‘Forest Grove Press ” to my address until one year from date. Name ---------------------- A ddress ------ --------------- Dale -------------------. 1913 P lea se send “ Forest Grove P r e s s ” to my address for year, fo r which l promise to pay $ 1 .5 0 on or before from date. N a m e --------------------------- one one year aim, and with your co-operation we Street. Since then from time to time leather rocker, body brussels hall will realize it, to make the P ress a ! there has been added new machinery, j carpet, Ingrain arch square, lace paper for the people, a paper to new type, and more equipment in every *'"ur : ................... " ' . P _______ " * - XT .......... ! 11 curtains, all in good condition _______________________ — : , L . , _ ~ J T _________ _ . 1 1 . . ______ _____ ______ L . . I which you may come with your . . wants, department. Naturally our payroll has p . i . j . j i . . i Postoffice box 441. 2 if your needs, your grievances, and re- increased enormously until at present _,_________________________________ „ ceive assistance in helping solve your seven people are regularly employed, F or S a le —One span o f young problems. v besides special help which is frequently I horses, harness and wagon The columns o f the P ress are always required, | cheap—W. C. Freeman, South open to all sides o f every question. Make ,.prel.„ Q ffic. Headquarter. Forest Grove, phone 896. The political policy is actual indepcnd- ence, and altho we may take positive Our offices are centrally located, and F or S a l e —Furniture at 19. stands on important questions the oppo- we have placed a reading and writing 3rd. street south. J. W. Martin. site side may feel free to present their table for the use o f our readers when- case and to receive absolutely fair ever they desire to use the same. treatment. j Farmers whenever in town are invited ' For Sale—Brood SOWS and p ig s. ! to make the P ress office their head-j Call at Goodman and Ruggle The New. of the County | quarters, and are free to make use o f Ranch one mile SOllth of Gaston, 3-tf We wish to print the news of this the accommodations o f the lavatory and j county, especially those things of vital t filet. We are always glad to have interest to the farmers, merchants and you call on us when in town and give us F or S a l e —A cash register, a homekeepers. We will try to print all some news items from your section. large coffee perculator, and a Your co-operation is necessary to the cigar case, inquire at Press office. the news o f interest, but believe that a paper that comes into the home to be growth of the P ress and your sugges­ F or S ale or T r a d e —Pope read by young and old alike should tions and criticisms will he highly ap­ avoid the coloring o f sensational stories. preciated. We are trying to make the Toledo auto at Chalmer’s garage. We desire to make every issue worthy P ress your paper and want you to take Chas. E. Hall. o f its field, and expect that many a part in the making. Hair work made to order, Mrs. copies will be sent to faraway friends, Yours for an ever greater, better and William Mattson, Cherry Grove telling them of the everyday blessings happier Washington County. Oregon. A ddrex ---------------------------- Date --------------------, 1913 $1000 IN NEW UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT - : - Has Made the PRESS Printing Plant the Most Modern in the County P R IN T IN G THAT S A T IS F IE S partment is New and Up-to-date. ¿ 1 F E W S U G G E S T IO N S W e have recently added a new It is our aim lo give pi ifeet satisfaction on all kinds o r printing. W e are always press, new type faces, new borders and have increased the capacity of P a m p h le t s L etterh ea d * C a t a lo g u e * C ir c u la r L e t t e r s P u sin e** C a r d * willii g to assist you m maki g plans (or an adverti it g campaign and gladly offer our plant several times over. W e so­ licit a share ol your patronage. our services in helping you prepare copy S h ip p in g T a g s W i n d o w C a rd * B ill H e a d . E n v e lo p e * for any class of printit g. O r d e r B la n k s S ta te m e n t* B lotter* P orters W e are prepared to do commercial, A l l S p e c ia l P r in tin g Pad. society, book or any other class of print­ ing. All work done promptly and satisfactorily O ut prices are as reasonable as is consistent with first-class workmanship. FOREST GROVE Let us figure with you. PRESS PRINTING Ì5T The largest and most complete stoJ; of DRESSERS to be found in Washington County are at i l u '& w o .’s, the mooter furni­ ture dealers. Mrs. E. E. Williams will re­ st ve time for pupils wishing pi.vale piaiio lessons. Phone, 0‘ 1. 19:2 o Complete your home with oi.e ¿Coe & Co.’ s dining tables. I.iens Ci.ssimere, made in 0 e- gon ail wool suits for onlv $12.o0 at Bailey’s Big Store. Constipation, indigestion, drive A B a r g a i n — 16 light Fr&hmn chickens, fullblooded. Inquire away appetite and make you weak and sick. Hollisters’s at Chowning barbershop. Rocky Mountain Tea restores the Five passenger touring car for appetite, drives away disease, sale wiil take some live s ock. builds up the system. 35 cents, H.W. Scott Forest Grove, Or. l l t f Tea or tablets. Vankoughnet & Having moved into my new Reder. residence,-the following articles are of no further use to me and Having sold my home in Forest are for sale: Several heating Grove, I will sell a lot o f practic­ stoves, stove pipe, elbows and ally new furniture, linoleum, dampers, stove boards, refriger- carpets and a good steel range, ator, fireless cooker, wash bowls, very cheap. H. W. Scott, No. 18, pitchers, etc. Very reasonable Fourth Avenue South, between 13tlp prices to all. Call at any time. A and Main streets. I lt 2 Everything in our Job Printing De­ 9t4 pd Kidney trouble is particularly to be dreaded because its pres­ ence is not usually disovered un­ til it has assumed one o f its worst forms—diedetes, drobsy, or Bright’s disease. If you suspect that your kidneys are affected, by all means use Hollis­ ter’ s Rocky Mountain Tea -th e great systemic cleaner and reg­ ulator.—Van kough net & Reder R e v . J. R. B u ck . Commencing October 10th, I Sickening headackes, indiges will close my grocery store at tion, constipation, indicate un 6:39 P M. except on Saturday healthy condition o f the bowels. | nights H. T. Giltner. 13t4 Hollister’ s Rocky Mountain Tea makes the bowels work naturally j We intend moving into our new and restores your system to per-1 quarters in the near future, so feet health and strength. Be­ we are giving special prices in gin tonight,—Vankoughnet rv CahiH-Moore in Portland. , Mrs. E. E. Williams. 13-tf department.