PAGE 6 FOREST GROVE PRESS ^ ¡T T he FOREST GROVE N A T IO N A L B A N K - - T H E - . J. N. Hoffman A tlorney-at-Ltiw $25,000.00 $35,000.00 $400,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACC 1391 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY rm Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County CAPITAL SURPLUS DEPOSITS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY O/fice Hoffman Bldg. Parific Ave. Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove > Dr. D. W . Ward Dr. E. B. Brookbank , Physicians and Surgeons 22 First Ave. No’ th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Forest Grove, Ore. H. E. FERRIN, A3Sr. C ashier T. G. TODD - D irector J. W .FUQUA - D irector J. A. THORNBURGH P resident JOHN E. BAILEY - Vic*: P kks . W. W. McKLDOWNEY - C ashier Mark B. Bump D R . C. E. W A L K E R A ttorney-at-law South o f Court House Hillsboro, Ore RAILROADS CUT RATE A Itorneys-at-Law Via The Jlttorney-at-Law J . F H illsb o ro , O re. Dr. E. J. Crowthers Physician and Surgson Physician and Surgeon Calls answered promptly day or nigh* Phone: O.fice 271. Residence 283. Calls answered day and night Office in Jackson Pharmacy Cornelius, Ore. Dr. H. R. Kauffman Physician & Surgeon W . M. Langley & Son J. B. Holmes, Pastor-Evangelist, who will conduct revival services at the Christian Church, beginning Sunday, October 5th. He wfll be aided by his w ife and daughter as soloists. Office: F a r n i n r A gen t Oregon rarmer, t|.c,ric Ry. Forest Grove, Ore. Forest. Grove Nat'I Bank Building: Phone Main 0151 Forest Grove, Ore. Lawyers Forest Grove, Ogn. Get Together Meeting Success H. T. G I L T N E R ’ S I I I "THE QUALITY STORE” K Staple and Fancy Groceries 9 The very best at the Right Price ' R. M. Erwin, M. D. Physician and Surgeon preparations for the meals they W . B. COON, V . S. Tamiesie Bidding will serve during the fair at the 3d and Main Sts. O f f i c e o n 1 s t S t . The Get Together swial at the Driving Park. Mrs. C. Duyck Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. Hillsboro, Ore. Congregational church last Fri- [ was unanimously chosen general W aiving bought out D r . Feeley, V e t - --------------------------------------------------- day evening was a grea& success. manager, so we are assured of e riria ria n , I w is h to notify the p u b lic i c ~ , . , , r a d There were more than two hun- .¡excellent service and the best of that I am p r e p a r e d to a n s w e r all c a lls a . L m k l a t e r , IVI. D C. M. d a y o r n ig h t. edibles. Sandwiches and coffee dred'people present. Errtertain- Physician and S^rghon will be served between meals. Phone- Main 95 F o r e s t G r o v e , O rb i ing talks w ere given by President Delta Building Bushnell, C. F. Clapp, Prof. Hillsboro, Ore. Bean, Prof. Learned. Special A c r e T r a c t s in Sun Set music was furnished by the male (F< » all ch urcftw w ho lhald rrg-«üwr services in thira Elmer H. Smith, M _D., D. O. quartet, Clarence Lenneville, joity: The pr,‘*>er autWites «* rP'*a*,8t<’d to Addition to Forest Grove . —. . i l l . • send in their announcement early ei ch week.) 1 Thysician, Surgeon Carl Peterson, also the ladies trio S eventh D ay A dvbnt . s t : Thin! to be sold on terms. W. W. the Misses Peterson, Lowell and Strest. Regular services Sabbath day : and Osteopath Ireland, Hoffman Building Thomas i 10:3O A m ., Sabbath school; 11:30 a . m .. C a lls a n s w e r e d d a y o r n ig ltt. " church services. Jfmrionsry meeting A luncheon was Served by the ' Sunday evening, 7:30 f . m . Prayermeet- ladies and all fe lt they had spent inK, Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m . A a n m fita h le e v e n in g cordial invitation extended lo alL a prontaDle evening. f i RST Co NGKEGATuw A L :-R ev. D. T. Hillsboro, Ore. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED BOR- FORE13T1 ADVERTISING BY THE Thomas,, pastor. fi! SOUTH MAIN STREET I ____ BiWe Sch-ool, 9:45 a m .; Junior rallv at th e M F. ch u rch SiinHno i c - E.,.3 p : M.;; Tnterrneliate C. F. and rally a t in e ivi r,. en uren sunaay,.| Y P g-_ g- e .,.T p . w..,- Evening service, Oct. 5. Sunday school at regn-18 P. sir.. Thursday, midweek prayer­ Visitors are heartily welcome. lar hour. 9:45 with the promotion meeting. F irst M ethw h st : Hiram Gould. exercises. At 11:00 A. M. a pro- pastor.. Sunday School, 9:45 a . m ., Mr. Schrame!,, superintendent; Preaching m u d e e s « n ' ri-im J m, “ fY L o im m ia o t f th tn e e c P r m o s « s « . ” Schramel,, sepvice> n superinte v League, 7 Hillsboro National Blank Bldg. Rally Sunday—Sunday school M.; Morning worship, 11 a . Phone 701 (!) FOREST GROVE I rii ' All are Cordially invited. T, SCHOOL 1 G Í O 0 D IteV. J . M . Barber filled the n u lm t or o f th M r,. F GHUlcn C h in ch D both puipu tne e M. OU1 Buster Brown B!ue Ribbon'^Shoes Gun Metal and Kid. The and GIRLS Button and Blucher. K lr :d T h a t W c c r and G iv e S a t is f a c t io n G O O D Dont pass us w hen looking for SCHOOL S hoes S H O E HOSIERY S D R E S S GOODS H O E 0l,r WONDER HOSE FOR SATISFACTION FOUR Pairs will wear for 1 OUR Months. 1 , ; (.iris a n d Young Ladies L r School Wear. Fine Qualities Many Patterns and Shades to Select from at Right Prices S S PURDY’S ° GOOD GOODS K. of P. BUILDING When in need o f some more] Staehr’s Bazaar carries an em- iffice stationary call on the mense stock of the latest music PRESS job department. Envel­ and sells at 5 cents, 10 cents and ope's, cards, letterheads, circular 15 cents a copy. letter*, hill heads etc. The Peoples Store is receving S ociety stationary of correct new up to date goods daily. style and neat appearence mi v Dont forget to see the many lie obtained fro.n the Tr.ESS j b bargains at the Peoples Store department. Hillsboro. 35tf J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. GENERAL » i n L oyal ., the church meet each Wednesday after- th e noon at 2:30. The C. w . B. M. meets Christian church cordially invite the first Tuesday afternoon o f each .. ,. month. Tne board of officers meet on every young man not attending first: Monday evening o f each church elsewhere to join them in month. A cordial invitation i« extended . ,T I, , , . . to all to share in these services, their big Rally day I.O ngs next October 5th is to be a great day at Iü Sunday. Good music, good fl 1- the Christian church. They are expect- , , „„ , , , ,, . ing 250 iii attendance at the Bible School Lwship. 1 he best of everything, and $250 in the offering. Th..~offeni.g Will you be with US. is to f»,r needed improvements and for the cancelling o f a i ledge made by The Intermediate C. E. o f the th» Bible School on the building. Congregational ch u rch services are Bn begm at congregational enuren gate a a the Evangelistic rhristi(in church with the Bible socia l Wednesday t vening a t the ■ Schoor rally on October fifth. Mr. h om o oi o f tiarnet H a rriot and n cis (gperfrf Holmes who served m any yeats as norne ana r F ra rancis |ta ^ for do the B e rea n s . of Benjamin. All were present while his wife and daughter, both and delightful refreshments were have charge of the special music. wil1 s e r ed . rpi ! * • . a . i . lh e subject of tne morning sermon at Congregational church will be, “ Light, how much do! you give?” Evening. "L ife: XHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRtNCIPAL CITIES Sunday morning and evening, in on Tuesda-v evening. 8 p. m .; Chorus Ihe absence o f the pastor, R e .. Gould. pach Thursday evening. The ladies of m, 1 he Physician and Surgeon O F F IC E S NEW YORK AND p : m .: EVeni’ g preaching service, 8 r., Mi; Prayemieeting, Thursday evening-. Alla ecnrdiallv invited to these services . F irst C hristian C h urch : First - nd Third street», J. B Holmes, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a . *r., J. A. Parker, s u p e r in t e n d e n t ; Communion and preach- ing at 11 A.. ST.; Christian Endeavor, 7 P. W., K en naT d Dixon, president: Even- '"Ksermon-at 7:30 P. itr. Week day aerv- iues. and teachers' meeting TT ... , U. Will meet at ’ TH E C E L E B R A T E D FOR BOYS u , ,, n, 1 he W. 1. 1. the home o f Mrs. J. Bnldrick, n . , ... „ , 1* n d a y afternoon, Oct. 3rd. at o o’ clock. lu n a n n i W . Q . T u ck er, M . D. Churcfir Locals and Notices I!' ß ¡Í) Ind. Phones District! Attorney. Reductions are also made from all other Eastern points. Give the Oregon Electric Railway agent the names o f your frietds who are expect- ing to come to Oregon and he will have a representative call on them and hely plan their trip. By depositing the necessary amount the agent will have tickets furnished by telegraph to any one you designate. Informa­ tion regarding stopovers, time schedules, etc., cheerfully furnished by R. H. Crozier, A. G. P. A. Physician and Surgeon Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. E. B. Tongue, Louisville, Ky.................. $42.85 Memphis, Tenn............... 42.50 Milwaukee, Wis.............. 36.70 Minneapolis, Minn.......... 30.00 Nashville, Tenn............... 45.00 New York, N. Y. .......... 55.00 Omaha, Neb.................... 30.00 Peoria, III......................... 37.00 Philadelphia, P a ............. 54.75 Pittsburg, Pa. 47.00 Richmond, Va................. 54.75 Sioux City, la.................. 30.00 St Louis, Mo.................... 37.00 St. Paul, Minn................. 30.00 Superior, Wis.................. 30.00 Portland, Ore. H. W . VoIImer, M. D. Forest Grove, Ogn. To all points in the Willamette Valley from Atlanta, Ga......................$51.70 Boston, Ma«»................... 55.15 Buffalo, N. Y. 47.50 Cairo, 111.......................... 39.98 Charleston, S. C............. 54.75 Chatanooga, Tenn. ........ 48.40 Chicago, 111.,.................. 38.00 Cincinnatti, 0 .................. 42.85 Cleveland, 0 .................... 44.75 Columbus, O ................... 44.60 Detroit, Mich.................. 43.50 Dea Moines, Iowa ......... 32.84 Duluth, Minn.................. 30.00 Evansville, Ind ............... 40.10 Indianapolis, Ind............ 40.60 Kansas City, Mo............. 30.00 Treatment by Special Appoint­ ment Only Hollis & Graham From Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th, 19 13 Osteopathic Physician Phone City 384 Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. Hiflsboro, Ore U N D ER TAK IN G Embalming and Funeral Directing FOREST G ROVE UNDERTAKING C8. J. S. Buxton Manager Phcee No. 642 F«rest Grove, (Jr. SURVEYOR All kinds o f survey­ ing and maping. Subdivisions a spec­ ialty. H. B. GLA1SYER, Hoffman & Allen Bld’ g Phone 806 Forest Grove, C re. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . S t . A n t h o n y ’ s C h » rch : Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. The following are the services: Forast Grove Mass *n the first am: fourth Sunuaya o f the month at 8 !I> A. M.; Miss on the second and third Son- day* °f the month at X0:30 a . nr.; evwry , , . „o>> * week day at 8 A. M. Benediction vritK \\ h a t IS y o u r s . 1 sermon every Sunday, 7:30 P. sr. R l-1 y V service s e r v ic e nt xsn of Cornelius tsn the Sunda\ KLi ai the* m e PAnim tot.grega- tho month Mass at 10;30 A first w .. M jbm on tiOnal church last Sunday was a the second and 'iird Sundays o f the U. S. DEPOSITORY. B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s : Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain W. K. Newell great success. There was an ! " __ 7 ^ ' e n the f,w th Sunday ML ^ Mass L. J. Cori John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock advancement sh o w n ill all de- of the month at 10:30 a . m . | N o t e -A fifth Sunday in the month H. G. Goff H. T. Buxton [Chris Peterson partments. occurring, the time a rut place for the W. H. Hollis E. W. Haines A farewell reception will be masses will bss announced. Catechism; In Forest Grove on Fri­ given Rev. and Mrs. Gould to­ day at 3 P. M.; in Cornelius on Satur­ morrow evening at 7:30, in the day at 4 P it . Confession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. m . parlors o f the Methodist church, Altar Society : A general meetieg of J ob W ork , done properly and W anted - T he P ress desires to which the members and all the society will be held on the first Wednesday o f January, April, July and on time at to secure a live correspondent in the P ress office. friends of the church are invited. October. Sermons are always in Eng- every community in Washington The ladies Of S t Anthony’ s 'i»h •« both maaae» on evefy Sunday. Satisfaction guar a n t e e d and __ sryono. rogardlcsa o f creed. w cor- county. Send in your application Church are making S trenuous . dially invited to all tervices. prices right. at once.