W » t « l X V FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY OCTOBER 2. 1913 • • Nearby News Notes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PAGE 5 Forest Grove = Steam Laundry • • • Forest Grove Shoe Store ^[The only Shoe to buy for Boys is our best. 6 to 1 2 inch top, wears longer and saves C^Ci'Y'Y'PQTlfWl f l P w t c i \ y U l / V o f i t U F L L ltsftL u W fn 'V lfp d - ^ *s ***« desire The Press to secure a live, boosting VV LVILL t 'L t “ ” "correspondent in each town and community in this county. No matter where you live you should be able to gather a few news notes each week. The larger your community, the more you should be able to find’and write about. If your section is not already represented in The Press by a regular correspondent, we will be pleased to have you send in your name as a candidate for the position. If you do not wish to become a regular correspondent we will appreciate an occasional news letter. T he E ditor . ÎÂ V W A V V .W A V A V .V îî A V A •.V .V .V /.W A V .W .V .W .nW S just the losses and it is said they & % 1 will amount to about $2000. This is the second time the lA V W .V A W /A V .W .'A V .W . V A '.V A V A W A ,AWA%WA® Wilkes'ooro agent has been rob­ Miss Alice Smith leads in the A baby boy arrived at the bed within a month. Hillsboro votes in the contest for home of Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich. queen o f the Forest Grove Fair. CHINA SENDS APOLOGY The G. L. R. Club was enter­ She is closely followed by Oda tained Saurday evening at the Insult to Flag and Murder at Nanking Schulmeric and Bertha Olson. Condoned. home o f Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt. HILLSBORO. DILLEY NEWS Pekin.— The apology of General Chang Hsun to the Japanese consulate at Nanking has cleared the air, ac­ cording to the Japanese officials here, and removes the danger of complica­ tions for the present. The Japanese legation emphatically denied that an ultimatum had been 3 ent by the Japanese government to China. The legation stated that the Chinese authorities at Hankow and Shantung had complied fully with the Japanese demands.- The High School boys have begun football practice, and as soon as a competent eleven is formed they will issue challenges to the various High School teams o f the county. Honors were given Mrs. Suford first, consolation Mrs. G. Hoar. Honors to the gentlemen Mr. C. A. Broderson first, and Mr. Hall- stedt consolation. Dainty re­ freshments were served by the S. B. Lawrence, the attorney, hostess and all enjoyed a pleas is building a nice home at Raleigh i ant evening. on the Southern Pacific line. I Mr. Tres Hoar and family Mrs. J. W. Shute is entertain­ | visited Sunday at his brothers ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. farm. A. M. Pate, of Jefferson. Wood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. j Mrs. J. W. Hughes went to Hillsboro Monday. Attorney Yeager is building a fine bungalow on Washington Miss Isenberg and Mr. Japlin I from Portland visited several Street, near First. Considerable increase in busi­ ' davs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ness is reported by Agent Ling, Sailing. A T THE OTEL Mrs. C. A. Broderson went to o f the Wells Fargo Co., as com­ pared with 1912. This shows Portland Wednesday. that our city is growing. Miss Vita Challacambe from The new Catholic School build­ Cornelius visited several days at ing on Second Street is about he home of her sister Mrs. J. completed, and will soon be ready W. Hughes. for occupancy. men, high school boys and all those with whom they come in P. U. Class Elections— -The contact. classes o f the college have organ­ We are very desirous o f inter­ ized and the following officers esting the young men o f Forest were elected for the present Grove in active Y. M. C. A. work s :mester:- -Seniors: president, and to accomplish this purpose a Fred E. Schmidke, vice-president cordial invitation is given to all Miss Grace Thomas, secretary, to attend the Tuesday evening Miss Elizabeth Leonard, treasur­ meetings and if possible to join er, Howard Taylor, reporter, the bible study class. Edgert Bishop. Tne Y. M. C. A. is a program Juniors: president Alva Patton organization for work and we vice-president. Miss Vermilyea, want every young man to feel secretary, Miss Hester Harbison, sure of a welcome among us.” reporter, Ruth Thomas. Sophmores: president Ray Aus­ DEPOTS ROBBED tin, vice-president, Miss Maude FOUR Dry Goods and Groceries Fancy or Staple Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., Forest Grove, Ore. Our Stock of Groceries is Always Fresh Leave a trial order now Cash or Trade for Produce ings bank—a shoe that wears 9 or 12 months pays compound You will find them at WM. WEITZEL Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work and Re­ pair Shop. W ash in gton C ounty A g en cy for O V E R L A N D Cars North First Avenue, between Main and “ A ” Streets; phone 863. Expert Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle A. A. K I R K W O O D Municipal Engineering Surveying and Subdividing Phone 482 D A V I S Buying a W .L . Douglas or a Dr. Reed C . V. B. Russell -Forest Grove Shoe Store Laughlin Hotel & O ur boys’ shoes are different from other boy shoes, because they fit aud wear longer—that means something to you, my boy. interest on the money invested. CIVIL EN GIN EER AND SURVEYOR B C Jewett,Denver,M F Nash, Portland, Hugh Johnson, Gaston, M E Turner,Corvallis, A D Flan- nigan, Portland, Katherine Kraf- sic, Portland, E J Donelson, Hills­ boro, E A Raymond, Gaston, Ben Mitchell, Portland, G E Murphy, Portland: E E Umphlette, C E Walter, W W Judson, 0 E Ry. P G Kinzer o f Seattle, D A West o f Portland, A L Stringer of Portland, P C Ellert o f Portland, John Dorcas Portland, O A Me Mullen, Portland, H H Cary, Portland, Walter Hoge o f Port­ land, John Timmerman and wife Galys Creek, Y M King o f Kan- soplery Mo, R M Boyhin, Port­ land, J c Cloafelter, Portland, G | A Blair SanFranciseo. O ur high-cut shoes are known to men and boys. Is worn by more boys and has more staunch boy friends than any other shoe made. Cushion Soled Shoe is better than putting your money in a sav­ Among those who registered at the hotels this week are; Forest Grove Hotel nglish, secretary, Miss Norma Geo J Gill, Portland, R Bent Hoke, treasure, Edwin Dibble. Valuables Taken From Trunks : ley, Portland, E M Jacobsen, Freshman: president Arthur an Wiikesboro, Ore. Portland, Chas Rose, Clevill, M Ireland, vice-prebident, Miss W Lewis, Beaverton, J A Mc­ Ruth Haines, secretary, Miss BANKS. O r.,-- (Special)— Guire, Portland, H H Hewett, Eiida Loynes, treasures, Vinton Early Friday morning burglars Albany, E J Venneitz, Portland, R .binson, reporter, Edward Liv­ made a raid on four railroad de­ J Johnson, Portland, L F Engle, ingston. pots in this vicinity, including San Francisco, C. L. Ryan of Strong Y. M. C. A. at College— the Pacific Railway & Navigation Gales Creek, Otto Johnson of The Young Men’ s Christian As­ depot at Banks. So far as can Gales Creek. F M Powers of sociation at the college is com­ be ascertained the only harvest Portland, F B Pylr, o f Portland, posed o f “ live wire” members o f any consequence reaped was D Stewart o f North Plains, M S this year' Nearly all of the last at the Wiikesboro United Rail­ j Shrock of Portland, Elmer Gin- year’s are here and many new way depot, where several trunks nis of Wasco Idaho, N F Disbrow ones have joined. Two bible \ o f two families who are settling o f The Dalles, F M Powers of courses aside from the regular here were smashed open and all Portland, Mrs G Chandler of school work, have been arranged valuables or portable contents Gaston, C R Hickey o f Portland, and many have already signified ! extracted. Bert McRobert o f Portland, J their intention o f taking them. ( One trunk, the property of Deardorf o f Portland, M M Lew­ The direction o f these courses Mrs. Clarke, of Turner, Or., who is o f Beavorton. C S Ronald of has been given to Alva ratten, j was on her way to locate in busi­ Portland, J C Arnold of Seattle, who has had considerable exper­ ness here, was rifled. A highly J H West o f St Lewis, M E John­ ience in such work. The elemen­ valuable pair of ear-rings, two son o f Gaston, F Hollywood of tary class will use a text book, 1 gold rings, two gold watches, sil­ Portland, E M Eldridge of Port­ “ The Life and Works of Jesus, verware, etc. were taken. A land J S Downey o f Portland, according to St Mark,” by Wil­ claim agent was sent here to ad- M D Good o f St Joe Mo. liam D. Murray. The moi'p a d -; vanced class will follow “ Studies| in the Teaching o f Jesus and His Abostles” by Edward I BoswortK The classes will meet every Sun­ day morning at nine o'clock, so > (Successors to Mrs. Williams) that all who will may join. PACIFC AVE. The Y. M. C. A. have a good j program outlined for their regu- 'i lar Tuesday evening meetings, which last from 7:15 to 8:00, o ’ clock. < We quote from Zenas A. Olson You will never fail to find that our prices are right the president, ‘Prospects o f the Y. M. C. A. for the coming year > are especially bright. It is the j ambition o f the association to be , o f the greatest service to college \ M O O R E MERTZ & LATTA money, $ 2 .5 0 to $ 5 .0 0 . Abbot Building FOREST GROVE, OREGON Repairing. W e will soon open a First-Class Garage HASKELL & SON S u ccetfto rt to C. G. D A N I E L S O N PACIFIC A VE. PHONE 306 Washington County Fair October 9 , 10, and 11 We shall have a il good exhibit and w ant everyone to pay us a call T o every lady w ho com es to our Booth We will give a ticket on a $50.00 Range; w hich w e shall give aw ay. Every lady in W ash in gton County is entitled to a ticket and the draw ing will tak e place at our store on Saturday Night, O ctober 1 1th, at 8 o’clock P. M . m*m GOFF BROS