-A THURSADY, OCTCFER 2, Cl$l, FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 4 Mrs. Dickson and daughter, E. J. McAlear and family, of C. J. Lafountain acd family, o f Caldwell Idaho, Mave moved Mrs. Adams, o f New York, were Hillsboro, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris, in Forest to Fores Grove and exbect to Portland visitors Saturday. make this their futur home. Prof. Proctor was in Portland Grove, Sunday, Mrs. Henry Dodson is improv­ Mr. and Mrs. Byron Markham Saturday, ing in health, after her illness of spent the week end in I ortland. • Mrs. Bert Doane was a Port- m m ze& s the past Summer. L Miss Bell Darling o f Forest land visitor Saturday. Mrs. J. R. Reynolds attended r rove and Mrs. Engersoll . , , . o f „ De- , Mrs. yy. H. Hoskins spent the Grange to Meet Saturday the W. C. T. U. Conventional troit^ Mich, have bought the h or- week end in Portland. Gale Grange, Patrons o f Hus­ „ ... . . , est Grove studio formerly owned „ ,, Corvallis last week. j owned _____ , by ,_tI____ Miss Henry __________ Sackrider. Mr. Mlss Emma ^ mma B. H. Penfield fe n field was a bandry, No. 282, will hold its Charles Lilly, who work in the Sackrider has been in business ^ ortland visitor Saturday. monthly meeting at the K. o f P. 5th street post-office in Portland, {,, ^ ¡ g p]ace for the past three Mrs. J, Boldrick visited in Hall Saturday, October 4, 1913. is spending his vacation at the y e a r s and has won many friends Portland Saturday, The forenoon session will open his mother in Gales Creek. while here. He is undecided promptly at 10:30 o ’clock, as an Dr. and Mrs. Bushnell were unusual amount o f business is to John Anderson and wife, John whether he will remain here or Portland visitors Saturday. ... __ be transacted, and we ask all Wirtz and wife, and Mrs. Ed. go to California. The Misses Norma and Bessie members to be present. Ward autoed to Salem Wednes- Hobert Wirtz is visiting home Hope were in 1 ortland Saturday. j Besides the regular routine day to attend the fair. folks this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elder and j work,* several candidates are to W. C. Emmerson and wife L. T. Sills o f the Oregon land son spent the week end with be given degrees. are attending the fair at Salem. Co. made a business trip to Mc- Mrs. Elder’ s sister, Mrs. H. P. A communication from the Bert Simons, who w .iu used u » c u to t u i live . v c , j Minnville Monday. Brownrigg, o f Portland. State Grange will be voted upon. here, was in town last Tuesday, i R. F. Emmerson and wife, Final arrangements for the Mrs. Sadie Atkins visited with Mrs. Hazlett of 1 hatcher spent Sackrider, Mr. L. T. Sills her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cronin, Grange exhibit at the fair will Tuesday shopping in the Grove. au*oed to Salem Tuesday evening. over Sunday. be discussed. The social dinner hour will w _ ,, , , . | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barker Mrs. L. B. Doane, Dora and follow the social session. Mr Colberg and family o f ,eft Monday morning for a few Margaret were Portland visitors North Plains have moved into (lays visit at Si|verton with Mr. |Q . . At 1:30 o ’ clock the lecture hour the Duffy house on Pacific Ave- Barker,g gi8ter Mrg M M< Saturday. program will commence, and we Wm. Weitzel and family have Haines. From there they w ill; Miss Ethel Joy and sister, extend a cordial invitation to returned from a three weeks g0 y0 3 aiem to attend the Salem Dorothy, were Portland visitors every one to spend the afternoon visit with friends and relatives | fajr * Saturday. with the Grangers. The program will be as follows: deal tie, Wash. j Mrs. Ghas. Littler and daugh- Mrs. Mary Beach, who makes C. B. Stokes will talk on the Miss Kora Pennell is visiting ter Florence spent the week end hor home with her daughter, subject, “ Our game laws; are until Sunday with Miss Manche w ;th relatives in Portland. j Mrs. S. L. Carlyle, left yesterday | they written for the farmer or Langley. Miss Pennell is from , „ _ , _ . morning for a visit with her| Conley, Ore. Barnett Roe and son Tom of daughter, Mrs. Arthur Mills, near the sportsman?” | Wapato, were visiting in the N. J. Baker, “ Is the automo­ Kalama, Washington. The daughter o f J. S. Buxton, ; Grove the last of the week. bile more useful than the horse?” has gone to join her husband at Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, “ 1. H. L. McGinn, o f Cheyenne, Springfield. She has been spend­ Reasons why we should exercise Wy., is visiting his family who ing some time in this city. as much care in furnishing a live on their farm at Fern Hill. Roy Fogel of Purdy’s store, well balanced ration for children Mr. McGinn is conductor on one Bert Bateman, and Lou Yonkers as for animals; 2. Some rules for o f the railroad lines out from | Feed Mill will run every have just returned from a two dressing children; 3. Diseases of Cheyenne. day in the week. weeks fishing excursion to Salm­ children; 4. Amusements in the John Martin of Dilly was trad­ on Creek. They report good home for children.” ing in this city Tuesday. Wholesale and Retail luck. Mrs. G. D. Rogers will read a paper on the subject, “ Do flow­ B. F. White made a business Omer Meeks and family o f Portland Tuesday I Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground ers have an influence for good on Ilex ford Kansas will spend the , trip tnp to to Portland Portland Tuesday. luesday. |Qatg Ground Wheat> Crackpd umUn m this city They are Mr. Mr. Peterson who has large Wheat> Cracked Corn< Whole people, especially in the home?” Piano solo, Miss Lyda Loyues. now visiting at the home o f Mr. | vineyard and prune orchards on Wheat and Corn Middlings and Vocal solo, Miss Ruth Haines. Kelsie .......... who is the ‘ Mother-in-law Davids Hill, was a Portland v i s i - ' ra, kinda o f Hard Wheat M r s . E v a A d a m s , Sec. o f Mr. Meeks. tor Tuesday. Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, I feel as happy as an eel. J. J. Wertz was at the fair Gladwin Doughty o f Hillsboro Hay and Vetch Seed, Oh! how happy I do feel. yesterday and says that Salem is entered the Freshman class at Give us a call when in need, If vou’ d feel as well as me doing herself noble. the Pacific University this w eek .! ----------- Drink Hollister’ s Roeky Moun­ Mrs. Kathrine Miner was in Forest Grove, Ore tain tea. Vankoughnet & Reder. A. G. Hoffman made a trip to nd I’hone 50x Portland last Tuesday on busi­ Corvallis Tuesday morning re­ ness. turning Friday evening. Mrs. C. A. White, sf Seattle, John Hulsman was a visitor in ! visited in this city last week with Forest Grove Saturday. her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. I _ , _ , . , . ..I B F White L*. rrench is on his vacation and expets to go to St M; rtins Miss Esther Johnson, who is a Hot Springs, teacher in the McMinnville High School, spent the week end with ^ r* a,u* Mrs. J. M. Smith! | were in town Tuesday. M . her sister, Mrs. B. F. White, in Smith purchased material for a this city. furnace for his home. Mrs. H. DeBoest and children, Cecelia and Henry, formerly o! C. S. Bump has finis'ed his this city, now o f Woodburn. vis-j new barn and is now going to ited friends in this city over R've it a coat o f paint. I P\ircl Per sorta! J n Q Ltallli □ □ 30 ¡1 LADIES INVITED to CALL A n d Examine Our SUITS COATS FURS ANDERSON LEADING CLOTHIER no Forest Grove Oregon j| - - CJtiEZjnn I c Q ir a i n I □ S3 snn rm □ □ (3 Q ¡3 STU D E N TS’ SU P P L IE S W. F. KARTRAMPF Rexall □ □ czaaa ncicnaa I a Boa ■ a i t} T h e Book Store is prepared to furnish supplies of all kinds needed in the schools and college. W e in­ vite all students to make our store their headquarters. •Jl We keep all of the best periodicals Our book depart- ment is complete with over 300 dif- ferent titles. T We handle only the best fountain pens and typewriter supplies. We make a special- ty of fine stationery In Pictures, Post Cards, Calling and Place Cards; you will find our siock complete CALL AND SEE. No trouble to SHOW GOODS. The BOOK STORE H- RP, ^ Watches are a Rasmussen’s Feed Store Wonderful Sunday‘ Mark Bailey, o f Orland, Cal., A. E. Hart was in Portland on j who has been spending th>* sutr- ImsinesB the week end. mer with the Bump family re­ M. N. Duxbury o f Seattle was turned to his home Monday g (- a guest o f A. F Hart over Sun­ ing by way of boat. day. W ill Haines, hanker at M f- Minneville passed through For­ L. L Bollinger and family est Grove Saturday. moved Wednesday to heir new home in Rose City Park, Port­ Roy Barker, o f Oak Park, vis­ land. TI ey have sold their prop­ ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. erty here to l)r. Strickland of W. H. Barker, in this city, Oregon t ity. Sunday. Sam and John Brown o f Black- Mrs. B. Muller, from Portland, foot, illiho arrived in the Grove was visiting with Mrs. Stribicli. tiiis week. Sam Brown is work- ¡n this city. Monday. ing on Mr. Newell’ s farm at Gas­ Miss Ivy Smith is lack in ton. Bailey’s store, a'ter b'>'ng away F. P. King o f Portland was in all Summer. the Giove Tuesday on business. . c„ John I'isher and wife, o f Scog- A. B. ( aples is improving in ^¡,13 Valley, were in town Tues- health after bis illness o f the dav. ***** " ( ' k. K n , l„ ( ’ . Misz and son. D m Mrs. Chas. Miller has rented aid, spent the week end with her her house to Mr. Whitehouse and mother, Mrs. Scotten. at Canbv, is going to move to Tillamook. and attended the Canby fair. G. X, Mann is moving his Miss Edith Shogren, of this household goods from east o f city, is visit nr her sister, Mrs. town to Gales City. A. Olsen, at Portland. Mrs Moses Salinger has gone W. 0 . Gardner, o f Corvallis, visiting in Forest Grove Sunday. fo r a weeks visit with friends at was White Salem, Wash. KOiEL Bargain Garden Seeds in season........................... at J. RASfi/iUSSEN, FOR Quality and Dealer in Flour, Feed and ail kinds of Pacific Ave. One Dollar Service Sunday Dinners STATE The R exall Store City and Ccrrmer- cial Trade Solicited i . ) G C T-gga C) i The (I n c o r p o r a t e d ) u Druggist* and Stationers Fo-est Grove - - FAIR $ 2 .5 0 to Salem and Return Van Koughnet & Reder Proprietor Forest Grove, Oregon Each a Specialty R. DUNCAN Proprietor Oregon I oaf cow I [rircTTK [ RAHW4Y I W F9 C E S S © CST73 Tickets on sale Sept. 25 to Oct. 4th, inclusive. Return Limit October 8th Usual amount of baggage checked Frequent service. Comfortable trains. For.further information apply to Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association R. H. CROZIER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregon. J. E. FARMER Agent, Forest Grove. Of Forçât Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home Company That Has Made Good. Insure Youi Business or Dwelling in The Bankers fie Merchants We intend moving into our new desires to secure several cords of quarters in the near future, so both Oak and f i r wood to apply we are giving special prices in W ood W a n t e d — The P ress I on subscription, advertising, or all lines to reduce stock. Littler’ s job work. Pharmacy.