«. « V *»- *-• «r- - *■ • •# Notice of Establishment of Grade Notice is hereby given that the City Council is about to establish a grade NEWS FROM OUR for sidew alk and street improvements j on the following described street or ] • .• • • .V .’ . V . V . ' . V . W . V . V . V . V . V . NATIONAL CAPITAL part of street: On B Street from the north line of Pacific Avenue to the In the Circuit Court of the State of south line of Third Avenue North, in Oregon for Washington County he City of Forest Grove, Oregon All Conferees Adjust All Differ­ p'operty owners abutting on the above- Charles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff ences Except Cotton described street or part of street will ' vs t -ke notice that the City Council of the I Emma F. Lousignont, Defendant Future Tax. ty of Forest Grove will meet at the To Emma F. Lousignont Defendant C Council Chambers in said city or. Tues­ In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and day, the 14th day of October, 1913. at W ashington.—After more than two answer the complaint filed against you the hour of eight o’clock P. M. of said weeks of constant work behind closed in the above entitled suit on or before day for the purpose of hearing re­ the expiration of six weeks from and monstrances or objections to the estab­ doors, the eight dem ocrats represent­ after the date of the first publication of lishment of said grade. ing senate and house as m em bers of this summons, to-wit: the 16th day of Plans and profile of the grade made the conference com m ittee settled the by the City Engineer are now on file in October, 1913, and if you fail to answer of their other differences and for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ the office of the City Recorder, where last for inspection- reached the final decision th a t they ply to the court for the relief prayed the same are now M. open R. M arkham , for in the complaint to-wit: for the dis­ nut agree on the cotton futures City Recorder. could olution of the marriage contract now tax. existing between plaintiff and defend­ Notice of Establishment of Grade The six republican m em bers of the ant. and for such other relief as may Notice is hereby given that the City conference com m ittee were summoned seem meet and equity in the premises, Council is about to establish a grade for on the grotndsj, of cruel and inhuman sidew alk and street improvements on to m eet a t a full com m ittee m eeting a t treatment rendering his life burden­ the following described street or part 10 o'clock Monday. some. street: On C Street from the north The final differences In the bill This summons is published by the or­ of line of Pacific Aveuue to the south line were adjusted as follows: der of the Hon. D. B. Reasoner, Judge of First Avenue, North, in the City of of the County Court for Washington Forest Grove, Oregon All property The house receded from Its rate of County, Oregon, and said order being owners abutting on the above-described half a cent a pound on lead ore and made on the 2d day of September, 1913. street or part of street will take notice accepted the senate rate of three- The date of the first publication of the City Council of the i ity of this summons is September 4th, 1913, that Forest Grove will meet at the Council fourths of a cent a pound. and the last day of the publication of Chambers said city on Tuesday, the The senate receded from its rate of this summons is the 16th day of Octo­ 14th day of in October, 1913, at the hour 1 2 ^ per cent ad valorem on the zinc ber, 1913. of eight o’clock P. M. said day for ore and accepted the house rate of 10 J. N. Hoffman the purpose of hearing of remonstrances Attorney for the plaintiff. or objections to the establishment of per cent. The house gave up its demand th at said grade Plans and profile of the grade made the woolen tariff rates go into effect In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ by the City Engineer are now on file in at once agreed to the dates fixed by gon for Washington County. the office of tie City Recorder, where the senate, namely, woolen goods Jan ­ the same are now open for inspection. Sadie M. Morris, Plaintiff uary 1, 1914; raw wool, tops and w aste M. R. M arkham , vs City Recorder. December 1, 1913. J. G. Morris, Defendant. Notice of Establishment of Grade To J. G. Morris defendant: The house receded from Its provis­ In the name of the state of Oregon: Notice is hereby given that the City ions as to cotton threads, yarns and You are hereby required to appear and i Council is about to establish a grade cloths, accepting the senate am end­ answer the complaint filed against you | for sidewalk and street improvements in the above entitled suit, on or before on the following described street or ments, which revised the schedules on the expiration of six weeks from and partof street: On First Avenue North, a new basis of thread count. after the date of fiirst publication of from the west line of A Street to the this summons, towit: the 23rd day of | east line of B Street, in the City of Incom e T a x W ill R aise $82,298,000. October, 1913, and if you fail to an­ ! Forest Grove, Oregon All property According to estim ates by treasury swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will owners abutting on the above-described experts, 425,000 Am erican residents apply to the court for the relief prayed street or part of street will take notice fur in the complaint towit: for the dis­ that the City Council of the City of m ust report to the Income tax collec­ solution of the marriage contract now Forest Grove will meet at the Council tor next spring exactly how much they existing between plaintiff and defend­ Chambers in said city on Tuesday, the owe the governm ent under the new in­ ant; and that she be decreed to be the 14th day of October, 1913, at the hour tax law, which Is embodied In owner of the home in Forest Grove, of eight o’clock P. M. of said day for come and that she be decreed and have judg­ the purpose of hearing remonstrances the tariff hill. ment covering the equity in the real or objections to the establishment of The first returns do not have to be estate in the city of Portland, Oregon. said grade. to the internal revenue collec­ That she be awarded such other and Plans and profile of the grade made made tors before M arch 1, 1914. W hen the further relief as may seem equity in by the City Engineer are now on file in returns are made they will cover the the Qffice of the City Recorder, where the premises. This summons is published by order the same are now open for inspection. incomes of citizens from M arch 1, , of the Hon.D.B. Reasoner Judge of the _____________ M. R. City M arkham to Decem ber 31, and the first Recorder 1913, county court for Washington county, paym ent of tax will be for money re­ Oregon, said order being made on the Notice of E.taolisnment ot Oracle ceived this period. 8th day of September, 1913. Notice is hereby given that the City Every during The date of the first publication of this Council single person (citizen or for­ is about to establish a grade for summons is September 11th, 1913, and sidewalk and street improvements on eigner) whose annual Income exceeds the last date of publication of this the following described street or part $3U00 and every m arried person with summons the 23rd day of October, 1913, of street: On Main Street from the an income above $4000 is expected to J. N. Hoffman south of Third Avenue to the north ______ ____ Attorney for Plaintiff. line of line Fourth Avenue, and continuing report his or her receipts in detail to on Fourth Avenue from the east line of the governm ent agents M arch 1 of Main Street to the east line of A Street each year. The estim ate completed Notice to 1 axpayers in City of Forest Grove, Oregon. indicates that the income tax will pro­ Notice is hereby given that the last All the property abutting on the duce $82,298,000. To this will be half of the taxes where half payment above-described owners street or of street has been made for the levy on the 1912 will take notice that the part City added the $35,000,000 or m ore pro­ tax roll, is now due and payable before of the City of Forest Grove will Council meet by the present corporation tax, the first Monday in October, 1913, at the Council Chambers in said city on duced which is continued as part of the law. which said date is October 6, and in Tuesday, the 14th day of October, 1913, case of delinquency after that date the at the hour of eight o’clock P. M. of L ite ra cy T e st U p A g a in . law requires a penalty of 10 per cent day for the purpose of hearing re­ An attem pt will be made before the of said unpaid tax, and interest charge said monstrances or objections to the estab­ of one per cent per month until such lishment adjournm ent of the special session of of said grade taxes have been paid. Plans and profile of the grade made congress to pass an im m igration bill J. E. R eev es , the City Engineer are now on file in a literacy test as its leading fea­ Sheriff and Tax Collector for Washing­ by the office of the City Recorder, where with ture, such as was vetoed by President ton County, Oregon. the same are r.ow open for inspection Dated at Hillsboro this 10th day of Taft. M. R M arkham , September, 1913. City Recorder. At a m eeting of the house commit­ | LEGAL N 01ICES I \ Contractor E. A. DIXON Phone 876 Forest Grove, Ore. '<• *■* *4 FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1913. y . V V A V . V V . V . '. '. V V . V V . V A V . t House Moving and Repairing. We have the best equipped outfit in the county. Brick, Stone and Concrete^Wcrk Let us figure on your work. Begin Now! to plan for that College Course. There is considerable discussion about Education but thife is no c'oubt that a good genera' college course taken right is in the long run thz j.radical thing in Education. A school well equipped to do f.rst class general college work is Pacific University Forest Grove, Ore. This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such general college lines September 17th, 1913. Terms reasonable. Record and equipment good. Come and help us help you. Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue and further information PACIFIC U N IVER SITY, Fore.t Grove, Ore. PAGE 3 OREGON NEWS NOTES GF GENERAL INTEREST TR A IN SCHEDU LE Giving Correct Time of the Arrival and Departure of All Fore «trove Train« Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. OREGON ELECTRIC •Lv P ortland A r F orest G rove 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. m. 8*05 a. m. 9:25 a. m. 10:25 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 2:45 p. m. 1:25 p. m. 5:05 p. rr.. 3:45 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 5:15 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 7:55 p. m. 9:35 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 11:40 p. m. 12:45 p. m. Lv F orest G rove •A r P ortland 6:10 a. m. 7 :30 a. m. 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. in. 9:50 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 10:35 a. m. 11:57 a. m. 1:05 p. m. 2:25 p. m. 3:40 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 7:20 p. m. 6:00 D. m. 9:25 p. in. 8:05 p. m. 10:50 p. m. 9:45 p. m. •Jefferson Street Station, O rgan ize Protective A ssociation . Eugene.—The Lane county farm ers took the first steps for mutual pro­ tection from the ravages of the hunt­ ers during the approaching hunting season, when the Farm ers Protective association of Lane county was organ­ ized here, scores of representative farm ers, w ith Prof. John Bovard and Prof. C. F. Hodge of the university assisting, m et and adopted a consti­ tution. The purposes of the organi­ zation as outlined is to enforce and improve bird and game laws of the state and protect the farm ers against trespassers. A sh la n d W o r k Is to Start. Notice. The Sunrise Grocery will pay cash for all farm products. Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, the best market price paid and all goods sold at the bottom price. Pacific Avenue at Third street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­ tor. 23tf Ashland.— M aterial has arrived here for the prelim inary work on the Foot­ hills Irrigation company’s project, and SOUTHERN PACIFIC In a few days operations are planned to begin on the first unit of the H yatt Lv P ortland A r F orest G rov P rairie dam, northeast of Ashland, 8:40 a. m. 7:15 a. m. the breast of the dam will be nearly 5:32 p. m. 3:30 p. m. 50 feet high. It will be over 900 feet 5:40 p. m. 6:58 D. m. wide and will flood approxim ately Lv F orest G rove A r P ortlan 1000 acres to an average depth of 20 8:00 a. m. t6:40 a. m. feet. The backw ater created by this 10:20 a. m. 8:24 a. m. dam will reach nearly two miles. 10:00 a. m. •8:40 a. m. WARNINGS ARE 4:38 p. m. "Sunday only UNHEEDED Raises the Dough Better AIL GROCERS 6:20 p. in. tDaily except Sunday T h o u sa n d s Lo se In Lo ca tin g on O re­ gon Lands. Roseburg.—T hat thousands of per­ sons throughout the United States have parted w ith various sums of cash through fraudulent locations on lands of the Oregon & California railway, was the statem ent made by Register Jones of the Roseburg United States land office. "H undreds of persons w rite to this office asking for Information regard ing these lands,” said Mr. Jones, “many of them after they have parted with their money. We have always sent out a circular letter to people m aking inquiries about lands in this district, giving the am ount of vacant land by counties, the character of the land, a general description of the country, and last but not least, the clim atic conditions th at prevail. “A num ber of persons who were victimized by these locators have filed regular hom estead applications in this office, ail of which we rejected. Some of them appealed from our decision to the general land office, claiming that they would win the land in the end." Free W ool C a u se s HOME BAKING CO. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. W e sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents Free delivery to all {»arts of the city Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove How About that New House Sales. La Grande.—On account of the changing of the tariff on wool many sheep are being m arketed from this section, as the sheep men fear the ani­ mals will not pay to keep for wool. In the last week two train loads of sheep have been shipped out of Union f.nd allowa counties, the first train tee on im m igration the old Burnett- load W from Joseph, In W allowa county, Dillingham bill, which m et Mr. T aft's and one from Elgin, in Union county. disapproval, was ordered reported to the house. Dem ocrats back of the m easure will get to work imm ediately DREDGE GETS MUCH GOLD to have this legislation indorsed by Pow de r R ive r O p eration s U n u su a lly the caucuses, an action which is neces­ Successful. sary to insure its consideration a t the Sum pter.—Since January 7 the gold present session. dredge of the Powder River Gold The bill cam e within seven votes of Dredging company at this place has passage over Mr. T aft's veto and the been in operation day and night, be­ complexion of the house has changed ing run in three eight-hour shifts. The m aterially since then. rich return derived from this boat has N a tio n a l C ap ita l Brevities. been one of the shining successes met President W ilson would be author­ this year In mining In eastern Oregon. ized to direct the construction of the This work is paying beyond even governm ent railroad in Alaska by a the expectation of the owners at the bill reported by the house judiciary time of building. The riffles are cleaned up once a week, and the gold committee. retorted at the com pany's laboratory j A surplus of from $10,000,000 to $16,- 000,000 over current needs of the gov­ in Sum pter. The gold bricks from this ernm ent will be provided by the new retort are expressed to the United tariff law, In the opinion of Senator States mint at San Francisco. Simmons, chairm an of the Joint con­ Book C om p an ies M u st P a y License. ference com m ittee. Customs officials estim ated that Salem. — Corporation Commissioner $150,000,000 worth of goods are In W atson states that the publishing bonded w arehouses at the country's firm s which have made contracts to ports of eutry at present, w aiting for furnish school books in this state m ust the lower duties provided in the tariff qualify to do business in this state un- j der the laws regulating foreign cor- j bill. R epresentative Clayton of Ala­ porations. They m ust each pay a 11- j bama will rem ain In the field as a cense of $100. candidate for the sen rte from that M edford H a s $25.C00 Fire. state, even If he has to contest against Oscar W. Underwood, the house lead­ Medford.—Fire destroyed the Union livery stable, two dwellings nearby, er, for the nom ination. Congress, a t its December session, five horses and about twenty sets of will likely take up the m atter of safe­ harness. For four hours Medford was guarding lives of passengers on rail­ In darkness, and the telephone service road trains. The interstate commerce was out of commission. The loss it commission may be em powered to estim ated at $25,000, partially covered treat with such questions as steel cars by insurance. and safety equipments. H an aal Is Guilty. The senate com m ittee may not agree on the adm inistration currency Astoria.—Guilty of m urder In the bill, so divergent are opinions of wit­ first degree was the verdict rendered nesses examined. New England bank­ by s Jury In the circuit court In the ers are protecting against the bill. T h e esse of Oswald C. Hansel for the m easure may be reported to the sea- m urder of Judge Taylor on Sunday \ The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster, building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council S t Forest Grove, Ore The Approach of Spring is the signal for greater effort in all lines of endeavor. Warm­ er and dryer weatht r means greater activity in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That New House, get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-Place Lumber Co., Phone 024X. So. A Si., Foreit Grove. !