FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 FOREST GROVE P R ESS G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N CUR R EY EDITOR A N D O W N E R Published every Thuraday at Fore* Crove, Waabinglon County, Oregon. Entered at the Forett Grove, Oregon. F oil Office a> aecond-clau matter. S ubscription R ates in A dvance . One Y ear....................... $1.50 Six Months............ 75 Cents O pkice on M ain S treet . P hone M ain 50.2 “ I f thou can’ st believe all things are possible to him that believeth ’ ’—St. Mark. The greatest day in the THE WEDDING known history of nature OF THE WATERS is at hand. The feud of the ages is about to be peacefully and majestically settled in the wedding of two o f the principal members of long rival families. In the days to come the East will not be considered away from the West, nor the West from the East, for both will be as one. America, which has been east to the East, and west to the West, has stood triumph­ antly between the two rival human families, giving satisfaction to all in the difficult role of umpire. Long has this country adjusted the disputes o f Europe and Asia. Long has she upheld the ideals for each to follow. From the first she proclaimed, “ Peace on earth, good will toward men,’ ’ and has contrived successfully, due to her natural mother inst net, to unite her rival relations in peace and progress. Now, after years o f struggle, she has about com­ pleted the most gigantic victory recorded in his­ toric annals. The date has been set for the uniting of the world. America has completed the difficult arrangements, purchased the license, offered Gatun Lake as the engagement ring, donated two wonderful locks, Miraflores and Gatun, as the perfect cut jewels, and last week at the final invitation, (the explosion of many tons of dynamite,) the Pacific extended his hand toward the Atlantic. In turn the Atlantic will soon receive a similar invitation, to which she will as heartily respond. Then all that will remain to unite the now severed families o f the world will be the word of one man, Col. Goethals. When he speaks the word, and the battleship Oregon, as the caress from the one to the other, eagerly passes between them, the ceremony will have been completed, and the wedding ring will be a solid stream of humanity from the East to the West, and from the West to the East. And not a bad match this. The calm Pacific, reore- senting the now energetic East, will find a most helpful partner in the emotional Atlantic, rep­ resenting the more conservative West. And America will find herself in a position o f even greater responsibility than before. No longer a mere umpire, she must now assume the role of adviser, the guardian of the world. No longer may she interpret the rules made by others, but must wisely formulate laws for all, and as wisely administer them. Is America equal to the task? Death is often spoken of as the inevitable. But to some the inevitable means life, and to such life means growth. The others look forward only to death, or look not at all. Neither do they progress, and to stand still is to recede. They are in the midst o f a living death. All things must live or die. At certain crucial periods in the existence of FACING THE INEVITABLE every individual unusual care is needed to pro­ tect the guarantee o f future development. Forest Grove is now entering such a period. It is passing ftom a country town to a modern city, small, but a city nevertheless. Washington County is passing from the period of settlement to the time of subdivision, intensity and diversity. There must be a center for this county. Will it be Forest Grove, or some less favored locality? It is up to Forest Grove to decide. With all the natural advantages, with a country back o f it containing the resources o f a nation, with its present commercial institutions, its schools and churches and homes, and with the future offer- ing prizes of many new citizens for Oregon, our chances in securing the best o f these prizes are unequalled, if we try for them. There are railroads to be built, enterprises to be attracted and developed, people and capital to be secured for the asking. We must act to­ gether; we must act intelligently; we must have a commercial club. Of course you all agree. Well, then, after the County Fair, let us organ­ ize a club that will place Forest Grove in the center of the map. “ The theory o f knowledge and the theory of life seem to us inseparable,” which defines “ a true evolutionism, in which reality would be its generation and its growth.” “ But a philosophy of this kind will not be made in a day. Unlike the philosophical systems, prop- erly so-called, each of which was the individual work o f a man of genius and sprang up as a whole, to be taken or left, it will only be built up by the collective and progressive effort of many thinkers, of many observers also, complet- ing, correcting and improving one another.” —From Mitchel’s translation of Henri Bergson’s Creative Evolution. The Commercial Club should send Secretary Bryan a case of our grape juice. If he would be o f the same opinion as others, who have compared our product with other c mmercial brands, a standing order might be the result. If so, the general demand would require addi­ tional acreage. It would be better to say “ There is nothing OLD under the sun,” for even the sun changes its spots. THE ROUTE TO “ THE PRETTIEST TOWN IN THE WORLD” THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1913 P. U. FRESHMAN’S LETTERS TO “DAD’’ Actual Letters by a Real Freshman to His Father The PRESS Will | Print ThL Boys Actual Impressions i Each Week • Thursday, A. M. Dear Dad: — ! the line and shake with them ail After a while some one began t< play and then every one crowdei around the piano and sang shouted and hollered, a bunch o college songs and yells. Out fellow in the middle with a yel lowish white head of l air seemed to rave with his l ead, arms an. body, all at once. Some one toll ne he was the old yell leader, vly, it was grand the way we said “ Rip Rip” something. Pretty soon we had some ice cream and cake and then wei t iiome. We don’t have any classes to­ day so I am taking the time t< write. Tonight I am invited to a kind The o f lodge or society. I will writ« to you about it on Sunday. I find that I am running a lit i tie short of change because thi The wonderful COLUMBIA incidental fees and a lot o f othei things I don’ t think you would now takes the place of all other musical insuruments. be interes'ed in. In fact I’n With all the improvements, practically out o f money until I and the highest of perfection hear from you. Please write and tell me all to which they have attained, yet the prices have steadily the news. I have to get all mj been lowered until now it is books next week. within reach of every family good bye to have a first-class COLUM­ from John BIA GRAPHOPHONE and a P. S.—Don’t forget by the 1st. fine selection of Double Disc Mrs. E E. Williams is prepared j Records. to teach Fundamental Music Only a $3 bill down! You Training, in classes, as taught have the use of the machine by Mrs. Mary Cahill-Moore, of Portland. This is the first time while you are paving the rest Mrs. Moore has allowed a few at $1.00 per week. We are exclusive agents for teachers the privilege of study with her. Mrs. Williams will be the COLUMBIA. pleased to give any information requested. The first, class will begin Tuesday, September 30. Li ¡ tier’s Pharmacy _____________ 10t2 College is cer­ tainly great. I arrived last Tuesday. When I got off the car there were about ten o f the fellows down to meet me. They said they were delegated by the college to meet me and see that I got started right. We waited a minute to see if any other fel­ lows had come and then started for the University. The college is a great three story red brick building trimmed : with grey granite blocks o f con­ crete and half overgrown with ivy vine. Huge oak trees are scattered about over the campus j whicli surrounds the entire build­ ing. Dr. Dibble signed me up alright. Then I met a lot o f the students. Every one smiled and shook hands, even the seniors. I met a dozen perfectly swell girls, too. Last night we had a big recep­ tion to new students. I got there about eight and looked in the door. Then I beat it and waited to go in with the bunch. Sewing machine extras and All the professors were lined needles for any machine made, up in a string, we had to go down for sale at Staehr’ s Bazaar. F resent Day Music Machine THE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST S Phone 901 'w a & v m & C & Z* 1 F America, the Land of Freedom. Oregon, the State o f Opportunity. Willamette Valley, “ Where life is large.” Washington County, the cream o f Willamette. Forest Grove, a place worth living in. The P ress is endeavoring to become a true representative o f this field, Forest Grove and Washington County first, Willamette Valley and Oregon second, and America and the world next. In its columns, to the best o f its ability, it will try to tell to those outside sections the many | blessings of this county. It will try to acquaint the stranger with our modern schools and Uni­ versity, our large progressive churches, our numerous up-to-date merchants, our prosperous j well-to-do farmers, and if the stranger be of | the right sort it w ill try to induce him to add another to our many true American homes, and to become one o f the thrifty, prosperous citizens in the “ Prettiest town in the world.” Í ' WGüa ■— n g n a e— B■ a m a g a n In Exchange for the Famous Brown Trading Stamps Commencing next Saturday, October 4lh, we will give our customers one of these valuable stamps with each 10 cent purchase. Visit our store on Sat­ urday and see the display of many beautiful and useful Premiums that are FREE for B R O W N T R A D IN G STAM PS Thirty (30) Brown Stamps Free Saturday and All N ext W eek To each visitor to Premium Display in Cur Store. You Need a New Heater f o r W i n t e r c. MFORT HEATER A Rightly Built Stove Will Save Its Price in Heat Efficiency This is the season to buy your new heater. You will find the desired requirements of good looks, efficiency and long life in any of our standard lines of heaters. W e carry a complete line of Bring us your Tobacco Tags, Tobacco Coupons, Hamilton Coupons, Soap Wrappers, etc. W e will give you BROWN Sl'AMPS for them. Here is Glad New s fo r Stam p C ollectors W e give P rem ium s fo r Half-Filled Books One Dozen R ogers Teaspoons fo r O ne-H alf Book One Dozen R ogers Tablespoons fo r O ne-H alf Beck Other stamp companies ask a full book for the same quantity. TEN (10) The Comfort Heaters The Mission Heaters The Beaver Heaters Come in while you^can make your selection from our complete stock Hardware C M it T o* > . C a s t b o t t o m and C ast I n H . o s in a le s s u o o d , g i v i n g m o t s h e a t ; o f b e t t e r q u a l i t y and n ts tr a n p e rtn c c th e n o h e r h e a e rs. Implements Paints GORDON & GORDON HARDW’RE CO Be sure to come. BROW N STAMPS FREE (10) TEN Cut out this Coupon and get these Stamps clip this C O U p O tl ■ I | ■ F r a a S t a m p C o u p o n Present this Coupon at our store, make ■ a cash purchase o f 2>c or over and we will give you Ten (10) I Brown Stamps Free, in addition to the regular stamps given I with your purchase. | V " - W a lte rs A C o j Use this C O U pO H VAN. W ALTERS & CO. DEPARTMENT STORE FOREST GROVE i y jiw . rr < 'W M i