Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 25, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
P. U. Note*
The regular opening reception
of Pacific University was held at
The High School held their
Herrick Hall last Friday night,
student body meeting Tues­
The students and professors were
The student body was or­
| in full force and many visitors
at the close of last se­
were there from Forest Grove.
mester in May.
Mr. Claud
Last Saturday the College Y.
Hutchins is Piesident.
M. C. A. held a stag party at P. U.
Red Letter Day, Saturday,
Miss Edith Garrigus of Banks
Gymnasium and various athletic
27th at A. G. Hoffn an &
games were played. Among the District is attending High School. W anted —Roomers and boarders I Co.
en S. & H. Green Trading
most exciting was the game of The Optomist will be published Inquire Second door north of ; stamps tree to every one visiting
water polo in which it was seen semi-monthly this year instead Christian Church.
our store. Bring your book.
Mrs. William Blitz entertained women turn out in force that the
that there are some good swim­ of monthly as last year.
the Yadrif Club on Monday af­ entire State will he in the prohi­
G irl W anted —for general house
The talk of the city. Almost
mers at college this year.
three thousui d up-to-oate Ladies’
ternoon. All the ladies were bition column.
The foot ball practice began woi k phone 754.
and Gents’ Si oesjust received at
The young men were addressed Tuesday afternoon.
present and delighful refresh­
Wanted—Girl for general Tne Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf
by President Bushnell, Principal
Fortieth Anniversary
ments were served.
house-work, best wages. Tele-
; Bates and Dr. Bean, on the various j Fusion of German and Swiss
phone 0455.
The fortieth anniversary of the
New shipment of and
Mrs. H. Parker entertained marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hute forms of Y. M. C. A. work in
gents silk hosiery, just received
Oak Park, one mile west of
connection with college life. The Hillsboro on the Oregon Electric,
Wanted— Millinery apprentice, at The Peoples Store Hillsboro.
the Yadrif Club on Friday after­
Millinery Parlors near
noon at her home in this city. their daughter, Mrs. Jack Ladda.
will be the scene of German fes­ Post-office.
All the ladies were present with The surprise dinner given in
tivity next Sunday, when mem­
The new school-bocks are now
enjoyed by everyone.
their sewing.
bers of the German-speaking
Wanted—Two experienced for sale at Stt ehi ’s 1 azaar.
honor of the couple was a com­
« fc **
< 6**
societies of Washington county waitresses at Forest Grove res­
plete success. Several parties
The largest assortment of
will gather to hold the annual taurant.
Last Friday evening Mr. from Portland were among the
straw hats ever showed in
get-together meeting. Several
and Mrs. Hiram Gould were guests of the day. The reuniting
Strayed or Stolen
Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples
entertained at the home of Mr. ceremony was performed by Rev.
The Hest livery barn is now in important business matters will
S trayed or S tolen —Large Store Hillsboro.
and Mrs. J. A. Elder.
Holmes, of the Christian Church. the hands of Wirak & Brown and be taken up at the meeting. The red Durham milch cow, with hal­
After dinner while all w re en­ All joined in wishing the happy ; has just been repaired and white- most important of these will be tet, underslip in right ear. In- j Anything in the line of paper
the consideration of the proposi­ formation regarding whereabouts at Siaehr’s Bazaar.
joying a pleasant social the choir couple long and prosperous years, washed.
tion to amalgamate the Swiss will be gladly received at Forest
of the M. E. Church came to help
Some exceptionally fine bar­
with the Germans. Festivities I Grove Hospital.
entertain the guests. The surprise
College Party
gains in pianos, organs, and sew­
of various sorts have been pro­
on the Directress, Mrs. Could
ing-machines at biuehr’s Bazarr
Miss Margaret Jones enter­
Board and Room
terms to suit.
was complete. The evening was tained several college friends at finished by Mr. C. A. Broadeson vided for. One of the big at­
w^s presented in the M. E. tractions is the appearance of a
Board and room at the Walker
spent playing games after which home last Wednesday evening.
dhurch as a receptacle for the German band from Portland, place, 3d Ave., North, between
Bring us your kodak work any
dainty refreshments were served.
A and B Street Phone Main 367. size film developed 10 cents.
which will render national and
In appreciation of their faithful
Forest Grove Studio.
Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Ireland
and untiring efforts the choir and Mrs. Haines entertained the ly presented to the church by classical music, as well as other
music. Preparations have been
Mrs. Dixon has a trimmer
presented Mrs. Gould with a ladies work society of the Con­ Rev. and Mrs. Gould.
For Rent
from Portland assisting with her
made to handle five hundred
beautiful gift.
gregational Church Wednesday.
F or R ent — light house keeping fall millinery.
I „ 7x2
Em_ people on that day.
room. Close in nice for girls or
Refreshments were served and a Wedneseay morning Dick
boys in to school from country, j The number is 692. The Peo­
“A Curiosity” —“ Unique” On pleasant time spent by all those! merson’ ^ on McNamer, Chas. 0.
at Press.
ples Market, The home of Qual­
Sunday morning in one of our present.
highly decorated auto, proclaim- Through the courtesy of Mrs. “ F arm to R ent ”— 153 acres ity and Square Deal to all.
representative churches the pas­
tor in urging his congregation to Cupid Is Challenged —At the ing the fact of the coming Wash- E. E. Williams, Monday after- three miles from Gaston in Scog­ Sewing machine extras and
be present on Tuesday and home of Miss Chris'ine Mackrodt ington County Fair, fo ra week’s noon, a few of the Forest Grove gins Valley. Address H. YV. needles for any machine made,
Wednesday evenings to hear Cap­ n Tuesday eveneng last, an tour of the Willamette Valley, women were privileged to listen Scott, Forest Grove, Ore.
for sale at Siaehr’s Bazaar.
tain Stanley, the converted come­ organization known as the Bach- They will visit McMinnville, New- to a demonstration of the funde-l
FOR RENT-Nice room, private
Staehr>8 Bazaar carrie8 an em-
dian, lecture on temperance pro­ ellor Girls Club, was succesfully berg, Corvallis, Eugene, Albany, mental training system of music family, centi ally located. Gen Lie- menst> stock of the latest music
nounced him a curiosity. In launched.
A constitution and Salem, and many other way given by Mrs. Mary Cahill Moore man only. Inquire P ress office. | an(J sells at 5 cents> l0 cents and
¡of Portland, a teacher of wide
another church Sunday evening by-laws were adopted and the Points.
15 cents a copy.
For Sale or Trade
another prominent pastor, after following officers elected to serve
Impressed With the W e s t- R a t i o n . This system is used
The Peoples Store is receving
emphasizing the announcement, the following year: President, William Lilly, a business man of
We have a client who has two
claf work and certainly lays
remarked, “ You will certainly Miss Christine Mackrodt; Vice Kansas City, Mo.', is visiting his the fonndation for a musical lots in Portland, worth $900 and | new up to date goods daily.
torget to see the many
find him unique.’ ’ We confess President, Miss Florence Webley; brother, N. C. Lilly, of Gales educat,on whlch surpasses any. $2,000 who wants a 20acre farm Dont
near Forest Grove—wants rolling bargains at the Peoples Store
that both announcements created Secretary, Miss Christine Mack- Creek. He is greatly impressed °J the methods previously used land and prefers shot soil,— Hillsboro.
an interest to hear the orator, robot.
with the wonderful West, and So fascinatingly was the subject promptly.
This advertisment
but we did not know how impos
Men’s work shirts all colors
The membership consists of especially the opportunities that matter given to a class of children will appear just once so answer
Oregon Land Co. and prices at The Peoples Store
sible it was for either of the cler- the business girls of Forest Grove awaits the homeseeker in Oregon. that even the “grown
grown ups”
ups were promptly.
held in rapt attention.
gymen to properly introduce him. I limited to twenty in number, and
F or S ale — Oak library table,
Department Buys Equipment
He is simply in a class by him- the objects of the club are social
A L istener .
leather rocker, body brussels hall
You will do well by calling us
self. He spoke to large audi- and philanthropic.
Although The Forest Grove Volunteer Fire!
carpet, Ingrain arch square, lace up before you sell your beef,
ences. Those who were fortunate they are Bachellors they do not Department has invested in a new ; Many Home* Completed.
curtains, all in good condition, veal, mutton, and pork. Hills­
boro Mer. Co.
enough to hear him had a rare, disdain lhe feminine art of fancy- hose wagon made by the United j Building activity is in progress Postoffice box 441.
treat; those who did not, will work. A heavy penalty is im- shop. Fire Chief Joe Lenneville in all portions of the city. A
F or S ale — One span of young
trouble is particularly
never know what they missed; posed if any member marries be­ reports that it will be ready for | P ress representative interview­ horses, harness and w agon- to Kidney
be dreaded because its pres­
however, it is safe to say that by fore the year is out. Dainty re­
ed a number of contractors, all cheap—YV. C. Freeman, South ence is not usually disovered un­
the time he covers the State freshments were served by the cost about $150.
til it has assumed one of its
of which were optimistic and ex­ Forest Grove, phone 896.
worst forms—diehetes, drobsy,
there will be hundreds of women hostess and the girls departed
Benefit Show—Friday evening
F or S ale —Furniture at 19. or Bright’s disease. If you
who will register and vote who feeling that the success of the of this week the net profi s of the right along.
3rd. street south. J. W. Martin. suspect that your kidneys are
probably would not have done so organization was assured. The Grand Theater will he turned over
Andrew Kelley is planning to
affected, by all means use Hollis­
had they not heard him. He em- club is under the chaperonage of to Mrs. Grady. Several promi­ commence build within the next
For Sale—Brood sows and pigs. ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea—the
phatically predicts that if the Mrs. Dorathy Seymour.
nent society ladies have been in­ few days.
Call at Goodman and Ruggle great systemic cleaner and reg­
Ranch one mile south of Gaston. ulator.—Vankoughnet & Reder
strumental in securing this con­
_______________ _______ 3-tf
cession on the part of the man
S eed C leaned — We are now
agement of the theater. Mrs.
or S ale —A cash register, a prepared to clean clover, timothy
Grady is improving and the doc­ rains begin.
large coffee perculator, arid a and all kinds of grain for seed.
W. F. Hartrampf.
tors say hhat with a libeal turn­ The foundation for E. P. cigar case, inquire at Press office.
out Friday evening further help
P ress Job Printing Satisfies
F or S ale or T rade —Pope
completed and the carpenters
will not be needed.
will soon be busy. Mr. Hogue is
Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney will
Chas. E. Hall.
New Floor in Church—A fine
Ben Hur Lecture -The no- Congregational Church—Sunday a recent arrival from Kansas.
vocal pupils after Oct.
new concrete floor has been put table book ” Ben Hur,” written School 9:45 A. M. Morning sub-
Three weeks more and Carmel Commercial and Miscellaneous 1st. at her home 232 A street
in the basement of the Christian by General Lew Wallace in de- ject by the pastor, D. T. Thomas, Good, the real estate man will
church as the first of a number fense of the Christian faith is to will be “Team Work.” His even­ have his new home finished.
Twenty S. & H. Green Trad­
“ An ounce of preventati re is
of improvements that are con­ he illustrated at the Christian ing subject will be “ Echoes of
Samuel Marsh is preparing to ing stamps free on Red Letter worth a pound of cure Hollitser’s
templated for the near future. church Friday evening, Sept. 26, l’wo Great Conventions.’’ Junior occupy his new home w thin the day, to those buying men’s and Rocky Mountain Tea has been
boys clothing on Saturday, RED “ preventative for thirty years.
The kitchen is also being made by Minister Holmes.
Mr. Endeavor held at 3 o'clock in the next few days.
LETTER day at A. G. Hoffman Nothing so good to keep you
almut double its present size and Holmes has made his own set of afternoon. Intermediate
Victor Fugua’s new house is &Co^
well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. —
will likely be used for the first slides, coloring them artistically, Senior Endeavors at 7 o’clock. practically completed and he will
Vankoughnet and Reder.
time on Friday evening. October and prepared his own digest of There will be special music. All be moving soon.
Hair work made to order, Mrs.
YVilliam Mattson, Cherry Grove
3rd when a “ free feed” will he the story, so that a rare treat cordially invited.
The largest and most complete
The brick work on the three Oregon.
9t4 pd
given the members and their may be counted on.
stock of DRESSERS to be found
Foot Ball Team at W ork— Pacific
in Washington County are at
A B argain —16 light Brahma Roe & Co.’s, the pioneer furni­
Wood Buying Seaton Many foot hall boys began their training the second story and the founda­ chickens,
fullblooded. Inquire ture dealers.
Improve* Stand The Automo­
people are now storing their win- this week. The material is very tion of Mr. Purdy’s store two at Chowning barbershop.
bile popcorn and candy car put ter’s supply of wood and the saw- weak and their chances against story building is progressing.
Mrs. E. E. Williams will re­
in a new popper this week.
Mrs. E. E. Williams is prepared serve time for pupils wishing
vers are kept busy all around Willamette on October 11th are
N. I. Burnette D ead—A call for to teach Fundamental Training,
very poor. The new material so
private piano lessons. Phone,
New House Erected Frank town.
all members of the Masonic lodge in classes, as taught by Mrs. 0341.____________________ 10t2
far is energetic hut to light for
Emmerson is building a new
Former Principal in Corvallis college caliber. Captain Taylor to meet at the hall at noon Friday Mary Cahill-Moore, of Portland.
house on the lot recently purchas­
is the first time Mrs. Moore 1 Dr. Gertrude Phillips of Los
Scott, who was formerly is working hard to beat the squad was issued this morning by J. YV. This
ed from Prof. Marsh on Pacific
a few teachers tin- Angeles, osteopathic physician, of our public schools, is into shape in double quick time. Hughes grand master and A. L. privilege of study with her. | has opened offices in the Nixon
Parker secretary to attend the Mrs. Williams w ill be pleased to i building and will be prepared to
teaching this year in Corvallis.
Rally Well Attended Tile pro­
Van Koughnet Back- Mr. Van funeral of N. I. Burnette of give any information requested receive patients Monday. Dr.
hibition rally at Hillsboro last
Late Strawberries Mr. Ralph Koughnet of Van Koughnet & Banks. Mr. Burnette was well The first class will begin Tues Phillips is a new comer to Ore­
lOtl gon and is so far delighted with
Saturday was geneml’y attended Fritz has been picking strawber- Reder, returned home after a known throught the county. He day, Septemher 30.
her new home.
from all sections of the county. rief off iiis vines quite extensively two weeks visit to Dakota to was president of the Banks bank.
Five passenger touring car for
Forest Grove was represented the past week. Indications are attend to business matters in his Many friends will grieve his sale will take some live stock.
Complete your home with cne
with the largest delegation.
that the land is sub irrigated.
former home.
H.W.Scott Forest Grove,Or. l i t f , of Roe & Co.’s dining tables.