• % « ‘ • V P a g e 6 . % p -- t THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1913 forest g r o ve press ^ T he FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK J. A. TH O R N B U R G H P re sid en t JO H N E. B A II.E V - V ice P r è s . W. W. M cE LD O W N E Y - C a s h ie r T ~ m r Only Roll of Honor Bank in Waihington County C A P IT A L - $25,000.00 SU R P LU S - $35,000.00 DEPOSITS $400,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACC / T T h PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY e (ïïg § J, N. Hcffinan Dr. D. W . W ard Dr. E. B. Brookbank Attorney-at-Lam i H. E. FERR1N, a s s t . C a s h ie r T. G. TODD - D ire cto r J. W .F U Q U A - D ire cto r SUNDAY_ SCHOOL. Lesson X III.— Third Quarter, For Sept. 28, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. RAILROAD’S CUT RATE From Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th, 1913 Via The Text of the Leeeon, Quarterly Review, Read Neh. ix, 9-21— Golden Text, Neh. ix, 17—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearna. lesson. Witt the adiliffon o f "and thy neighbor as thyself." When we have been redeemed and can rejoice that there Is no condemnation because we are In Christ Jesus, then by the Spirit we are expected to fulfill the righteous­ ness of the law (Bom. vlil, 1-4). The only way Is by the appropriation of " I live, yet not 1, but Christ Uveth In me” (Gal. II. 20». “ Not 1. but the grace o f God." L e s s o n X I L —The Golden Calf. Ex. xxxII. 15-20. 30-35. Golden Text. I John v. 21. “ My little children, guard yourselves from Idols." The sin o f the people was very great (verse 30i. but greater « ns the sin o f Aaron, who was In Moses' stead for the time and who led the people Into gross Idolatry, changing their glory Into the simili­ ! tude o f an ox that eateth grass (Pa. crl. 19. 20l E Q U IT Y A N D P R O B A T E O N L Y Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific A ve. Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grova Physicians and Surgeons 22 First Ave. No"th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Forest Grove, Ore. Mark B. Bump D R . C. E. W A L K E R Attorney-at-lau) South o f Court House Hillsboro, Ore. Osteopathic Physician Treatment by Special Appoint* ment Only Hollis & Graham A Homey s-al-LaW H. W . Vollmer, M. D. I.—The Child Moses Saved Physician and Surgeon Forest Grove, Ugn. From Death. Ex. 1, 22. to 11. 10. Golden Office in Abbott Bldg. Text, Matt, xviii. 5. “ Whoso shall re- Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. celve one such little child in My name E. B. Tongue, I QRfCON I recelvetb Me." See the great deliverer I rirrrmc I Jlttorney-al-Law ! RAHWAY I saved from death uud cared for by the Ind. Phones daughter of the enemy o f God's peo­ District Attorney. ple. Mark the faith o f Jocbebed anil the part that Miriam took in the events Hillsboro, Ore. I W. Q. Tucker, M. D. Louisville, K y ................. $42.85 Atlanta, Ga..................... $51.70 o f that day. When individuals or nH- Memphis, Ten n .............. 42.50 Boston, Mass................. 55.15 (F or all churches who hold regular services in this tlous attempt to work against God we city. The proper authorities are requested to Milwaukee, Wis............. 36.70 Physician and Surgeon Buttalo, N. Y .............. 47.50 Dr. E. J. Crowthers cannot hut think o f Ps. 11. 4. Minneapolis, Minn......... 30.00 Cairo, 111. 39.98 j send in their announcement early each week.) Calls answered promptly day or night Nashville, Tenn............. 45.00 L esson I I .—Moses Prepared For His Charleston, S. C............ 54.75 Physician and Surgeon Phone: O.ace 271. Kesidence 283. T o T a k e C hurch C en su s New York, N. Y. .......... 55.00 Chatanooga, Tenn.......... 48.40 Work. Ex. li. 11-25. Golden Text. M att j Calls answered day and night Omaha, N eb.................. 30.00 Chicago, 111.,................. 38.00 v. 5. "Blessed are the meek, for they Be at home Tuesday afternoon; we Office in Jackson Pharmacy Peoria, III....................... 37.00 C'incinnatti, 0 ...................42.85 shall Inherit the earth." After forty want to meet you. Tuesday afternoon, Philadelphia, Pa. 54.75 Cleveland, O ................ 44.75 years' training in the Institutions of Cornelius, Ore. Dr. H. R. Kauffman Pittsburg, Pa................. 47.00 September 29, visitors representing the Columbus, 0 ................... 44.60 Egypt and having become learned in Physician & Surgeon Richmond, Va. ............... 54.75 Detroit, Mich................. 43.50 various churches o f the city will visit all the wisdom o f the Egyptians and Sioux City, la ................ 30.00 Des Moines, Iowa ......... 32.84 Office: Forest Grove N at'l Bank Building: every home in Forest Grove and adjoin­ VV. M. Langley & Son mighty lu words and In deeds (Acts St Louis, Mo................... 37.00 Duluth, Minn................. 30.00 Phone Main 0131 St. Paul, Minn............... 30.00 vll. 22i he had to spend forty years ing community. Persons who have vol­ Evansville, In d .............. 40.10 Forest Grove, Ore. Superior, W is................. 30.00 unteered for this service are requested Indianapolis, Ind............ 40.60 alone with God. far away from all the Lawyers Kansas City, Mo............ 30.00 wisdom of this world, in an occupation to meet at the Congregational Church that was an abomination to Egyptians. promptly at 1:15 P. M. Tuasday. The Forest Grove, Ogn. R. M. Erwin, M. D. Reductions are also made from all other Eastern points. Give the L esson I I I .—Moses Called to Deliver use o f a few conveyance» for visitors Oregon Electric Railway agent the names o f your frietds who are expect­ Israel. Ex. lit. 1-14. Golden Text. Matt, in outlying and scattered districts would Physician and Surgeon ing to come Ut Oregon and he will have a representative call on them and v, 8. "Blessed are the pure lu heart, be greatly appreciated by the committee. W. B. COON, V. S. hely plan their trip. By depositing the necessary amount the agent will Tamiesie Bidding have tickets furnished by telegraph to any one you designate. Informa­ for they shall see God." An unusual 3d and Main Sts. O f f ic e o n 1 st S t . tion regarding stopovers, time schedules, etc., cheerfully furnished by event one day broke In upon the mo­ Minister Holmes, o f the Christian Hillsboro, Ore. Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. notony o f Moses' shepherd life, for Church, is delivering a very interesting R. H. Crozier, A. G. P. A. J. E. Farmer, A£&\°c'V ; a God’s time had come to deliver Israel series o f sermons on “ Church H istory,” Having bought out Dr. Feeley, V et-1------------------------------------------ and to call Moses to the work. Out o f Portland, Ore. Forest Grove, Ore. I wish to notify the public c T I • I 1 *. *» o n a/l if one may judge by the many favor­ erinarian, that I am prepared to answer all calls, t . L i n K I a t e r , IV1. D ., v-. IV1. a Imsb that burned with fire, but waa able comments o f his auditors. He day or night. I D, . , j c L not consumed. God revenled Himself. F orest G rove , O re j r hysician ana Surghon L esson IV .— Moses' Bequest Refused, gives a brief review each evening. Phone Main 95 Delta Building Ex v. 1-14. Golden Text. Matt. v. 4, The series is scheduled to be concluded "Blessed are they that mourn, for they on October 5th, when the evangelistic Hillsboro, Ore. shall he comforted." In reply to effort o f the church is to begin. Moses' demand that Israel be set free A cre T racts in Sun Set S ev e n th D a y A d v e n t is t :—Third to serve their God. Pharaoh expressed Street. Regular services Sabbath day: Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Addition to Forest Grove Ignorance o f aud contempt for Jeho­ 10:30 a m ., Sabbath school; 11:30 A. M., 1 vah and In defiance o f Him Increased church services. Missionary meeting Physician, Surgeon to be sold on terms. W. W. “ THE QUALITY STORE’’ their burdens and refused to let them Sunday evening, 7:30 P. m . Prayermeet­ and Osteopath go. Moses appealed to the Lord. and ing, Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m . A Ireland, Hoffman Building | Calls answered day or night. He said. "N ow «halt thou see what I cordial invitation extended to all. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. will do to Pharaoh" (Ex. vU It. F ir s t C o n g r e g a t io n a l :— Rev. D. T. L esson V.—The Plagues o f E gypt Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9:45 A. Hillsboro, Ore. Ps cv, 23-36. Golden Text. Matt, xxtll. M.; Morning worship, 11 a . m .; Junior THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN The very best at the Right Price ADVERTISING BY THE 12. “ Whosoever shall exalt himself C. E., 3 p. m .; Intermediate C. F. and shall Is* humbled, and whosoever shall Y. P. S. C. E., 7 P. M.; Evening service, Phone 701 humble himself shall lie exalted." The 8 P. M. Thursday, midweek prayer- J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. mighty hand of Jehovah was shown meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. Physician and Surgeon to Pharaoh and his people by plague GENERAL OFFICES F ir s t M etitchwst :- Hiram Gould, N E W YO R K A N D C H IC A G O Phone City 384 after plague until they leurned to know pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a . m ., Mr. something o f His great power and Schramel, superintendent; Preaching BRANCHES IJ4 ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Booms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. |j SOUTH MAIN STREET FOREST GROVE were willing tc let Israel go. service, 11 A. M .; Epworth League, 7 --------------------------------------- Hillsboro, Ore. L esson V I.—T h e Passover. Ex. xil. P. M.; Evening preaching service, 8 p. 21-81. Golden Text. Matt. ix . 28. "T h e M.; Prayermeeting, Thursday evening. Son of uni n came not to he ministered All are cordially invited to tht se services. unto, but to minister and to give His F ir s t C h r is t ia n life as ransom for many." While the anu Third streets, J. B. Holmes, pastor. plagues wt re being sent upon the Sunday School, 10 a . m ., J. A . Parker, Egyptians the Lord put a difference, or superintendent; Communion and preach­ ' All kinds of survey­ redemption, and delivered Israel. But ing at 11 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, 7 Embalming and p. M., Kennard Dixon, president ; Even­ ing and mapitig. in this last plague the only difference ing sermon at 7:30 p. m . Week day serv­ Funeral Directing i was the blind on the doorpost». Subdivisions a spec­ ices: OflRc« I L e s s o n V! I.-Crossing the Red Sea. on Tuesday evening, 8 p. m . ; Chorus 1 ialty. Ex. xiv. 19-31. Golden Text. Isa. Ixv, drill, Mr. George Jackson leader, each F O R E ST GROVE U N D E R TA K IN G CO. 24. “ Before they call I will answer." Thursday evening; Prayer service H . B. GLAISYER, From the time that they left Egypt each Thursday evening. The ladies o f J. S. Buxton, M an ager Buster Brown Blue Ribbon’* Shoes Hoffman & Allen Bld’g the most manifest thing alxmt them to the church meet each Wednesday a fter­ other |a-ople must have lieeii the pillar noon at 2:30. The C. W. B. M. meets Phone 806 P h in e N o. 6 4 2 F orest G rove, Or. FOR BOYS a n d GIRLS o f cloud by day and tire by night, the first Tuesday afternoon o f each month. The board o f officers meet on r| Forest Grove, Ore. which He never took from them (Neh. Gun Metal and Kid. Button and Blucher. • the first Mondav evening o f each Ix. 12. l!b month. A cordial invitation is extended L esson V III. — The Bread From to all to share in these services. T ..e Kind T!iat W e a r Heaven. Ex xvl, 2 15 Golden T e x t October 5th is to be a great day at John vi. 35. "Jesus said unto them. the Christian church. They are expect­ ard Give Satisfaction I am the Bread of L ife." Hlngt"g ing 250 in attendance at the Bible School when they mw deliverance and mur­ and $250 in the offering. The offering Dont pass us when lo o k in g for S chool S hoes muring when they saw trial was their is to go for needed improvements and for the cancelling o f a pledge made by FO R E ST G R O V E, OREGON way and too often Is ours. He bore the Bible School on the building. patiently with them, sweetened Marsh, Evangelistic services are to begin at Our WONDER HOSE brought them to Klim, gave th ru the Christian Church with the Bible quails and angel's food and water School rally on October fifth. Mr. FOR SATISFACTION from the rc-k. and He who did It all Holmes who serves! for many years as FOUR Pairs will wear for I OUR Months. is Himself the Bread from heaven and special evangil.s will do the preaching, while his w ife and daughter, both the Living Water and the Bock. L esson IX .—Israel at Mount Sinai. o f whom are accomplished soloists, will have charge o f the special music. Ex. xix. 16. 16-21. Golden Text. "Let us have grave, whereby we may Gi r ls a n d S t . A n t h o n y ’ s C h p r c h : Rev. J . R. offer service « e ll pleasing to God with Buck, pastor. The following are the Young L ulies fur School Wear. Fine Qualities reverence and a«-e' (lleb. xil. 2Si. services: Forest Grove Mass on the first and There Is much o f Interest In Jethro's Many Patterns and Shades to visit, bringing Moses' « i f e and sons, fourth Sunuays o f the month at 8:30 a . m .; Mass on the second and third Sun- tils worship o f Jehovah and advice to Select from at Right Prices days o f the month at 10:30 a . m .; every Moses But the most important thing week day at 8 a . m . Benedictioi is Jehovah bringing Israel unto Him ­ sermon every Sunday, 7:30 p. m . self. to lie Ills jssmllsr tressure aliore Cornelius Mass on the first Sunday B oard of D irectors : o f the month at 10:30 a . m .; Maas on ill people. the second and third Sundays o f the L e s s o n X.—The Ten Commandments. Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain W. K. Newell Kx. xx. 1-11. Golden T e x t l.nke x. month at 8 A. M. K. of P. B U ILD IN G Gaston Mass on the fourth Sunday 27. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God L. J. Corl John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock o f the month at 10:30 a . m . ’’.'.M i r a l i with all thy heart, and with all thy N o te A fifth Sunday in the month H. G. Goff H . T. Buxton |Chris Peterson soul, and nn 1th all thy strength, and occurring, the time and place for the W. H . Hollis E. W. Haines II taken j\ as with all thy mind." These commands masses will be announced. When in need of some more were cot given until they were re­ Catechism: In Forest Grove on Fri­ though you v ick rffice stationary call on the deemed God does not ask an unsaved day at 3 P. m .; in Cornelius on Satur­ you will nevct 'US PRESS job department. Envel­ lierson to keep his commandments, ex­ day at 4 p. M. xl. cept to show him his guilt and con Confession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. M. opes, cards, letterheads, circular, illness is. II Altar Society: A general mettle g o f J ob W ork , done properly and letters, bill heads etc. ! " ' vef out disease t ef .re it get». Ttuce o f sin and lead to Christ, w h o la W anted - T he P ress desires the society will be held on the first | » foot hold ; such is Hollinger s L esson To all points in the Willamette Valley from Church Locals and Notices H. T. G I L T N E R ’ S Staple and Fancy Groceries SURVEYOR U N D E R T A K IN G j TH E CELEBRATED THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ! H O S IE R Y Capital and Surptus $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 . DRESS Q00D5 U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . PURDY’S « GOOD GOODS S ociety stationary of correct t{„cky Mountain Tea. None S t y l e ami neat appearence mat : ,ther so effective and sure. 35 he obtained trom Liu* PRESS job cents Tia or Tablets. —Van department. 1 „oughnet a Reder. I to every one that belleveth. L emon X I.—The Ten Command­ ments (second party, Ex. xx. 12-21. •tornea Xexf’ Luke x. 27. same as last October. Sermons are always in Eng- d ally invited to all services. the P ress office. to secure a live correspondent in every community in Washington Satisfaction guaranteed and ; county. Send in your application i prices right. at once. on time at