Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 25, 1913, Image 1

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    * /•
Oregon Historical Society
Your suggestion, criticism
anil cooperation is solicited
to help make the “ Press”
a true representative o f all
the people o f Forest Grove
and of Washington County.
G rove P ress
Voi. 5
Boy Steals from Macleod Homs
They Hold Annual Conference
' I
in Forest Grove
—Rev. Gould, of This City
M in n ie
M yers A w a rd e d
P r iz e
O ffe r e d
in Attendance
the Substantiality and
Sunday was a busy day at the detect­
the “ P ress” — L is t S till Incom plete
ive headquarters in Portland when per-
Bishop R. J. Cook Wednesday morn­
; sons called to identify various articles
ing called the Oregon Conference o f the
included in the loot recovered hy the
Minnie Myers has been declared
State Biologist. Albert R. Sweetser Methodist Church to ordtr in Eugene.
Great Future of Forest Grove officers with the arrest o f Wm. Shadrick
winner o f the P r ess contest for the State Bacteriologist.... Emile F. Pemot This Conference is one o f the largest
and Jack Madigan, fugitives oftheO re-
State Highway Engineer H. L. Bowlby in Methodism on the Pacific Coast, com­
as City of Homes, Says
j gon Reform school, who were arrested most complete ar.d nearest correct list Dep. Sealer Weights and Measures
prising all o f the counties in Oregon
Saturday. The youths hud robbed sev­ o f the governors o f Forest Grove, and
Mr. Sproule
............................. Frank H. Buchtel lying west of the Cascades, and includ­
eral homes in Portland, Seaside and in will receive the prize o f a fine Web-
ing the counties of Lake and Klamath.
Supreme Court
Washington county.
s t e i’s Dictionary, 100 cal ing cards and
At this session it is expected that
Last Friday evening President Sproule, I Willard Martin, the third member of a year's subscription to the Forest Chies Justice......... Thomas A. McBride
Dr. Forbes, o f the Home Missionary
o f the Southern Pacific, and a party o f i the fugitive band, returned to the re­
Associate Justice......... Frank A. Moore
Board, and Dr. Jennings, o f the Book
Grove P r e ss .
railroad officials were visitors in Forest | form school Saturday and surrendered
Associate Justice........... Henry J. Bean
Concern, as well as other notables of
This contest was given in order to call
Grove for several hours. The trip was to Officer Dial.
He g: ve the official a
Associate Justice ..George H. Burnett
the Church, will be present.
attention to the large number o f offi­
occasioned by President Sproule’s v is it' gold watch and stickpin, which Detect-
Associate Justice ............. Robert Eakin
session will continue until Monday
cials to whom the citizens o f any city
ta Oregon, and the opportunity was \ ives Royle and Goltz say, were stolen
Associate Justice........Wm. R. Ramsey
m m ing, at which time the Bishop will
in the United States have delegated
t iken for several “ get together” visits from one o f the homes
Associate Justice........Chas. L. McNary
read the list o f appointments.
their political prerogatives. The P ress
in the Oregon towns.
Mrs J. B Kinnrar who wss atayrig
Clerk................................ J. C. Moreland
Rev. Hiram Gould, who has been
does not claim that the list is any ways
Mr. Sproule was more than delighted at the home o f W. Staley, 765 Ala­
Deputy Clerk, Salem Arthur S. Benson
pastor of the Forest Grove Church for
near complete, and will be glad to re­
with Forest Grove, and predicts a great meda drive, identified a traveling bag
ceive notices o f additional officials Court Reporter.......... Frank A. Turner the past seven years, is in attendance,
future for it. He agrees with other and other articles in the property re­
whose authority extends over Forest Librarian.................. Edna May Hawley accompanied by Mrs. Gould. Seven
railroad officials that this is bound to covered as hers yesterday- She asked
Grove. The following list was com­ Bailiif............................ P. H. Raymond 1 years' service is one that few can look
be a select res.dence section for Port­ that tags and a toy lock, placed on the \
I ,
j ........J. W. Campbell j back upon
piled from the answers o f the contest­
During this period Rev.
land business and professional men, as bag by the boys, be left for her as sou- j
U keS" I ............... J. A. Eakin Gould has supervised the building of
ants, and additions were made from the
a nearer ideal location for a home could ver irs. and when the detectives brought [
Oregon Blue Book, which is now ready Prosecuting Attorney ... E. B. Tongue the new $25,000 church and parsonage,
not be found.
to licht also a picture o f Shadrick she
and the congregation has kept up with
for distribution from the office o f the
The party was conducted around the asked for it as a souvenir.
I .................. W. D. Wood
the increasing growth of the city.
Secretary o f State, and other relihbie Senators
business sections of the city by John
Vifitor» Identify Jewelry
Mrs. Gould has been a great help,
Thornburg and Editors Scott and
being director o f the choir and teacher
Sheriff Reeves, o f Wasbing’ on county,
Currey. Upon meeting the Mayor the
United States Officers
of the Maximum Class of young people,
party requested the k ejs o f the city, identified part of the stolen goods as
........ D. B. Reasoner j which during the past five years, since
Woodrow Wilson Judge.
to which the Mayor promptly responded property o f Dunoon MacLoud, whose
) ............. John Nyberg I she has been its leader, has enjoyed an
V.ce-President............Thos. R. Marshall
as best he could on so short a notice by home was burglarized. A gold necklace
Secretary o f State......... Wm. J. Iiryan Commissioners
Chas. Hanle.v enrollment o f 225 and an average at­
offering them the keys o f the city jail. and smoked pearl cuff links, stolen from
t Edward
C Luce tendance o f 50. Another feature which
The visit was informal, and their ex ­
our young people should not overlook is
Sheriff............................... J. E. Reeves
*C E Jay, wi!h the firm o f A G.
pressions of good will lor this country
that dnring this same period no less
were equally informal and equally Hoffman A C o , o f Forest Grove, ider.- Secretary o f Navy......Josephus Daniels Treasurer.................... E. B. Sappington
than forty o f these young people have
Attorney-General....Ja3. C. MeReynolds Recorder........................... B. L. Perkins been literally following the precepts of
Among the party were Wm. Sproule, mond-set Elgin watch and a pin as stolen
Postmaster-General. Albert S. Burleson School Superintendent......B. W. Barnes the Great Book wherein it states that
President of the Southern Pacific; Geo. from his home.
In the custody o f the county clerk at -e c . o f Agriculture . David F. Houston Surveyor....................... Geo. W. McGee it is not good for man to live alone.
W. Luce, Freight Traffic Manager;
The congregation, and people gener­
D. W. Campbell, General Superintend­ Hillsboro is properey a'so thought to be Sec. o f Coinmeice........Wm. C. Redfield Health Officer............. Dr. W. D. Ward
Secretary of Labor......Wm. B. Wilson Fruit Inspector................. H. C. Atwell
ally, would be very much pleased to
ent; H. A. Hinshaw, General Freight part o f the loot. This jewelery, two
have Rev. and Mrs. Gould returned for
Supreme Court
Agent; A. C. Hutchinson. Purchasing rings and r sticknin, were placed by
City Officer#
another year.
Agent; G. T. Guppy, Chief Engineer, Shadrick as bail when he was arrested Edward D. White.............. Chief Justice
and John M. Scott, General Passenger
James McKenna.......... Associate Justice
failing to face a charge o f burglary in
W. R. Day.................... Associate Justice
......J. J. Wirtz
Hillsboro a month ago.
Make Annual Inspection
O. W. Holmes.............. Associate Justice
H. B. Johnson
Judge J. U. Campbell held court
Some Not Identified
H. H. Lurton................ Associate Justice
..J. M. Barber
Under the supervision o f Superin­
September 24, laid, and ground
....... H. J. Goff
Seven unidentified rings, among them
tendent Fields, o f the Southern Pacific,
out the following:
the officials o f that railway visited three wedding rings, and two stickpins
In the matter o f French vs. French,
P. C. Starrett
Forest Grove last week for a few o f value are still in the hands o f the Wdlis Vandevanter..... Associate Justice
demurrer overruled and defendant given
minutes and investigated the new depot police. Pesides these there is a cameo
Recorder.........................M. R. Ma kham two days to answer.
and the lines o f the P. E. & E. The fob, a coral ring, and a pearl-set stick­
U. S. Court, Oregon
Treasurer..............................R. P. Wirtz
Case o f Tucker vs. Tucker, dismissed.
following were among the party: J. R. pin and cufflinks, which were stolen at
W. B. Gilbert......................Circuit Judge Chief o f Police, Street and Water
Case o f McDaniel vs. Bertruche, dis­
Barlowe, Assistant Chief Engineer; J. Seaside, the owners o f which the police
Commissioner.......... P. W. Watkins missed.
Chas. E. Wolverton....... District Judge
W. Metcalf, Superintendent Snasta Di­ have not yet found.
R. S. Bean..........................District Judge Light Commissioner............V. I. Fuqua j State vs. Earl Lorenzo McCoy, the
F L McPhersin.of 1090 Vaughn street,
vision; F. M. Buerhalter, District En­
J. Montag......................................Marshal Health Officer................Dr. J. S. Bishop forger or check swindler, was arraigned,
gineer; R. E. Guppy, Chief Engineer yesterday identified some garments, a
A. M. Cannon....................................Clerk City Engineer................. A A. Kirkwood I having been indicted September 15, 191?.
o f P. E. & E .; J. Searls, Fire Inspector; hat and jewelry as his property
John McCourt.............................. Marshal City Attorneys............ Hollis & Graham Plead guilty; sentenced to the peniten­
Shadrick is in the City Jail. Shadrick
C. A. Wester, Division Engineer,
Justice o f the Peace.... W. J. R. Beach tiary for a term o f not less than one
U. S. Senators
Shasta Division; L. R. Fields, Superin­ though a minor has a record in the
Postmaster............................Chas. Hines nor more than five years, and to pay
police annals His most recent “ jo b " Geo. E. Cnamberlain..................Portland
tendent, Portland.
costs taxed at $35.
However, the
was the robbery o f three houses in the Harry Lane....................................Portland I
I young man was paroled on condition
Penninsula district, after which De­
QUEEN CONTEST ACT.VE that he make good the check and costs
Members of Congress
tectives Goltz and Royle arrested him.
Mesdames A. E. Heatar and C. W. o f this action, and on the further con­
He was then a fugitive from the Re­ Willis C. Hawley............................Salem
o f Hillsboro, members o f the sideration that he live as an honest and
form School, and was returned.
A. W. L afferty.......................... Portland
committee who have charge o f the i upright citizen and keep himself use-
Failures o f the Reform School author­ N T VinnnM
' ‘
............... ..........
‘ voting contest for queen o f the County ; fully employed, and also report to Sheriff
ities to report to the police the escapes
Reeves where he is and what work he
State Officer*
Fair, visited Forest Grove Monday.
from their place o f detention is esus - 1
is engaged in at least once per month
Varied Numbers Will Proved ing friction between the two institu- j Governor..............................Oswald West
and not later than the 5th of each
tions. Martin, who returned to the I Secretary o f State..........Ben W. Olcott already in progress between Hillsboro
Fine Entertainment
school Saturday, was being sought by I State Treasurer.................Thos. B. Kay
Sophia Finster, plaintiff, vs. L. E.
the detectives Saturday night and a Attorney-General....... A. M. Crawford
defendant; plaintiff repre­
great part o f yesterday, until word was Supt. Public Instruction ^ . A. Churchill
sented by H. T. Bagley; complaint filed
A five-attraction lecture course has received that he had returned.
State Engineer................John H. Lewis
September 18, alleging cruel and in­
been secured for Forest Grove through
State Printer....................... R. A. Harris Washington County upon this o casion
human treatment. Further, that be­
the co-operation o f the Forest Grove
Oregon Dairy and Food Commis­
Hillsboro Day at Fair
cause of the refusal o f plaintiff's sister
and Pacific University. It has long
sioner.........................John D. Mickle determination to win, or they may find
been felt that such a course would be a
Last Monday evening a narty o f sev­ Labor Commissioner............. O. P. Hoff themselves under the tyranny o f a to carry on a courtship with plaintiff’ s
brother he, L. E. Finster, became very
desirable thing, and now that the con­ eral automobiles filled with fair boost­
........ F. J. Miller queen from another province.
abusive and angry, therefore she asks
tract has been signed to complete the ers from Forest Grove visited the com­
V.C. B. Aitchison
preliminaries, it is hoped that the mercial club at Hillsboro Mhe county Railroad Commission j..T. K. Campbell Elida Lyons, Golda Peterson, Haze for a divorce.
Mary E. Borstel vs. \*fm. Borstel,
people will respond with enthusiastic j seat is now considering the proposition
' ......H. H. Corey Stockman, and Pearl Stevenson.
The voting places have been desig divorce; plaintiff represented by J. M.
support. The tickets for the five num­ of a special Hillsboro day at the fair. Corp. Commissioner Ralph A. Watson
bers will be sold at the very reasonable J Word has not been received as to what Ins. Commissioner....... J. A. Ferguson nated at Staehr’s Bazaar and Goff Wall. The defendant having been sent
price o f $1.50, or at the rate o f only 30 day they will decide upon, but the gon- Superintendent o f Banks ... Will Wright Bros. Hardware Store Voles are only to the penitentiary from the eastern
cents per entertainment. Season tick-j eral interest in the fair from that sec- Bank Examiner
Will H. Bennett one cent each, and the proceeds wil part o f the State on a charge o f felony
ets entitle the holder to reserved seats. ' 'ion guarantees liberal attendance upon Bank Exam iner.....
Harry E. Albert “ PP'y on the expenses required in th< for robbing a person of valuables, for
The numbers in the course will be:
the date set.
| queen’s wardrobe and incidentals con­ this and other reaaons the plaintiff asks
Land Commissioner.
for separation papers.
October 8—Ralph Parlette, Humorous
While touring thru the suburban dis-
..Oswald West, Governor, ex officio nected with the Fair.
Elizabeth Ulm vs. Claude Ulm, di­
I trict o f the county scat Judge Hollis, Clerk State Land Board . G. G. Brown
October 10th, which Is Friday, is the
October 27—Baumgardt, The Popu- who was leading the procession o f fair Private Secretary to Gov. ...t ern Hobbs date the queen will rule, and it is e x ­ vorce; suit filed September 17 by Clyde
for plaintiff.
pected that there will be at least 3,00« Richardson, attorney
boosters, was gathered into custody of Division Superintendent o f Water
larizer o f Science and Travel.
November 19 Mixed Quartette o f the law for failure o f the rear light on
Division No. 1 . James T. Chinnock school children from all portions of the There being no real or personal prop­
his automobile to burn brightly enough State Architect
Vocal Artists.
W. C. Knighton county in parade on this day. Ttie can- erty and no children, plaintiff claima
December 3—Herbsmau, the Mono­ to satisfy deputy McQuillan. The re­ State Game Warden
Wm. L. Finley d date rec iving the greatest number of she was abused and ill treated and
mainder o f the party in an attempt to Master Fish Warden...... R. E. Clanton votes by Saturday, October 4tli, w.ll be called improper names and asks for a
logue Artist and Impersonator.
crowned queen of the Fair.
January 21—The Rosemaiden Chorus. rescue their friend incumbered them­ State Veterinarian
and ex ofiicio
W. W. Sanderson vs. Margaret F.
Other organizations are requested to selves with difficulties without effecting
Sheep Inspector............ W. H. Lytle
Sanderson; complaint filed September
Library Note#
take notice o f these dates, and so far the freedom o f their associate ar.d State Health Officer Calvin S. White
as possible avoid conflicts. Every one found themselves facit g a charge as State Forester..................... F. A. Elliott
As the building is undergoing repairs 17, by O. J. Galzmeyer. There is no
is asked to support the course in order accessaries after the fact and fully as Adjutant-General
W. E. Finzer the Library will be elo-ed two weeks real property and only one child of the
However Immigration Agent........ C. C. Chapman Readers will please keep their books age o f twenty years. This boy she
that it may be an annual feature o f in­ the original law breaker.
tellectual profit and entertainment for after an unusual eloquent pleading by State Librarian
Cornelia Marvin until the Library opens. All fines will claima has supported her for the past
the judge their sins ar.d his were for­ Sec. Board o f Control....
the community.
R. B. Goodin he remitted
By order o f Librarian, 12 months, and ia living with her. The
Tickets will be on sale after October L given.
Sec. State Fair Board Frank Meredith R: gers’ City Library.
(Continued on Page Five)
Beauty of City
No. 10
IN- RTl"
S. P. Officials Delighted With
The best developer o f a
community is a progre.^aive
and representative news­
Send the "Pro s ”
to friends whom you wish
to welcome to this country.
Opening Day of School See#
Over 500 Children
Superintendent Inlow Planning
On Many Valuable
The public and hgh schools began the
year’s session Monday, with a decidej
increase in attendance over that o f last
year. In the High School 104 were
present, whereas 85 enrolled at the be­
ginning of last year. The grade teach­
ers report a total initial enrollment o f
390 The Forest Grove schools have
long had a reputation for work o f a
high standard, and this year the charac­
ter of the work offered is even better
than before.
In the High School, besides the usu¡ü
courses found in a High School o f this
size, a systematic course in industrial
work is offered Although this work
has been found in the school during the
past, this year it has been reorganized
and put on a footing equal with other
work, and will be accredited as such.
The domestic science and art will be in
charge o f Miss Elizabeth Fowler, a
graduate o f Stout Institute, Wisconsin,
a school o. wide repute. The manual
training department will be conducted
by Mr Marvin E. Turner, who conus
well equipped for the work. An en­
tirely new course in stenography and
typewriting will be offered this year,
and this work will be given by Mr F.
N. Haroun, who until recently taught
the above subjects in the Portland Busi­
ness College. By arrangement with
Pacific University, students from the
College will take work in domestic
science and art, shorthand and type­
writing at the High School, and the
High School Btudents will receive in­
struction in athletics at the College gym­
nasium and grounds under the College
instructor. The Board o f Education
has elected Miss Norma Bassett, of
Portland, to supervise art work in the
the grades. Miss Bassett comes highly
recommended from the school o f the
Portland Art Association, where she
has been a student aud instructor. The
supervisor of music has not yet been
It will be seen that the course o f
study in the grades and High School ie
as comprehensive as that found in the
schools o f the larger cities o f the State,
in fact, there are but few schools in
the State offering as varied and sub­
stantial a course.
Superintendent Inlow is one o f the
busiest men in town this week, adjusts
ing the many school matters created by
the addition o f the new High School
building. He is planning soon to invite
the public to an opening program, at
which time the several new depart­
ments will be fully equipped and ar­
To Vote on Saloon Question
Hillsboro, Special; —Petitions are be­
ing circulated in Hillsboro to call a
special election in November to submit
the local option question to the voters.
There are five saloons. There is natur­
ally much speculation as to the result
o f the election as the dry and wet issue
has never been submitted since the
equal suffrage has become a law.
To Give Art Classes
Provided that sufficient members en­
roll the first of next week. Pacific Uni­
versity will have the instruction o f
Roswell Doech in painting, sculpturing
and designing, and the appreciation o f
the fine arta. He will also offer out-of-
door sketch classes. Mr. Dosch is a
student under the French masters, and
his services, if obtained, will be highly
appreciated by the University.
Pleased With City
Geo. H. Currey, a real estate man i t
La Grande, Oregon, was a visitor in
Forest Grove during the past week.
Ho is in touch with land values all over
the Northwest, and believes in a good
future for Forest Grove. Mr. Currey
is father o f the editor o f the P ress .