THURSDAY, SEPTEM BER PRUNES EVAPO RATED W e are Prepared to Handle Large or Small Quantities No Orders too Large or too Small. Evaporation done on the share, or for cash, or we we will purchase your crop outright. Try us. FOREST GROVE Fruit Evaporator 1 8 , 1913 FOREST TROVI NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL The wonderful COLUMBIA now takes tl*; place of all other musical insuruments. With all the improvements, and the highest of perfection to which they have attained, yet the prices have steadily been lowAhed until now it is within reach of every family to have a first-class COLUM­ BIA GRAPHOPHONE and a fine selection of Double Disc Records. Only a $5 bill down! You have the use of the machine while you are paving the rest at S I.00 per week. We are exclusive agents for the COLUMBIA. Littler’s Pharmacy THE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST K Phone 901 S HOTEL LAUGHLIN J. G A Y N O R Little Prospect of President Signing Tariff Bill Before End of Week. I Washington.—More time has been devoted by congress to the considera­ tion of the Underwood tariff bill than ever before was given to the consid­ eration of any other tariff measure, and the present special session has al­ ready run two weeks beyond the pre­ vious record for a special session, with no end yet In sight There Is little prospect that the Underwood bill can be signed by the president prior to September 20, tut if the bill becomes a law on that day a total of 166 days will have been consumed In Its con­ sideration and passage. The longest previous special session of congress was that of the sixty-first congress, at which the Payne-Aldrich law was passed. That session ran W illiam J. Gaynor, late M a yo r of from March 15 to August 5, 1909, a total of 144 days. It took 131 days Now Y ork, who died suddenly at sea from March 15 to July 24, 1897, to while on his w ay to Europe. pass the Dingley bill. C urrency Debate Begun In House. The Present Day Music Machine W ILLIA M Oratorical display prior to the pas­ sage of the administration currency bill through the house began with a series of speeches for and against the measure. The general discussion con­ tinued throughout day and night ses­ sions of the house until Saturday night. Chairman Glass, of the banking and currency committee, father of the bill; Representative Hayes, of California, ranking member of the committee, and Representative Murdock, of Kan­ sas, Progressive floor leader, opened the debate for their respective par­ ties. The measure was taken up in de­ tail for amendment Monday, and it is expected the detailed discussion will be extensive. Under the caucus ac­ tion of the Democrats, the possibility that any change will be written into the measure in the house is remote. Brief News of the Week H F fS PAGE 7 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST President Wilson s "seven sisters,” TH E BOOK STORE is receiving new goods every day as the anti-corporation laws he put through before leaving the state are for the fall trade. Have already known, are held to be responsible for in a large display of new books; the big decrease in fees received from Events Occurring Throughout by the most popular authors, corporations organizing in Nw Jersey i Also a fine line of box stationary during the month of August. the State During the Past and pound paper. Call and set j S. A. W ALKER H. L1DYARD Week. us. H. R. Bernard Proprietor _____________ l __________________ I WALKER & L1DYARD Live stcck E n try Free. Salem.—In the livestock depart­ ment of the Oregon state fair, which opens Monday, September 29, and closes Saturday, October 4, no entry fees will be charged. Those exhibit­ ing will be charged the low rental of $2 for the week for double or box stalls and $1 for single stalls. Foi hog or sheep pens $1 will be charged for the week. So far as possible stock will be grouped In breeds, classes and families. Stalls and pens with the first bedding of straw will be furnish­ ed free to exhibition stock. When ex­ hibits of any character are shipped to the secretary, he should be inform­ ed at the time in order that proper attention may be given. „. .. W ild H o rses Ordered. 1 The Dalles.—3en Taylor, a promi­ nent rancher of the Antelope district, was in the city conferring with offi­ cials of the Wasco county fair and was commissioned to secure from the numerous bands of wild horses near Antelope 50 animals that have never kn"wn the “feel" of saddle, bridle or halter. The horses will be brought to this city for use at the “Rodeo,” which will be one of the many big features of the twenty-third annual exhibition of the local fair, October 8 to 11, in the grounds of the Driving Park asso­ ciation. CANNING PEACHES SHOEMAKERS We will have the very best canners on about August, 30th at the Lowest Possible Price; Crawfords, Elbertas, and Char- lotts, Oregon grown, direct to ut from the grower. Leave youi order now. For satisfaction am quality phone C61, Schultz Puri Food Marken and Grocery. 1st Ave. N., I neat * • Main St. We are prepared to do the w y best of all kind of Shoe work. UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY ' ' . Special attention given to crippled feet. TO TRADE WITH US WILL SAVE YOU MONEY The last lap has been reached in the construction of the Panama canal, and We h an d le only the best small vessels are expected to use the Broods obtainable big ditch by October 10. A score of men were burned, six seriously, in a series of explosions Goods that are Right at that shattered tne walls of the Clover Prices that are Right Leaf Milling company's plant at Buf­ falo. In a fight between United States Kcdaks and Supplies soldiers anu Mexican smugglers at Carrizo Springs, Texas, one Mexican was killed, six Mexicans wounded and Bad Sm ash-up on Sum pter Valley. Pianos at Factory Prices 14 captured. Baker.—A mistake on the part of During the past six years there has a train dispatcher caused a head-on been a steady increase in the scale collision between two freight trains of wages paid American workingmen, on the Sumpter Valley railroad, result­ according to the report of the depart- ing in completely demolishing one en­ Pacific Drug C c. men of labor of the United States. gine, damage to the other and derail­ A bill appropriating $300,000 to pur ment of a dozen cars, but no fatalities Forest Grove - - Oregon chase a legation building in Washing­ or injuries. Firemen and engineers ton was passed by the Argentine jumped to safety when they saw that chamber of deputies. The senate al­ a collision was inevitable. The en­ B ry a n 's Plea Heeded by House. ready had passed the bill. gines met on a heavy grade, one going The Pullman company has been call­ In response to an urgent demand down hill, traveling at a high ratfe of from the state department, the house ed on the carpet by the California speed, the other one traveling slowly. adopted a joint resolution making an railroad commission, which issued an emergency appropriation of $100,000 order to the company to appear No­ TO SHOW NEW FEATURES to be used for the relief of destitute vember 19 and explain Its “practices, Americans in Mexico and for their "lies and regulations.” Agricu ltu ral College W ill Exh ib it at transportation to the United States. Fair. People in the News Majority Leader Underwood pre­ Corvallis.—On a scale larger than sented the emergency resolution and Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the ever before the Oregon agricultural read a personal letter from Secretary interior, who collapsed during Admis­ college Is preparing an educational ex­ Bryan asking immediate action. The sion day celebration in Oakland, Cal., hibit for the state fair. The exhibit secretary said the department was us­ is reported to be improving. is designed to show approved methods ing $2000 a day to aid Americans in Mrs. Russell Sage, widow of the of industrial and technical work in Mexico and that only $12,000 was great financier, has just celebrated the departments of agriculture, the available for that purpose. The reso­ her eighty-fifth birthday. She has school of domestic science hnd art. lution will go immediately to the sen- given away $30,000,000 since the death the ehgineering school and The 'crop : ate, where it probably will he passed. of her husband. pests and, zoological departments, as No Ground for Bubonic Plague Scare. Jesse Pomeroy, sentenced when 16 well as the experiment staliSfiii. An Surgeon-General Blue of the public vrars otd f r torturing and murdering exhibit of grains and grasses from- the health service declared there was no little children, has begun the thirty- eastern Oregon station will prove an cause for alarm in the one death from seventh year of his solitary confine interesting and valuable feature,; Among the new features will be bubonic plague at Martinez, Cal. The ment at the state prison of Massachu­ animal, exhibits from the college herds case is regarded simply as a sporadic setts. Thomas A. Fdison, the inventor. Is and demonstration of the best thethod one, not in any way an indication of danger of an epidemic, hut entirely Improving at his home st West of handling. There wili also be'exhib- due to ground squirrel Infection. For Orange, N. J., and his recovery from its showing approved methods of silo several weeks the public health ser- his indisposition is expected to follow construction. There will be ott(ef de­ • h u m monstrations and illustrated lectures. i vice has been making plans for in- with proper care and rest. Manuel de Zamacona, former Mexi­ The principal exhibit will occupy ; creased activity against rodent. car­ riers of the disease on the Pacific can arabassadoi to the United States, the space previously assigned in the coast, apd those plans are about to be has arrived in this country ostensibly large auditorium'add will t^e arranged on private business, although it has with a view to give practical Instruc­ put Into execution. been rumored that he is here as a tion in tb.e latest methods applied to National Capital Brevltiea. special representative of Huerta. agriculture, home economics atld' en­ Attacking the "evila of the caucus The duke of Roxhurghe declares gineering. . .. system,” Representative Anderson of that his wife, who was Miss May Minnesota resigned from the ways ’ ' A * Goelet of New York, gave birth to a Special Surveys For Water Rights. • and means committee, as a protest. son because she ate no sugar for four Salem.—Three' survey parties have The food research laboratory of the months, on advice of a specialist, who been engaged sirice June in the meas­ N bureau of rtiemlstry Is conducting ex­ said if his Instructions were followed, uring of all irrigated lands on' the periments In several egg-breaking es­ the baby would be a boy. Malheur river aqd its tributaries and tablishments to assist the manufactur­ President Wilson sat In a grove of in determining the location and oa ers In canning perfect eggs for winter pine trees at "Meriden, N. H., and saw pac'.ty of all ditches diverting water, use. his youngest daughter. Miss Eleanor, \ from public streams. This work has A countervailing duty on dried or play the star role in a pastoral masque -heen carried on under the direction candied fruits and combed wool, or symbolizing the protest of the natur of the state engineer to secure infor­ 1 tops from Australia, equivalent to the allBt against the slaughter of birds for mation as a basis for an adjudication V 1 bounty granted to those products by millinery purposes. r.f water rights by the state watei I the Australian government, was order­ 1 card. ed by the treasury. G. A. R. M EE T S IN SOUTH Wine—pure wine— is to be a thing 8. P. Ask' Reduced A '* *'»sment. of the past under the pending tariff Fugen«.—The tax denertment of the National Encam pm ent Be gin s N ear bill In the opinion of Dr. Harvey W. outturn Pacific railroad has askê Scenes of Fam ous Battles. Wiley, formerly chief chemist for the Lane county board of equnlizatlO' Chattanooga, Tenn.—Held for the government. ) tnx the personal property of tb first time In real southern territory The Pomerene amendment taxing •nnany used in the construction c. and In close proximity to some of the brandy used In fortifying California e '■'akridge ext'-'-s‘on'!' 4. ' . *, / 4 ... 4 , » 4 J ^ “ An ounce of preventati re is worth a pound of cure Hcllitser’s Rocky Mountain Tea has been “ preventative for thirty years. Nothing so good to keep you well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets.— Vankoughnet and Reder. patrons in Beaverton, Elmonrca, Orenco, H illsboro, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilfey and all country lines a 4c. Electric rate on all cooking and heating ap­ and r « ! V Will pliances us make Beginning June 1st give to its FO R i ' small domestic motors. for particulars and • j