FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 4 $ Purely* Miss Margaret Hinman is ill at her home in this city with the grippe. Personal A ONE M AN CRU SA D E Miss Kate Kelly, Mrs. Clarence Bump arul Mrs. Hoffman were Portland visitors the last week. ______________________________ _ Mrs. E. E. Williams Miss Margoret McFeeters left , Saturday for a weeks vacation to Wilsonville Oregon. Attorney Mnche Langley sj ent Saturday in Portland on business. Carl Connett spent Sunday with home folks. Port‘ nd visitor one ^ week Rv M. Q U A D was a the last Mrs. Charles Roe made a busi- | ness trip to Portland this week, Copyright. PUS, hy Associated Lit­ erary Hi*«*» Just before graduating tor the min­ istry Bruce Stevens n|ient four day» In the town o f Newborn aa a oart of bis vacation. M l Stevens found a political bos* and a political rtng in the town, H « found nne-buif too many saloon* Miss Francis Meyers returned from a two weeks vacition to Hood Ri er. ' ,or H e “ tüW D ° r "■ pop',lHtl,,n found the sheriff o f the county I and bis deputies and tbe constable In cahoots with the tough element.. The JU8tk.e o of f tbe tu„ pence wag w.811 th<, T h e JusUce Miss Carol Phillips arrived Ivan Donaldson returned Sun- home Monday, after a visit with day from Tillamook to attend her sister, Mrs. Alwin Blum. keeper of a saloon awl passed drinks , ... . I over the bar, and he protected his own Pacific University the following Mr. Tom Roe, o f Wapato, was j ^,-j vvhen It cam e to legal troubles. year. "W h y don't you do som ething?” he in town Tuesday asked o f a merchant o f the tow n who Mr. W. N. Langley and w ife Mr. Richard Spring, who is was a representative o f the better ele­ returned the first o f the week working in Portland, visited in ment. from an extended visit at the "A n d get boycotted and driven into this city Sunday. bankruptcy’ ” was asked In return. Pennell home in Barlow Oregon. “ Is It as bad as that?” „ , Mr. Orvil Hutchins visited his "T b e gang has Us by the neck and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Connet, parents ¡n p;r Grove over Sunday. i has us scared. W e have no lender.” o f Lebanon have been spending I ¡S Very ill at her A fe w weeks later, when resdy to a few days o f the past week at I Mrs. Dodson take up his mlnisterlnl duties. Mr. Ste­ the home o f Mr. Connet’s cousin h°n,e *n ^ ‘ *s c'ty. vens asked to lie sent to Newhern. "B u t w e h a v e a minister there.” was Mr. J. H. Connet o f this city. Mrs. Barber accompanied Dep- replied. "B u t he has lost oesrly all o f bla con Miss Vera Haskell, who has ut* Sheriff Quick to Crystal irrelation ” been spending the summer in sPr' n^s Tuesday on business. "Y es. the reports from that parish Europe, visited last Saturday and Mr. W alter Roswurm motored are not at all cheering, and I believe Sunday with her brother, Mr. ! to the Rose City Tuesday with Brother Baker would welcome « trap* Haskell. Rudolph Siphshet and family. 'er You u,,0'v of ,he 'ow n s In the »rate.” “ 1 hiive spent four days there.” Mrs. Lulu Rodgers and son Ray Chapman o f Prinville and “ T h e 'H iise o f religon 's reported as Norris, o f McMinnville, called in Walter Chapman o f Walla Walla verv lukewarm ” their car Sunday at the home o f are visiting at the home o f their j " I didn't know rhsf there was any ► here at a ll." smiled the minister. Mr. Bernard. parents in Cornelius this week. The many friends o f Col. Haynes, who for many years was a citizen o f Forest Grove, will lie pleased to learn that he is vis- iting in this city this week. Col. Haynes has made his home in „ / r , „. ,l 1 v‘ Prof. F. C. Taylor with his Iwo sonij, Elbert and Francis, spent last week rusticating on Wilson River. They report a fine timef Last Sjin.iay A. Rafferty and famdy motored to Portland, where they spent part o f the day. „ , , , , « , Robert Duncan and his sister, . .. . ... proprietors o f the Laughlin Hotel, sp£nt Tuesday afternoon in Portland. nr nr ra tv . „ . K ? , T T on business last Tuesday. r W. J. Good and R. Matteson, o f the C ool Investment Co., were transacting business in Portland on Tuesday last. Rev. Clapp D. D. is visiting in Forest Grove from Washougal this week. Mr. Clapp says it seems good to be in the Grove once ipore. 0 i. ¿_ . - Mrs. Barber made a trip to McMinnville tbe first o f the week. She was on the prosecu- tion o f a vice case. Mr. John Rice, o f Varley, was in town last Sunday. Miss Mildred Carlyle ¡S visiting tw< week wit|] her aunt Mrs Arthuf M il|s o f Kalama. Wash, j j Mr. Arthur Smith, o f Banks, , - , , . . . iwas in town on business last T . "W e ll, you’ ll l>e appointed to tbp nlace. 1 hope von inav s 'ir things up " The Rev. M r Stevens arrived. He star'ed out w ith a sermmi that lolled and Jarred. H e spared neither t’ hris | Him no- sinner W hile he c r i t i c i w the form er f or lack o f hark hone, he nlalnlv told Hie la t'e r that the crisis had come. T h e crisis meant decency and reform without any shame shout 't A fte r the sermon he lingered to ’ u!k w ith mem hers o f his congregation H e found them looking forw ard with great tim idity. I f he started a crusade he must not expect any a c tiv e help from them. T hey w ere thoroughly cowed. "T h is Is to he a one man crusade," he answered them. " I did not expect fo u r a'd, and so I'm not disappointed ” Monday m orning the crusade open­ ed. Mr Stevens visited the sheriff, atid. without any heating around the bush, he said: "S h eriff. 1 am the new m inister." “ Yes ?" I am going for your crow d tooth Mr. Ewdv Dibble, a last year’s -nd to* n«n college student, has returned to "Why do you mil it my crowd? H a t T H U R SA D Y, S E PTE M i E R 18, 9131, t h e r* 0 T E L IT ’S AN OPPORTUNITY A re you keeping posted in prices? Forest Grove Hotel Samuel T. Turpin, N ew York; George B. Erpmerson, New York; Dr. S. H. Long, Madrid Oregon; i Eai 1 McCay, Gales Creek; R. M. Brown, Portland; J. E. Johnson, (Portland; C. La Rue, Portland; R. La Rue, Potland; A. G. Holden Potland; H. B. Watson, Portland; Laughlin W. Ward, Winnipeg; W. Ward, Tilbury Ontario; F. G. White- house and wife, Tillamook; P. P. Waight, McMinnville; Theador G. Todd, Groveland Farm. The following from Portland are! those who came out to see the new pavement; Mr C. G. Field, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lowry, W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Deuschel and son, H. B. Strout, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thon Burdette. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kumpe, Dr. Gertrude Phil­ ips, A. J. Huntington, Hiram E. Mizner, and G. F. Morley o f Chi­ cago. Sunday, R. H. Grandy, Portland; F. Merrigan, Portland. Monday, F. M. Hush, Portland; G. E. Murphy, Portland; H. Haynes, city; C. H. Kvle, Gales Creek: B. G. Grant, Chicago; F. E. Middlehoff; Gim Billard, Port­ land; B. F. Soloman, Portland. iJA r e you reading the ads and other information put out by us? -:- -:- If you are not you are losing money by your negligence. tJO ur Store is brimfull of Big Values W e will quote no prices this week, but simply ask you to come and be convinced that “ Something is Doing" here in exceptional values. J U S T A W ORD about our N E W CLOTHING Doubtless there are a few persons who do not know of the fame of Hart, Schaf- fner & Marx Clothing, and w e consider ourselves for­ tunate indeed, in being able to have this excellent line. In short, they are the best Clothes to W ear. Rem em ber w e are headquart­ ers for Green Trading Stamps ^ v T h e Beautiful Premiums are here. Our Fall Opening proper will continue until Satur­ day evening 10 o’ clock. Copyright Hart Schaffner & Mara * Dont miss getting a cup o f that fine Tea and Coffee, it ’s Chase £ Sanborn’s, you know. V A V .% L W »V W A V «V V .V .V .V . H O SPITA L NOTES A. G. H O FFM A N & CO . -9 Miss Katherine FitzPatrick has returned to Portland, after an extended stay at the Hospital. Little Mildred Quick, who has been in the Hospital for four I months, is entirely cured and will return to her home this week. Miss Fraley has been nursing Rev. Mrs. Upton the last few days. y t v m v iV A v . w . v . v . v v . '. v . | FRATERNAL S T U D E N T S ’ S U P P L IE S ^1 W e keep all of the best periodicals O ur book depart­ ment is complete with over 300 dif­ ferent volumes. W e handle only the best foui ta n pens and typev rite r supplies. W e make a sp c al- ty of fine sta i nery I T h e Book Store is prepared to DIRECTORY I furnish supplies cf all kinds needed asked "Because If la T here are violations .J ,u’v every hour o f the dav. «nd Mr. Alexander Steward o f! ,,f 1 you atitnd by w i'V i'il InierC erew “ . Gaston, was in town Sunday. You drink In every an loon, »n d you (Open to all organizations holding regular meet­ ings in this city.) cullinole with every law breaker It's Miss Ethel Smith, Miss Alice the «lin e with your deputies Mild I he H o l b r o o k L o d g e N o . 30, A. French and Lowell French, of ••oiistilhle». It's got t i ) stop Y o '' lisvu F. & A. M .— Stated communica­ Banks, were visiting relatives in ! got to do your sworn duty." "A n oth er reform er struck Hie town, tions first Saturday evening of this city Tuesday. * <‘ h?" whs the Insulting reply each month. All visiting Masons T h e sheriff weut from suloon to sa­ Mrs. Harriet Cheadle and Miss welcomed. J. W. Hughes, W. loon and laughed ut the reform er and Ada Taylor were in Portland ani(i there should he no 'u terfT -m ce M. ; H. C. Parker, Secretary. Saturday. from him W ithin tw o weeks he whs n-inoved (imi (mother imiti un n e d by J ames B. M athews , Post No. Rev. Barber preached at Wil- • he minister whs In his shoes. 'I'he sonville last Sunday morning and citizens of Newheru were stunned it 6, G. A. R.— Meets first and seemed Incredible third Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m. evening. I he *tev. Mr Steven«* vlsUed the i u « . d school, -a in the schools and college. W e in­ vite all students to make our store their headquarters. Mr. and Mrs. John Doores In Pictures, Post Cards, Calling and P la c e Cards; you will 8,lent several days last week at find our stock complete t ie homa o f Mrs. J. Dodge. Their borne is in Woodburn. x* iv tv . , • CALL A N D SEE. No trouble to SH O W GOODS. Mr. Dan Fierce took a jolly load o f twenty-eight people to the Portland City Park last Sun- tlav. They spent tbe day having J , * in K. o f P. hall. Chas. Knapp, lime, returning' at eight Attorney W. P. Dyke is mov-. the in his saloon and o’ clock in the evening. ingintoC. V. B. Russell’ s cottage I ” u'8 for yi>" to e,,f,,'ve th” '" w- "i"1 Adjutant; Paliick Cronin, Com­ here v o " Hie among tile law lireak er»' mander. Mr. N. McClane, who with his on Thil'd Avenue, I he other» ure depending ii|ion v o " to family made an auto trip to Cali- Miss Ailene Johnson, who at- dismiss hu . v com|ll.tlilt IIHO'e against W oman ’ s R elief C orps N o . • hem W biit course are you gulug to fornia several weeks ago, is now tended High School here last 'lik e? " 11. — Meets second and fourth "N on e o f y o "r business!" in this city visit ng with C year, wili attend the Lincoln High Thursdays at 2 p. m. in K. o f P. T h e next clii.v the minister complain Knapp. He is on his way to in Portland this winter. Louise Butler, President; ed o f nine Sjiloous which hurt v*olnfe<1 ball. Canada, whore tli * threshing Miss Helen Richardson, one of the I h iv. Knell one of them was dis­ Sophia Smith, Secretary. si ¡.son is soon to bey in. missed Inside o f twenty do vs the old I ist year’s students at Pacific Justice whs out unit h new one in D elphos L odge N o . 36, K. of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Saunders University, was in town Sunday. T h ere w ere ordinance* h gainst Son Meets every Thursday even­ dny s|H>rts They hud not been -n P. a id infant son, o f Salem, are Expert Automobile, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Bond forced In five years They ettme 'o visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. ing in K. o f P. hall. W. C. were in towll Sunday to bid good- the rron' now No more bssehull or Gibson. They will also visit at Shuts. C. C .; J. S. Buxton, K. o f Motorcycle and bye to their friends before going *u,rM> nir|" « Banks. Mrs. Saunders was fo r ­ "It-Mit the iiich ller up!" wns whisper­ R. and S. East. e d h ml n shake purse was made np merly Miss Mina Gardner, o f Bicycle Repairing. to reward a scrapper for doing It Mr. Fred Fowler's mother and this city. W ashington L odge N o . 48, I. l i e storied out with great urdor to sister, o f Minneapolis, are now moke h tw o iidnu'e Job of it. but It 0. 0. F. — Meets Monday even­ Mr. Harry Dai ford, an cld res­ last,s| only half that rime T h e min visiting with Mr. Fowler. ing o f each week. J. H. Shear­ ident o f this place, was setn on tster knocked Mm out with a Jab on W e will soon open er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor. Mr. Ralph Abraham was in the Jaw and then had him arrested and the streets last Friday and Sat­ Secretary. town last Sunday. Mr. Abraham finis! for disorderly conduct. urday. a First-Class Garage Then a public m eeting was culled at started Monday for Oberlin. h hall, «nd the minister did som e fall Mrs. George Howe has re­ F orest R ebekah L odgs N o . Mr. Garragus and daughter, talking. H e put heart Into the decent 44. I. O. 0. F. Meets first, third turned to her home in Spokane, eltlxen* so strongly that they d im e a fter visiting here a short time. Miss Edith, were in town last out boldly to tils siiptiort. »n d the op­ and fifth Wednesdays o f each c. g . d c a n ’ Y e l s o n Tuesday. position saw that their enn»e was lost month in I. O. 0. F. Hall. Flor­ Air. Davis gave a very pleasant One thing more. T h e Bev V r. Ste­ P H O N E 306 . . . . P A C IF IC A V E . Mrs. W. H. Barker visited with vens from his pulpit raked the eltl- ence Templeton, Noble Grand; auto trip to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Black and Mr. and Mrs. Penfield her daughter, Mrs. W. T, Keesee, mim of New hem ns they bnd never Margaret I Mallory, Secretary. ast Fridav Watts last week. beard ■ “ lnhd*r talk before. They » s i r r u «y . ow ed a duty to God and to man. T h ey xnocKwi oow n and araggeo u « . W ood W a n te d —T he P ress We intend moving into our new Miss Grace Reo ee, Miss Hazel Mr. Frances McCoy, o f Port- must show up at church, whether they T h ere was no devil there a year Barker, and Mr. Hoyd Reesee land visited at the Austin home " x h « iv r s n n 4 ™ n,m,d desires to secure several cords o f Quarters in the near future, so visited Oak Pat k Sunday after- Sunday. church work. Religion and Mm «nd mused: o ak an(j p;r w00(j to apply we are givin g special prices in “ A clean town-a nice tnwn-a fw- * noon. Mr. T. A. Nance, * son-in-law o f J?“ ™ ° ? c* , th# county tv«§ filled by # d«c*»nt man. «P*»-tabic town Everybody aeem* to 0n subscription, advertising, or all lines to reduce stock. L ittler’s Mrs. L. Kelly, who hai been Mr. Gardner, ot this city, is vis- T h e devil had had possession o f New - I n * going to church, and I gueaa I ’ll Pharmacy. job work. ill for some time, is new better. ¡Bng here this week. luug enougu. N ow be t&u« gv along too ’ l — The BOOK STORE H Washington County Agency for O VE R LAN D Cars HASKELL & SONS