V / THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1913. F0RES3T GROVE PRESS V. '.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.V. J. G. Morris, i LEGAL NOTICES • .■ .• .W .V .V .V .'.V .V .V .V .W | .V . in the Justice ourt fo r F orest rove District, W ashington C ounty, O regon J. H. Velie, Plaintiff, ) vs. ; S ummons N. B. Hall and Charles E. Hall, defendants. J To Charles E. Hall, one o f the above named defendants, Greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, your are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action, on or be­ fore the 25th day o f September, A. D., 1913, said date being six weeks after the first publication of this Summons. If you fad to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed herein, which is for a judgement in the sum of sixty-five and no-100 ($65.00) Dollars, attorneys’ fee in the sum of twenty-five and no-100 ($25.00) Dollars, together with interest provided for in the instrument sued upon, and for his costs and disbursements herein. You will please take notice that this summons is served upon you personally wi h a certified copy o f the complaint, pursuant to the terms o f an order in the aboVe entitled action, made by the above named Court, by the Honorable W. J. R. Beach, Justice of the Peace for Forest Grove Distrist, Washington County, Oregon, on ihe 14th day of August, A. D., 1913, requiring that publication be made at least once a week for six consecutive weeks, in the Forest Grove Press and requiring that the first publication be made on the 14th day o f August, A. D.. 1913, and the last publication on the 25th day o f September, A. D. 1913. Defendant. To J. G. Morris defendant: In the name o f the state o f Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration o f six weeks from and after the date o f fiirst publication of this summons, tow;t: the 23rd day of October, 1913, and if you fail to an­ swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint towit: for the dis­ solution o f the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defend­ ant; and that she be decreed to he the owner o f the home in Forest Grove, and that she be decreed and l^ave judg­ ment covering the equity in the real estate in the city o f Portland, Oregon. That she be awarded such other and further relief as may seem equity in the premises. This summons is published by order of the Hon.D.B. Reasoner Judge of the county court fur Washington county, Oregon, said order being made on the 8th day of September, 1913. The date of the first publication o f this summons is September 11th, 1913, and the last date o f publication of this summons the 23rd day of October, 1913, J. N. Hoffman Attorney for Plaintiff. W. F. HARTRAMPF Feed Mill will run every day in the week. W holesale and Retail W . J. R . B k a c h , Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Ground Wheat, Cracked Cracked Corn, Whole and Corn, Middlings and kinds of Hard Wheat Sack Twine and Sacks, Hay and Vetch Seed. Give us a call when in need. Justice of the Peace for Forest Grove, Justice o f the Peace and Constable, Oats, District Washington County, Oregon. Wheat, B r ad ley A. E w er s , Wheat Attorney for plaintiff. Suite 517 Chamber o f Commerce Bldg., several Portland, Oregon. 4-t6 flour, In th e Circuit Court o f the State O regon for W a hington County of Charles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff vs i ..d Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore Emma F. Lousignont, Defendant To Emma F. Lousignont Defendant In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration o f six weeks from and after the date o f the first publication of this summons, to-wit: the 16th day o f October, 1913, and if you fail to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ ply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint to-wit: for the dis­ olution o f the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defend­ ant. and for such other relief as may seem meet and equity in the premises, on the gro inds of cruel and inhuman treatment rendering his life, burden­ some. This summons is published by the or­ der of the Hon. D. B. Reasongr, Judge o f the County Court for Washington County, Oregon, and said order being made on the 2d day o f September, 1913. The date of the first publication of this summons is September 4th, 1913, and the last day of the publication of this summons is the 16th day of Octo­ II ber, 1913. J. N. Hoffman Attorney for the plaintiff Cor. 5th Ave. It and#2nd St., Foresi Grove ^ = Steam Laundry W ood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. MERTZ Si LATTA In the Circuit C ourt o f the State o f O r e ­ gon fo r W a sh in gton County. Forest Grove, Ore. S idie M. Moiris, F laintiff \s C ontractor | E. A. DIXON jj F hon e 8 7 6 F oresi G rove, C re. House Moving and Repairing. We have the hest equipped outfit in the county. fjs~ F rick , Stone and C on crete W ork Let us figure on your work. Begin Now! to p'an for that College Course. There is considerable discussion about Education but there is no c'oubt that a good general college course taken right is in the long run th ? practical thing in Education. A school well equipped to c o Erst class general college work is Pacific University Forest Grove, Ore. This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such general college lines September 17th, 1913. R ecord and equipment good. / Terms reasonable. Come and help us help you. Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue and further information PACIFIC U N IVER SITY, Forest Grove, Ore. PAGE 3 CIRCUII COURT NOTES Dodds vs. Dodds. J. N. Hoffman, attorney for plaintiff; Geo. R. Bagley, attorney fur defendant; motion for suit money; plaintiff allowed $150 suit money. Carrigan vs. Horn, confirmation. State vs. Earl Lorenzo and McCoy Furgery, arraigned; set for September 22, 1913- State vs. Wallace Newhard, violating local option law; arraigned on four in­ dictments; pleaded not guilty to all. State vs. Ea, 1 Slater; J. M. Wall, at­ torney for defendant; sodomy; pleaded guilty; sentenced from one to five years at Salem and pay costs. State vs. Phillip Gullimer; J . Me- Dougal, attorney for defendant; ar­ raigned for pointing firearms at another; pleaded guilty and fined $50 and six months in jail. State vs. Chas. McGrew and John Doe; W. G. Hare, attorney; two indict­ ments; pleaded not guilty. State vs. John Miller; four indict­ ments; selling liquor to minors; pleaded not guilty. State vs. Wm. Penny and John Doe, arraigned; pleaded not guilty; bond continued. T. Delano, order appointing examiner. Westhoff vs. Westhoff, order confirm­ ing sale and decree. The Grand Jury returned twenty true bills o f indictments. Harmig vs. Quinn, order for publica­ tion o f summons. Foreclosure proceedings, Paul W. Kreger, plaintiff vsi. Esther M. Kreger, defendant; complaint filed September 10; $900 and costs. Articles o f incorporation: Ruth Realty Company; capital stock, $500,000; to deal in real estate, etc.; signed by J. H. Young, L. B. Wickersham, F. A. Piel, J. B. Kerr and W. F. Turner. The following marriage licenses were issued: Wm. L. Humphrey, under 21; Blanche E. Arnold, 18. Geo. B. Ortman, 21; Eva Van Doren, 17. Lester R. Cyphers, o f Banks, 23; Della M. Mays, 22. J. G. Parker, 48; Ida M. Perrick, 38. Probate Court Matters— Relating to guardianship o f Eddie Barton, et al., represented by Thos. H. Tongue, Jr.; petition filed September 11, 1913, and covers children o f Nichols Barton as follows: Eddie, Flora, Nich­ olas and Erma Barton. County Court — At first reading, the road petition of L. J. Francis et al. was referred to the District Attorney. The road petition o f Geo. Emerson et al. was referred to the District A t­ torney. The Sorrento Improvement Club peti­ tion for sidewalk Was allowed. By order, $112.81 will be transferred from the county road fund to Road Dist. No. 15. R. T. Simpson’s petition for liquor lice.,sc was withdrawn, on motion, by petitioner. Road Di.t No. 582 was disallowed, as per report of viewers. Road Dist.’ No. 578, Francis White, established Road Dist. No. 5S1, disallowed, as per report of viewers. Road Dist. No. 579, disallowed, as per report o f viewers. Road Dist. No. 580, disallowed, as per report of viewers. Road Dist. No. 583, viewers named and appointed as follows: Frank Row­ ell, Herman Collier and the County Surveyor. The report o f E. L. Perkins, County Recorder, for the past month, was ap­ proved. The report o f E. C. Luce, County Clerk, was approved and accepted. Election for the city of Tualatin was set for Tuesday, October 31, 1913. Judges, E. A. Eddy and A. C. Daly. The Clerk appointed Walter Thompson and John Bond. The amount o f $115.66 was trans­ ferred from the special fund o f Dist. No. 37 to District Fund No. 37. Petition o f J. M. Miller for liquor license at I anks was disallowed on ac­ count of not having a majority o f the legal voters o f the precinct. The use o f glasses, correctly fitted, is the only remedy for errors of sight. If you need medicine glasses won’ t help you. It would be well to learn what you need. Call at Hotel Laugh- lin Thursday, September 25, and Drs. Lowe and Turner will tell you what you need. Their edu­ cation and long years o f experi­ ence as exclusive eye specialists make them safe persons for you to consult. All glasses absolute y guaranteed, whether they cost $2 or more. They will be at the Laughlin Hotel one day only, Thursday, September 25. Don’ t forget. TR A IN SC H ED U LE K Notice. it c h e n The Sunrise Grocery will pay cash for all farm products. Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, the best market price paid and all goods sold at the bottom price. Pacific Avenue at Third street. JOHN DODGE, Proprie­ tor. 23tf G iving C orrect T im e o f the A rsira i end D eparture o f A ll F orest rove Trains S U B S T IT U T E S FOR M EAT. HERE are many food» whose nu­ tritive value U equal to that of meat. They are couvenient sub­ stitutes for meats when the latter are. as at present, excessively high. Reci­ pes for some excellent foods of tbi» kind are given here: T OREGON ELECTRIC *Lv P ortlan d 6:45 a. m. 8-05 a. m. 10:25 a. m. 1 ¿ 5 p. m. 3:45 p. ni. 5:15 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 11:40 p. m. A N ourishing Cereal. Spinach and Klee.— Cook a quarter o f a pound of rice *n mlik ami at the same time cook the spinach. When the vegetable is cooked strain, season and mince. Add a beaten egg to the rice, with a spoonful of thick sour cream, butter, salt and pepper. Rice and spinach are then placed alternate­ ly in a buttered pie itteh, a little of the spinach waiter is ponred In. and the top is covered with melted butter and breadcrumbs, and the dish Is set in the oven for It to bake. 8:05 a. 9:25 a. 11:45 a. 2:45 p. 5:05 p. 6:40 p. 7:55 p. 9:35 p. 12:45 p. Lv F o r e st G rove m. m. m. m. in. m. m. m. m. IlllJJIf I * A r P ortlan d 6:10 a. m. 7 :30 a. 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. 8:30 a. m. 9:50 a. 10:35 a. m. 11:57 a. 1:06 p. m. 2:25 p. 3:40 p. m. 5 :00 p. 6:00 o. m. 7:20 p. 8:05 p. m. 9:25 p. 9:45 p. m. 10:50 p. ‘ Jefferson Street Station. C ooked in the Oven. Baked Rabbit.—Take a pound of | American cheese, tw o tnbles|>oonfuls of butter, a teaspoonful ami a half of i salt, oue mid a half cupfuls of milk. | two and a half cupfuls of stale bread- | crumbs, three eggs and paprika. Line a buttered baking dish with bread- j crumbs. Cut the cheese In thin slices i and lay over the crumbs', dusting with salt and paprika. Repeat tw-tce. Beat the eggs well, add -milk ami pour over the mixture. Bake in moderate oven half an hour. Serve at once. A r F o r e st G rove m. m. m. m. m. m. m. in. m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lv P ortlan d A n F orest G rov 7:15 a. m. 3:30 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 8:40 a. m. 5:32 p. m. 6:58 p. m. Lv F orest G rove Raises the Dough Better Ail P ortlan t6:40 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:24 a. m. 10:20 a. m. Roast Peas.—Take n quart of split ALL GRO CERS *8:40 a. tu. 10:00 a. m. yellow peas, three-quarters of n cupful 4:38 p. m. 6:20 p. m . i of breadcrumbs, a tablespoonful of tDaity except Sunday sugar, a quarter of a cupful Of chop­ ‘ Sunday only ped nuts, one egg. a quarter of a cup­ ful of butter, three-quarters of a cup­ ________ _____ ______ ___________ _ — -------------- ful of milk and salt Uud pepper to taste. Soak the peas overnight. Drain. Place in a saucepan, using fresh water to cover, and simmer until uearly all the liquor Is absorbed and the peas have burst their skins. Force through Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked a strainer and mix with breadcrumbs, Every Day. milk, nuts ami seasonings. Mold into a small loaf and let stand fifteen min­ W e sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents utes. Cover with pea liquor and bake Free delivery to all parts o f the city slowly one hour. Remove to a platter and serve w’ith sliced cucumbers. A N ovel Roast. HOME BAKING CO. Pacific Avenue, A Nut Food. Forest Grove Peanut Loaf.—Take one cupful each of hot boiled rice, finely chopped pea­ nuts. cracker crumbs and milk, one ’■ egg. a tablespoonful of melted butter and one and a half teaspoonfuls of salt Mix rice, nuts aud cracker crumbs. Add a well beaten egg and seasonings. FIU into a small oblong pan well grens- ed aud pour melted butter over it. Bake slowly. Turn on a. platter and serve with white sauce to which have been added one tablespoonful of onion | juice and a dash of white pepper. eU How About that uS. Making Bread That Is Good an£ W holesom e Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis,Oregon “ Bread should be in flavor sweet and nutty and the odor should he the same as the flavor. It should he so com­ pletely baked that, when pressed, it immediately springs out upon release o f pressure. The color should he golden brown, top, sides and bottom. The loaf should he everdy raised, with no cracked, protruding or uneven crusts. The bread when cut snould have a soft, velvety text­ ure, all harshness absent. It should slice smoothly without crumbing. The holes should he numerous, sinaU and o f uniform size. The color should be a slightly creamy white,” says Mrs. Henrietta VV. Calvin, dean of the School o f Domestic Science and Art, Oregon Agricultural College. While everyone knows good bread from had, it is not every one that knows how to apply the principles required to secure the many details that constitute good bread. The details are simply and entertainingly given by Mrs. Calvin in College Bulletin No. 83, Extension Series 3, just issued by the Extension Division. Any housekeeper who feels like trying to make bread o f the appetizing kinds described, and is not quite sure o f the process, secure a copy • containing the easily followed directions by ad­ dressing R. D. Hetzel, Extension Division, 0 . A. C., Corvallis, Or­ egon. Other bulletins of this series are Principles of Cake Making and Principles of Jelly Making. New House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. .• Forest Grove, Ore The Approach of Spring is the signal for greater effort in all lilies of endeavor. Warm­ er and dryer weather means greater activity in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That New House, get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-Place Lumber Co., Fhone 024X. So. A St, Forest Grove.