FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 FOREST GROVE PR ESS G E O R G E HU NTINGTON CURREY E D ITO R A N D O W N E R Published every Thuriduy at Foaeet Grove, Washington County, Oregon. Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as iecaad-c'.asi matter. them nor ourselves right not to tell them so. Let us make enough music, not mere noise, to let the rhapsody of our harmonious “home appeal” captivate all who are educated to enjoy such a classical production # THE CITY As a home town Forest Grove BEAUTIFUL cannot be excelled. Every stc- S ubscription R ates in A dvano - tion of the town is a choice res­ One Year .......................$1.50 Six Months............75 Cents idence section. We do not have a Nob Hill, nor a O ffice on M ain S treet . P hone M ain 502. Fifth avenue, neither have we a North end or a bowery. Residents in every direction claim that their part is the best, and all such claims are Nature demands sacrifice or work on the part o f all liv­ justifiable. The many beautiful homes are rap­ ing organisms; and under normal conditions, meet» out a idly increasing, the fine paved streets are in­ compensatiwn commensurate with the sacrifice made. creasing, the number of our modern business Winfield S. Hall buildings are increasing, the boosting spirit is increasing, of which leads to an increase in THE SCHOOLING This week the schools arid the fullness all of life, to the residents of Forest OF OUR YOUTH college* of our city again; Grove. take tkte responsibility for the training of our young people. Schools of The man that you meet next week with a big, the past have been good and they have been smile is one of Washington County’s bad. Those of the present ita Forest Grove at Ibroad farmers. With one of the finest crops of hops least are clearly of the progressive type, and are ever produced, prepared for an of such a character that no parent should feel active market, and successfully a good crop of prunes now any hesitancy in sending their children to either being picked, which promise a good premium, the city schools or to the University. Too much with the potato field bulging from the size of importance must not be placed on any school, the tubers, and the indicated price big enough however for they are only one factor in the edu­ to mot care much about that five cent tax on cation of a man The whole of life is a process sacks, with clover seed yielding as it always of education. The ideal school trains the mental does, and the results of the hay and grain youth, develops the physical youth, civilizes the yields nothing to kick at, why shouldn’t he social youth, encourages the moral youth, and smile. And when the fanner smiles so do we should prepare the entire youth for the practical all. affairs of everyday life. No school will be found that will offer a perfect balance of these Since our attention has been called to it let us essential functions, and itshould be the parents’ not let another paving season pass until we have duty to provide for their children in their time determined adequet sewerage system for out of school such work as will tend to make a Forest Grove, on so an that the mains can be laid un­ complete development of the entire child. If der the new paved streets, thus preventing the parents will work with the school, and make much further cost and inconvenience. up for its deficiencies, the school will be better able to accomplish its aims and the student will Some one from California remarked the other derive the benefit. day that if Pacific University was in some of little cities in his state it would he known CRIMINAL “Forest Grove is certainly the pret- the the over, they would boost it so hard. NEGLECT tiest town in the whole West. Some Let us world all take up the students slogan, “Bjost day I am going to make this my for Pacific, wherever you are”. home,” said a traveling man the other day. “ Where is your commercial club? I want to get will plead guilty of seeing the eclipse of some literature and infprmation to take to my the Who moon which the astronom ;rs tell us occured family.” Every citizen can see the point. Let Tuesday morning at 2:45. :i us get busy and organize a boosting commercial v w.\ club that will tell of the actual advantages of Some individuals of the human race have be­ Forest Grove to all the homeseekers that we can gun to control their actions by intelegence find. It is a shame tô let the cream of the new rather than by instinct; an 1 always following life that is flowing into the West escape us. the examples of able leaders, society is be fin­ We certainly, offer unequalled inducements to ing activly to com nand its progress instead of the better class of people. It is neither treating passivly trusting in luck. THURSO AY, SEPTEMBER I* 1913 GET THE FAIR SPIRIT AUo the “ Be-Fair” Spirit, Say» the Secretary of the Clarke County Fair ,m w 10 FER CENT i I < CASH REDUCTION 10 ce PER On Every $1.00 purchase or O/er X 0. Wing, secretary-manager of the Clark County (Wash.) W e offer this liberal cash discount t^ induce you to Fair Association, says: call at our Cash Store to get acquainted with us. W e Get the fair spirit. Try to grasp the “why” the fairs art want you to see for yourself that we have the best in leld, “why” many enterprising quality and largest in quantity of any stock of Dry- ¡itizens are giving their time anci goods, Lar'ies’, Men’s and Childrens Shoes, Hats money to build them up am nake them a success; go further • and Clothing in Washi gton County. y ind get the “be-fair” spirit also, and yew will get much enjoyment Beginning Saturday Morning, Sept. 20th from your visit and jour connec- Ending on ion with the fair. Unless you Every art- an do this you will lose much ol tid e of our |H r y v » I E Saturday evening he benefit of the fair. e x t e n s iv e R O S e p t 2 7 th . Do not hurry. Arrange you; stock of qua'ity m erchandise (only rubber overshoes visit systematically, otherwist excepted) will be sold at a 10 per cent cash discount. vou are liable to overlook some thing that you would be much in- ten sed in and from which jou r -\ would derive much benefit. Jj . ou see a product that is new ti /ou, and you are a farmer, get n touch with the exhibitor and earn all you can about it. 11 The reason any merchant offers a premium d’«count you see a better product of am for cash sales is to stimulate cash purchase. N O W LIS­ rind than you are growing, ask TEN : The credit system incurs large losses due to bad /ourself “why” you can not do accounts and increasing office expense. To account for is well, and resolve that you will this the credit merchant must establish an increased per cent- lo so. Ask the other fellov ‘how he did it.” age of profit. In the stock department asl The credit merchant naturally, of course, wishes to he “man” “ why” he is growinj secure as many cash customers as possible, so gives prem­ hat kind of stock, then ask iums for cash sales or uses trading stamps, etc. ourself “ why” am I not grow ng as good or better? W e conduct our business on a cash basis be­ If you have no decided opiniot cause we can sell goods, quality considered, at the lowest is to the breed you prefer, studj possible price. There are two good reasons for this. W e he different breeds carefully and md try to decide which are best buy at a discount because we pay cash. We, therefore, idapted to your conditions, get sell at a discount because we get cash. In add’tton, our he views of different breeders margin of profit is lowered, because your cash will not be n the subject, make a note of required to make up for any bad accounts. • hat you learn and sift it out at our leisure. W e feel that in an in'e’ igent community the besf pos­ Cultivate a friendly feeling sible offer that we can make the people is a cash discount, oward all you come in contact and that is virtually what our regu'ar prices will mean. W e vith and you will increase your neither ask you to wait for your premium until you ha’ e •njoyment, as well as that of done so much business with us, nor do we require vou to ithers. These annual meets spend your discount in our store. Ycu simply pay less for ¡hould be made a renewal of old icquaintances, and the forming your goods and get your discount while you wait in good if new ones that will be of last­ coin. ing benefit. Most people pay cash. W hy not trade where your " " “ » cash will bring what it deserves. County Court Allows Claims The following additional claims v------------------------------------------------ / were allowed in the September term of the County Court: Roads and Highways— I. R. Beyer $172 13 Carl Her 287 94 REMEMBER: That from Saturday m orning next to Carl Her 443 69 the Saturday evening follow ing you will receive a J. R Hayden 500 00 10 °fo additioual discount from our regular low cash L. D. Westfall 100 00 prices, on every purchase of O ne Dollar or m ore. Cagle Lumber Co. 188 58 (R ubber overshoes excepted) W e w ant you to take H. T. Johns n 8 75 advantage of this unusual offer and becom e ac­ Am rose Schmidlin 13 65 J. N. Beyer 16 25 quainted with our store. J. E. Zimmerman 57 50 f. A. Johnson 30 00 F. C. Toelle 12 50 TH E CASH STORE I. H. Hoffman * 10 00 Arthur Knox 55 00 John Herb 17 50 I. R. Hayden 65 00 VAN WALTERS & COMPANY . ’ : v b »4 I. M. Hiatt 27 50 Andy Heckman (2 87 SO U T H M AIN STREET FO REST GRO VE, ORE. J. J. Shevlin 2 50 H. J. Keenon 21 25 J l Lillie Out cf the Way — [F}ut it Pay\ to Walk■ dels Larson 12 50 .1. Fleischauer 7 50 E. Murdock 30 62 Charles Geiberger 62 50 C. E. Meacham 32 50 ’T he Forest G rove Press Pr'nt” M eans Satisfaction to You. Geo. W. Brown 5 00 (. Molin 18 12 0. C. Melson 27 50 Grant Mann 10 00 George Conzelman 5 00 Alfred Pi^ren 15 00 D. L. Smith 55 00 John Stribich 17 67 Wash. Ore. Corp. 12 15 agle Lumber Co. 212 39 Wash. Ore. Corps. 15 90 Harry Robinson 12 50 Carl Iler 42 50 Arthur Knox 109 44 Arthur Knox 262 94 Mrs. S. J. Clarke, relief 15 00 The Argus, current exp. 42 00 The Argus, delinquent list 454 00 Why We Established a Cash System. ■ , BAILEY’S BIG STORE SWEATERS * ' L\DIIS MENr CHILDREN ■ » *•%»**.»«... “Fine * r or Superfine ?" Whether you want a strong, ribbed stocking for every day wear, or a beautiful gauze hose, you will find . “Iron Clads” the best to buy. ||is. Iron C lads w ear longer and look better longer th an any ^ * SWEATERS • '* t r *• - . . t« - Boys School Suits Men’s a d Boy’s Suits and Overcoats Shoes fcr All Members of the Family Blankets, both Wool and Cotton Comforts $1.50 to $4.C0 according to qiality Ladies’ aid Chil­ dren’s Coats Hair—for Boys—Caps We are the agents for Munsing Underwear for Men and Women We also handle the staidard lire of “Kingsbury 1’a's” for M.n at $3.00 John E. Forest Grcxe O egon t 10 Per Cent Extra Special Cash Discount.