FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 6 FOREST GROVE N A T IO N A L B A N K T he URCHǧ Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County C A P IT A L SURPLUS DEPOSITS CO M M ERCIAL - - $25,000.00 $35,000.00 $400,000.00 Round Trip ORE COH j f C ELECTRIC RAILWAY ^ S THE SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR Tickets on Saie $15.95 and Return 0n3 Waak’s Carnival of Kindly S.iorls U. S. Troop Maneuvers, National Indian Congress, Poultry- men's Convention. Derbj Day, Custer’s Last S.and, Polo Gamas, Water Carnival, Masic by 72nd Saafnrth H : A - lander’s Band, Big Races, j Q i'ckist aid Mr>i Comfortable Route is Via “The Nirih Sink Rjad”—Line of Superior Service] L"mjt2d Trains Dsy and N ijlii R. H. Crozier, A. G. P. A. J E. Farmer Portland, Ore. Forest Grove, Ore. r !■!) lì H. T. G I L T N E R ’ S I Slaple and Fancy Groceries I I The very be3t at the Right Price ¡3 “ T H E Q U A L IT Y S T O R E ” i) i I Phone 701 I (¡j § . SO U T H M A IN STREET Id J I . • ¿L j m ~ S • FOREST G R O V E [jj D Buster Brown Blue FOR BOYS Gun Metal and Kid. and H O E S Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or, GIRLS O Button and Fincher. 0 The Kind That Wear end Give SaHa.'ac’ion D THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK i 0t,r w o n d e r h o s e FOR S A T IS FA C TIO N FOUR Pairs will wear f -r 1 U l'R Months. S H DRESS ClOODS 01 H 05S 2E 1R Y f ■"•<'> - Girls a n d Young Ladle; for School Wear. Fine Qualities Many Talteim and Shades to Select from at RigFt Prices C a p lb ! astd Sur|îE” 3 E S When in need o f some more d nee stationary cal on the PRESS job department. Envel- op s, cards, letterheads, circular let :er . (.ill heads etc. S >u k ty stationary o f correct tylo and neat appearenee may e obtained from the P re £S job epartment. I Hoppicker* , i , - , .. „ , " anted for Bu- cnanan yard, rifteen days pick- big. Cabins furnished campers, \ " ;B °r tree. Wagon to and from Forest Grove. Leave names a? the Bazaar or at my f..;m. J. A. B uchanan . $ 60,000. U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . P U R D Y ’S - G O O D G O O D S g K. of P. B U ILD IN G SURVEYOR FOREST GRGVE UNDERTAKING CO. J. S. Buxton, Manager Ribbon] Shoes Pont pass us when looking for S c h o o l S hoes s ery mouth, for by the law is I lie kuowl and Third street, J. B. Holmes, pastor. Sunday School IU a. m., •dge o f sin (Rom. iii. 19. 20t. Parker superintendent. " I f there I id been a law given which J. A. ould have ; Iven life, verily rlghteour Communion and preaching at 11 ness should have been by the law " a. m.; Christian Endeavor 7 p. iGul iii. 21 1 . Rut it is evident that uo m., Kennard Dixon, president; A ll kinds o f survey­ nan is Justified liy tlie law iu the sight evening sermon at 8 p. m. Embalming and ing and reaping. of God. for as many ns are of the Week day services: Officers and Funeral Directing works of the law are under tlie curse, Subdivisions a si ec- teachers’ meeting on Tuesday or it is wrtteu, "Cursed is every one evening 8 p. m .; chorus drill. ialty. lint coutinueth not in all things which are written iu the hook o f tlie law to Mr. George Jackson, leader, each H. B. GLAISYER, do them.” But Christ hath redeemed Wednesday evening; prayer ser­ Hoffman & Allen Bld’g us from tlie curse of the law, being vice each Thursday evening; made a eurse for us. The law brings the ladies o f the church meet Phone £06 us nil in guilty ami leads ns to n .ir h t ' e a c h W e d n e s d a y a ft e r n o o n a i' Fot est Grove, Cre. j ihtit «e tr'giit la- justified by fialtli 2:30; the C. W, R. M, meets the (Gal III, 10-13. jt, -jr.i iu- alone of first Tuesday afternoon o f each1 all men kept tlie law perfectly iu niOIlth ; the board of offlCOfiS ftlOPt thought, word and ........... ibec" n,*‘ on the first Monday evening of the end of tlie law ® *d to every one that bellevetb hut there fach month A Cordial invtta- always have been ami still are those t,o n 18 extended to all to share in who. bt*ing ignorant of (.»oil's righteous- tilOSC SOI \ ices, FOREST G R O V E , O R E G O N ness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted oT. A n th o n y ’ s C hurch : Rev. Services: themselves puto the righteousness of J. R. Buck, pastor. i òn ! (Rom x. 3. 4i. Forest Grove: Mess on the Su, li are all those who talk about first and fourth Sundays o f the i salvation by eliarjeter and the Go.den month at 8:30 a m .; Mas.; on the Rule as their creed and tlie Sermon on second and third Sundays o f the the Mount go,«| enough for them They month at 10/30 a. m .; every week have not not Led that tlie first ntter- Benediction with II e of Christ on that occasion shuts day at 8 a. m. their months, for where Is their pov­ sermon every Sunday 7:30 p m. Cornelius: Mass on the first erty of spirit while they talk o f Inc-- g >o,l they are and liovv much good Sunday o f the month at 10:30 a. they do? li.; Mass on the second and third Let us eonslder the giving of the law Sundays of the month at 8 a. m. more fully, for In this series or lessons Gaston: Mass on the fourth -ve have nothing In connection with lunday o f tlie month at 10:30 a. tlie tabernacle, every whit of which 11 . (Note: A fifth Sunday in a B oard of D irectors : iitterelli His glory and specks of Him nonth occurring, the time and who Is Hi,, true Tabernacle . we read Physician end Surgeon The subject o f the morning Dr. E. J. Crowthers that "whosoever hateth his brother is Calls answered promptly day or night a tunrderer." In reference to the sev­ address by Rev. Thomas at the Physician and Surgeon Phone: O nce 2/1. Residence 283. enth Matt. v. 28. reaches that it mnv Congregational church will be Calls answered day and night he broken by even a look. As to the O.fiee in Jackson Pharmacy eighth, tile question is asked in Mat “ Serving God and Man” and in Cornelius, Ore. Dr. H. R. Kauffman Labor Dis­ iii. 8. "W ill a niati roll God?" and (he evening “ The Physician & Surgeon answer is. "Y e have robbed Me in pute.” tithes and offerings.” Office: Forest Grove N a t’l Bank Building: V/. M. Langley & Son Many a man who would not lie guilty (Tor all churches who hold regular services in this Phone Main 0131 of stealing a dime or a nickel robs God city. The proper authorities are requested to Forest Grove, Ore. Lawyers of His Sabbath day by finding his own send in their announcement early each week.) pleasure in it and is meaner than .In- Forest Grove, Ogn. R. M. Erwin, M. D. gob in refusing to give lat k to God at S eventh D ay A dventist : Third least a tenth of that which God has Street. Regular services of Sab­ Physician and Surgeon so bountifully given to him. A good bath Day, 10:30 a. m. Sabbath W . B. COON, V. S. comment on the ninth is found in Zacti Tamiesie B idding 3d and Main Sts. vii, p); viii. 17, where we are forbidden School; 11:30 a. m. church servi­ O ffice on 1 st S t . ces. Missionary meeting Sunday even to Imagine evil in our hearts Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. Hillsboro, Ore. Prayer meeting against a brother or a neighbor. If any evening 8 p. m. H aving bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ A testify falsely against us it gives ” s Wednesday evening 8 p. m. erinarian, I wish to notify the public fellowship with tlie Lord Jesus, against cordial invitation extended to all. that I am prepared to answer all calls, S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. whom false witnesses were hired io day or night. testify, even as it had been predicted. F irst C ong regatio nal : Rev. Phone Main 95 Physician and Surghon F orest G ro ve , O re "False witnesses did rise up: they laid D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible Delta Building to my charge tilings that I knew not" School 9:45 a. m.. Morning Wor­ Hillsboro, Ore. (I’s. xxxv, 11; Matt, xxvl, .V.l-Cli. ship 11 a. m., Junior C. E. 3 p. As to covetousness, it was on that m., Intermediate C. E. and Y P. j A cre T racts in Sun Set point that Paul saw his sinfulness S C. E. 7 p. m., Evening - r- Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Ilium vii, 7i and afterward wrote that Addition to Forest Grove Thursday mid-vvk covetousness is idolatry (Col. iii. iii vice, 8 p. m. Physician, Surgeon prayer meeting. Visitors ate to be sold on terms. W. W. Our Lord said. "Take heed and he and Osteopath ware of covetousness, for a man's life bedltily welcome, Ireland, Hoffman Building «‘onsistelb not in tin* abundance of the ' Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank B1 Ig. things which lie possesseur* (Luke xii. F irst M ethodist : Hiram Gould ir».i From tlie voice of