Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 11, 1913, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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The Fly
The fly is usually found in the
manure pile, the out house or the
mound of rubbish or garbage in
In this condition he is easily
killed and it should be the duty
of every one to kill him now.
Exterminate the fly worm, do
away with its breeding places
and there will be no flies.
exchanged for a book used in
a higher or lower grade. In oth­
er words the old small arithme­
tic is exchanged for a new small
arithmetic and etc. The ex­
change price averages about one
half of the purchase price of the
new book. Books cannot be tak­
en in exchange unless they are
in good condition. Books with
loose or missing leaves or in any
other way torn or damaged can­
not be accepted.
As all of the new books belong
to th^ J. K. Gill Co. of Portland
it is impossible for us to give
credit to any one. Cash must
accompany each and all orders.
We also carry a complete line of
school supplies of all kinds and
give better values than any store
in the county owing to the fact
that we buy in immense quanti­
ties and in most cases direct
from the factories.
Drs. Lowe and
K. N. Staehr, The Bazaar,
Next to post office.
• • • • • « • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • * • «
Turner Sept. 25
Nearby News Notes
O F F P Q T ) D'Y) 3 P r i t Q
I* is th e d e sire o f T he P re ss to secu re a live, boosting
J J U I L U Z/ r t l / d
y Y U / iL l/fZ U /
co rrespondent in each tow n and com m unity in th is county.
No m a tte r w here you live you should be able to g a th e r a few new s notes each w eek. The la rg e r your com m unity,
the m ore you should be able to find and w rite about. I f your section is n o t a lread y re p re se n te d in The P re ss by a
re g u la r correspondent, we will be pleased to have vou sent) in your Dame as a can d id a te fo r th e position. If you
do not w ish to become a re g u la r co rrespondent we will a p p re c ia te an occasional new s le tte r. T he E ditor .
Y .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .
• » • • • • • • • ( • • t a , , , , , , , , . . . '
« « • • • •
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The suit of Tillamook vs. the
Warren Construction Co. has
been postponed until some time
in October. The records in the
caee are bemit prepared by Has-
ley * Hare, and require a great
deal ot work, comprising over
1900 pages.
James A. Sewell, who injured
his ankle while loading grain,
will remain on crutches for some
Miss Fern Hobbs, secretary to
Gov. West, is in Hillsboro this
E. J. McAlear is still suffering
from a sprained wrist, resulting
from a fall from a tree.
C. F. McFadden, of Peoria,
111., haa opened up a cigar fac­
tory in the National Bank build­
ing. He is favorably impressed
with Hillsboro, and believes he
will succeed in his line of busi­
Mrs. Sarah E. Eving, aged 95,
is said to be the oldest hop picker
in the Washington County yards
this season. She is employed at
the Bagley yard.
Hillsboro has a new millinery
store in the Bank Annex build­
ing, opened up by Mrs. Hertzog
and Miss McIntyre, of Chicago.
The new store will be known as
The Hat Shop.
The much talked of X ray skirt
made its appearance on our
streets one day this week. j ts
wearer was a stranger, and the
unusual style attracted much at-
Fra|)ci3 A Haines d w s
tember 6 The (anera| „ n| be
he|d Mond
* • • • • • • • • « o f «O fO fQ * ♦ • • •
Mrs. Quine is out from Port-
land picking hops at George
HoP pickers’ tape for your
hands at Littler’s Pharmacy.
Beal’s hop yard.
Hop picking is nearly half done
Smartness counts much in j
at Beal’s yard.
millinery trade. Millinery Par­
Nels Johnson finished picking lors near postoffice.
hops in his yard last Wednesday.
Mrs. J. 0. Cummins has re­
Exchange of School Books
turned home from Portland, leav­
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Gra­
The new school books that
ham very much improved.
have been adopted by the state
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tupper of are now for sale or exchange at
Dilley are camping at George Staehr’s Bazaar. As there may
Beal’s hop yard,
be a shortage of same on account
Mrs. Baker is visiting her dau­ of greatly increased population
in this part of the country it will
ghter Mrs. Coonly.
be advisable for any one who can
Threshing is nearly done in
to get their new books at once.
this section.
Following are the rules for ex­
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Graham change:
are visiting relatives.
A book that was used last year
Mr. William Shipman of Cor­ but not in use now, can be ex -
nelius is drying hops for Mr. changed for the new book that is
i to take its place but it cannot be
George Beal this season.
Quality and Service
II taken just what you feel as
‘ ‘An ounce of preventati re is
though you were going to be sick
you will never know what serious worth a pound of cure Hollitser's
illness is. It purefies the blood, | Rocky Mountain Tea has been
drives out disease before it gets
a foot hold; such is Hollinger’s “ preventative for thirty years.
Rocky Mountain Tea.
None Nothing so good to keep you
other so effective and sure. 35 well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets.—
cents Tea or Tablets. —Van
Vankoughnet and Reder.
koughnet & Reder.
R a sm u sse n ’s Feed S tore
Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of
Garden Seeds in season.........................
J. R A S M U S S E N ,
Pacific Ave.
Forest Grove, Oregon
1913 Opening of
Beginning Sept. 11th and 12th.
Sunday Dinners
a Specialty
City and Commer­
cial Trade Solicited
A Full and Complete Line of Tailored Hats,
Trimmed Hats and M illinery Novelties
This Coupon is good for Ten
(10) S.&H. Stamps if present­
ed when making a purchase
of 50c or over. These are in
addition to those you are en­
titled to by virtue of purchase.
This Coupon is good for Ten
(10) S.&.H Stamps if present­
ed when making a purchase
of 50c or over. These are in
addition to those you are en­
titled to by virtue of purchase.
A.G.HOFFMAN & CO. Gen’l Merchandise
Of the A‘rN' Green Stamp Prem-
\ ium Parlors at the store of A.G.
Forest Grove
i\ll thoss c J jîig 3.1 ins Parlor will receive 20
Green Stamps Free in a Book.
It is a merchandise discount by
Green Trading The Great Advantage (over oth­
er stamps) of saving
means of which a merchant is en­
abled to give a greater discount
Stamps is they secure you better
than he ccuid afford to give in giyen by merchants premiums; they are national in
cash. This is rr.aJe possible by who wish to show their character and are exchanged for
your Hamilton coupons, soap
the enormous purchasing power
wrappers, tobacco tags, thereby
of Sperry, Hutchinson & CO., a
million dollar corporation, who stantial
manner of expediting the filling of your book
are the originators of the trading
Not asking for Green Trading
stamps, have nearly 1000 bran­
Stamps is like leaving change on
the counter.
ches and are 20 years in business prompt payment.
Always ask for
Green Stamps.
Cut out the Coupons above, they are valuable