> /» -/• * THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 , 1913. FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE t LEGAL NOTICES J. G. Morris, Defendant. County Court Allow* Claim* J. L. Crow 45 00 J* ; To J. G. Morris defendant: 22 60 :J [ In the name of the state of Oregon: Claims allowed for the month Climax Milling Co. L You are hereby required to appear and Clarence Young, superin­ answ er the complaint filed against you of August, 1913: tendent poor farm 76 25 . in the above entitled suit, on or before Washington Co. News- in th e Ju stice C ourt for F orest G rove the expiration of six weeks from and John M. Wall, roads and D istrict, W ashington C ounty, O regon after the date of fiirst publication of Times, current exp. $ 10 00 bridges 3 50 this summons, to w t: the 23rd day of Beall & Co., R. and H. 224 53i I October, 1913, and if you fail to an­ J . H. Velie, Plaintiff, j 12 25 State vs. Hugh Nord— swer, for w ant thereof the plaintiff will J. J. Case, R. and H. „ . vs. ; S ummons W. D. Smith, J. P., jus­ apply to the court for the relief prayed Washington Oregon Corp., N. B. Hall and Charles ; for in the complaint towit- for the dis­ E. Hall, defendants, j tice fees 6 80 To Charles E. Hall, one of the above solution of the m arriage contract now Court House expenses 38 85 Wm. McQuillan, consta­ existing between plaintiff and defend­ H. D. Smeltzer,* Court named defendants, G reeting: In the name of the S tate of Oregon, an t; and th a t she be decreed to be the ble fees 2 00 ; 20 00 House expenses your are hereby required to appear and owner of the home in Forest Grove, State vs. John Doe Burt— answ er the complaint filed against you an<* th at s^e be decreed and have judg- Irwin-Hodson Co., current in the above entitled action, on or be- m ent covering the equity in the real 1 00 W.D.Smith, justice fees 4 70 fore the 25th day of Septem ber, A. D., ' e8tat« in the city of Portland, Oregon. expenses Wm. McQuillan, consta­ 1913, said date being six weeks after T hat she be awarded such other and H. D. Emmott, County the first publication of this Summons. further relief as may seem equity in Poor Farm ble fees 1 701 27 65 the premises. If you fad to appear and answer, the 57 O 0 State vs. Jack Moylan— This summons is published by order plaintiff will apply to the Coprt for the Patrick Cronen, relief relief prayed for in the complaint filed of the Hon.D. R. Reasoner Judge of the Carl Skow, relief 1 5 O 0 W.D.Smith, justice fees 85 county court for W ashington county, herein, which is for a judgem ent in the Wm. McQuillan, eonsta- Oregon, said order being made on the sum of sixty-five and no-100 (*65.00) J. W. Vandervelden, R. Dollars, attorneys' fee in the sum of 8th day of Septem ber, 1913. 62 00! hie Tees 3 90 and H. The date of the first publication of this twenty-five and no-100 ($25.00) Dollars, 97 20 vs- A.Christener.et al.— together w ith interest provided for in summons is Septem ber 11th, 1913, and Fred Rood, relief the instrum ent sued upon, and for his the last date of publication of this 2 50 i W.D.Smith, justice fees 26 90 summons the 23rd day of October, 1913, •J. R. Watkins, relief costs and disbursem ents herein. McQuillan, consta­ J. N. Hoffman I You Will please take notice that this 60 Wm. A ttorney for Plaintiff. Delta Drug Store summons is served upon you personally ble fees 15 30! Hillsboro Lumber Co. 8 00 j Jury fees— wi h a certified copy of the complaint, pursuant to the term s of an order in W. W. Boscow. relief 5 50 j L. McCormick the above entitled action, made by the 2 00 John A.Johnson,R.and H. 28 25 E. above named Court, by the Honorable G. F. Smithline 2 00 W . J. K. Beach, Justice of the Peac • F. C. Toelle, R. and H. 13 50 Peter Boscow for Forest Grove Distrist, W ashington 2 00 E. D. Hite, bridges 7 00 Jack Roy County, Oregon, on ihe 14th day of 2 00 August, A. D., 1913, requiring that 0. Barnstrom, R. and H. 4 10 Andrew Jack publication be made at least once a 2 00 Feed Mill will run every Beall & Co., R. and H. 63 50 T. M. Kerr week for six consecutive weeks, in the 2 00 day in the week. Forest Grove Press and requiring that AIcFarlane Bros., bridges 104 66 i Witness fees — the first publication be made on the Lovegren Lumber Co., R. i lth day of August, A. D.. 1913, and W h o le s a le a n d R e ta il Carl Christener 2 70 the last publication on the 25th day of and H. 11 08 Frank Septem ber, A. D. 1913. Dursham 5 80 D. B. Reasoner, County W. J. R. B kach , Dr. S. M. Reagan 1 50 Justice of the Pence for Forest Grove, Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Judge, salary and ex­ Justice of tile Peace and Con table, Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked penses Dr. W. D. Wood 1 50 1C9 15 Dr. F. A. Bailey D istrict W ashington County, Oregon. Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole 1 50 Hillsboro Independe n t, B kadley A. E w ehs , Wheat Guy Fair 2 70 A ttorney to for r plairit’tt. plaint’ff. »* llcc*e and Corn, Middlings and j current expenses 19 45 Dan Stewart Suite 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 1 ^ e '’e ra l kinds of Hard Wheat 2 70 14 40 Dr. J. C. Robb News-Times, adv. Portland. Oregon. 4-t6 r lour, Sack Twine and Sacks, 1.50 r WOMEN “ I SUFFERING W. F. HARTRAMPF From any kind of W o­ men’s Ailments should try Blake McFall Co., current Dr. J. P. Tamiesie 1 50 expenses 14 75 L. H. Sherry 2 70 W e . Tupper, salary and Charles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff R. H. Huntley 5 50 expenses 61 00 Dr. R. M. Erwin vs 1 50 Em m a F. Lousignont, D efendant Forest Grove, Oie E. L. Perkins, Recorder, irei Phone 50x To Emma F. Lousignont D efendant In addition all regular jury salary and expenses 240 30 witness fees were allowed in and In the name of the state of Oreg< n: the You are hereby required to appear ai d E. C. Luce, Co. Clerk, answ er the complaint filed against vi u following cases: salary and expenses 326 00 State vs. John Doe and in the above entitled suit, on or befo e the expiration of six weeks from and Foresi Grove E. B. Sappington, County a fte r the uaie ot tne first publication of Richard Roe 12 49 Treasurer, salary and this summons, to-w it: the 16th day of 76 00 Truest Luther Woodruff October, 1913, and if you fail to answ er expenses for w ant thereof the plaintiff will ap- 6 00 John Ryberg. Co. Com. 88 00 Jurois I ly to the court for the relief prayed Witnesses fo • in the complaint to-w it: for the uis- C. A. Hanley, Co. Com. 81 90 State vs. Ross Coffey - olution of the m arriage contract now C. W. Burtt, services at ex isting i etween plaintiff and defend­ Jurors 6 00 ant. and for such other relief as may Institute 10 00 seem m eet ar.tl equity in the premises, Witnesses 5 90 W o o d , Coal, Ella Becben, copyist, Co., County Court U. G. Gardner po Hammond Mfg. Co., It. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 2J 65 and H. J. S. Lorsung 28 13 , McBride Bros., relief Buffalo Steam Roller Co. 9 38 j Beall & Co.. R. and H. 126 00 28 00 I United Shop, R. and H. 6 25 L. M. Buell to p’ an for that College Course. Hilisboro Transfer Co. 12 00 L M. Hiatt, It. a id H. 99 60 . 55 8 '» I- W- Livingston, Insti- Peter Hoffman 15 00 „ , a lute work Tnere is considerable diSCUSsiotl Clboilt Ed llCdt lOIlh ut J. G. Klineman a ’ Mrs. Minerva Brown In­ 1 1 10 Tualatin Mill Co. 25 80 stitute work thife s no doubt that a fo o d ■ enera’ college course taken right J. T. rletchQr 6 CO Hillsboro Telephone Co., 32 85 is in the long run th ’ L Tactical thing •-u Education. expenses ,T. A. Imbrie 4 70 current C. Lamkin, Cour t 21 80 C. House, Ira Purdin 4 CO A school well equipped to c’o f.rst class general college Robert M. Imbrie 2 00 Hdlsboro expenses Mercantile Co., John Herb 68 54 Court House, Jail, Poor work is Farm, It. and H. 2 ( hi 85 38 E. O. Harper 67 80 R- a»'