THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1913 FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 will make their work so good VW .V.W .V.V.V.V.V.'.’.V.V.’. :! that it can become a pait o f the ’♦ ,r " G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N C U R R E Y whole syst m to be ju t in at ED IT OR AND O W N E R some time in the very near future. What is life without P ublished every T h u rsd a y at Forest G ro ve , W ashington C o u n ty, Oregon. health? What is money without E ntered at the Forest Grove, O regon, Post O ffic e as second-c'ass matter. health? Why have these “ terri- J ble stinks” coming from the low (Open to all orgranizationa holding regular n ing-8 in this city.) S ubscription R ates in A dvance . spots in the radius of the town, W e’ ve missed the county fair— One Year......................$1.50 Six Months........... 75 Cents absorbing our vitality and laying H olbrook L odge N o . 30, A. It’s inner and its outer track, the foundatio i lor si me mortal ^ ^ M .—Stated communica- The dancing sad er, and the bull A WRITE UP Last week Fred Lock ley P hone M a i n 502. O rn cE o n M a i n S t r e e t . j disease? Way, when we can ; t'ons first Saturday evening o f About four feet across the back; was a visitor in Forest OF THE avoid it by a system of sewerage? eac^ mon'^ - All visiting Masons WRITE UP MAN Grove. The readers of W e’ re weary of chautauqua talk— We want to hear the whistles blow, Above all things that we need welcomed. J. W. Hughes, W. “ There is only one person in the world that the PRESS all know Mr. The horses neigh, the roosters crow, is sewers. Let every energy, M. ; H. C. Parker, Secretary. can defeat you, and that person is yourself,” Lockley as the writer for the Oregon Journal, The blooded cattle when they low. whose articles about several prominent people And the shrill-voiced starter shouting every hope for the city’ n future J ames B. M athews , Post No. prosperity be centered on sewers. “ G o!” o f Forest Grove have been reprinted in this 6, G. A. R .—Meets first and A TOOT OR TWO Dear readers, what have At the county fair For, although we have tin Mr. Lockley is special “ write up” you thought of the last paper. FROM OUR hird Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m. It seems as if the world grows cold. wealth of Croesus, houses am few issues o f the PRESS? man, who travels over the State looking for OWN HORN in K. o f P. hall. Chas. Knapp, And people nowadays dont care lands galore, what is \< ealti unique and interesting stories about Oregon. We believe that they have Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Corn- For other people in the warm without health? Nothing, Foi pleased you. Any way, we have been proud of He is rapidly becoming an authority of Old manner o f the county fair. nander. the health seeking people o f the them. With our first issue of the PRESS we early life, as many o f his subjects have been W e’re tired of bowing here and there East will avoid us and scorn us. W o m a n ’ s R e l i e f C o r p s N o . introduced an excellent illustrated summary of obtained from the early pioneers. It is just that We want to shout, “ How are you They would avoid us as they 1. — Meets second and foutth Dan?’ that makes his writing so popular. Instead of the week’ s news of the world. With the second “ Hellow there Bill!” and “ Howdy ought, for nothing attracts lik iluirsdays at 2 p. m. in K. of P. issue we arranged for an up-to-date cartoon beginning his articles with a funeral notice, he Ann!” health. So, let us have the sew begins with a quotation from the man himself. all. Louise Butler, President; service. As fast as possible we are developing And get the worm clasp o f the hand ers. the sooner the better. Tl e Sophia Smith, Secretary. an efficient organization o f correspondents and Too seldom do the living receive notice, while From every woman child and man growing need of Forest Grove is At the county fair. local reporters, and are trying to classify and any vagabond may get a column sendoff for the sewers. S u b s c r ib e r . D elphos L odge N o . 36. K. of prepare local happenings in an attractive and next world. Mr. Lockley was editor of the Pa­ The county fair is coming back— P.—Meets every Thursday even­ And that is probably as well. interesting style. Last week we began the pub­ cific Monthly, before its consolidation with the Dr. Lowe, the well-known o, - A little more and everyone lication o f the following Sunday’ s lessons in the Sunset Magazine, and has long been a faithful tician and optometris, has asso ing in K. o f P. hall. W. C. Had dissappeared within his shell. International Series, with able comments by and efficient booster for Oregon and the Willam­ The good old plan was better far— ciated with him in his practice at. Shuts, C. C. ; J. S. Buxton, K. o f R. and S. ette Valley. We expect to read some more in­ Rev. D. M. Stearns. These lessons apply to a'l We want to see the human race equally skilled eye specialist, Dr. teresting “ features,” with local settings, as a In some well-decorated place, Sunday schools. Last week we also began a J. G. Turner. Dr. Turner has W ashington L odge N o . 48, I. series o f illustrated essays about Mr. Peck and result o f his last visit. The editor ju t wanted And right human for a space had more than 18 years’ o f ex­ O. O. F. — Meets Monday even­ Because o f coming face to face the experience of writing up a real “ write up” his domestic troubles. Beginning with this perience as an oculist. He was At the county fair. ing o f each week. J. H. Shear­ week’ s issue we have made arrangements to run man. graduated from one o f the lead­ er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor, a good, short fiction story each week; also arti­ ing colleges o f Chicago and at­ Secretary. SCHOOL OF The 0. A. C. Traveling cles on good roads and town improvements, both tended different clinics n New was written by experts. We also will devote one REAL VALUE TO Welfare S c h o o l York His certificates o f regis­ F orest R ebekah L odg ^ N o . COMMUNITY among us for two days column to the affairs o f the National Grange, tration show he has passed the 44, I. 0 . 0. F.—Meets first, third and departed on its mis­ prepared by the Secretary; and to help the scate examination boaids of Ore­ and fifth Wednesdays of each woman o f the house we have started a depart­ sion to other places. While in For s Grove its gon, Washington, Idaho and month in I. 0 . 0 . F. Hall. Flor­ ment of hints in cooking. In addition to these sessions were well attended, and all who took Writes About Danger o f a G row ­ Canada. Dr. Lowe is to be con­ ence Templeton, Noble Grand; our columns are always open for discussion on the trouble to look over the exhibits or to listen gratulated on acquiring the asso­ Margaret I. Mallory, Secretary. ing City W iihovt any question. Our classified department is to the lectures, have expressed themselves as ciation o f so emminent a practi­ placed at your disposal at a nominal cost, and amply paid. Besides the direct information Sewers tioner as a co laborer. R osewood C amp N o . 3835— has the reputation o f bringing quick returns. given by these experts, the indirect influence R. N. of A. meets every first We do not c h i n that we are issuing the best will be o f vast good, for the suggestion of better To walk along some o f our| and thi,-d Fridays, at 8. p. m. A T T H E possible paper, but we do believe that the PRESS roads, pure food, civic improvement, and better­ streets and breathe in the oders Mrs. Dora Emmerson Oracle, will compare favorably with any other paper in ment of social and hygienic conditions will lead that emanate from the ditches Mrs. Marie Patton, Vice oracle, the county. Of course there will be more and to further consideration of these vital problems and miasmatic holes that hold and Mrs. Winnifred Aldrich, Record­ and stimulate work for their solution. more improvements as fast as possible. foster the germs that bring death er. We desire your good will, and solicit your and sickness, to us is sickening; | patronage in helping us to make the PRESS a Pacific University will open its doors for the From my house there comes to j Lateghlin Hotel w >rthy representative o f Forest Grove and sixtieth matriculation r ext Wednesday. There my nose, when the wind comes' Wm. Benefield, Buxton, A. A. Washington County. We stand with all o f you will be new faces among the faculty as well as from the right diiection, odors Johnson, Portland; Dr. S. Rob­ in our mutual endeavor to bring the world to the among the students. The standard of Pacific that would strangle an Elephant; bins, Corvallis; M. B. Slgers and Successors to realization o f the true importance and worth of has never been lowered, altho in numbers it has This is so in almost any part of wife, Corvallis; Joseph Parsons, this community. allowed many other institutions to pass it, but the city; Death-dealing odors Redmond; Geo. McGee, Hills­ C. G. DANIELSON now a new order has gone forth from the pio­ every where; One o f our enter­ boro; L. N. Robbins, Corvallis; FOR THE WORTH OF At a banquet re­ neer school of the State, challenging the younger prising firms put on his envel­ Edna Groves, Corvallis; M. 0. W e are prepared to do any THE El ELD AND THE cently held by the institutions to keep up if they can. Every citi­ opes this standing “ ad” . “ For­ Evans, Corvallis; Edwin Eells, LOVE OF THE GAME Portland Press Club, zen in this county should get behind Pacific est Grove, the prettiest town in Tacoma; D. W. Collins, Portland; kind of Autom obile, M otor­ commemorating the University and boost to the full ex ent of their Oregon” , it is a gosd “ ad” why W. Smith and family, Portland; cycle and Bicycle Repairing very valuable trip thru the Willamette Valley as ability. hot let this firm add to their en­ Ed. Lee, Gales Creek; P. S. the guests of the P. E. & E., the news writers velope, “ The healthiest town in Brundy, Portland; G. T. Barton asked President Strahorn why a man of his com­ With the coming o f the P. E. & E. line into Oregon.” We have, by God’ s and wife, Seattle; S. D. Judd, fortable means, and at his age, should take up the center o f the city certain arrangements may good gift, a city so situated that Portland. the strenuous duties o f a president o f a new be made that will permit the people of Forest we have an easy fall for every Forest Grove Hotel railroad. Mr. Strahorn willingly answered this Grove to obtain a free mail delivery if they de­ street within its boundaries. P. H. Bonesteel, Chicago; J. very personal question by saying that after sire it. With such a change an exhaustive Wouldn’ t it be fair to all our citi­ C. McDowell, Portland; M. M. looking over the territory which the “ Willamette system o f house numbering will be required. zens to put in sewers all over the Lewis, Beaverton; J. R. Moores, In a short time w e will open Valley Line” would cover, and realizing the Rapidly Forest Grove is becoming quite a town, so that every one could Astoria; Mrs. J. Jeppesen, Port­ a First-Class G arage great chance for development, and the part that modern city o f the Number One variety, and is make his home pure and clean land; J. M. Clark, Portland; Les­ a railway could take in that development, he by becoming recognized as the leader in this part and healthful? We see that the ter Morbaly, Moroney; G u v 4 - “ j degrees was induced to take the responsibilities o f the State. First National Bank and contigu­ Spencer, Moroney; L. J. Falls, f“ o f head o f the new line “ for the worth o f the ous owners o f land are going to W. field and love o f the gam e.” Whoever the local correspondents for the put in a sew er from the bank site j newirtz, Portland. I I This is the spirit that needs to be acquired by Portland papers are, they are passing up many east for a long distance. Lei ——— all o f us. Many realize the wonderful possi­ good chances to bring the name o f our com­ this lie the nucleus for the sewer 1 pt, V ¡HS 7ng .¿ m .- * •R bilities of this Valley, but too few have a love munity before the eyes o f the world. system, and let us hope that they FOREST GROVE PRESS for the game, except as it furthers our own selfish and immediate interests. Our farmers can make just as much by selling a part o f their large holdings and more intensively cultivating what they retain. Our business men will be building up a larger and safer trade if they unite and guarantee to the newcomer fair treat­ ment, both in gaining a location and in getting a start after he has invested his all with us. The county fair is coming back— The poster sheets are everywhere And almost every body now Is whooping up the fair. W e’s had our fill of aeroplanes — We want to see the big, fat hog, The patent churn, the trotting dog, The new device that beets a cog, And work around through the catalog At the county fair. . FRATERNAL I D IR E C T O R Y NEED OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM IS ARGUED S O T E L HASKELL & SONS ,'“rBatv.%"rtK ' lEPjorw ^: 1 Phone 306 Pacific Ave j MOORE \ * '1 "■ * . I. . f > . > r , ’ ............. :i & DAVIS I Successors to Mrs. Williams) PACIFC AVE. Dry Goods and G r o c e r i e s Fancy or Staple Our Stock of G r o c e r i e s is Alw ays Fresh You will never fail to find that our prices are right Leave a trial order now Cash or Trade for Produce 3E ’ H. A bsolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Forest Grove, Oregon I'realdeut WII hoii read hi* apcclal me* »age to r o n ir t w netting forth bin Mexican policy. He notified the world that the United State* would act atrlctly neutral toward Mexico and would urge all Americana there to leare until auch time as It was safe for them to return Many Americans fled from M exico on trains that were all too unsafe because o f the temporary bridges. M E. McLoughlln o f California won the national tennis championship at Newport. K I . by defeating R Norris William*. 2d. in the flnala. Mr and Mrs tieorge Ijtu.lcr Carnegie, sister and brother In law of Harry K Thaw, were at Sherbrooke. Canada. Mayor William J. Gay nor. . obn i'urroy Mltcbel and Edward K McCall entered the .New York mayoralty tight. General Nelnou A Mllea. retired, returned from Europe News Snapshots Of the Week C onducted on E conom ic and Business Principles. T h e Home C om pany That H as M ade G o o d . Insure Your Business or Dwelling in T h e Bankers Ac Merchants 1