Oregon Historical Soeiet> Your suggestion, criticism and cooperation is solicited to help make the "Press” a true representative of all the people of Forest Grove and of Washington County. Vol. 5 F orest G rove P ress METER BASIS FOR LIGHTS FOREST GROVE. WASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER II. 1913. Forest Grove there has been built or and are now in construc­ 60th tion nearly a mile of pavement, I many blocks of cement walks, a new three story bank building, a score or more of fine residences a one story garage building, a new $40,000 high school building C'.ty Council Decides to Put a new electric line to Portland | and Williamette Valley and other Lights on Meter Basis substantial improvements and j additions. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS DAMAGE CLAIM PRESENTED—WILL FAY F.RE BOYS $3 PER FIRE Year of Pacific University W ill Begin with Bright Prospects The best developer ir of »1 community is a progressive e returned to the game after he ness. lasting current of electricity, lighting a.id kindred subjects were highly iqj- The reports of the Finance Commit had once been taken out, except at the of Pacific University for its sixtieth year. The new president, Dr. C. J. Bush- houses, heating stoves, running trains, praciated. has been with the school almost a month before the opening and is rapidp tee and Treasurer were read and ap beginning of a p riod. It often hap­ noil, messages, and driving the Also exhibits of textiles, and adulter­ proved, warrants being ordered for bills pened that an unexpected substitution becoming acquainted with the duties of his new position. The faculty and stu­ sending power wheels of the earth. Railroads ated food. we. e very instructive. dents are all preparing for the beginning of their courses and indications foi was necessary in the fourth period and against the city. may be built across deserts, and yet Social H ygiene Exhibit Instructive Attorney Dyke, appearing for Geo. there seemed to he no reason why an a large freshman class are very excellent. have power plants situated along the W. Peters, presented a claim against exception should nof be made in this route at any convenient place. Big The exhibit of the Oregon social tsy- the city to the amount of $500 on ac­ case, hut the rules forbade it, hence W. C. T. U. Convention ships will simply pull a lever and be giene society was one of the best fe;.- they were altered this year to read: A count of injuries sustained from a propelled from port to port without the tices of the school. This society K-<« faulty walk. Mr. Peters was tripped player may be returned once at the be The W. C. T U. will hold a worry of fuel or the danger of fire. j several exhibits that are constantly l*e- by a loose board ar.d thrown On the ginning of any period, or at any time county convention in the Metho­ These and many more wonderful de- ing presented befo.-j the people of list walk, breaking his nose. The matter during the fourth or last period. V.V.’.V.V.V.V.V. V.\ Church parlors on Friday, velopments may come out of the result st; te in a campaign of education on so- was referred to the City Attorney for A relic of the old time, v hen the ball dist harnessing a well known power, cial ; ygiene. '1 ..e exhibit was arranged was not always snapped back with the September 12. further consideration. The f, Mowing named bocks in the of namely Mr. Potter has brooded in oruer, ine first pannel givnig th* A discussion occurred over the sub­ hands, has been in the rules for years, Traveling Library are now ready for our over the draft. MORNING SESSION. idea for years that there must work as “This exhibit is shown to help mitted grade for South Main Street. but this has been eliminated. The rule readers. These books are free to those be some power in a draft, and not long dispel ignorance and to show the true It was generally thot advisable to lei which read ‘‘by one quick continuous 10:30. Song service. living outside the city. ago while in his room in the Goode- importance and beauty of sex function* this matter wait until next Spring and motion of the hands or of the foot” Devotional, Mrs. Simonies. nough Building, in t ortland, he con­ and the need for sex education. ” The not tear up the street until that time has been shortened by cutting out the Review of year’s work, County Dr. John McLoughlin. ceived the idea of placing a fan in a information given by this exhebit shooll when in all probability pavement will wor s "or of 'he fi at.” Some African Highways. regular size stove pipe to determine be in the hands of every man and wo­ be requested. The City Attorny sug­ The rul- relating to a forward pass president. Household History of the U. S, what power a draft would produce. man of any and all ages. gested that hereafter when any grading or a kick m de fr m behind the goal Minutes of last meeting. Famous Leaders Among Men. With a rather crude arrangement he Unfinished business. was done on the city streets that the line has been mn le clearer. Care of the Sick. easily drove a magneto which in turn entire street from the property lines be The rule relating to dropping back New business. How the World Is Clothed. was able to light several ordinary graded, thus equalizing the burden of lriemen has also been rendered clearer Report of delegates. The Home Art Crochet Book. electric lamps. This same principle the owners in any block. The Attorney by changes in the wording, the spirit Election of officers. The Other Americans. applied to a long flue 2000 feet long and was also instructed to draw an ordi­ remaining the same. John Brown. 20 feet in diameter would produce nance to provide for the building of A specific penally has been p’aced Noontide prayer. Walden; or, Life in .he Woods (by 126,000,000 horse power, say his en­ Dinner and social hour. cement walks whenever a street was u; on advancing beyond the lines in case Thoreau.) gineers, enough to lift the earth by its Many Popular attractions are paved. The Engineer reported that a of a punt-out, the penalty now being Peep* at Many Lands. AFTERNOON SESSION own boot straps. Mr. Potter is well water grade for the city would be es­ that the punter’s angle being moved Being Arranged by Tne Beginners in Poultry. known as the inventor of the climber five yards away from the nearest goal 1:3). Song service. tablished as soon as possible. The Humble Poets. but as the inventor of this Directors A report from the light committee post along the goal lir.e. Devo ional, Iiev. H. Gould. The Wonder B.ok of Old Romance. locomotive, new and practical method of everlast­ met with general favor to put the en­ If the punter out makes a d.lberate Music, Miss Tay lor. Rudder Grange. ing and constant source of power he At the last meeting of the hoard provided for the payment of th:ee dol­ made. Forest Grove Schools Will Have booths of Diana Mallory. snip. Free regi. ter, free dinner, free Testing tended to make one of the features of lars to each member of the company The rule regarding kicking has also dinner, 'Ihe Luck of the Duulry Grahams. veteians of The C.rcular Staircase. Complete State the fair. who attend a fire and answers roll been changed so that the kicker need all wars. e.erything free to C ommittee . not of necessity s'and five yards back call after the fire is over. Plan« to Select Queen Mature. Course The Man of YoS.erdiiy. Other details were looked after and of the line when he makes a kick. He Manager Buxton ujion a return from MAN ARRESTED the council adjourned to meet again may be as near the line as ho p.ca es. Hillsboro yesterday announced that the For Young People Monday evening for special business. This will probably bring back some of The new Slate Course of Study for ladies of the Christian .church of Hills­ im personating an Inspector K e is T aken The G- lden Staircase. P ems for High Schools is off the press and is boro have I e:;n induced to conduct » the old quick kicks from formation. This last is probal ly the most im- being distributed among the High county voting contest for queen of the by th e O fficers I Chi (li en. Schools of the State. Several new fair. The proceeds of the contest wift por.ant change effected. BEGINS Electricity of Today. Last Friday Dr. S. Robbins, who hi s The Gentleman. features are included in the course. he used as | ri ',<>« for the school parade impel sonatin.g a State Inspector Jack and Jill. Greater latitude is given in the choice on Friday of Fa’r week, at which time HOP P.CK1NC PROGRESSING of been Cattle, came suddenly to the end. of Andersen’s Fairy Tales. of electives, in order that the student several thousand school children are ex l.is official duties when the Deputy Th- R (1 Mu- tang. may follow the lines of study for which pe-te.l to parade on the f: ir grounds. CrcpNearly A!! G.v'hu.c_'hi ?cir.e Yard; B. F. Purdy Begins Construction oi.cr.it icqUcfccd that be accompany Cadet Days, be has the greatest aptitude. Tiie fol­ The votes will cos one cent each aid —T en Day«’ M ere in O .her« him to the cour.ty beat. he v. lowing live courses are offered: Frig- nominations will ! e in order next Mon­ cf a Modern T vo-Story l i e Crested Sea. The continued g«xl weather has beer, o ought btfore the Justice Court and Sh ggyCoat. l.sn and Matneinatn s, English and day at any of the voting booths. The very favorable to the hop pickers, and ’ bom.a over to the Grand Jury. Brick t.a:igj..gj8, E glish and History, Eng- voting places in Forest Grove will be M iu Anthony's Scouts. in some of the smaller yards the crop .13.1 an j f> lencc, ana English and Jn- Goff Bros, store and the Bazaar. Ca . p Fires of Mao Anthony. C hildren's M eeting is nearly all pi ..ei, while it will require ..u l.y. Tne siuuent is required to T„p Ran h. This wjjk thi foundation for over a week to fr ish tilt last i.i the All cuildren under sixteen are re- Red ci.oa.-e a major Course to be pursue H..r|>er’s Indoor Book for Boys. yards in ihe county. The damp q le.-ttd to meet at the Central Sera, .1 Boys’ Book of Steam hips. a new 50 bv 80 two story brick big i . i ought,Ul tne four years. E ectives have cc sed a III 11 :• mildew, building Saturday at 2.5.0 P. M., to To n Brown’s Schooi Days. HOSPITAL NOTES iroui the otner c Ur.-es may be colu­ on the corner of Pacific ave. and mornings but the crop is unusually free from prepare for the eh.kiien's exhibit at Children of the Woods. mned w.ih this to make up the full • • • * • • • * * • • • * * * n # Main street was begun for B. F. blemisli of any kind. the coming fair. aa ount of Work permitted. F ifteen T..ret Little Kittens. Mr. H. Snooks, contractor for th* Purdy, a merchant of Forest unils are required for graduation, ano High L.ttle Hindu Cousin. School building, left the his- Grove. Mr. Purdy states that WILL INSPEC. PAVEMENT Prohi Rally September 20th Our the student is expected to recite in four Picture Book. pital yesterday, after recovering frois the building may not be complet­ P ortland People to Exam ine M erits of Plans are progressing for a big rally Adventures of a Doll. subjects each day, except in the last a successful operation for appendicitis. year. Pupils who are well prepared ed until next spring but the and picnic at Hillsboro on Saturday, Stories from Roman History. B ieuret P avem ent and are strong both mentally and Miss Halley has returned from Cal«* foundation will be built immedi­ Next Saturday a party of Portland September 20th. Indications point to a Magic Casement. physically will be permitted to finish Creek, where she has been nursing Mt Twentieth Century Puzzle Book. large attendance from all sections of ately. This location is just east people will visit Forest Grove in order the course in three years instead of Cox, while recovering from an opera Wonder Book for G.rls. of the new bank building, now to examine bitucrete pavement. They the county. four. Provision is made for accredit­ tion. / under construction, and will be will invesnigate the pavement in all ing work done in vocal and instrumental Mrs. Grady is much improved. L abor P am phlet for D istribution McMinnvilleites Visit music outside of school. The work Mrs. Freisberger and daughter Dor­ the first structure to raise on the courses of construction, with the in- request its use in Portland, if Mr. and Mrs. 0. O. Hudson We also have for free distribution a done in the Forest Grove High School othy, block formerly owned by the tenFto who have been visiting her sister, they think it satisfactory. It is Icaimed and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hoskins large number of pamphlets lontaining will conform to that provided for in the Mrs. French, Congregational church. will leave Saturday for bieuret fs almost an ideal pave­ Slate Course. The industrial work will This building comes at the cli­ that ment, and the cost is very attractive of McMinnville visited at the H. the labor laws of Oregon, compiled and tie more extensive than in the past and Los Angeles. max of a very extensive improv- when compared with other standard R. Bernard home in this city fur issued by O P. Hoff, State Labor Com­ will be placed on an equal basis with D. B. Quick is recovering from a the past week. missioner. L'.BRAKI n . the other work. threatened attack of appendicitis. ment season. This season in kinds. Discussion to Require Cement Not Many Alterations From t! e Walks Wherever Street Last Years Laws Is Paved * *0*«_.*c *0« • o * .« ..* , « « . • VO*-*, •0 * 0 * 0 * OC' ii LIBRARY NOTES ;r WILL CHOOSE QUEEN FOR COUNTY FA R NEW HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OF STUDY FOUNDATION FOR NEW BUiLDiNu