FOREST GROVE PRESS ^PAGE 9 ^AP f T h e - FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK T he A tlomey-at-Lon SUNDAY SCHOOL. H. E. FERRIN, a s s t . C a s h i e r T. G. TODD - D ir e c t o r J. W.FUQUA - D ir e c t o r Lesson X.— Third Quarter, For Sept. 7, 1913. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text Round Trip ef th e Leeeon , Ex. xx, 1-11. 1-11— G o ld e n T e x t, M e m o ry ve re e s, Luke 27— C o m m e n ta r y x, P re p a re d b y R ev. D . M . S te a rn a . Excursion Rates to THE SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR $ 1 5 .9 5 T° Sp°T d Return Limit, Sept. 2 3 One Week's Carnival of Kingly Sports U. S. Troop Maneuvers, National Indian Congress, Poultry- men's Convention. Derby Day, Custer’s Last Stand, Polo Games, Water Carnival, Music by 72nd SeafortS High­ lander’s Band, Big Races. . Quickest and Mast Comfortable Route is Via 3 3 “ The North Bank Road” —Line of Superior Service Limited Trains Day and Night R. H. Crozier, A . G. P. A. Portland, Ore. J. E. Farmer Forest Grove, Ore. W V« ! I I I H. T. GILTNER’S Staple and Fancy Groceries The very best at the Right Price i I I SOUTH MAIN __ i _ I I Phone 701 = STREET Purdy’s FOREST GROVE ,Jjî Store for Good Goods. W e are here for Good in our new home in K. of P. building Our Present Great Reduction in All Piece Goods is Attractiug much Attention. You will find a Big Bargain in All Wash and Woolen Dress Goods. Let Us Put Our Shoes on Your Feet. 5 0 Pairs of Men’s and Women,s Shoes at less than One-Half Price. W e Must make Room for our Fall Goods. HOP PICKERS Should ret Our Prices Before Purchasing Their Supplies. 11 B. F. P u r d y ........................ Prop. Forest Grove, Oregon 3>'L_____________________________ ; *. ,i: ■ ——— “ And God spake all these words." Sometimes when those whom we call heathen hear o f the true God who made heaven and earth, and ttiat He la a God of Love and sent His Son to die for sinners, and that there Is a book which tells what He said and did. they spare neither time nor money thut they may possess such a book. In contrast to this, how little do many in so called Christian lands appreciate the word of God or give any heed to such words as these: “ The mighty God. even the Lord hath spoken.” “ Hear, o heavens, and give ear. o earth, for the Lord hath spoken.“ “ Give ear, O ve heavens, and I will speak, and hear, o earth, the words of my mouth.” “ God. who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, bath In these last days spoken uuto us by His Son" il’s. 1. 1; Isa. 1. 2; Deut xxxli. 1: Hob. 1. 1). Repeating these words of the Ten Commandments in Pout v, Moses said concerning them: “ These words the Lord spake uuto all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire. of the cloud and of the thick dark- ness with a great voice, and He add- ed no more. And He wrote them in two tables of stone and delivered them unto me” iDeut. v. 22). “ The tables were written on both their sides. • * * and the tables were the work of God. and the writing was the writing of God. graven upon the tables.” “ Tables of stone written with the finger of God" (Ex. xxxli. l.r>, 16; xxxl. 18). See also Deut. lx, 10: x. 4. There never were tables like these nor writing like this, and as He spoke to and wrote for Hebrew people it must have been In the Hebrew language, the only, lan­ guage of which we have any record as belug spoken from heaven to man • Acts xxvl. 14). He gave ns a reason for the ten words who lie Is and what He had done, “ I am the Lord thy God. which have brought thee out of the land o f Egypt, oul' o f u>e house of bondage.' Note two of the many repetitions of this great saying nnd His great long­ ing that they would give heed to Him that He might do all that was In His heart for them iDeut. v. 6, 20; IN Ixxxl. 10-161. Note in the ten words the fourfold repetition of "the Lord thy God" (verses ft, 7. 10. 12). They sngges) at least this—Jehovah, th.v Re­ deemer. who is also thy Creator We have for our meditation In this lesson the first four of the ten words or com- mana. The fourth command concerns the Sabbath day and takes us back to Gen 11. 1-3. and mward to the rest of the kingdom. when the Lord alone shall be exalted and His name great among all nations, from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same ! ilsa. II. 11. 17: Mai. I, 11. 14. I. c.) ; Until that time He has set apart one day in seven as a special opportunity for Him to reveal Himself to us that we may become Increasingly occupied with Him and filled with His fullness | of peace and joy. The great adversary Is always ai work seeking to pervert Scripture and bring Into Imndage and has led many to believe that to honor the first day of the week, on which our Lord rose from the dead. Is all wrong. The reply ! to all such is found in Col. 1!. 16. 17. Church Locals and Notices EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove Dr. D. W . Ward Dr. E. B. Brookbank Physicians and Surgeons 22 First Ave. No-th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Forest Grove,. Ore. Mark B. Bump Attorney-at-law South o f Court House Hillsboro, Ore. D R . C. E. W A L K E R Osteopathic Physician Treatment by Special Appoint­ ment Only Hollis & Graham A ltomeys-at-Law Forest Grove, Ogn. H. W . Vollmer, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. E. B. Tongue, yJttorney-at-Law Ind. Phones District Attorney. Hillsboro, Ore. VV. Q. Tucker, M. D. The Hamilton G. A. R. quar- tette, who pleased SO many at Physician and Surgeon : Chautauqua this year, will be at Dr. E. J. Crowthers I ,, — , Calls answered promptly day or night Physician and Surgeon the Methodist church Sunday Phone: Office 271, Residence 283. evening, and will have charge of Calls answered day and night s e rv ice . . . . . Office in Jackson Pharmacy Cornelius, Ore. Dr. H. R. Kauffman This quartette is very popular Physician & Surgeon among the churches of Portland; Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building: w e promise you a treat Sunday W . B. COON, V. S. Phone Main 0131 evening. Special invitation to O f f ic e o n 1 s t S t . Forest Grove, Ore. Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. old soldiers. , Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ erinarian, I wish to notify the public j that I am prepared to answer all calls, day or night. S e v e n t h D a y A d v e n t i s t : Third Phone Main 95 F o r e s t G r o v e , O re (For all churches who hold regular services in this city. The proper authorities are requested to send in their announcement early each week.) R. M. Erwin, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Tamiesie Bi ilding 3d and Main Sts. Street. Regular services of Sab- bath Day, 10:30 a. m. Sabbath Hillsboro, Ore. School; 11:30 a. m. church servi- ceg Missionary meeting Sunday A c r e T r a c t s in Sun Set S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. even in i? g p. m> p rayer meeting Addition to Forest Grove Wednesday evening 8 p. m. A Physician and Surghon to be sold on terms. W. W. cordial invitation extended to all. Delta Building Ireland, Hoffman Building F ir s t C o n g r e g a t i o n a l : Rev. Hillsboro, Ore. D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible School 9:45 a. m., Morning Wor­ ship 11 a. m., Junior C. E. 3 p. Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. W . P. DYKE (!) m., Intermediate C. E. and Y P * Physician, Surgeon S. C. E. 7 p. m., Evening Ser­ Attorney-at-Law and Osteopath vice, 8 p. m. Thursday mid-wk prayer meeting. Visitors ate Forest Grove Nat’ l Bank Bldg Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. heartily welcome. Hillsboro, Cre. Forest Grove, Ore. F i r s t M e t h o d i s t : Hiram Gould pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a m., Mr. Schramel, Superinterd­ THIS pape r r e p r e s e n t e d f o r f o r e i g n J, O. Robb, M. B. Tor. ADVERTISING BY THE ent; Preaching Services 11 a. m., Epworth League 7 p. m., Even­ Physician and Surgeon ing Preaching Service 8 p. m., Phone City 384 Prayer Meeting Thursday even­ Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. | G E N E R A L O FFIC ES ing. All are cordially invited to N E W Y O R K A N D C H IC A G O Hillsboro, Ore. these services. $ BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES F i r s t C h r is t ia n C h u r c h : First and Third street, J. B. Holmes, W . M. Langley & Son pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m., J o b WOFK, done properly and J. A. Parker superintendent. Lawyers Communion and preaching at 11 on time at the P ress office. a. m .; Christian Endeavor 7 p. Satisfaction g u a r a n t e e d and Forest Grove, Ogn. m., Kennard Dixon, president; prices right. evening sermon at 8 p. m. ™",K lrm ‘" ,s: ,nt!< l nre. s" mT r,,T.d Week day services: Officers and by our Lord in these words In Ills teachers’ meeting on Tuesday j reply to the lawyer: "Thou shalt love ' the I.ord th.v God with all thy heart, evening 8 p. m .; chorus drill, SURVEYOR and with all thy soul, aud with all thy Mr. George Jackson, leader, each Wedr.esday evening; prayer ser­ .mind" iXIatt. xxil. 37). All k’n Is o f survey­ We nil need to confess. "O I.ord our vice each Thursday evening; Embalming and God. other lords beside Thee have had the ladies of the church meet ing and maping. Funeral Directing , dominion over us" ilsa xxvl. 13>, The each Wednesday afternoon at Subdivisions a spec­ rteh young ruler who thought that he 2:30; the C. W. B. M. meets the ialty. _______ had kept all the commandments from first Tuesday afternoon o f each FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. l)ls youth up was proved guilty of month; the board o f officers meet H. B. GLAISYER, j breaking the first one when he prefer­ J. S. Buxton, Manager red his great possessions to eternal on the first Monday evening of Hoffman & Allen Bld’g life (Matt. xlx. 21. 22). it Is not nec­ each month. A cordial invita­ Phene 806 Phone No. 6 4 2 Forest Grove, Or. essary to bow down to the work of tion is extended to all to share in Forest Grove, Ore. men's hands to break the first of tho these services. ; commandments, for If anything, bow- S t . A n t h o n y ’ s C h u r c h : Rev. j . ever lawful It may lie, occupies our J. R. Buck, pastor. Services: hearts more than our Creator Redeem­ Forest Grove: Mass on the er we nre guilty, nnd breaking one break» all. according to Ju«. ii. 10. ; first and fourth Sundays o f the; The worship of sun, moon or stars or m on th clt 8 ¡30 ft IT). I Mass OH tr.6 die liken.»«» of anything in heaven or second and third Sundays of the earth Is forbidden by the second com month at 10:30 a. m .; every week FOREST GROVE, OREGON •uand See the mutter more fully atat- day at 8 a. m. Benediction with ed in Pent. iv. 1M9. , sermon every Sunday 7:30 p m. This command, like the others, may Cornelius: Mass on the first he broken by our thoughts, for God Sunday of the month at 10:30 a. : sees the pictures we hang np nnd jshow down to In the chandlers of our m .; Mass on the second and third I Imagery lEzek. vlll. 12). ami He de­ Sundays of the month at 8 a. m. Gaston: Mass on the fourth sires for our good that He should he $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 . supreme even In the Imagination of Sunday of the month at 10:30 a. our thoughts, all being brought into m. (Note: A fifth Sunday in a captivity to the obedience of Christ month occurring, the time and (!) (!) (i) " T H E QUALITY STOKE ” AND B U SIN E SS D IR E C T O R Y J. N. Hoffman CAPITAL - $25,000.00 SURPLUS - $35,000.00 DEPOSITS $400,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Tickets on Sale Sept. 13 and 17 P R O F E S S IO N A L VRi Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County J. A . THORNBURGH P r e s id e n t JOHN E. BAILEY - V ic e P kks . W. W. McELDOWNEY - C a s h i e r THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1913 UNDERTAKING THE FIRST NATiONAJL BANK Capita! and Surplus U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . M tii Wlien in need o f some more Hoppickers office stationary call on t' e Wanted hoppickers for Bu- I LESS ,iol) department. E n w l - l f l o j h ' s , cards, letterheads, circu'ar chanan yard, fifteen days pick- letter1, bill heads etc. ¡ng. Cabins furnished campers, SOCIETY stationary of correc t *by water free. Wagon to and sly'e and neat appearence may from Forest Grove. Leave names l>e obtained from the P ress job at the Bazaar or at my farm. J, department. A. Bt'CHANAN. vah that is My name—and My glory will i not give to another, neither My praise to graven image».” He desires us all for Himself that He may fuiiy reveal Himself to us and through ns. As to not taking nis name in vaim the positive form is “ Hallowed be Thy name, and all that tends to exalt onr name Instead of Ills or that says by word or a ct "Let us make ns a name’* (Gen. xl, 4), breaks this com- ***• Confession: Saturday at 4 and * p. m. Altar Society: A general meeting o f the society will be held On the first Wednes- ((ay o f January April, July and October. Sermons are a lw a v s in English at both masses on every i .. * ).,,U iV; - r *V °f. cree(j- '* Cordially i St?r\iC€8. ratr__ r e jr a i il le » HWlted to B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s : VV. K. Newell T. W. Sain Geo. Mizner John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock L. J. Cori Chris Peterson H. T. Buxton H. G. Goff E. W. Haines W. H. Hollis