Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 04, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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/.v.v.v.v. i October,
1913, and if you fail to answer
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap-
i ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in the complaint to-wit: for the dis-
j olution of the marriage contract now
existing between plaintiff and defend­
ant. and for such other relief as may
I seem meet and equity .in the premises,
| on the gro mds of cruel and inhuman
treatment rendering his life burden-
j some.
1 This summons is published by the
Hon. D. B. Reasoner, Judge of the
County Court for Washington County,
Oregon, and said order being made on
the 2nd day of September, 1913.
The date of the first publication of
j this summons is September 4th, 1913,
and the last day o f the publication of
1 this summons is the 16th day o f Octo­
ber, 1913.
J. N. Hoffman
Attorney for the plaintiff.
! .V m
f .V W
* V ^ V * * .O T A W
in the Justice Court for Forest Grove
District, Washington County, Oregon
J. H . Velie, Plaintiff, "j
!• S ummons
N. B. Hall and Charles
E. Hall, defendants. J
To Charles E. Hall, one of the above
named defendants, Greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
your are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled action, on or be­
fore the 25th day o f September, A. D.,
1913, said date being six weeks after
the first publication o f this Summons.
I f you fail to appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in the complaint filed
herein, which is for a judgement in the
sum o f sixty-five and no-100 ($65.00)
Dollars, attorneys' fee in the sum of
twenty-five and no-100 ($25.00) Dollars,
together with interest provided for in
the instrument sued upon, and for his
costs and disbursements herein.
You will please take notice that this
summons is served upon you personally
wi h a certified copy o f the complaint,
pursuant to the terms o f an order in
the above entitled action, made by the
above named Court, by the Honorable
W . J. R. Beach, Justice of the Peace
for Forest Grove Distrist, Washington
County, Oregon, on the 14th day of
August, A. D., 1913, requiring that
publication be made at least once a
week for six consecutive weeks, in the
Forest Grove Press and requiring that
the first publication be made on the
14th day of August, A . D., 1913, and
the last publication on the 25th day of
September, A. D. 1913.
W. J. R. B each ,
Justice o f the Peace for Forest Grove,
Justice of the Peace and Constable,
District Washington County, O.egon.
B radley A . E wers ,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Suite 517 Chamber o f Commerce Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Meeting of Board of Equalization.
To the taxpayers o f Washington
county, Oregon: Notice is hereby giv­
en that the board of equalization of
Washington county will meet on Mon­
day, September 8th, 1913, at the court
house in Hillsboro, in Washington coun­
ty, that being the second Monday in
September and the time and place pro­
vided by law, to publicly examine the
assessment rolls of said county fur
1913, and correct all errors iu valuation
a;.d description or quantities of land,
lots or other properties and it is the
duty o f all persons interested to appear
at the time and place appointed, and if
it shah appear to said board of equaliza­
tion that there are any lands, lots or
. other property assessed twice or in the
name of a person or persons not the
owner o f the same, or assessed under
or beyond its value, or any lots, land or
other property not assessed, said board
o f equalization shall make the proper
We will have the very best
canners on about August, 30th
at the Lowest Possible Price;
Crawfords, Elbertas, and Char-
lotts, Oregon grown, direct to us
from the grower. Leave your
order now. For satisfaction and
quality phone 061, Schultz Pure
Food Marken and Grocery.
Feed Mill will run every
day in the week.
W holesale and Retail
Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground
Oats, Ground Wheat. Cracked
Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole
Wheat and Corn, Middlings and
several kinds o f Hard Wheat
Hour, Sack Twine and Sacks,
Hay and Vetch Seed.
Give us a call when in need.
Forest Grove, Ore
nd Phone 50x
Forest Grove = ?
¿ .= Steam Laundry
W ood,
C o ld
M ax C ran dall ,
C o a l,
S to ra g e
a n d Ice .
Assessor, Washington County, Ore­
gon-______________________________________ _
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Washington County
Charles L. Lousignont, Plaintiff
Emma F. Lousignont,
To Emma F. Lousignont Defendant
In the name o f the state o f Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
l the expiration of six weeks from and
after the date o f the first publication of
this summons, to-w it: the 16th day of
Phone 876
Forest Grove, Ore.
Cor. 5th Ave.
and 2nd S t.,
Forest Grove,
H o u s e M o v in g
a n d R e p a ir in g .
W e have the best equipped
outfit in the county.
Brick, Stone and Concrete Work
Let us figure on your work.
of a country demand
the best roads it can afford, and |
the main-traveled roads adjacent
large cities a still better type,
for less traveled roads dirt
shale, sand-clay or gravel must
suffice. On this principle, road
A Graduated System of Con­
struction Necessary at
construction is now being done
in many localities o f the North­
"Good Roads Activities in the
Their Reward
Northwest" by Walter C. Tiffary
"Inasmuch as ye have done it
in the August issue o f the Re­
one o f the least o f these,
view c f Reviews contains the fol­
ye have done it un- [
lowing striking statistics:
to me.”
The farmer and the business
This is the reward of the unsel- j
man as well, has at last come to
fish act o f the people o f Silverton ,
realize the losses he suffers from
Forest Grove, McMinnville New-1
bad roads, and the magnitude o f
berg and otners who have open­
the movement to better condi­
ed their homes to the beneficia- j
tions is little appreciated by those
ries of the fresh air fund of the j
whose interests have not brought
Associated Charities o f Portland.1
them in contact with it. The
They are not wealthy people in a
cost o f bad roads has long been
dollar sense but in a spiritual
known in a vague way, but re­
cent scientific investigations have sense they are exceeding rich, j
To them has been given the re - 1
brought the matter home in
alization that vicarious service is
tangible form to those who suf­
the fullness o f life.
fer from them. One o f the most
Many of them have households
thorough investigations of the
in which there are already many |
subject ever conducted, the re­
little hands and voices, yet their j
sults of which are used as a text
hearts were large enough to J
wherever the doctrine o f good
make room for another. Many
roads is preached, was made by
have homes from which little
the Minneapolis Civic and Com­
hands have vanished and in j
merce associatian.
which little voices have been
The committee made the follow­
stilled and their empty hearts j
ing deductions: On account of
filled with the voice and hand of
bad roads each farmer lost for
the year $1.70 for each acre that
Who can estimate the mutual
he farmed; 13 cents every time
benefit? Who can compass the
he carried a ton o f farm produce
new worlds opened to beneficiary
over one mile of bad roads; 9 yer
and to benefactor? Who can
cent of his total crop. He paid
record the pleasant memories?
as much for bad roads as for
Who can measure the reward?—
labor; more than for feed for his
Oregon Journal.
stock; twenty five times as much
as for fertilizer. The total less S8SS«S8S88SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS8SS8SSSSSS888S8SS
to the farmers in this district for
the year from this cause would
have bought all the corn pro­
duced in it, or all the wheat, or
the oat crop twice over, or all
but 10 per cent of the potatoes, :•
V . V . V V V . V . V / . V . V A V A 'Æ S S S
or all the barley, rye, flax seed, (Open to all organizations holding regular meet­
timothy seed, hay and forage ings in this city.)
combined. The losses would re­
H olbrook L odge N o . 30, A.
place the farm implements or the F. & A. M .—Stated communica­
cattle every three years, the hors­ tions first Saturday evening of
es every four years, and would each month. All visiting Masons j
pay off fdl the mortgages in the welcomed, J. W. Hughes, W.
district in three years, with M. ; H. C. Parker, Secretary.
$100,000 to spare.
J ames B. M athews , Post No.
The farmers, moreover, were
not the only losers from bad 6, G. A. R.—Meets first and
roads. The committee found third Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m.
that the worst sections in the in K. o f P. hall. Chas. Knapp,
roads they had to travel between Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Com­
their farms and market were mander.
within the city limits; that there
W oman ’ s R elief C orps N o .
were approximately 3600 busi­
— Meets second and fourth
ness houses in Minneapolis, em­
ploying 5000 wagons, whose loss i Thursdays at 2 p. m. in K. of P.
from bad roads was $10,000 for hall. Louise Butler, President; j
Sophia Smith, Secretary.
the year.
The Sunrise Grocery will pay
cash for all
farm products,
Eggs, Buttei* Veal and pork,
the best market price paid and
all goods sold at the bottom
price. Pacific Avenue at Third
street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­
Come to our store when
your face and neck are
Destroy lice and
vermin of al kinds
hands are covered with
Security L ice Killer
scratches and full of
We have the goods that
Kill flies with
will relieve you.
Buhach Pow der
Give us a trial.
K eep flies away
from stock with
Van Koughnet & Reder,
Dr. Roberts Fly O il
The Rexall Druggests and
Pacific Drug C o.
Eastman Kodak Agents
Forest G ro v e
to plan for that College Course.
There is considerable discussion about Education but
there is no cou b t that a good general college course taken right
is in the long run the practical thing in Education.
school well equipped to d o first class general college
w ork is
Pacific University
Forest Grove, Ore.
This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such
general college lines September 17th, 1913.
R e co rd and equipment good .
Terms reasonable.
C om e and help us help you.
C om e in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue
and further information
PACIFIC U N IVER SITY, Forest Grove, Ore.
Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked
Every D ay.
sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents
Free delivery to all parts o f the city
Pacific Avenue,
Forest Grove
How About
New House
T h e F o r e s t G r o v e P la n in g M ill I n c .,
General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, iMh
cement, lime, sand and plaster; building ar.d roofing
All finish lumber kiln dried.
W e make a
specialty of house building and carry a full line of
sash, doorfram es, mouldings, glass, paint and every­
thing required in the building line.
Call and let us
figure with you.
F o r e s t G r o v e P la n in g M ill In c .
General Contractors and Builders
Council St.
Forest Grove, Ore
Begin Now!
The combined loss o f the farm­
D e l p h o s L odge N o . 36, K. of
ers, merchants and manut’actur-
P.—Meets every Thursday even­
| ers for one year was $1,518,000.
ing in K. of P„ hall. W. C.
As there are 3000 miles of roads
Shuts, C. C .; J. S. Buxton, K. of
in the districts, which could have
R. and S.
been kept in good condition for
$3000 a year, if properly con­
W a s h i n g t o n L o d g e N o . 48, I.
structed, in order to ascertain ^ O .O . F. —Meets Monday even­
what amount coulu profitably be ing o f each week. J. H. Shear-1
invested in good roads, the com­ er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor,
mittee deducted this amount Secretary.
from the total loss, leaving $1,-
200,000. Capitalized at 4J per
F orest R ebekaii L o u c i No.
cent or 5 per cent, which is more 44, I. O. O. F. Meets first, third
than bonds would cost, the prin­ and fifth Wednesdays of each
cipal i3 $22,000,000. If this month in I. O. O. F. Hall, Flor­
amount were invested in good ence Templeton, Noble Grand;
highways at $7000 a mile, the Margaret I. Mallory, Secretary.
district would still break even
on the investment..........................1 R osewood C amp N o . 3835—
Just as cheap railroad construc­ R. N. o f A. meets every first
tion was necessary at first t o 1 and third Fridays, ^ 8 . p. m.
make possible the spanning of Mrs. Dora Emmerson Oracle,
the immense unsettled areas tra­ Mrs. Marie Patton, Vice oracle,
versed by the transcontinental Mrs. Winnifred Aldrich, Record­
lines, dirt and gravel roads must er.
in many instances preceed water-
bound macadam or concrete, ev­
en where the present traffic is is receiving new goods every day
heavy. Isolated stretches o f high for the fall trade. Have already
cost highways are o f little more in a large display of new books
value than similar stretches by the most popular authors.
o f rock-ballasted, heavy steel Also a fine line of box stationary
rail constructed railroads would and pound paper. Call and see
have been. The great arterial us. H. R. Bernard Proprietor
The Approach of Spring
is the signal for greater effort
in all lines o f endeavor. Warm­
er and dryer weather means
greater activity in b u i l d i n g
operations. Now
Is the Time to Start
work on your new residence,
store building, barn or other
structure. When you are ready
to start
That New House,
get our estimates on all the ma­
terial you will require.
Willis-Place Lumber Co.,
F hone 024X.
So. A St., Forest Grore.