FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 2 FOREST GROVE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER \ 1913 P R E S S womans club. They should he the factors mak­ ing for municipal improvement; but how often the woman’s club spends the year with Chaucer in the medieval times, and the Commercial club devotes its year to the election of officers and Published every Thursday si Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon. the developing of a few pool or billiard sharks. Entered al the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. Let us take a look at the Grange and consider what an organisation copied after grange in S ubscription R ates in A dvance . The PRESS is always glad to receive communications iron its readers on either side of any subject. spirit, but adopted to the needs ot the town, One Year.....................$1.50 Six Months...........75 Cents would accomplish for civic improvement. In the first place the Grange is an organization of While we do not intend to straddle the fence, we will always give space to any sincere communication. P hone M ain 502. the O ffice on M ain S treet . rural people devoted to the betterment of It was hard to realize that people come the greatest factor in build- rural life. This includes tha men, women and | of such advancement could hu\ e iig up factories all over the State To sin by silence when we should protest children; it considers the work in the fields, the and keeping millions of dollars in Make cowards out of men, management of the house, the standards of the The human race has climbed on protest the State. schools and the mutual interests of all its mem­ Had no voice been raised That is a better protection to ed, it was not known th it the bers whether business, social or religous. It At;ainst|injustice, ignorance and lust. home prosperity than any tariff Hittites ever really had a king- aim is not only to increase the prices of their Further Ne v* from Turkey dom. The inquisition yet would serve the law, system ever invented. And guillotines decide our least disputes. land, alth it is one of the greatest value increas- “Buy and use the products of The few who dare must speak and speak again Interesting The grounds are so extensive, agencies known. It is not always looking for Gives an To right the wrongs of many. the home industry” is a better j that we could not linger long ov- Account —Ella Wheeler Wilcox. more money or more people, but it tends to its guaranty of prosperity than any er the balace, if we were to get own knitting and looks after the problems that othir slogan on earth, even a cursory view of the many needs immediate solutions. And at that, its In the issue of the PRESS two other places. So we wandered The retail merchant c n abso- WHAT IS THE Last Monday was a legal growth and developement during its short life weeks ago we presented a part on until we came to where there 1 tely shut out the big mail order holiday. It was Labor day, MEANING OF proves that such a method is not poor advertis­ of a letter written by Miss Cole, was an immense gatew ay serv- houses by keeping in stock “Made of course, you know that; LABOR DA Y ing after all. Why should not Forest Grove’s Turkey, to her parents, Mr. ing as an entrance to another ii Oregon” products and adver- but can you tell the why of reorganized Commercial club consist of the wo­ from and Mrs. of this large building, but so remote tise the fact, labor day, Is it merely a day when the labor­ man’s club as well as the men’s, and why should city. Below R. is M. the Cole, remainder of from the palace as to be quite Tell the home people that you ing man can quit work and go on a picnic, or both not work together for a better and inci­ the letter, and gives an interest­ seperate, about a half hours walk are making a specialty of keeping has it a deeper meaning behind it? dentally a larger city. ing account of Miss Cole’s ob­ apart. ; the products of their home indus- The meaning of labor day is growing with the servations in Turkey: These gateways consisted of tries in stock. Ask the home labor movement, and bids well to someday stand A MAT­ There seerns to be a gen­ A Turkish Bey or Chieftain, lions cut in high relief from solid paper to make this fact prom- for as much as any holiday now on the calender. SIMPLY eral misunderstanding in TER OF BUSI­ who owns in every direction, blocks of granite about 20 feet j inent, do your part in the adver- Rightfully understood the labor movement is regard to the proposed off­ NESS about as far as the eye can see, long and 5 wide. This whole rising columns and you will hold the natural reaction from the materialistic ten­ er of the Washington Ore­ is entertaining us in his spacious thing was way off on a distant the home trade against the world, dency of the past century. It recognizes the gon Electric company. Ending last Friday ev­ house. To be sure, it happens hill, so far away from the castle. The people take a pride in their universal brotherhood of man; its patriotism is ening this corporation for a period of 20 days that he himself is away for two that one can’t help but marvel a- home manufactures and in the not confined to imaginary boundaries. Its re­ has been furnishing the electric currant for all days, but the generous hospitali­ their discovery. * home merchant. When he ap- ligion is not formulated in any dogmatic creed. lights in Forest Grove in a demonstration to test ty is extended to us just the To the present villages these P *als to them in the home news- Its politics is not anchored to any father of its whether the offer of tw.i cants pyr killowat same. ruins simply mean good building p iper. principles. The labor movement in its broadest would prove a saving to the city. Biginning The harem is in a seperate build­ The only successful way to material, and if the stones were sense is the modern outcry against tradition. It with last Saturday the city will operate its own ing just back of the house, and fi ;ht the foreign mail order busi- not so immense, and the excava4 is the advocate of a life of reason rather than a plant and make a similar test for a period of this morning, we were invited to n -ss is to appeal to the patriotism tors’ eye watchful, great loss life of superstition. It does not condemn the days. If it costs the city more than two call on the young “harem” wife would result in the mutilating o‘‘ the people to uphold the home past, but demands more of the present. It con­ twenty to generate the currant, it is simply a bus­ of the “Bey.” industries and patronize the home link with the past. siders society as the whole of mankind; it de­ cents iness proposition to buv the electricity from the But going back to yesterday, this Reluctantly merchants. — Oregon Manufac­ we finally turned fines sociology as the science of the entire life of company. This will save the municiple plant with its very interesting experi­ our steps back to our headquart­ turers. mankind. Some of its advocates call this science from wear and tear, and will not infringe upon ences, before jumping into those ers, for after our nine hours religion, others socialism, etc., but ihey aim at the rights of the city in any way, for the com­ of today. Shortly after our ar­ “araba” riding, we didn’t feel Secr'-ta—' Or. rile In has addressed a the same progress. It is building not on the pany offers to deal on a basis of month to rival, we were served to delicious energetic enough for endless letter to Governor Goldsborough of Maryland, denouncing the action of past for the present, but on the present for the month. In addition Forest Grove would be fur­ coffee, we started tramping, the state officers In allowing a young with a 24 hour service, which is greatly out to see after the which future, and makes ample provision for growth. nished old Hittite ruins man convicted of tneft to escape pun­ needed. The matter will be decided on a basis i It requires more from the individual, yet gives of ishment bv sUcg in the United economy. for which we especially came THE COUNTRY MER- the social order responsibility for things that are States navy. lere. It seems that some twen­ CHANT’S SALVATION under its control. It believes that the normal ty years ago. an American trav­ THE CITY MAN­ The city of LaGrande is eler man is a righteous man, and that it is society’s AGER what was thot to Among O ther Things Is to Ad­ now considering the a- PLAN OF place to care for the abnormal, and prevent the GOVERVMENT doption of a plan of gov­ be the discovered remains of Egyptian build­ vertise in Local Papers & generation of abnormal qualities. It demands ernment which delegates ings. an equal chace for all. It considers the intelec­ the supervision of the city’s affairs to a board of Excavators were set to work to There are just three things to Successor« to men elected at large. These men hire a tual and spiritual, as well as the material, tho it three C. G. DANIELSON manager who personally oversees the entire find out, and the more they dug, be done to save the country mer­ advocates a more equitable distribution of business chant from extermination. the surer they became that the affairs of the city. The three commis­ material things. It is tending toward the so­ sioners pass ordinances, and deter­ ruins were Hittite and not Egyp­ 1. Build up the sentiment of cialized state, toward the federation of the mine the policy necessary We are prepared to do any of the city’s activities, but the tian. Many very old Hittite in- loyalty to the home merchant. world, toward the brotherhood of man. and entire executive department is left to the mana­ sciptions have been discovered 2. Trade at home by patroniz­ kind of Automobile, Motor­ who holds office at the will of the commis­ and now, a large share of an im­ ing the home merchant and ask whatever our views of its present worthiness we ger sions. initiative referendum and recall are should respect its aims, and endeavor to help it provided The cycle and Bicycle Repairing for and this system is expected to cor­ mense royal palace has been un­ for Oregon-made goods, to realize the goal of truth toward which it is rect the former prohibitive cost to small towns earthed. This was the summer 3. Let home merchants adver­ striving. in adopting a modern business system of con­ ; home of the old Hittite royal tise in the home papers that he trol. family, and these ruins date back keeps the products of the home A LESSON FROM We people who have WASHINGTON Washington county is cer­ to about the time of Abraham. industries. THE GRANGE chanced to crowd togeth­ AS BANNER tainly the cream of Oregon, These old buildings were made Shall the thousands of local er and by so doing have COUNTY (not simply becanse it pro­ with great slabs of granite and merchants be driven out of busi­ the greatest yield of what looks like marble. It seems ness cy the Eastern multi-mil- created the many towns and cities of this coun­ rich Jersey cream.) duces Its rich soil, and even cli­ as if they thot that nothing small lionaire catalogue mail order In a short time we will open try, and who so often envy the independent life mate unite with its thrifty in product­ or ordinary could be used for j house? That is a question that a First-Class Garage of the farmer, altho just as often try to advise ing the most diversified and farmers most valuable him how to better himself, can if we will, learn of anv section of its sizeanv where. Why crop not their kings’ palace, so the best is seriously engaging the atten­ great lessons from these same farmers, in many do a little advertising at the state fair this year that could be procured was gath­ tion of Congress and of several in the way of a real exhib t ind come away with ered and put into this gigantic states. ways the most successful class of citizens in the the pennant reading “The Banner County of structure. country; and by applying what we learn to our­ Oregon.” J The Granges, the county fair and As we wandered from room to The country merchant can be- L selves, it might happen that our own methods the commercial clubs should take hold of this could be made more effective. The town has matter and go out to win, if not this year, the roim, it gave me a feeling of be­ % S S H or should have its commercial club, and its next and from that time forever and ever amen. ing in touch with a remote past. G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N CU R R EY ED ITO R A N D O W N E R ROM THE PEOPL ANCIENT TEMPLE IS UNCOVERED HASKELL SONS Phone 306 Pacific Ave i r MOORE & DAVIS (Successors to Mrs. Williams) PACIFC AVE. Dry Goods and Our Stock of Groceries Groceries Fancy or^taple is Always Fresh You will never fail to find that our prices are right Leave a trial order now Cash or Trade for Produce ¿aq------ y ¡ I — M A S S . " Y U * ( A f - . . . . . ,- ™ ~ d . . , \ \ 1 j j 'S t IX IV Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association Of Forest Grove, Oregon H a r ry K Ib u w e*«ap<-o Hum llir .tlutteiiwau l> 1 , iiisuue asym iii aim n«al tu >■ « S M t Dr was caught ami nslged In the county JMII at Sherbrooke tj ocher HI* wife E v e ly n Neshlt th a w wild *he feared Th a w w ould get his freedom and that then "som ething d readfu l- would happen HI* en*e w ill come up la-fore Suprem e C o u rt Justice lim be nsk y at Sherbrooke on A u g 27. T h a w walked out ot a gate at Mattea a an asylum when the keei-ei opened It to adm it a m ilk wagon H e then was whisked aw ay an auto by confederatea T h e map shows the route ne took F ra u d s Hurton H a rriso n representative In congress from .New Vork. was appointed g overnor general of the P h ilip p in e » T h e first race between a hydi«aeroplane and a m uturbuat In Am erica took place at Chicago, when Oleo J Ja rtlu » water bird heal the fast motor Urn I M l lledaocw. _________ N ew s S n a p sh ots O f th e W eek In Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in The Bankers & Merchants *