Orenou Historical Society Your suggestion. criticism and cooperation is solicited to help make the “ Press” a true representative of all the people of Forest Grove and of Washington County. F orest G rove P ress The best developer o f a community is a progressive and representative news­ paper. Send the ‘Press” to friends whom you wish to welcome to this country. FOREST GROVE. WASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1913. Voi. 5 WILL EXHIBIT AT STATE FAIR w H - h . Myers Tells Interesting “PROHI” RALLY IS E x h ib it s W i l l d o PLANNED SEPT. 20 D o u b le D u t y MEETING TO BE HELD AT To Be Returned and Shown COURT HOUSE IN at Following County HILLSBORO Fair The whole county o f W ashington is cordially invited to an all day p.cnic and prohibition rally at Hillsboro on This Section Asks Granges, Com­ September 20th. Speakers o f national reputation will be present as well as mercial Clubs and All men well known in Oregon. - One of the chief attraction will be Capt. Chus. H. to Help Stanley o f Baltimore, Maryland, who is a converted comedian. Last year with only two weeks’ He has visited many o f the states of notice Washington County won fourth the nation as well as European coun­ premium at our State Fair, beating tries and people flock to hear him again Multnomah and Lane counties. This and again. season we are in the race for the blue The word has been sent out to bring ribbon. The hearty cooperation of our your families, sweathearts, children farmers, grangers, and city people will and baskets o f provisions. The court insure our winning first prize. The house and court house yard is the place. object in making a creditable exhibit is Every body will be welcome. to show the Missourian and all pros­ Field Superintendent o f the Prohibi­ pective investors and settlers that we tion forces, Lindley A. Wells has visi­ are active people, producing from the ted every post-office and almost every richest soil many varieties o f profit­ community in Washington county and able crops. We grow excellent fruits, has succeded in stimulating the voters nuts, grains, grasses and vegetables. ! to see the liquor traffic annihilated. A display o f the best o f these at Salem The local W. C. T. Unions are active­ will truthfully and effectively advertise ly cooperating with the Prohibition our county. Many products grown in Party in the present campaign for 1914, town, as well as in the country, are which is being waged for the election worthy to display. Look over your of men who will enforce the liquor laws, growing products, care for the best the adoption of a prohibitory amend­ and keep them for the fair. Omit ment for Oregon’ and the passing of no variety. Samples o f all kinds laws making the amendment effective. should be shown, i. e., turnips, ruta­ All friends o f temperance, home man­ bagas, parsnips, crarots, beets, salsify, hood, virtue and the flag are being urg­ radishes, six to twelve each; caboage, ed to unite in this endeavor. cauliflower, celery, horseradish, one to six; green and shelled beans and peas, Paving Praised by Experts. one quart each; potatoes, one peck or Last week a party o f paving experts half dozen; popcorn, sweet corn, field corn, dozen ears; wheat, oats, rye, visited Forest Grove to inspect the barley, buckwheat, one-half bushel; work o f the Linden Kibbe company in dried fruit in small boxes; fresh fruits, laying their bitucrete pavement. The apples, peaches, pears, quinces, care­ verdict given being that Forest Grove fully packed in boxes, or five o f each was getting the very best streets that kind for plate display; grapes, prunes, could possibly be laid. The party con­ plums, etc. Do not omit the large sisted o f I. N. Day, Harvey Mooreland, pumpkins, squashes and melons. The and Mr. Kerns o f the Oregon Independ­ season has been dry, so these products ent Paving company, Tom Herlbert, may seem smaller than usnal, but all ex-Portland city engineer, and Mr. districts are thus affected. Bring or Tate o f the Montague and O'Reiley send the best you have. Free of coat construction company. Walter Warren o f the Warren Con­ these exhibits will be sent and returned. The shippers will pay the freight ,to struction company also was in the city Mr. Warren stated that Salem, but when the products are : last week. loaded for return shipment the advanced their company was considering to bring freight charges will be returned by 1 suit against the Linden Kibbe company check to the shipper. Individuals may 1 for using their patented methods. It ship direct to our county manager, it hardly thot that any such action will L. D. Westfall, but it will be very con­ result however. The recent rains have caused a delay venient and save the individuals ad­ vancing any freight to collect the in the paving here. The company has products at Forest Grove, where your about eight days more actual work. local manager will attend to shipping and to receiving the products back Writer Make* visit again for the county fair here, thus Fred Lockley’ feature writer for the the pi oducts will be exhibited twice. Oregon Journal was a visitor in Forest Deliver in town by the 24th o f Septem­ Grove in search o f material for future ber, so all may be shipped on the 25th. atories. Report to H. T. Buxton or H. C. At­ well, who will advise as to the local Van Kougnet Goe* East manager and place o f collection. C. L. VanKougnet, the druggist, left this week for a business trip to Chica­ go. He was accompanied as far as Portland by his wife and daughter who are visiting friends in that city. FREIGHT CHARGES WILL BE REFUNDED j NEW SCHOOL BOOKS FOR OREGON LISTED Tales of Early Pioneer Days Not All of Which is Here Related No. 7 0. A. C. SCHOOL TOMORROW Capt. Meyers, whose son was recent- I l. ughed till I cried. The more I laugh- ly honored by President Wilson with an ed the madder Dad got. He said, a pointment as Postmaster o f Portland ‘Buck, I am going to give you the and who himself is very well known best licking you ever had in yeur life,’ thruout Oregon, recently gave the fol- and he started for the boat. He could lowing very interesting interview to have done it, too, if 1 had let him. I Fred Lockley, who wrote the same for kept poking him back with the oar. I the Oregon Journal. Mr. Lockley's ar- laugh till J cried and he got so mad he cried. 1 kept shoving him away till he tide follows:— W. H. H. Meyers, father of Port­ promised not to lick me, and I thought land’s postmaster, fives in Forest I w uld never have a better chance, so Grove. He is as fu 1 of humor and dry I poked away till I made him promise wit as an unbroken eggshell is of some more things he would never con- Recently I called upon him at his home sent to before. When I let him climb in Forest Grove. In answer to my re- on the boat he was about tuckered out, quest to tell me something about him- and our sow had got discouraged and self, he said; quit trying to climb on the log and “ Say ,son, I can tell you a lot o f floated down the river. That ended mighty interesting things about myself the partnership o f "D ad” ar.d 1 Buck.” and the other pioneers, but you would- “ I went up to where St. Johns is now n’ t print them, and if you d d 1 would located. There were two houses there have to hide for a spell. The things then, about half a mile apart. Jimmie you will print aren’ t near as interest- Johns, who gave St. Johns its name, ing as the ones you won’t print, but I lived in one of the houses and old man will tell both kinds and you can sort Loomis in the other. The Stumps and them out for yourself. Gatens and Widow Ransom lived in Prof. K. N. Staehr Has Sold ” 1 v;as born in Howard county, Mis- that neighborhood, too. Old man Loomis souri. In 1852 1 came out to California had a double log cabin. There was a Over 300 Pianos With­ with Major Bradley. There were 20 of store in one part and they rigged up out a Loss us. We had three wagons and about the other part for a school and hired 400 loose cattle. Mighty few of the me as a teacher. I had four o f Widow younger generation have a very clear Ransom’s children and some others. iuea of the six month’s trip across the “ When old man Loomis was away on Receives Notice of Record in plains. Just for example, did you ev­ a peddling trip I had to wait on the New York and Portland er hear how the immigrants used to store as well as teach school. Old man cure the saddle sores or sore shoulders Loomis was a fine old chap. He was Papers o f their mules and horses? A mule one of the best singers at the camp- would get a sore on its back, the flies meetings, and that gave him a fine w,ould get at it and proud flesh would stand in with that crowd. He also was K. N. Staehr, of Forest Grove, has form and it would be torment to the one o f the best poker players in the animal. We took a frying pan and country, and that gsve him a fine stand received notice, due to a very unusual heated bacon grease till it was boiling in with the other crowd, so he got ’em business record, in the New York hot and then poured it in the sore. The coming or going, and haci all the trade, “ Music Trades,” and also in the Ore­ maggots would come out a squirming “ Jimmy Stevens took up a claim on gon Journal. The following is taken and the boiling grease, would -kill the I the east side o f tire river where Fast from a clipping In the Journal: “ As an indication of Washington proud flesh. The magpies used to fight Portland is now located, while Tommy, on an animal with a sore back and pick his brother, settled on the west side. County prosperity, Prof. K. N. Staehr at its raw flesh. I have often taken In those days old man Stark and old says he came to Forest Grove a few my rifle and shot at them as they sat man Morrison and a lot o f people that years ago with a stock of fine pianos picking away on a horse’s or an ox's your Portland streets are named for and a liability of $400 o f borrowed ! money, and now he is celebrating the shoulder. Generally I hit the magpie, were living in Portland. but wi,ether 1 killed the bird or animal “ I was married in 1863. I married occasion of having sold Bince then over it didn’t go to waste, for we would eat Jane Stott, a sister o f Judge Stott. 300 new pianos. To show the reliable­ them. Yes, that's right. I ’ve helped We have had 12 children. Two of ness of the people of his county he eat both magpies and mules, and have these were twins, a boy and a girl. states that although he has sold a great been mighty glad o f the chance. The girl died and the boy is now post­ many o f these pianos on long time and “ When our oxen got sore feet we put master in Portland. All o f our children on installments, never in all that time, grease or tar on their hoofs and cut up were born on Wapato Lake on our farm. but once, has he had to take back an in­ our saddle leathers to make shoes for We moved to Forest Grove and sent strument on account o f nonpayment or them. I ’ll pass by our trip across the them to school at Pacific University.” for any other cause. He says he haa never teen compelled to go to law in plains, you have heard all that before, Ratii g I eai go Organize the way of enforcing a collection and “ I came up from California to go to National Waihington County Merchant*. that every customer he has ever dea.t wo k for my cousin, old man Bybee, who had a place on Sauvie s island. P. S. Bonesteel, representing the with, except one, haa made payments Another young fellow and myself National Rating League o f Chicago, as agreed. “ It is admitted by business men gen­ bought s lot of potatoes o f Captain has been getting the cooperation of the Jess Walker. We bought all of his merchants of this town during the erally that in this record is contained hogs, too, paying him a bit a pound week in compiling their Red Guide the most forceful advertisement of the liv.- weight. You have heard the pio- number o f Forest Grove generally prosperous condition and also neers talk about the high water that merchants have joined the league and the high citizenship of Washington year. It washed our spuds away and will furnish names for this credit re­ County and Forest Grove. Mr. Staehr you could row all over the fields we had port, which will be published by the has been a loyal adherent o f Eilers our hogs in. We got a boat and went League in the near future. No mutter Piano House and the Eilers Piano in­ out to see if we could save any o f them, where one may move, the merchants in struments and calls to mind the time They had all floated away but one big ^ e town selected for the future home when he bought his first solid carload sow that had her front feet on the butt may get a fine on your reputation for of pianos through them for spot cash. end of a log that had lodged in the paying your debts by simply referring Prof. Staehr maintains a standing ad­ brush. “ Dad” had me row close to, to the “ Rating Report and Credit vertisement in his home papers, making a liberal off« r to anyone who can show the hog, and just as he was about to Guide” the league publishes. lift her in he fell out. First the sow Each merchant wifi send all debtors him a dissatisfied customer, and this, would come up and then Dad. Dad notice before allowing their names to together with the record o f only one came up at last, blowing water like a be published in the next issue of report piano taken back in 314 sales, is an­ purpoise. Dad didn’ t appeciate the giving all a chance to escape being other significant showing o f this enter­ prising and successful business man.” joke. I' was lictter than a show, and published as poor pay. eng. W e lfa r e S c h o o l o f R e a l V a lu e O. A. C. Will Hold Two Day»’ Session in Verts Hall AFIERN00N AND EVENING MEETINGS A Little Change in Program as Announced Last Week weather conditions EASY COLLECTIONS are Although very unfavorable, reports say the 0 . A. C. traveling gen­ SHOW PROSPERITY that eral welfare school is being well attended in Hillsboro. This port­ able college will arrive in Forest Grove tomorrow for two day’s free instruction. The lectures will be in the afternoons and evenings, and the exhibits will be open Saturday morning. The place o f meeting will be in the Verts hail. E. J. Cummings, o f the Oregon Social Hygiene Society, will speak to men Friday evening at 7:30, and to men and boys Saturday evening. The entire conference will deal with problems o f inter­ est and importance to the people of Forest Grove. Town improve­ ment. pure food and water, health, social hygiene, and other vital subjects, will be discussed and illustrated by means o f ex­ hibits and lantern views. SUMMARY OF TAX ROLL GIVEN OUT Washington County’s Valua­ tion Over Eighteen Million HILLSBORO, O r.- Assessor Max Crandall haa returned the following summary o f the 1913 assessment for Washington County: T liable land, 111,460,007 a cre s ..................................... $ 7,424,175 Nontillable, 347,869,318 acres . 5,689,175 Improvements on deeded land .................. .................. 1,484,965 Town and city lots................. 894,845 Improvements on same 803,815 Improvements on land not deeded 14,565 Stationary engines and man- facturing machinery............ 177,780 Merchandise, stock in trade, .......... 888,80# Farming implements............. 167,715 Electric fight plants 14,845 Water plants............................ 9,000 M oney...................................... 21,310 Notes .............................. 50,260 Accounts .................... 11,600 Shares of sto ck ...................... 181,692 Horses, 6940........................ 351,645 D O Y O U K N O W W H O IS E X E R C IS IN G Y O U R P O L IT IC A L P R E R O G A T IV E S ? Mules, 173 ............................... 9,385 308,2(5 The PRESS takes pleasure in announcing to its readers a very This contest is to bring attention to the many public officials, Milch cows, 10,802.............. 43,; 61 unique contest, beginning today and closing Wednesday evening, to whom we have delegated our political duties. We believe it will Younsr and beef stock, 3367 Sheep, 4113............................. 9,9t0 September 10th. prove interesting as well as being instructive. Goats, 5205 2,505 Swine, 2753 For the most complete and nearest correct list o f all offices and the present holders whose author­ 18,365 Dogs, 876 6,475 ity extends over Forest Grove, federal, state, county, city, etc., we will give a handsome dictionary, Autos, 114 41,865 100 neatly printed visiting or business cards, and a two year subscription to the PRESS. Libraires .................... 4,100 For the second best list we will give 100 visiting or business cards and a one year subscription to Hotel furniture, billiard and the PRESS. poolroom fixtures, office, barber shop and picture For the third best list we Will give a one year subscription to the PRESS. show furniture, etc........... 16,915 givjn for your knowledge o f who represents you in the Rails ami cross ties on un- various departments o f this great republican government used right way............... 6,565 \ etc. W H O AR E T H E G O VER N O R S O F FO R EST GROVE? Books Adopted for the Next Six Years, Grades and Prices The new State Course o f study for the elementary grades has been issued by J. A. Churchill, Superintendent of public instruction. The course has been revised to suit the arrangement and contents o f the textbooks, adopted this year, by the Oregon textbook commission. Following is a list o f textbooks used in the respective grades o f tba^uhlic schools. Fnafc>(p»de: Sloans Primary Reader, Begin your list at once and mail it not later th m V ednesday. first bw*lL%2'>; Wheeler’s Primer, .25 Wheeler's First Reader, .25. September 10th. Send them in as early as possible. Second grade: Wheeler's First Read­ All officers whether judicial, idministrative or legislative, who er .25. Wheeler’s Second Reader .35, have any authority in or represent Forest Grove, either in them­ Writing Lessons for Primary Grades selves or thru subordinates, will be entitled to a place on the list. (continued on page 5.) Three PR IZES Three PR IZES of Total................................ $18,102,882 Thi» Contest is Open to All --Professional men, business men, teachers, women voters, how near complete < an you make this list? The public service lorp .ration tax, to be fixed by the state board, will total Watch out, or some of your children may prove themselves better more than $2,000,000, thus making the poste I. We do not ixpect to receive a single comple or correct list. total roll in the sum o f more than If you make only a partial list, se id it in ; nyway. $20, 000, 000.