Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 28, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
B uilding R oad —
Another road roller was sent
out festerday to the Cornelius-
Forest Grove road, and rock will
i be laid with zest from this on.
The road will be completed at
once and then when you want to
go to Gaston or Gales Creek you
will have good footing for your
vehicles. — Argus.
prepare the other things. The
supper was seived in the beauti­
ful alder grove just across the
creek at Dr. Geiger’s camp. A
large table was set for twelve.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Lillie and two sons Frank
and Hardie, Mr. Eiker, wife and
daughter of Portland, Mrs. N. C.
Lilly and daughter o f Gales City,
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Geiger and
Miss Constance Geiger.
«*4 »
«e *
trout were served to turn and a of Missouri, who are visiting in
Mrs. Rose Olmsted entertained grand and glorious time was en­ this city, autoed to Hillsboro
.a number of friends last Thurs- joyed by all.
Saturday, the occasion being the
, day at a silver tea. An enjoy-
fourth birthday of Mr. Morris’
! able time was spent by all,
great - grandson, Everett Mc-
Mrs. Jane Smith and Mrs.
_ _ _ , ,
James Clark, entertained their
Mrs. R. C. Carlyle enterta;ned friends at a siIver tea Tuesday.
C ongregational services —
her Sunday School Class, at
Rev. D. T. Thomas o f the Con­
her home last Friday. Refresh­
gregational church will preach on
Out for a Good Time.
ments were served and the girls
“ Sons o f Light,” Sunday morn­
On Sunday a number of people
spent a pleasant afternoon.
ing. The evening pulpit will be
journeyed out to Gales Creek in
v * ***>
filled bv Rev. Merril Ennis, who
their automobiles to spend the
Mr. EHetn Mowe and Miss Lil­ day. Those present were: Mr. will give an illustrated lecture
lian Moon gave a very fine en­ and Mrs. D. M. Allen, Mrs. on his work in Africa.
tertainment at ihe Christian Doan, Mrs. Secour and son Ed­ H ero of F ire -
Church last Tuesday night con­ win, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Powell
The hero o f the recent fire at
sisting o f readings, violin solos, and sons Clement and Douglas, Sheridan Joe Samet, a former
vocal solos and duets, in which and the Misses Eleanor LaRue resident o f Forest Grove is the
Mr. Mowe was assisted by his and Mamie LoomK
proud possesor o f a handsome
broth r.
Mr. Mowe is well
and chain pre­
known in Forest Grove and many
Last Friday about fifteen boys
were the compliments he receiv­
from a
and gi Is gathered at the l ome
e d from old lime friends who
o f Miss Margaret Me Feeters, on
were quick ti note the wonder­
C street, and enjoyed a very N ew R esident —
ful improvement both in voice
pleasant evening, at the close o f
This week a deal was made
and rendition since he went to
which all partook o f a delightful through the Oregon Land Com­
study at Eugene, Oregon where
spread of ice cream and cake.
pany whereby Mr. Soren Peter­
he is fitting himself for ihe min­
of McMinnville bought the
istry. He will always be a wel­
o f Chas. Hatfield lo­
come visitor at I orest Grove.
Surprise on Anniversary
cated on Seventh street in the
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds east part of town. Mr. Peterson
Fishing Party at Banquet.
were surprised on their 45th recently sold his farm in Yam­
Last Saturday at the Ed Lilly wedding anniversary by immed­ hill county and wishing to retire
camp on Upper Gales Creek above iate frien Is and neighbors, at naturally came to Forest Grove
Glenwood a fishing party was their home in Forest Grove. to locate for the future. Mr.
, made up o f Mr. Eiker, of Port­ Two children
present Peterson is the father of Chas.
land and Ed Lilly and his tv o A. K. Reynolds and family of Peterson who bought the Lam­
sons. They succeeded in catching North Plains and Jessie Reyn­ bert place last spring.
* 78 fine trout. When they weie olds. All had a delightful time
dressed it was agreed among gifts were received from friends S t . A nthony P arish J ournal -
Father Buck will soon begin
i themselves that they should have here and also from
of a journal for his
a fish banquet. Mrs. Geiger and friends in South Dakota. The
This will be issued
Constance were, to fry the trout supper consisted of cream chick­
several other
and Mrs. Ed Lilly to cook and en salad, hot buiscuits and coffee.
' "mthlys.
F a th e r
Buck will write the editorials
and other-matter, and he expects
that it will he a source o f a
great deal of good among his
people. Its Circulation will be
Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Hines, Mr. and
( Mrs. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs.
Hoar, Mrs. Gordon, Misses Fran-
■ cis and Minnie Myers, Mr. and
Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hines,
and Willie Golf, all journeyed in
their different cars to Buxton
Sunday to enjoy the day and get
some fresh air.
•T raded F or M c M innville F arm M other
R ide
S alem
dies —
Mrs. Hiebel, mother o f Frances
and Adelaid Hiebel who have
resided in the Grove the past
year, died at her home in Water­
loo, Wisconsin, just weeks after
the girls arrived home.
B ack F rom H ills —
Rev. Blackenbury and family
of Salem who were camping with
Dr. C. E. Geiger and family of
Forest Grove at Glenwood, re­
turned to their home at Salem
last week,
Mr. Blackenbury
was formerly the M. E. minister
at McMinnville. News Reporter
C urtis A ddition -
E. J. Sperkler sold two and
one half acres in the Curtis ad­
dition to William Berger, o f Trv-
mont, Indiana. It is most prob­
able that Mr. Berger will locate
here. The sale was made by
W alter Rosewurm.
T hree L eaf O ak I nstead
D eer —
Last Sunday Blain Hoskins and
H. T. Gilmore spent the day in the
neighborhood of Soda Springs
in the endeavor to fulfil many
promises of venison steaks. Mr.
Gilmore is suffering from a se­
vere case of poison oak which
be got on the trip.
S. D. A. H olds P icnic
Sunday, the members o f the
Seventh Day Adventist church
gathered in the little grove west
o f town for a picnic. The morn­
ing was spent in playing games
by b th young and old. At noon
atoounteous spread was served
under the trees to which each
one did justice. In the after­
noon a few more games and a
program was provided consisting
of solos, duets and recitations.
J. A. Nethery ind family, W. R.
Beatty and family both o f Port­
land and a number from the
P assing T hru the G rove —
Joseph Samet spent Sunday in
churches with their friends from
the Grove visiting old friends.
the city were present to enjoy
Mr. Samet is employed in the
the day.
clothing store of J. M. Morris of
Sheridan and was on his way to
Miss Bula James o f Logan,
Portland to purchase goods for is v isiting her sister Mrs. Harvey
the same.
Baldwin of this city.
Last Sunday a party o f Harry
Hamilton, Roy Fogel. Fred Da­
vidson and Gene Smith made a
motor cycle journey o f about 150
miles taking in Salem and slop­
ing for the night at Yomhill.
They returned early monday K ansas P eople B uy L ot
m trning.
The Good Investment company
this week to Mr. Hogue of
T o B uild H ome
one o f the Ed B«>os lots'
Mr. Durham of the Philippine
feet, east front, one of
Islands, who bought a lot on Pa­
lots in the city for
cific avenue from J. M. Barlier.
is preparing to build a home.
B uys
FOREST GROVE BARS X-RAY nia, writes, "I stand on our
street* and feel asham • I o f my
Mayor of Smaller City Follows sex. —Oregonian.
Lead Set by Portland.
• • • • • •
• • • •
> • • • • •
Notices Growth
And now the X-ray skirt is ta­
booed in Forest Grove. Mayor
Albee yesterday received a letter
from Mayor Sanford o f that city
announcing that Forest Grove
Not B othered by M exicans — would follow the example o f the
D, H. Myers of this city re­ Portland executive in prohibiting
ceived a letter from his daughter the'Wearing o f transparent dress-
Mrs. N. J. Sorenson, who is re- es on the streeis.
siding in Mexico. Mrs. Soren-j “ Your example,” writes May-
son says that the mail arrives on or Sanford, will have a moral in-
time and they are not disturbed fluence to help all the towns in
with conditions there. She says our state to put a stop to immod­
it would seem good to be in For­ est dress. I shall follow your
est Grove though.
example in Forest Grove ”
Mayor Albee yesterday receiv­
F our G enerations —
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris of ed a number o f letters of con­
this city and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. gratulation on his X-ray edict.
Walston and daughter, Miss Etta One woman in Antioch, Califor­
Larte Crowd go to Buxton.
Last week a deal was made
through the Orevon Land com
ipany and t^e Walter Rosworm
firm whereby Mr. Reed who
/lives east of town in the Hughes
‘¡addition, traded his house and
•acre to Mr. Kelsey for his 12
acre farm located east o f Me
Mr. and Mrs. I etoutier have
from Portland to take
Buillding activities in Fvpest
kitchen and garden
Grove continues unebatsd an I
over a score o f new dwelling at the Sanitarium.
houses are in course o f cos stn
tion. The past week John Her
m a n , a recent aarival from
California, purchased a lot olx
100 feet on North Main street
from Thornburg & Haines, and
having a brick garage erected
Mr. Hermans is a practical me*
chanic and will install equip
ment for an automobile gar a ;e
The basement for the npw three
story building that is now being
erected by the First National
Bank is nearly completed and
work on the superstructure will
begin in a few days.
Mrs. W. C. Hines has left the
,ho pital feeling much better.
Mrs. Walter B irke has left the
hospital much improved.
Richard Bush is able to sit a
few hours each day.
Mr. Tupper is nearly able to
leave the hospital.
Mrs. Grady is slowly recover­
Miss Anthony who has nursed
at the hospital lor the past
month left Tuesday for Palo Alto,
California, to reside there.
For Sale—Brood sows and pigs.
Inside on Gilmore's Stock Food
at Goodman and Ruggle the one b< st, used by hundreds
G irl W anted —for general house
Ranch one mile south o f Gaston. of Oregon farmers.
work phone 754.
The number is 692. The Peo­
for general F or S ale : flock R. I. Reds also
ples Market, The Home o f Qual­
house-work, best wages. Tele- lot fifty by one hundred on ity and Square D' al o all.
phone 0455.
4th Avenue. Mrs. P. M. Daly, i
corner 4th Avenue and second 290 shirt waists, valued to $2.59
are listed at $1.00 each at B ail ­
W anted —Young pigs, phone Street Whitney House.
eys ’ B ig S tore . This week only.
1047, Marv R. Sorber,
Commercial and Miscellaneous
Sewing machine extras and
W ood W anted — The P ress
Mr. Lee Alexander, the expert needles for any machine made,
desires U
to > s secure several cords of sewer digger, announces he is
both Oalf
tlf a
and Fir wood to apply ready to take contracts ditching. for sale at Stoehr’s Bazaar.
on subscription, advertising, or
Staelir’s Bazaar carries an em-
job work.
The talk o f the city. Almost mense stock of the latest music
three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ and sells at 5 cents, 10 cents and
Board and Room
and Gents’ Shoes just received at 15 cents a copy.
Board and room at the Walker The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf
place, 3d Ave., North, between
The Peoples Store is receving
The increase in business at new up to date goods daily.
A and B Street Phone Main 367.
Van Koughnet & Reders, drug Dont forget to see the many
store is due to Prompt Service, bargains at the Peoples Store
For Rent
Courteous Treatment and Cheap Hillsboro,
F or R ent , small house, Ed. Prices.
Men’ s work shirts all colors
Naylor, phone 0185.
New shipment o f ladies and and prices at The Peoples Store
gents silk hosiery, just received Hillsboro.
F or R ent —light house keeping at The Peoples Store Hillsboro.
room. Close in nice for girls or
You will do well by calling us
boys in to school from country.
up before VfJU sell your beef,
Call at Press.
The new school-books are now veal, mutton, and pork. Hills­
for sale at Staehr’ s Bazaar.
boro Mer. Co.
F urnished R ooms — Two furn
The largest
assortment of
Kidney truoble is particularly
nished rooms for rent suitable for
ever showed in to be dreaded because its pres-
light house keeping; Apply at
No. 20, 3rd Ave. South.
5tf I Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples ence is not usually disovered un-
Store Hillsboro.
til it has assumed one of its
worst form s—diebetes, drobsy,
For Sale or Trade
Anything in the line of paper or Bright’s disease.
If you
F or S ale , T rade or L ease — at Staehr’ s Bazaar.
suspect that your kidneys are
splendid eight
room house,
affected, by all means use Hollis­
It taken just what you feel as
modern in every way, well lo­
ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea—the
cated with respect td the State though you were going to be sick great systemic cleaner and reg­
University and the business sec­ you will never know what serious ulator.^—Vankoughnet & Reder
tion o f the city, located in Eu­ illness is. It purefies the blood,
gene. Will sell at a bargain or drives out disease before it gets
tradjt* for Forest Grove property a foot hold; such is Hollinger’s
We will have the very best
or close in acreage, price $4:500 Rocky Mountain Tea.
$1.500 down or terms. Address
on about August, 30th
Box 635, Forest Grove for par­ other so effective and sure. 35 at the Lowest Possible Price;
cents Tea or Tablets. —Van
, .
Crawfords, Elbertas, and Char-
koughnet & Reder.
lotts, Oregon grown, direct to us
F or S ale Oak library table,
from the grower. Leave your
leather rocker, body brussels hall
carpet. Ingrain arch square, lace gains in pianos, organs, and sew- order now. For satistaction and
curtains, all in good corn! ition. ing-machines at Staehr's Bazarr quality phone 061, Schultz Pure
Postoffice box 441.
terms to suit.
Food Marken and Grocery.
200 Shirt Waists reduced from values up to $2.50
Entire stock listed for the week at $1.00 each.
Are forced to make room for shipments of Fall Goods.
John E. Bailey
Forest Grove