THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1S13 FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 6 ^ Æ t T h e T he FOREST GROVE Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County - - J. N. Hoffman Altorney-at-LaU) $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 E Q U IT Y A N D PR O B ATE O N L Y P r e s id e n t JOHN E. B A IL E Y - V ic e P r e s . W . W . M cE L D O W N E Y - C a s h i e r H. E. FERR IN, a s s t . C a s h i k r T. G. TODD - D ir e c t o r J. W .F U Q U A - D ir e c t o r Round Trip Excursion Rates to THE SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR Tickets on Sale Sept. 13 and 17 To Spokane $ 1 5 .9 5 and Return Return Limit, Sept. 2 3 One Week's Carnival of Kingly Sports U. S. Troop Maneuver«, National Indian Congress, Poultry. men’s Convention. Derby Day, Custer’s Last Stand, Polo • Games, Water Carnival, Music by 72nd Seafoith High­ lander’s Band, Big Races. Quickest and Most Comfortable Route is Via “The North B.nk Road"—Line of Superior Service Limited Trains Day and Night J, E. Farmer Forest Grove, Ore. R. H. Crozier, A . G. P. A. Portland, Ore. I H. T. G I L T N E R ’ S "TH E QUALITY STORE” Staple and Fancy Groceries The very best at the Right Price f ! ! (1 Phone 701 GENERAL SOUTH M AIN STREET FOREST GROVE [jj rii Store for Good Goods. W e are here for Good in our new home in K. of P. building Our Present Great Reduction in All Piece Goods is Attractiug much Attention. You will find a Big Bargain in All W ash and W oolen Dress Goods. ft Let Us Put Our Shoes on Your Feet. 5 0 Pairs of Men’s and W omen,s Shoes at less than One-Half Price. W e Must make Room for our Fall Goods. HOP PICKERS Should get Our Prices Before Purchasing Their Supplies. B. F. P u r d y ........................ Prop. Forest Grove, Oregon Y’anKoughnet & Reder, the Rexall Drug Store is building up a large business because they sell good goods cheaper, and are glad to have anything returned that is not what the purchaser desired. Hillsboro, Ore. CH IC AG O BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES u u r (lomsponoents .* A \ V ï V V n .\ * v \ V V i l \ Purdy’s Phone City 384 Rooms|4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. O FFIC ES N E W YORK A N D S Dr. D. W . W ard Dr. E. B. Brookbank Physicians and Surgeons pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m., Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. 22 First Ave. N o'th Forest Grovs J. A. Parker superintendent. Ind. Phone 502 Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Communion and preaching at 11 Forest Grove, Ore. a. m.; Christian Endeavor 7 p. Mark B. Bump m., Kennard Dixon, president; D R . C .E . W A L K E R Attorney-at-law evening sermon at 8 p. m. Week day services: Officers and South o f Court House Osteopathic Physician teachers’ meeting on Tuesday Hillsboro, Ore evening 8 p. m .; chorus drill, Treatment by Special Appoint* Mr. George Jackson, leader, each ment Only Wednesday evening: prayer ser­ Hollis & Graham vice each Thursday evening; A llomeys-at-LaW the ladies of the church meet H. W . Vollmer, M. D. each Wednesday afternoon at Physician and Surgeon Forest Grove, Ogn. 2:30; the C. W. B. M. meets the Office in Abbott Bldg. first Tuesday afternoon o f each Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. month; the board of officers meet E. B. Tongue, on the first Monday evening o' Jlttorney-at-Law Ind. Phones each month. A cordial invita District Attorney. C H U R C H NOTICES. tion is extended to all to share ir Hillsboro, Ore. W . Q . Tucker, M. D. these services. (For all churches who hold regular services in this city. The proper authorities are requested to Physician and Surgeon S t . A n t h o n y ’ s C h u r c h : Rev. Dr. E. J. Crowthers send in their announcement early each week.) Calls answered promptly day or night J. R. Buck, pastor. Services: Physician and Surgeon Phone: Office 271, Residence 282. S e v e n t h D a y A d v e n t i s t : Third Forest Grove: Mass on the Calls answered day and night Office in Jackson Pharmacy Street. Regular services of Sab-; first and fourth Sundays of the bath Day, 10:30 a. m. Sabbath month at 8:30 a. m .; Mass on the Cornelius, Ore. Dr. H. R. Kauffman School; 11:30 a. m. church servi- second and third Sundays of the Physician & Surgeon Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building ces. Missionary meeting Sunday ' month at 10:30 a. m.; every week W . B. C O O N , V . S. Phone Main 0131 evening 8 p. m. Prayer meeting day at 8 a. m. Benediction with O ffic e o n 1 st S t . Forest Grove, Ore. Wednesday evening 8 p. m. A sermon every Sunday 7:30 p. m. Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. cordial invitation extended to all. Cornelius: Mass on the first Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ erinarian, I wish to notify the public R. M. Erwin, M. D. Sunday o f the month at 10:30 a. F ir s t C o n g r e g a t io n a l : Rev. that I am prepared to answer all calis, Physician and Surgeon D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible | m .; Mass on the second and third day or night. Tamiesie Bi ilding Sundays of the month at 8 a. m. Phone Main 95 F o r e s t G r o v e , O re School 9:45 a. m., Morning Wor­ 3d and Main Sts. Gaston: Mass on the fourth ship 11 a. m., Junior C. E. 3 p. Hillsboro, Ore. m., Intermediate C. E. and Y P. | Sunday o f the month at 10:30 a. m. (Note: A fifth Sunday in a A c r e T r a c t s in Sun Set S. C. E 7 p. m., Evening S 'r -j S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. vice, 8 p. m. Thursday mid-wk j month occurring, the time and Addition to Forest Grove place for the masses will be an­ Physician and Surgeon prayer meeting. Visitors aie to be sold on terms. W. W. nounced.) Catechism: In For­ Delta Building heartily welcome. Ireland, Hoffman Building est Grove on Friday at 3 p. m .; Hillsboro, Ore. F i r s t M e t h o d i s t : Hiram Gould in Cornelius on Saturday at 4 p. pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Confession: Saturday at 4 Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. m., Mr. Schramel, Superintend and 7 p. m. Altar Society: A W . P. D YK E Physician, Surgeon ent; Preaching Services 11 a. m., general meeting of the society Attorney-at-Law and Osteopath Epworth League 7 p. m., Even will be held on the first Wednes­ ing Preaching Service 8 p. m., day of January April, July and Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Bldg Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Prayer Meeting Thursday even- October. Sermons are always in Forest Grove, Ore. Hillsboro, Ore. ing. All are coidially invited to £]nvtlish at both masses on every these services. Sunday, Lv ryone, regardless THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. ADVERTISING BY THE F i r s t C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h : First f ere>d, is cordially invited to and Third street, J. B. Holmes, 11 services. Physician and Surgeon Minister Holmes o f the Chris­ tian Church found a very appec- iative audience last Sunday even­ ing when he gave a sermon on the Prophecies o f Daniel, illus­ trating the address with splen­ did stereoptican pictures. He announced that he would use the lantern quite frequently from this on. An illustrated song is on the program for next Sunday night when he will speak from a large chart on “ The Apostolic Church.” Last Sunday nights’ audience was the largest he has addressed since coming to Forest Grove. COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS J . A . TH O R N B U R G H AND B U SIN E SS D IR E C T O R Y N A T IO N A L B A N K C A P IT A L SU R PLU S DEPOSITS P R O F E S S IO N A L W . M. Langley & Son J ob W ork , done properly and on time at the P r e s s office. Satisfaction guar a n t e e d and prices right. Lawyers Forest Grove, Ogn- •.\v.v.v.v.\v.v.v.*.*.*.v.v.v- Miss Ella Sundimier has pur­ *1 s chased a new piano. :j SEGHERS NEWS NOTES !♦ a v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. Mr. Edward Peal is visiting his uncle Mr. George Eeal. (Too I ate for Last Week) Hop picking will scon begin in Mr. J. 0. Cummins and wife, this section. Mr. J. H. Cummins and family, Mr. George Beal has contracted Mr. George Beal ar.d family, and his hops to Mr. Miller of Port­ Miss Elsie Tupper took a trip via land. automobile to the coast o f Tilla­ Mrs. J. H. Cummins was a mook visited both Gariboldi and Forest Grove visitor, Tuesday Netarts beaches. They report making the Press office a pleas­ the roads excellent and had a ant call. fine trip. Mr. William Gettleman was in Miss Ella Sundermier spent Sunday in Cornelius with friends. , Forest Grove this week. The Ladies’ Sewing Society Mr. Harold Robertson is visit­ ing his sister Mrs. J. H. Cumm­ has disbanded for the summer months. ins. W. R. Nevel and George Beal Mr. W. H. Hisler and family, and Mr. H. Temple o f Portland are hauling rock to complete have gone on a trip to the coast of their private road. Tillamook. Mr. Nevel will soon have a Mr. and Mrs. John Dethlefs village o f his own when his con­ and family who h ive moved to tractors complete their work. Portland will camp on the old Willis Baird is doing lathing at place and pick h ps for Geo Beal Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Temple are visiting Mrs. Temple’ s sister THE BOOK STORE Mrs. W. H. Hisler. Hoppickers is receiving new goods every day Wanted hoppickers for Bu­ Henry Sundermier has been chanan yard. Fifteen days pick­ on the sick list, but is able to be for the fall trade. Have already in a large display of new books ing. Cabins furnished campers. up and doing some work. by the most popular authors. City water free. Wagon to and Mr. John Cummins has been A b o a fine line o f box stationary from Forest Grove. Leave names busy harvesting his grain this and pound paper. Call and see at the Bazaar or at my farm.—J. : week. us. H. R. Bernard Proprietor A. B u c h a n a n . SURVEYOR UNDERTAKI NG Embalming rnd Funeral Directing FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. J. S. Buxton, Manager Phone No. 6 4 2 Forest Grove, Or. All kinds of survey­ ing and maping. Subdivisions a spec­ ialty. H. B. GLAISYER, Hoffman & Allen Bld’ g Phone 806 Forest Grove, Ore. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B o a r d Geo. Mizner L. J. Corl H. G. Goff W. H. of D ir e c t o r s : T. W. Sain W. K. Newell John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson Hollis E. W. Haines