FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 4 ^ Pure! A party of young folks spent Sunday in Portland, among them were: Buleah Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ferrin. Mr. and Mrs. William Weitzel spent the week end in Portland. Mr. R. M. Stevens returned Sunday from a three weeks visit with his daughter at Lodi, Calif. Jim Baldwin and son Vern, On a hunting trip in the moun­ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Munkers, tains Mr. Stevens and friends and Roy Snaringer returned to shot five deer. their homes in this city after re­ Dr. Strictland of Oregon City cuperating at Tillamook. called Sunday to see his sons who Roy Burnsworth of Portland are visiting their grand-father spent the week end with home W. H. McEldowney of this city. folks. Mrs. Anna Haan and daugh­ Mrs. L. S. Porter and grand­ ters, Stella and IJorence, of children are home after a two Monmouth, formerly of this city, months' visit with her son on visited here over Sunday. Gales Creek. Mrs. John Boyd of Cornelius Miss Nina Fuller of Boston, stopped in the Grove Tuesday on was visiting at the Penfield her way to Cherry Grove. home the past week. Several young people from H. N. Penfield of Portland Buxton, Orenco,' Hillsboro and was visiting at the Penfield home several other surrounding towns the past week. past thru the Grove Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Beal and Mr. and Sunday on their way to the and Mrs. Frank Bestern and Christian Endeavor Convention sons o f Tillamook visited in the at Gaston. Grove last week returning to Miss Margaret Hinman was a Tillamook I» Friday in their auto Hillsboro visitor the past week. with' Mrs. Chas. Stokes. Raymond Blair returned to Mrs. L. Shogren has returned Minneapolis after an extended home from a two weeks’ visit with her son, 0 . L. Shogren of visit with home folks. Cornelius. Mrs. L. C. Misz and son Don­ ald visited at Carlton Saturday, where Mrs. M. S. McNutt gave a recital, Donald taking part. Miss Julia Shotwell returned Monday from a short visit at the Bennett home in East Gaston. While there she was delighted with the Walnut and peach orch- ar I on the Withycombe place and brought home some excellent samples. 85c; rhubarb 1 to 2c a pound; | egg-plant, 6 to 7c a pound; corn, ! 15 to 20c per doz; peas 5 to 6c a ! pound. Wool Hops Etc. ________________ _____________ 1 " ■ Wool—Eastern Oregon, 10 to Among the people who were 16c a pound; Valley. 16 to 18c. Hops 1912 crop, 15 to 18c; con­ re^,f*ere<* at tbe Hotels this week were. tracts, 18. Laughlin Mohair—1913 clip, 30 to 31c C. H. Grain and son of Port­ pound. land, F. Chest of Portland, L. E. Livestock, Portland Yards LeGarie of Portland, J . F. Bar- Cattle—steers, prime, $8 to dette and wife of The Dalles, E. 8.35: good to choice, $7 to 7.50; F. Hoskinson of Portland, J . S. common to fair, $5 to 6; cows, Bolderic of Portlan I). W. top, $7 to 7.35; fair to good, $6 Watson of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. to 6.50; bulls, $4.50 to 5.50; stags E. P. Hogue, Multnomah. H. L. $5 to 6; calves, $8 to 9. Anderson, Portland; G. R. Baker Hogs—Best, $9 to 9.30; com­ Portland; A. F. Kostin, Buxton; mon to good, 8 to 8.75. A. E. Badge, Portland, Mattie Hannon, Buxton, D. W. Watson, Y /A vgA v.v,v.v.v.vr.ssm » Tacoma, F. Chest, Portland, S. F. LeGarie, Portland, E. F. Hoskinson, Portland, J . F. Bur- d^tte- Portland- J - s - Boldric, ^ 0I^ aad’_^; Dawley, Denver, T. E. Manning, Portland. Forest Grove (Open to all organizations holding: reg u lar m eet­ A T T | FRATERNAL j! DIRECTORY David Mobley, John Sain, E. G. Mo Katz Dallas Texas, M. M. Lewis Beaverton, G. Nod Port­ land, G. W. Pierie, Portland, I). A. Mobley, Portland, Geo. H. Temple, Portland, J. M. Daine, Portland, L. W. Moore, San Bdn’oo, Col., W. W. Amburn, Mrs. L. L. Brenaman of Los Portland, Ethel Amburn, Port­ Angeles is visiting her aunt and land, E. P. Hogue and wife, uncle, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. La Portland. Course in this city. Bain Hoskins made a business Mrs. Frank Jones has returned trip to Portland and took in tht home from Portland where she circus last week. spent a few days visiting friends. Mrs. Irving Phillips and two children left for Philomath last week for a visit at her former home. THURSDAY. AUGUST 28. 1913 W HOLESALE PRICES Grain, Hay, Flour, Etc. “An ounce of preventati/e is Bring us your kodak work miy worth a pound of cure Hollitser’s size film developed 10 cents. Rocky Mountain Tea has been Forest Grove Studio. 2tf “ preventative for thirty years. Nothing so good to keep you well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets.— Vankoughnet and Reder. The GOODS The Real Test Is To Try this modern bak­ ing powder with the 2-powe>- units. We mean The SE R V IC E To serve you best is our policy. To please you is our endeavor. In service we excel because we take unusual means to pro­ vide comfort, convenience and satisfaction in p v p f v df-al. C re s c e n t B akm g | P ow d er l ings in th is city .) H olbrook L odge N o . 30. A. F. & A. M.— Stated communica­ tions first Saturday evening of each month. All visiting Masons welcomed. J . W. Hughes, W. M.; H. C. Parker, Secretary. We certainly have them—any­ thing you could want that any drug store carries. The qual- is good—we look out for that. The assortment is big. The prices are right—very fair. Its action is two-fold. One unit partially raises the dough and the other holds the raise insus-| This is the logical place to pension until the food is baked. trade because you get what Your money back if it is not want and you know is right. Do all your drug store trading satisfactory. at 2 5 c per Pound. Ask Your Grocer The DRUGGIST Littler’s Pharmacy THE PitESCRIPTlON SPECIALIST Crescent Manufacturing Co. Seattle, Washington Phone 901 «il J a m e s B. M a t h e w s , Post No. 6, G. A. R .—Meets first and third Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m. in K. of P. hall. Ciias. Knapp, 1 ^v.::ii!!i:ii.,ii!;:iiiimu:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiu;mu;imiuiu!a!!i;iii!|;lllll>l llll,lll||»iiinai;iiH uiniim ittaiiiB niiiiui»uiiiiiim B — üi— m n ir t ^ . È.' â Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Com­ 1 A C O M P L E T E A N D U P - T O - D A T E L IN E O F % mander. W o m a n ’ s R e l i e f C o rps N o . 11. — Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 2 p. m. in K. of P. hall. Louise Butler, President; Sophia Smith, Secretary. NEW FALL MILLINERY I Wheat—Track prices: New club D elphos L odge No. 36, K. of Mrs. 0 . L. Kennedy and 80 to 81c; bluestem, 83 to 84c; Is N ow On Display al TTAe P.—Meets every Thursday even­ daughter who have been visit­ fortyfold, 80 to 81c; red Russian, ing in K. of P. hall. W. C. Miss Ruth Austin is now home ing with her sister, Mrs. Olm­ 78c; valley, 81c. Shuts, C. C .; J . S. Buxton, K. of from an extended visit to Sea­ sted, have returned to their home Flour Patents,$4.70; straights R. and S. in Portland. side. $4 to 4.10; exports, $3.55 to 3.65; amtuuiiianuiuuiiuinitini atamnBitsaaiimiiawmamMmBMmmMnMM Mr. Ed Boos and wife visited Valley, $4.70; graham, $4.60; Miss Hazel Barker left Sunday W ashington L odge No. 48, I. for an extended vacation at his parents at Scoggins Valley whole wheat, $4.80. O. O. F. — Meets Monday even- If You W ant the New Things, W e H ave 1 hem Sunday. Rockavvay. H ay-T rack Prices: Idaho tim- ing of each week. J . H. Shear- Mrs. J . S. Buxton is visiting _____ othy- $17 to 18; Eastern Oregon er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor, Guy Stockman and wife and * W ith the services of our expert trimmer, we will still continue Npwnm t thi« timothy, $15 to 16; alfalfa, $12 to Secretary. Miss Hazel Stockman have re- her parents at $13; grain hay, $10 to 11; clover our policy of “A H at That Suits” at a price that suits turned from their trip to Bar- j week. $9 to 10. F orest R ebekah L odgs No. Vlew- , Miss Irma Quick returned O a ts-B e st white, new $24 to 44, I. O. O. F. Meets first, third Miss Mary Stockman and little Wednesday from a weeks vaca- 25 per ton. and fifth Wednesdays of each I brother William Henry are visit- tion to Barview and Tillamook, Barley—Brewing, nominal new month in I. O. O. F . Hall. Flor­ ing at Hillsboro with their grand- Miss Elhel Joy returned Mon feed, $23 to 24; rolled, $26.50 to ence Templeton, Noble Grand; I Two Doors V/esi of the Forest Grove National Bank parents, Mrr and Mrs. Henry Ljay f rom an extended vacation 27.50. Margaret I. Mallory, Secretary. Herrington. SH O R B BLDG . P A C IF IC A V E . ! at Gearheart. Millstuifs—Bran $24 to 24.50 R osewood C amp N o . 3835— ; Mr. Elias Smith, of Shenan­ Mrs. J. J. McDonald of Alba- per ton; toiddUngs, $30 to 31; R. N. of A. meets every first i njiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !ti!iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ti nuiin ¡muni'' ■ ^'I iiiiiiiiiiiii doah, Iowa, is visiting Mr. W. J. ny and Mrs. M. Saltmarsh visit- shorts- $26 to 26.50. and third Fridays, at 8. p. m. Good of this city. ed over Sunday at the home of Butter, Eggs, and Poultry. Mrs. Dora Emmerson Oracle, Miss Addison of Independence Mr. C. A. Littler. Mrs. McDon- Country Dressed Meats Pork Mrs. Marie Patton, Vice-oracle, who was head trimmer for Mrs. aid is on her way to Alaska. fancy Uc to 12c; vea] extra 14c. Mrs. Winnifred Aldrich, Record­ Loinbaid has returned to help President and Mrs. Bushnell to 15c; heavy, 10c to 12c. er. with the fall season of millinery. J were week end visitors to Alba- Cheese—Fuil Cream, twins and Richard Spring who has been ny. triplets, 17c to 17ic; Young TRAIN SCHEDULE working at Astoria has returned Lawyer Graham and family Americans, 18 to 18Jc; cream arriving and we take pleasure in making the statement G iving C o rre c t T im e of th e A rriv al and to this city and is visiting at the m0ved la t week into their* new brick> 22c: Swiss block- 24c that for Quality and Prices They Cannot be Surpassed. Blank home. Butter—Oregon creamery cube D e p a rtu re of A ll F o r e st G ro v e T ra in s residence on North Main Street. 32c per. pound. Francis Taylor has returned II. F. Price has again return­ OREGON ELECTRIC Poultry —Hens, 14 to 15c: broils from his summer at Goodnoe ed to his old home town after a and fryers, 17 to 18c; ducks, • L v P ortland A r F o r est G rove Hills, Washington, where he has year of school in Philadelphia. young, 10 to 12c; geese, young 6 :4 5 a. m. 8 :0 5 a . m . been working in the employ of 8 -0 5 a. m. 9 :2 5 a. m . Mrs. Hoahn and daughters 8 to 10c. his uncle, W. A. Rice. 10:25 a . m . 1 1 :4 5 a. m . Florence and Stella, who are now Eggs-Oregon ranch, case count 1 :2 5 p . m . 2 :4 5 p . m . Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor living in Monmouth spent the 25 to 26c per dozen; candled 29 3 :4 5 p. m . 5 :0 5 p . m . went to Oswego Lake Saturday past week in the Grove visiting to 30c. All wool suitings, 56 inches wide, per yd - $ 1 .7 5 6 :4 0 p . m . 5 :1 5 p . m . to attend a picnic of University old friends. 6 :3 5 p . m . 7 :5 6 p. m . Crepe de Chine, in colors, light blue; Copenhagen, Fruit* and Vegetables. of Nebraska graduates. 8 :3 0 p . m . 9 :3 5 p . m . cream and black, 40 in wide, per yd $ 1 .6 5 Mertroe Hollinger left Tues­ 1 1 :4 0 p. m Fresh Fruits -apples, new, $ 1. 1 2 :4 5 p . m . The Misses Helen Bishop and day morning to spend his vaca­ Empress messaline, 40 in wide, per yd $1.00 Zola Kirry returned Tuesday tion working in Gills book store 25 to 2.25 per box; pears $1.50 to L v F o r e s t G r o v e • A r P o r t l a n d 1.75 per box; cantelopes, $1.25 to 6 :1 0 a . m . 7 :3 0 a. m . New plaid silks for waists, 40 in wide, per yd - $ 1 .65 from a week’s outing at the of Portland. 6 :4 5 a. m . 8 :0 5 a. m. 1.75 per crate; oranges. $4.50 to breakers. Brocaded silks in lavender, blue and brown, 36 in 8 :3 0 a. m . 9 :5 0 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Otterson $-50 Per box; blackberries, $1.25 wide, per yd - 1 0 :3 5 a. m . 1 1 :5 7 a. m. $1.65 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wilson, are the proud parents of a baby 1° 1.35 crate; lemons, $8.50 to 1 :0 5 p . m . 2 :2 5 p. m . Mrs. Francis Wilson and Mrs. R. We also have just gotten in a nice assortment of girl, born August 16. 9 50 box: pineaples, 8c per pound 3:40 p. m. 5 :0 0 p. m . A. Dawson of Albany are guests Ladies’ and Men’s Mackinaw Coats in the latest grapes $1 to 1.75 per crate; 6:00 d . m. 7 :2 0 p. m . at the home of Mrs. Minnie Bab­ Mrs. W. F. Powell and sons peaches. 40 to 75c per box: plums styles and colors, ranging in price from $ 7 .0 0 to $ 1 0 .0 0 8:06 p. m. 9 :2 5 p . in. er this week. Douglas and Clement of Port­ 75 to $1.25 per crate; watermel­ 9:45 p. m. 1 0 :5 0 p. m . •Jefferson Street Station. land are visiting at the M. S. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bernard ons, $1.50 to 1.75 per hundred. left Tuesday for a business trip Allen home this week. Potatoes -New Oregon, $1 to SOUTHERN PACIFIC Remember Our Premiums and to Portland. Dr. Martin spent the week end S1 25 per hundred; sweets $2.50 L v P o rtla n d A r F o r e st G rov Bargain Departments — They to $2.75. Julia DeMon spend Sunday in in Forest Grove. 7:15 a. m. 8:40 a . m. tu n u • „. .. Vegetables - Cabbage, $2 to 3:30 p. m. 5:32 p. m. Portland visiting her sister and Mean Money to You -:- Will Names, who now resides 2.25 percwt; peppers 10c at 15c a 5:40 p. m. 6:58 p. m. friends. ^ .nP ortbn d drove o u tin h .s c a r ^ u nd; garlic. 7 to 8c a pound; L v F o r e s t G r o v e A r P o rtla n +6:40 a. m. 8:00 a. m. Florence Temhlelon spent the Saturday to return to Portland cucumbers. 35 to 50c a box- acti­ 10:20 a. m. 8:24 a. m. v e 'k end in Portland. with his mother and sister, Mr. choke*. $1 to 1.25 do?en; toma- > 10.-00 a. m. • • *8:40 ». m. Geo. Handcock spent Faturdry R *‘nei mother has been very toes 50 t0 75«. ^ j)0X. green 6:20 p. m. 4:38 p. m. in Portland sn btia'ne'«. P0 i beans 2 to 3c per pt; celer •Sunday only tDaily except Sunday % AT § H O P MRS. L. I. LOMBARD new f all hoods Our New Fall Dress Goods are Now We Have Used Great Care in Making Selections and it will be your advantage to see these before buying Some of the New Arrivals are: A. G. HOFFMAN & COMPANY I