Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 28, 1913, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Hawke’s Add to Gaston $450.
J D Rode and wf to Angle C Jones
lot 6 , blk 1, Valley View Add to For­
est Grove $225.
George J Hauschen and wf to Geo
By order o f the County Court o f W ashington
S Fairchild lot 9, blk 10, Pattison
County, Oregon.
. ....
and Moran's 1st Add to Hillsboro $300
D, B. REASON ER, County Judge.
t h , Ju, tice Court for Forest Grove
F P Drinker and wf to D C Rog­
District, Washington County, Oregon
ers southerly 75 ft lots 9, 10, blk 25,
Furnished by the Wilkes Ab
North Plains $10.
J. H. Velie, Plaintiff,1
Mary L King to Myrtle H McCrady
»tract Company of
; S ummons
N. B. Hall and Charles
5.755 acres in A Hill DLC, No 42, 2
E. Hall, defendants. J
S 3 $805.70.
To Charles E. Hall, one of the above
Feed Mill will run every
E 1 Kuratli et al to Louis Kempt
named defendants, Greetinir:
day in the week.
and wf part of lots 7 and 8 , blk 22,
In the name o f the State o f Oregon,
your are hereby required to appear and
Transfers for period from Aug. 5 to Hillsboro $1800.
W holesale and Retail
answer the complaint filed against you 18 inclusive, 1913.
j j e Parmley and wf et al to W B
in the above entitled action, on or be­
Andrew E Ward to William Long, m unford 100 by 50 ft in S<4 of NVV)4
Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground fore the 25th day of September, A. D.,
1913, said date being six weeks after lot 12, blk 2, Myer’s Add to Keedvlll I sec 31. 2 N 3 $10.
Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked the
first publication o f this Summons. Homes $10 etc.
I Ellen F Scott to Ross W and
Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole If you fad to appear and answer, the
Archibold McGill and wf to Rufus Merle M Reder iot 8 South Park Add
Wheat and Corn, Middlings and
relief prayed for in the complaint filed u Sampson and wf lot 10 Crest View, to fo re st Grove $300.
several kinds o f Hard Wheat herein, which is for a judgement in the $10 etc.
| J D Rode and wf to J H Cog&n and
Herman Metzger and wf to R L wf iot 13 blk 2, Valley View Add to
Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, sum o f sixty-five and no-100 ($65.00)
Dollars, attorneys’ fee in the sum of
Eberman lot 6 , blk 55, Metzger Acre Forest Grove $350.
Hay and Vetch Seed.
twenty-five and no-100 ($25.00) Dollars,
I Otto Siedelman and wf to H W Em-
together with interest provided for in Tracts $475.
Give us a call when in need.
C P Kruger and wf to E N Stroup I erson iot o, blk 4. Valley View Add
the instrument sued upon, and for his
costs and disbursements herein.
and wf N W ti of SW*4 sec 34, 2 S 2 to Forest Grove $125.
lud Phone 50x
Forest Grove, Ore
You will please take notice ihat thi.
Henry Butts and wf to Joseph H
summons is served upon you personally $10 etc.
J S Flint and wf to Ernest E Lyons ‘ Peabody EVi of SEV* see 13, 1 S 5
with a certified copy o f the complaint,
pursuant to the terms o f an order in lot 12, blk 10, Pattison and Moran’s $2900.
the above entitled action, made by the First Addition to Hillsboro $25.
James R Williams and wf to W W
above named Court, by the Honorable
Frank A Coffin and wf to B Lee McEldowney tract in DLC of William
W. J. R. Beach, Justice o f the Peace
for Forest Grove Distrlst, Washington Paget lots 3 and 4, bik 1, Myer’s Add Beagle and wf sec 3, 1 N S 4 $10.
County, Oregon, on the 14th day of to Reedville Homes $10.
Wilbur W McEldowney and wf to
August, A. D., 1913, requiring that
O T Teaney and wf to
William James R Williams 3 % of NH lot 2.
publication be made at least once a
week for six consecutive weeks, in the Sporlosky 45-100 acre in sec 3, 3 S blk 10, Forest Grove $10.
j Jessie F Eaton and hus to Herbert
Fo:est Grove Press and requiring that 1 $3500.
the first publication be made on the
Ruth Realty Company to F P Drink- Gordon E% of SW>4 and W & of SE
14th day o f August, A. D.. 1913, and t-r lots 9 and 10, blk 25, North Plains 14 sec 15, 3 N 4 $1.
the last publication on the 25th day of
Thomas R Williams to Mary A Wil-
September, A. D. 1913.
Fred Wesch ct al to Ira McConnell naln8 NW% of SW)4 and SW 1-4 sec
W. J. R. B each ,
Justice o f the Peace for Forest Grove, 20 acres in sec 35, 2 S 1 $10.
12, 2 N 3 $1 etc.
Justice of the Peace and Constable,
Archibold McGill and wf to Thomas
william Dees and wf to Laurence
District Washington County, Oregon.
J Quirk et al lot 13, Crestvlew $10.
Shanahan lots 12 to 22 inclusive, sec
B r a d le y A. E w e r s ,
John Samuel Flint and wf to W J 15, 1 S 2 $10 etc.
Attorney for plaintiff.
John K Buehler and wf et al to C
Suite 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Reamy and wf lot 10, blk 10, Patter­
son and Moran's 1st Add to Hills­ E Korn SE)4 o f NWV4 and NV4 of
Portland, Oregon.
boro $1100.
S W \ i of NE& sec 34, 2 N 2 $10.
James P McFarlane and wf et al
C E Korn and wf to John E Bueh-
to Iva Heskett NW$4 o f SWÍ4 sec 2, ier 314 of SE% of NW% and NW 1-4
Meeting of B-ard of Equalization.
2 N 4 $1400.
of SE(4 of NW(4 sec 34, 2 N 2 $1500. |
Cor. 5th Ave.
James Hoy admr to Anna Margaret
W J Wellborn and wf to Hettie
and 2nd St.,
county, Oreg'-n: Notice is hereby giv­ Rubendall 3 acres in sec 32, 2 S 1 R Wills S 2.535 acres of W % o f 1()t
en that the board of equalization of $1600.
55, Beaverton-Reedvllle Acreage $250.
Forest Grove, Ore.
Washington county will meet on Mon
O W Olson and wf to R B Haltock
Hettie R Wills to W J Wellborn and
day, September 8 th, 1913, at the court
house in Hillsboro, in Washington coun­ lots 23, 24, 25 and 26, blk 13, Pine- wf N 1 acre of W % of lot 55, Beav­
ty, that being the second Monday in land Terrace $10 etc.
erton ReedvilleAcreage $1 etc.
September and the time and place pro­
Archibald McGill and wf to F L
Andrew Miller and wf to Albert
vided by law, to publicly examine the
assessment rods of said county for Wood lots 5, 6, and 7, Crestview $100. Hodges lots 10, 11, 12, blk 4, Sim-
1913, and correct all errors in valuation
Herman Metzger and wf to Fred mon8 Add to Hillsboro $1475.
aid description or quantities o f land, & Jessie Peters lot 1, blk 49, Metz
Anton Meeuswen and wf to United
lots or other properties and it is the
duty o f all persons interested to appear ger Acre Tarrger Acre Tracts $500. ! Railways Company 0.29 acres in NW
James Baldwin and wf to Annabel *4 sec 5, 1 N 3 $1.
at the time and place appointed, and if
it shall appear to said board of equaliza­ Sparkman tract for road, in sec 15,; A J Booth andwf to Fred J Epler
tion that there are any lands, lots or 1 N 4 $30.
tract In sec 32, 2 SI $1.
at the
other property assessed twice or in the
Anabel Sparkman to David Keck
A J Booth and wf to 'Harry R Hart
name o f a person or persons not the
A ls o !jr tract sec 32, 2 3 1 $1.
owner o f the same, or assessed under VV^4 of SW(4 sec 15, l N 4.
or beyond its value, or any lots, land or tract for road $10.
H Humphreys and wf to C
other property n >t assessed, said board j William B Lousignont and wf to Shaw part of blk 9, Naylor’s Add to
100 for $ 1 .25
of equalization shall make the proper
Elizabeth W Sargent 5 acres in secs Forest. Grove $950.
2 5 0 for $ 1 .7 5
7 and 8, 1 N 4 $950.
M a x C r a n d a l l ,
P P Kirsch and wf to L B Conger
for $ 2 .25
Assessor, Washington County, Ore­
A W Marks and wf to Kennneth . nd wf 5.zS acres tit DLC of Michael
.VI Robb lots 22 and 23, blk 3, Gar- Moore and wf, 1 S 2 $4250.
j den Tracts Add to Hillsboro $10.
Ealy Buell and wf to Henry Lages
Roy A Watkins and wf et al to NV4 o f (lots 1 and 2, blk 2, Hillsboro
I.eonard VanLoni and wf 10
acre $1 etc.
tract in sec 7, 1 N 3. Also 30 acres
Ludwig Nitchmann and wf to Fred
in DLC of Archibald Wilks and wf Meyer strip 2 rds wide along N line
. $10 etc.
of SE(4 sec 19, 2 N 2 $50.
Michael Genzer and wf to The Bag-
Jennie A Miller and hus to Henry
I ley Co timber on S% of NE% sec 21, Huber 5 acres in 2 N 1 $10.
We have the best equipped
5 N 4 $1500.
outfit in the county.
Anna Biscar and hus to Oregon Re­
I R B Coleman and wf to Ernest E alty and Trust Company NW)4 sec
£ g j r Brick, Stone and Concrete Work
Lyons and wf lot 11, blk 10, Pattison 24, 3 N 5 $10.
Phone 876 Foresl Grove, Ore.
and Moran’s 1st Add to Hillsboro $10.
J T York and wf to Andrew Lyall
Let us figure on your work.
C E Specht and wf to Annunizlata e-t al lot 6, Wheeler’s Subdivision in
I Merlo et al lots 1 and 2 blk 6, Beav- James H McMillen and wf DLC 1 S
i erton $10.
2 $10 etc.
Ernest Bru to Herbert E Rideout; Hibernia Savirgs Eank to C
and wf lots 13, 14, 15, Frewings Or Brubaker and wf lot 8, and
Spend August at “Nature’s Playground’’
shard Tract $3800.
] 19, Ash Brook Farm $10.
Title and Trust Company to Myra
Charles L Baker and wf to Allen
.1 Glincs 6.53 acres in se< 3 3 and 4. G and LeVerne W Ollnger lote 5,
1 N 2. Also certain rights o f way 6, 7, and]8, blk 3, Reedville $10 etc.
Charles L Brubaker and wf to Em-
A C IXiley and wf to Albert A Dul- pire Investment Company lot
ey 10,000 sq ft in sec24, 2 S 1 $1.
and E(& of lot 19, Ashbrook Farm,
A D Orr and wf to G I. Orr and ’w f $2845.
40 acres in sec2, 3 S 1 $10 etc.
A R England and wf to A M Ham­
Nt-w hotels with every modern accommodation, cozy cottages
Adolph Schumacher and wf to H J mer lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, blk 7, Pat­
and camping grounds at nominal cost.
The trip down there
Groff and wf 36 acres in sec 25, 1 tison and Moran's First Add to Hills­
N 2. Also 9 acres in sec 36, 1 N 2 boro $10.
W Hammer and wf to A R England
Through the Virgin Forests of Tillamook County
W A Shaw and wf to H W Adrian lot]8, Newton Acres $10.
Is one that should not be missed.
WV4 of lot 330, Johnson Estate Add
Lulu Worsham and hus to Penn R
o Beaverton-Reedvllle Acreage 10 etc Watson lots 11 12 13 and 14, Beaver
| Albert L Sloop and wf to J E Dick- Acres $10 etc.
Tw o Daily Trains— Chair Buffet Car Service
son right to use spring and grounds
W V Wiley, trustee to A C McDon-
on the afternoon train
! surrounding same. In SE>4 sec 23, 2 aid lot 35, blk 15, Garden Tracts Add
| N 3 $10 etc.
to Hillsboro $10.
Sarah A Desklns to R E Deskins
John and Frances Pearson to Wal­
E ti o f NW(4 and N '.j of NE)4 sec ter A Wasem lot 6, blk 2, Sherwood
132, 2 S 2 $1200.
Acres $1000.
from various points on the Southern Pacific
Tualatin Mill Company to
Emily M Odell Showers to C L
; Matsumoto lot 10, blk C Tualatin & Rhoby A Perry tract in blk
Grove Tract; $20.
Forest Grove $950.
Splendid fishing along the Nehalem and Salmonberry rivers,
to Garfield
F V Dingman to The Dlngman Co
- Jesse
i,n'- b Clarke m
u wf
wi w
as well as on the briny deep.
W Boynton £ e (4 o f S W (4 and 8 W- H bit In NE(4 sec 2«, 1 N 6 $ 10 .
44 sec 11 and NW!4 of NE 1-4 sec
Abigal Scott Dunlway toWilkie C
; 14, 3 N 5 $10.
j Dunlway, as Trustee S W (4 of Jthe
Call for our new folder “ Tillamook County
R W Fisher and wf to Edith G NEVi sec 4, 2 8 1 $1.
Beaches,” it contains full information, or con­
Fallenlut and H W Ripley lot 4. Alex-
Mary Haselkamp and hus to Har-
sult with any S. P. Agent.
ander Acres $1800.
Ian P Gardner A Alfred C Olsen 20
J H Bettis and wf to Addle S Kim- acres in sec 10, 2 8 1 $10.
ble 50 ft. o ff of South side o f lot 14,
Thomas F Skeham 'and wf to Harm
j blk 2, Thorne’s Add to Hillsboro $100. J Westermann and wf West 4 seres
Louis Wilcox and wf to Dudley S of lot 6 , 'and all o f lots< 7 8 9 Tual-
'Vilcox 2.71 acres in sec 17, 1 S 4 1 atln Gardens $8000.
General Passenger Agent
. $275.
i Mary A. Lane to C W Redmond lot
Portland, Oregon
T 1. blk 5, Oak Grove )Add to Hlllsbor»
Í C E Hawke and wf to Glenn
Stapleton et al lots 4 and 5. blk 3, $400.
». t I
N o tic. i . t h . Public.
N otice ii hereby iriven that the Ion* Bridge »J .
i T / t m i n n n
•eroe* Dairy Creek. W e»t o f HilUboro, will b e . * | P f » 1
cloeed to irattic a fter Tueaday, July 15th, 1S13. !
I . I M l A I .
ll I I
I I I . I*, i l
from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. o f each day until th ere
“ “J « ■ * “
llV r
1 I V U U
pair* on the same are completed.
i% 8 S 838 S 888 S 8 S « 888 S 88 SS 8 S 888888 S 88 SSSSS!j 8 SS 88 S 888 b
Forest Grove = ,
Steam Laundry
W ood,
Cold Storage
Notice. •
W o rth K n o w in g
A few reasons why Van Kough-
nel & Reder can fill your pre­
scriptions, family
The Sunrise Grocery will pay
cash for all
farm products,
Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork,
the best market price paid and
all goods sold at the bottom
price. Pacific Avenue at Third
street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­
receipts and
We have the largest and
best equipped drug store.
2nd. Many years’ experience
enables us to know how
to fill your prescription
and formulas with ex­
actly what they call for.
Destroy lice and
vermin of ail kinds
Security L ice Killer
Kill flies with
Your doctor is pleased
to have us compound his
Buhach P ow der
WHY? because our store stands
for reliability and accur-
K eep flies away
from stock with
Dr. Roberts Fly O il
R E X A L L Store
Van Koughnet & Reder. Inc.
Pacific Drug C o.
Forest Grove
Oreg on
and Ice.
Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked
Every Day.
sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents
Free delivery to all parts of the city
Pacific Avenue,
Forest Grove
How About
Contracto r
House Moving
and Repairing.
New House
The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc.,
General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath
cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing
All finish lumber kiln dried.
W e make a
specialty of house building and carry a full line of
sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­
thing required in the building line.
Call and let us
figure with you.
Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc.
General Contractors and Builders
Council St.
Forest Grove, Ore
Tillamook County Beaches
Low Season and Week End Fares
The Approach of Spring
is the signal for greater effort
in all lines o f endeavor. Warm­
er and dryer weather means
greater activity in b u i l d i n g
operations. Now
Is the Time to Start
work on your new residence,
st( re building, barn or other
structure. When you are ready
to start
That New House,
get our estimates on all the ma­
terial you will require.
Willis-Place Lumber Co.,
Fhoae 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove.