FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 21. 1913. Mrs. Harriet Cheadle has re­ the groom is engaged in the liv­ mones, spoke of her work in that field. Other members on the turned to the Crove after a short ery busines. program were: solo by Miss Cole, ■Sr' S* ***> visit with her brother, John Rice and a song by the Misses Lela of Varley. The Briggs family of Oak Hill and Edith Moore. Sew for Brady Children. entertained the Groveland club Mrs. D. Wilson nee Carrie On Tuesday of this week the Saturday. About twenty were The County Christian Endeav­ Austin left for home in Wasco, Ladies’ Working Band of the or convention will be held at present and all enjoyed them­ Oregon, after a two weeks visit To T ake A gricultural D e p t — B oost for O regon - Seventh Day Adventist church selves. Gaston next Sunday. Rev. En­ H. Roland Glaisyer, who gradu­ While out driving on the Green­ with home folks in this city. nis, a missionary from Africa, met with Mrs. James Baldwin to C < i ated from the Oregon Agricul­ ville road this week our repre­ will attend the convention and Mrs. W. H. Barker was called sew for the Grady children of tural College last June with a sentative stopped at the H. F. to Portland last week on account Cornelius, whose mother is at The Maximum class of the deliver an illustrated lecture on very good standing, has accepted Gordon farm. In conversation, of the illness of her nephew. Methodist Sunday School held a the work in foreign field. hospital in this city. ***► a position as instructor in Agri­ Mr. Gordon said that he had very delightful meeting Tuesday OH* Master Harland Emmerson cut culture in the Enterprise high come to Oregon from Illinois in evening on the banks of Gales The country home of Mr. and Campfire Girls to Meet. school. Mr. Glaisyer has spent 1880. He purchased a farm near his finger off above the first Creek. Beans and Frankfurters Mrs. E. H. Martin was the scene of a very pretty wedding last the Summer at Dufur, Oregon, Hilisboro that year, living there joint, Monday while playing The Campfire Girls will meet (?) were heartily induged in. evening at 8 o’clock when their with a lawn mower. Dr. Brook- getting actual experience and for eight years, when he bought with May. Olmstead at 3 o’clock daughter, Martha, was united in ideas of farming in that section. the place where he now lives. bank dressed the finger and it is on Wednesday, August 29th. The subject for next Sunday’s marriage to Glen Wagner, Rev. He is to leave for Enterprise Mr. Gordon said, “ In the thirty getting along nicely. Refreshments will be served. service at the Congregational Gould officiating. The decora­ ***> three years that I have lived O. Forsberg, of Gaston, was in next week. church will be morning, “ Temp­ tions were of roses and asters. The bride was attired in a charm­ here there has not been a day the city Tuesday. A marriage of interest to For­ tation and the Way Out;” even­ ing white gown and carried a bo- S upreme A dviser H ere — The Supreme Medical Adviser that I have ever been disappoint­ J. S. Hatch, of Scoggins Val­ est Grove people occured in Port­ ing, “ The Two Talent Men.” quet of bridesroses. The groom Rev. Ennis will not speak in the of the Homesteader Lodge was ed with Oregon.” Pretty good ley, was in town Tuesday trad­ land last week, when Miss Mabel evening as announced, having wore the conventional black. boost for Oregon when it comes ing. Terry and Gussie Smith were postponed his lecture in order to The attendants were Miss Flora in town the past week. who wore a pale blue from a man who was born in joined in the holy bonds of mat­ attend the Christian Endeavor Tinchede, Ed. Stevens, of Timber, is vis­ gown and carried a boquet of D illyites H ave P icnic — Ohio, lived in Illinois and march­ rimony. Mr. Smith is the convention at Gaston. pink roses, and Will Martin, as About 34 or 40 people gathered ed with Sherman from Atlanta iting his parents, .Mr. arid Mrs. » grandson of Levi Smith, the best man. Light refreshments Wm. Stephens, in the Grove. at the Shager home on the Taul- to the sea. were served after which the Yesterday afternoon the Wo­ well-known pioneer, and was Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Waltson itin last Sunday all enjoyed them­ mans’ Missionary Society of the young people departed on the selves and delightful refresh­ L ockwood & C ollver vs . C ogan of Hale, Missouri, arrived in born and raised in this city. Congregational church h e l d 9:45 car for Tillamook to spend A misunderstanding has arisen this city Wednesday, to spend a Mrs. Smith is the daughter of an open meeting at which about their honeymoon. They will be ments were served. between R. D, Lockwood & A. month with Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Mrs. W. Y. Terry, of Portland. 60 were in attendance. Mrs. at home to their friends in the L ectures at C hurch — The happy couple will make their Merlin Ennis, from Lacikela, Alexander cottage in this city, M. Collver, timber owners, and J. j Mrs. M. Ennes sister of Mrs. H. Cogan, sawmill man, in re­ I Morris of this city. future home in Portland, where West Africa, sister of Mrs. Si­ upon their return. W. J. Good made a business Dr. Simmonies lectured at the gard to accounting for timber on Congregational church on Wed­ 70 acres contracted by Cogan. trip to Portland the latter part of nesday afternoon. Mrs. Ennis Lockwood & Collver are suing the week. is from West Africa. She lec­ Cogan for damage they think j Mrs. I. S. Phillips and son, of tured on her work as a mission­ done them and have have had an i Tillamook, are visiting her moth­ ary there. injunction issued to prevent sale er-in-law, Mrs. L. S. Phillips, of or damage of the lumber sawmill. | this city. B ack from tillamook Grant Hughes and family re­ The case is to come before the j Mrs. W. Gore, of North Mount turned in their automobile circuit court some time in Sept­ Forest Grove, left for Tennessee Sunday from Tillamook. They ember. last week to visit parents and enjoyed themselves at the ocean F rom N ebraska — friends. Mr. Gore and family waves. Issac Bryner of Calloway, Ne- will soon move to Redlands, Cal. For Sale—Brood sows and pigs. Wanted Inside on Gilmore’s Stock Food R aises F ine H ogs brask, is visiting at the Sam Mrs. C. L. Shogren is visiting G irl W anted —for general house Call at Goodman and Ruggle the one best, used by hundreds Geo. McGrow, of Banks, brot Show home this week. Mr. with her son Oscar Shogren at Ranch one mile south of Gaston. of Oregon farmers. work phone 754. some fine porkers into town yes­ Bryner is very well pleased with Cornelius. 3-tf terday. Forest Grove an thinks he may The number is 692. The Peo­ Wanted—Girl for general F or S a le :— flock R. I. Reds also J. M. Thacker and family are M oving into N ew S hop locate here. ples Market, The Home of Qual­ moving from the Hare-Gilkeson house-work, best wages. Tele- lot fifty by one hundred on ity and Square Deal to all. E. F. Burlingham the “ feed T alk d O ver O ld T im es — 4th Avenue. Mrs. P. M. Daly, mill to Forest Grove.— Banks phone 0455. man’’ is moving from his place Wm. G. Montgomery of Sun- ------- corner 4th Avenue and second of business on First avenue j nyside, Portland spent Friday Herald. Feed the home products, Gil­ % W anted —Young pigs, phone Street Whitney House. 5tl north to his new building by the with J. T. Fletcher. They came more’s Stock Food, for sale by Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Allen of 1047, Marv R. Sorber, 36 tf --------------------------------------- -- Oregon Electric depot. to Oregon together in 1864 with Scoggins Valley spent the week Commercial and Miscellaneous Hartrampf’s Feed Store and Peo­ H ops G ood Y ie ld - an ox team, it taking them six end Forest Grove shopping and W ood W anted — The P ress I Mr. Lse Alexander, the expert ples Market. Seavey and Johnson owners of monts to make the trip from ! visiting friends. desires to secure several cords of sewer digger, announces he is the hop yard that was'formerly j Missouri to Oregon. Miss Maude Hollinger, an em­ both Oak and Fir wood to apply ready to take contracts ditching. 200 shirt waists, valued to $2.50 are listed at $1.00 each at B ail ­ owned by Shearer and Sons. P aint H ome — ployee in Gill’s book store in on subscription, advertising, or eys ’ B ig S tore . This week only. Now have a hundred and sixty The talk of the city. Almost The painters are putting the ! Portland, returned Friday after job work. acre yard on the Shearer place. j the first coat of paint on the new an extended visit with her par­ three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ Give us your Sunday order for Beard and Room In all Seavey and Johnson own | residence of Carmel Good on Pa­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Holling­ and Gents’ Shoes just received at Meats and Dressed Chickens, we and controle 1,500 acres of hops. cific Avenue. er. Board and room at the Walker The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf can please you, Peoples Market. They report a fairly good yield place, 3d Ave., North, between Mrs. S. Hamer left for New­ B. E. La Mont and family A and B Street Phone Main 367. The increase in business at in all their yards. Peoples Market have lots of were visiting in Forest Grove port Tuesday to visit her son. Van Koughnet & Reders, drug 34tf P roperty S old — good things to eat. Friday, from the Oak Hill sec- store is due to Prompt Service, J. M. Barber sold his property Emmet Quick was laken se­ : tion. For Rent Courteous Treatment and Cheap in the Naylor addition one acre verely ill with appendicitis last Sewing machine extras and Friends from Nebraska visited and a half to Mrs. Etta Durham week while out in the Nehalem F or R ent , small house, Ed. Prices. needles for any machine made, over Sunday with Peabodys of Naylor, phone 0185. of the Philipine Islands. Mr. | mountains. He is improving. The stock of N. B. Lacourse for sale at Staehr’s Bazaar. the Haynes section. and Mrs. Durham are in the Charley Kelsey has traded his having been taken over by Van Postal service in the Philipine farm at McMinnville to Mr. Mable Holm who has been vis­ F’ or R ent — light house keeping Walter and Co. they kindly sol­ J ob W ork , done properly and Islands and when their term has Reed for an acre of land in the iting at the Duel ranch at Oak room. Close in nice for girls or icit the patronage of all old cust- on time at the P ress office. expired they will probably locate j Hughes addition. Hill the past month returned to boys in to school from country. orriers also new ones. After Satisfaction g u a r a n t e e d and Call at Press. 5tf in Forest Grove. her home in Portland Monday. September 1st this store will be prices right. Mrs. U. G. Smith and Mrs. J. A uto A ccident known as the Cash Store. 5tl J. P. Sessman. wife and chil­ 1N. Davis, of Portland, visited Staehr’s Bazaar carries an em- While autoing to Tillamook and with Mrs. Rose Olmsted Tuesday. dren returned Sunday from a F urnished R ooms — T wo furn- mense stock of the latest music mshed rooms for rent suitable for just about sixteen miles this side Dont forget the big Demon- j and sells at 5 cents, 10 cents and week’s vacation to Veronia, Ore­ light house keeping; Apply at Mr. and Mrs. Underhill, of gon, where they have been vis­ of that city, M. Peterson with ; stration and Food Show at 15 cents a copy. 5tf his party of Mr. Peterson, Mrs. Salem, visited over Sunday at iting Mr. Sessman’s brother, P. No. 20, 3rd Ave. South. Schultzs’ Pure Food Market and A. L. Sexton, Lawrence and the home of their brother, C. A. Sessman. Grocery, this week August, 21, j The Peoples Store is receving For Sale or Trade Lowell Moulton were just about Littlerof this city, 22 and 23. Something Delicious ! new up to date goods daily. Max Hiebel left Friday morn­ to pass an auto truck which was H. A. Parker and family have ing for his home in Wisconsin, F or S ale , T rade or L ease — to Eat and Drink. Dont forget to see the many going in the samedirection when moved from South Forest Grove bargains at the Peoples Store splendid eight room house, where his mother is criticly ill. Hillsboro. . 35tf New shipment of ladies and the truck caught the Peterson to Mrs. Crowthers house on B. modern in every way, well lo­ George Armenthrout, Charles cated with respect to the State gents silk hosiery, just received car and both went down the 40- St. N. Men’s work shirts all colors Miller and Connie Me Namerleft foot steep grade. Mr. Peterson The Misses Hel >n Bishop and Sunday morning for a few days University and the business sec­ at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. and prices at The Peoples Store 36tf tion of the city, located in Eu­ was driving at the rate of 10 or Zola Kirvey h i t Monday for a Hillsboro. 35tf hunting and fishing in the Wil­ gene. Will sell at a bargain o r!“ 15 miles an hour. The truck weeks outing at the breakers. trade for Forest Grove property The new school-books are now son river country. which was loaded with cabbage You will do well by calling us or close in acreage, price $4,500 for sale at Staehr’s Bazaar. The Misses Alma and Iva went to the bottom of the river. C. O. 4Shaw has returned to $1.500 down or terms. Address ____________________________ up before you sell your beef, Very little damage befell the car. Powell, of Carlton, returned the Wells Fargo Express office Box 635, Forest Grove for par- The largest assortment of veal, mutton, and pork. Hills­ All were shaken up, but no home after a month’s visit in after an extended vacation at ticulars. 3-4t men’s straw hats ever showed in boro Mer. Co. bones were broken. Mi’s. Sext­ Tillamook with relatives and Newport. Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples F or S ale Oak library table, on received quite a cut on her spent Sunday afternoon in For­ Some exceptionally fine bar­ Store Hillsboro. 35tf Bill Taylor spent Sunday at leather rocker, body brussels hall head and Lawrence Moulton in­ est Grave with their cousin, Miss gains in pianos, organs, and sew­ home. He and his father are carpet, Ingrain arch square, lace jured his chest. Mrs. Peterson Mabel Bogart. ing-machines at Staehr’s Bazarr Anything in the line of paper curtains, all in good condition. building houses in Portland. went through the double wind terms to suit. Mr. and Mrs. Swart wood, Mr. at Staehr’s Bazaar. Postoffice box 441. 2tf shield. Mr. Diamond of Portland who and Mrs. Washburn and Edgar purchased the R. H. Austin Thomas all of Sumas Washington B ack to W illamette V alley — house some weeks ago was visit­ spent a couple of days visiting Ernest Brown, now residing in ing with Mrs. Diamond and son, at their grandfathers home, Abe California, a former coroner of Donald, who are making it their Baldwin in this city. They made Washington county and son of home. the trip in an automobile. the late Alvin C. Brown, is visit­ ing in Forest Grove and sur­ Harvey Menela of Walla Walla While repairing shoes last Sat­ rounding country. Mr. Brown is visiting at the J. M. Barber unlay, Mr. Lidyard the shoe says just as soon as he disposes home this week. Mr. Menela maker run an awl al>out an inch of his interests in California travels for Hie Peacock Milling into the palm of his hand sever- they are coming back to the Wil­ Co. ly cutting the ligament. lamette Valley to make their Mrs. J. M. Barber goes to Sa- Mr. Jarmin, of Washington, home. lem Friday to attend to business visited last Friday with his sts- G et F ull M eal — there. ter Mrs. M. S. Allen of this city. Are forced to make room for shipments of Fall Goods. R. Madison went to Scoggins Mr. A. Hart and wjfe the very Mr. and Mrs. A E. Simmons, Valley to spend Sunday with his Forest Grove son Roy. Mr. Madison filled up efficient salesman and saleslady o fP o rtlan d sp en t.b e week end Oregon on some good grub on which he are retained by Van Walter and with Mr. and Mrs. L*. C. Misz of Co. this city. expects to live about a week. IN SOCIETY (A S S IF IE D D V ER TI BAILEY’S BIG STORE $1 SHIRT WAIST SALE $1 200 Shirt Waists reduced from values up to $2.50 Entire stock listed for the week at $1.00 each. John E. Bailey