FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 21, 1913 jk » Take Your ( Coupon Book ---------------------- T — The leading and enterprising firms with whom we have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet all competition. Grove Press and requiring that interest o f farmers who operate Forest the first publication be made on the them at nominal cost and without 14th day of August, A. D.. 1913, and seeking dividend profit to such the last publication on the 25th day o f i September, A. D. 1913. societies. W. J. R. B e a c h , of the Peace for Forest Grove, “ Land mortgage credit has Justice Justice of the Peace and Constable, been organized so as to place a District Washington County, Oregon. B radley A. E wers , collective security back o f bonds STUDY OF EUROPEAN CON­ Attorney for plaintiff. issued by land mortgage socie­ Suite 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., DITIONS GIVEN BY COM­ Portland, Oregon. 4-t6 ties, in contrast with the system MISSION o f marketing individual loans on ______ Notice of Contest. individual mortgages. (For Publication.) BETTER RURAL LIFE, IS PLAN FARMERS NEED CREDIT To Improve Rural Life Along A. G. HOFFMAN & CO. General Merchandise Cornelius GOFF BROTHERS GOFF BROTHERS Hardware and Supplies Hardware, Implements, Autos Cornelius Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove A. S. HENDRICKS GEO. G. PATERSON General Merchandise Furniture and Pianos Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove GASTON DRUG STORE SHEARER & SON Drugs and Medicines Jewelers Gaston Main Street, Forest Grove BRIGGS BROTHERS FOREST GROVE PHARMACY General Merchandise Pure Drugs and Medicines Dilley Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove G. LUNDQUIST & CO. SUN-RISE GROCERY Hardware Groceries and Provisions Cherry Grove Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove ERIC ANDERSON C. G. DANIELSON Jewelry and Drugs Bicycles and Sundries Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Cherry Grove FOREST GROVE STUDIO General Merchandise Forost Grove Cherry Grove C. L. BUMP & CO. THE C. C. STORE General Meachandise Day Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware South Forest Grove Orenco MORTON & FREEMAN Washington D. C, —A nation wide movement to interest the American rural population along financial, business and social lines as a means to strengthen the po­ sition of the farmers, increase their income and their production and to lower the cost of food­ stuffs to the consumers was an­ nounced here recently in a letter to the Governors o f the states, to the farmers’ organizations, agricultural institutions and farm­ ers o f America from the Ameri­ can Commission on Agricultural Co-operation. The commission found that European agriculture was organ­ ized along co-operative lines and also found that the European farmers have aparently secured a financial, business and social strength equal to that of the or­ ganized urban classes o f capital and labor. The letter says: “ Organizations for the provis­ ion o f credit facilities for Euro­ pean farmers follow the natural division into short time personal credit and long-time land-mort­ gage credit. The organizations for the provision o f personal v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.,v.v.v. credit facilities are as highly de­ veloped as are the systems of commercial banking. The pre- ; vailing rate o f interest paid by ; the farmers for short-time loans In the Justice Court for Forest Grove is from 4 to 5 h per cent. The District, Washington County, Oregon terms offered European farmers J. H. Vtlie, Plaintiff, ] vs. ; S ummons are generally better designed to N. B. Hall and Charles meet the peculiar requirements E. Hall, defendants. J of agriculturalists than are the To Charles E. Hall, one of the above named defendants, Greetinsi: terms obtainable today by the In the name o f the State o f Oregon, your are hereby required to appear and American farmers. ORENCO DRUG CO. Groceries and Provisions Elastic Credit Supplied. Drugs and Jewelry Hillsboro Orenco Wm. OELRICH J. A. HOFFMAN Builders’ Materials Jeweler Orenco Hillsboro THE DELTA DRUG STORE OREGON NURSERY CO. Drugs and Medicines Wholesale and Retail Nursery Stock Orenco Hillsboro PERCY LONG M. P. CADY Hardware Portland. Oregon. July 26th, 1913 ‘ T h e organizations for pro­ To Anna K. Starr, a t Gales Creek. Oregon, Con­ _ duction and distribution o f farm tes tee: You are hereby notified that Marie Staehr who products follow co-operative lines. gives 5»7 Madison St., Portland, Oregon, as her postofiice address, did on July 12th, 1913, file in Farm products are sold by the this office her duly corroborated application to contest arid secure the cancellation of your Home­ producer at a relatively higher stead. Entry Number 16249, Serial Number 01374. made May 9th, 1907, for Northwest one fourth, price and are bought by the con­ Section It, Township one North, Range five West, Willamette Meridian, and as grounds fur her sumer at a relatively lower price, contest she alleges that said Anna K. Starr has never established residence on said land, has nev­ because the cost o f distribution er cultivated any part of the same nor made any improvements thereon, has never lived on said is considerably lowered by co­ land, hut has wholly abandoned the same for more than six months immediately preceeding operative marketing, which re­ the beginning of this contest. You are therefor, further notified that the said sults also in improving the quali­ allegations will be taken by this oifice as having been confessed by you, and your said entry will ty and uniformity o f farm pro- be canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard therein, either before this 1 slice pucts and in promoting more or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of businesslike methods in farming this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and responding to these operations. allegations of contest, or if you fail within that to file in this oifice due proof that you have “ It is the opinion o f many of time served a copy of your answer on the said con­ testant either in person or by registered mail. If the leaders o f this movement in this service is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant in person, proof Europe that the question of rural of such service must be either the said contest­ ant’s written acknowledgement of her receipt of credit ought not to be divorced the copy, showing the date of its receipt, or the of the person by whom the delivery was from co-operation for business affidavit made stating when and where the copy was de­ livered; if made by registered mail, proof of such purposes and the general organ­ service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when ization o f community life in rural and the’pustoffice to which it was mailed, and this affidavit must be accompanied by the post­ districts. The studies of the master’ s receipt for the letter. should state in your answer the name of commission e m p h a s i z e the the You postoffice to which you desire future notices to be sent tt> you. necessity of defining the func­ H. F. H1GBY, Register. tions, on the one hand of the Dates of publication July 31, August 7, 14, 21. government and on the other of Notice to the Public. voluntary organizations, in pro­ Notice is hereby given that the long Bridge Dairy Creek, West of Hillsboro, will be moting the development of coun­ across closed to traffic after Tuesday, July 15th, 1913, from H a. m. to 5 p. m. of each day until the re- try life. In some o f these coun­ pairs on the same are completed. tries great emphasis is placed on By order of the County Court o f Washington the value o f voluntary associa­ County, Oregon. D. B. REASONER, County Judge. tions and such state aid as in­ 36 tf volves governmental control over Meeting of B~ard of Equalization. the activities of rural organiza­ To the taxpayers o f Washington tions is depreciated as tending to county, Oregon: Notice is hereby giv­ stifle the initiative o f the people, en that the board of equalization of Washington county will meet on Mon­ day, September 8th, 1913, at the court house in Hillsboro, in Washington coun­ ty, that being the second Monday in September and the time and place pro­ vided by law, to publicly examine the assessment rods of said county for 1913, and correct all errors in valuation ai d description or quantities of land, lots or other properties and it is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if it shah appear to said board o f equaliza­ tion that there are any lands, lots or other property assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of the same, or assessed under or beyond its value, or any lots, land or other property not assessed, said board o f equalization shall make the proper correction. answer the complaint filed against you M ax C randall , in the above entitled action, on or be­ Assessor, Washington County, Ore­ fore the 25th day o f September, A. D., gon. 1913, said date being six weeks after the first publication o f this Summons. If you fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed herein, which is for a judgement in the sum o f sixty-five and no-100 ($65.00) Dollars, attorneys’ fee in the sum of twenty-five and no-100 ($25.00) Dollars, together with interest provided for in the instrument sued upon, and for his Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet costs and disbursements hereip. You will please take notice that this Metal Work and Re­ summons is served upon you personally with a certified copy o f the complaint, pair Shop. pursuant to the terms o f an order in the above entitled action, made by the above named Court, by the Honorable W. J. R. Beach, Justice o f the Peace for Forest Grove Distrist, Washington County, Oregon, on the 14th day of August, A. D., 1913, requiring that North First Avenue, between Main and “ A ” Streets; phone 863. publication be made at least once a week for six consecutive weeks, in the | LEGAL NOTICES | FORSBERG & BROSTROM Photos and Photo Supplies “ The personal credit organiza­ tions have the form o f co-opera­ tive societies. Often the mem­ bers o f these societies assume unlimited liability for the debts o f the society, while in other cases the societies take the form o f limited liability. As a rule in E u ro p e a n countries, the law makes little or no provision for exemptions of any kind. These short-time credit societies furn­ ish cheap, safe and elastic credit I to their members by reason of I their control by farmers and are organizations exclusively in tie WM. WEITZEL General Merchandise Beaverton 2nd Street, Hillsboro MRS. M. L. BURDAN Ten Hour Law J. L. HARDY Millinery Confectionery and Patent Medicines 2nd Street, Hillsboro Beaverton SAELENS & SPIESSEHEART R. L. TUCKER Meat Market Everything to Build With 2nd Street, Hillsboro Beaverton A. C. DONELSON N. C. LILLY Furniture General Merchandise Gales Creek Hillsboro PEOPLES STORE E. J. AYERS General Merchandise General Merchandise Gales Creek Hillsboro KINTON & JENSEN MRS. WINIFRED GUNTON General Merchandise Pope Photo Gallery Hillsboro, Oregon I ! Social Lines Drugs and Medicines Main Street, Forest Grove H Financial, Business and THE JACKSON PHARMACY D e p a r t m e n t o p t h e I n t e r io r , UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Cost of Distribut on Reduced. FOREST GROVE PRESS Job Printing Department Banks I | BRODERICK & HUMBERG Blacksmith and General Repairing ! Give us a trial order I Forest Grove, Ore | ■ Not for Ads lha 10-hour law limit3 the working hours of a clerk to 10 out qf every 24. An advertise n fn placed in thi Press has no time limit in its usefulness to the advertiser. It works 24 hours a day. If your ad is well written and inter­ esting, it will be laid aside by the reader for future ref- rence. Or, if your ad reaches the right prospect, it will make an impression on his memory which will last for days, seeks and even months. Consider for a moment 1 Can't you recall an advertis- ment which you read months ago, which was so strongly im­ pressed on your memory that you still remember the offer made? The results of advertising may not be instantaneous. Don't expect that, when you spend a dollar for advertising today, that it will return to you ten-fold tomorrow. Newspaper advertising is the very best medium for bringing to the attention of the buying public your business and your wares and gaining their confidence by impresseng on them your personality and reputation for fair dealing. You do not hesitate to hire an additional clerk at a sal­ ary of perhaps $6 a week or more. How much more valuable, however, is your representative advertismmet which every week visits the majority of the homes in this city and offers your wares for sale? Try a $24 a month advertisment and see if the profits on your investment are not better than the prof- its on an additional $24 a month clerk. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _